There are three baptismal entries at Moudon, both of them added out of sequence. One is dated 03 jan 1708, but it is inserted between two entries for October, 1707. The other was added between entries for 25 jun and 14 jul 1709, but was crossed out.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _David Samuel TACHERON _| | (.... - 1713) m 1713 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David Scipion TACHERON | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne OSTERWALD ________| m 1713 | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Philippe Denis TACHERON _| | m 1711 | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Doroth�e Marie Elizabeth TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Elizabeth BIZE __| m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Philippe Denis TACHERON _| | m 1711 | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Emanuel Daniel TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Elizabeth BIZE __| m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
Her testament was probated 24 jun 1707 (Isaac Dutoit, notary, ACV DL 37/7 fol. 240). The record includes a copy of her testament of 06 mar 1701 and a codicil of 05 jun 1707. As of 1701, she was the widow of the late Conseiller Jayet. She had sons Daniel Samuel, Jean Pierre, and daughters Anne Susanne, Jeanne Marie, and Benigne Elizabeth. By 1707, Anne Susanne was the wife of Philippe Burnand and had two daughters Catherine Emelie and Rose Alexandrine Marie. Esther's brother (1707) was the judge Tacheron, and her cousin was the mayor Demierre (Abraham Demierre, Mayor of Villars-Mendraz?). Proceedings related to the probate of her testament, with a slightly different list of her minor heirs, are found in the minutes of the Cour de Justice of Moudon (ACV Bil 59, session of 24 jun 1707).
_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | | _Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | | | (1560 - 1639) | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| | m 1620 | | |_Anne FROSSARD ______+ | | |--Esther Marguerite TACHERON | | _Pierre NICATY ______ | | m 1598 | _Gaspard NICATY _____| | | m 1634 | | | |_Philippaz PRAYE ____+ | | m 1598 |_Anne NICATY __________| m 1657 | | _Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | | (1568 - 1644) m 1608 |_Catherine DUTOIT ___| m 1634 | |_Evaz _____ _________ (1590 - 1644) m 1608
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Philippe Denis TACHERON _| | m 1711 | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--George Balthazard TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Elizabeth BIZE __| m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | | _Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | | | (1560 - 1639) | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| | m 1620 | | |_Anne FROSSARD ______+ | | |--Jaqueline TACHERON | | _Pierre NICATY ______ | | m 1598 | _Gaspard NICATY _____| | | m 1634 | | | |_Philippaz PRAYE ____+ | | m 1598 |_Anne NICATY __________| m 1657 | | _Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | | (1568 - 1644) m 1608 |_Catherine DUTOIT ___| m 1634 | |_Evaz _____ _________ (1590 - 1644) m 1608
_____________________ | _Pierre TACHERON ____| | (.... - 1578) | | |_____________________ | _Clement TACHERON ___| | (1553 - ....) m 1589| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jaques TACHERON | | _Rodolphe FROSSARD __+ | | | _Fran�ois FROSSARD __| | | (.... - 1592) m 1565| | | |_Agnes _____ ________ | | |_Anne FROSSARD ______| m 1589 | | _Benoit MORATEL _____ | | (.... - 1565) |_Catherine MORATEL __| m 1565 | |_____________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _David Samuel TACHERON _| | (.... - 1713) m 1713 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jean Gabriel TACHERON | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne OSTERWALD ________| m 1713 | | __ | | |__| | |__
Identified as a brother of Spectable Pierre Tacheron in records of the cour de justice of Moudon, 09 mar 1659 (ACV BIL 51). The identification is completed in a document recorded in 1661 by Pierre Gavin, notary at Moudon (ACV DL 45/1): " Spectable Pierre Tacheron, ministre � Mexi�res" was the brother of Jean Jaques Tacheron, conseiller et justicier de Moudon.
_____________________ | _____________________| | | | |_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean Jaques TACHERON | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | (.... - 1583) | _Pierre DUTOIT ______| | | (1560 - 1639) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| m 1620 | | _Fran�ois FROSSARD __+ | | (.... - 1592) m 1565 |_Anne FROSSARD ______| | |_Catherine MORATEL __+ m 1565
_____________________ | _____________________| | | | |_____________________ | _Pierre TACHERON _____| | m 1671 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Jean Louis TACHERON | | _Humbert TROLLIET ___+ | | m 1612 | _Philippe TROLLIET __| | | (.... - 1692) m 1638| | | |_Eve FROSSARD _______+ | | m 1612 |_Anne Marie TROLLIET _| m 1671 | | _____________________ | | |_Salom� MENOD _______| m 1638 | |_____________________
One of the sponsors at his baptism was Philippe Burnand, uncle of his father.
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Samuel TACHERON _________| | | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Jean Philippe TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise Magdelaine DOGES _| | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Philippe Denis TACHERON _| | m 1711 | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Jeanne Elizabeth TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Benigne Elizabeth BIZE __| m 1711 | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | | _Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | | | (1560 - 1639) | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| | m 1620 | | |_Anne FROSSARD ______+ | | |--Jeanne Marie TACHERON | | _Pierre NICATY ______ | | m 1598 | _Gaspard NICATY _____| | | m 1634 | | | |_Philippaz PRAYE ____+ | | m 1598 |_Anne NICATY __________| m 1657 | | _Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | | (1568 - 1644) m 1608 |_Catherine DUTOIT ___| m 1634 | |_Evaz _____ _________ (1590 - 1644) m 1608
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jacob Daniel TACHERON _____| | m 1712 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Joseph Samuel TACHERON | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Jeanne Fran�oise ASPERLIN _| m 1712 | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Philippe TACHERON __ | (.... - 1639) m 1620 _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | |_Esther DUTOIT ______+ | m 1620 _Philippe TACHERON __________| | | | | _Gaspard NICATY _____+ | | | m 1634 | |_Anne NICATY __________| | m 1657 | | |_Catherine DUTOIT ___+ | m 1634 | |--Judith Fran�oise TACHERON | | _____________________ | | | _Humbert DE MOLIN _____| | | (.... - 1693) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Catherine Benigne DE MOLIN _| | | _Pierre BUTTET ______+ | | m 1626 |_Anne BUTTET __________| (.... - 1693) | |_Jeanne _____ _______ m 1626
__ | __| | | | |__ | _David Samuel TACHERON _| | (.... - 1713) m 1713 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Louis Daniel TACHERON | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne OSTERWALD ________| m 1713 | | __ | | |__| | |__
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Samuel TACHERON _________| | | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Marc Philippe TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise Magdelaine DOGES _| | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
_____________________ | _____________________| | | | |_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Marie TACHERON | | _Jean DUTOIT ________+ | | (.... - 1583) | _Pierre DUTOIT ______| | | (1560 - 1639) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| m 1620 | | _Fran�ois FROSSARD __+ | | (.... - 1592) m 1565 |_Anne FROSSARD ______| | |_Catherine MORATEL __+ m 1565
Although the baptismal record gives her parents as Daniel Humbert Tacheron on Marie Burnand, she cannot possibly belong here! She must be the daughter of a later Daniel Humbert with the name of the mother given incorrectly, or else the name of the father is incorrect.
_Philippe TACHERON __ | (.... - 1639) m 1620 _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | |_Esther DUTOIT ______+ | m 1620 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | | _Gaspard NICATY _____+ | | | m 1634 | |_Anne NICATY __________| | m 1657 | | |_Catherine DUTOIT ___+ | m 1634 | |--Marie TACHERON | | _Daniel BURNAND _____+ | | (.... - 1630) m 1618 | _Denis BURNAND ________| | | m 1651 | | | |_Claudine RICHARD ___+ | | m 1618 |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| m 1685 | | _Jacob BIZE _________ | | |_Susanne BIZE _________| m 1651 | |_____________________
_Jean Jaques TACHERON _+ | m 1657 _Daniel Humbert TACHERON _| | m 1685 | | |_Anne NICATY __________+ | m 1657 _Samuel TACHERON _________| | | | | _Denis BURNAND ________+ | | | m 1651 | |_Susanne Marie BURNAND ___| | m 1685 | | |_Susanne BIZE _________+ | m 1651 | |--Marie TACHERON | | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Louise Magdelaine DOGES _| | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
He appears in a record of Jean Maquelin, notary at Vevey, 31 mar 1620, representing his father-in-law Pierre Dutoit minister at Moudon.
Notarial registers 1682-1724 have survived (FHL microfilms #0904236, 7, 8, 9, ACV DG 256) for a Philippe Tacheron who worked mainly in the district of Lausanne. Is this the same Philippe Tacheron who was a justicier at Moudon 1679-1697? He and his brother Daniel Humbert Tacheron resigned from the cour de justice of Moudon in 1697.
He may have married first Jeanne Fran�oise Curchod, daughter of the minister Pierre Curchod (children Rosine Elizabeth baptised 16 mar 1684, Daniel Philippe baptised 15 mar 1685, Samuel Jaques baptised 21 sep 1687). However, there were apparently two men named Philippe Tacheron, contemporaries, the one who was not married to Jeanne Fran�oise Curchod was described in 1685 as justicier and secr�taire consistoriale.
_____________________ | _Philippe TACHERON __| | (.... - 1639) m 1620| | |_____________________ | _Jean Jaques TACHERON _| | m 1657 | | | _Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | | | (1560 - 1639) | |_Esther DUTOIT ______| | m 1620 | | |_Anne FROSSARD ______+ | | |--Philippe TACHERON | | _Pierre NICATY ______ | | m 1598 | _Gaspard NICATY _____| | | m 1634 | | | |_Philippaz PRAYE ____+ | | m 1598 |_Anne NICATY __________| m 1657 | | _Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | | (1568 - 1644) m 1608 |_Catherine DUTOIT ___| m 1634 | |_Evaz _____ _________ (1590 - 1644) m 1608