_John MCDOUGALL _____+ | (1753 - 1813) _James MCDOUGALL _________| | (1783 - 1862) m 1805 | | |_Elizabeth BEATTY ___+ | (1757 - 1820) _John MCDOUGALL _____| | (1813 - 1877) m 1849| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Jennet (Jane) ROBERTSON _| | (1783 - 1856) m 1805 | | |_____________________ | | |--William James MCDOUGALL | (1850 - ....) | _____________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Mary EPPERSON ______| (1820 - 1908) m 1849| | _____________________ | | |__________________________| | |_____________________
_Duncan MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1761 - 1804) _James S. MCDOUGALL _| | (1799 - 1872) | | |_Agnes STEWART ______ | (1769 - 1846) _William Lant MCDOUGALL _| | (1827 - 1862) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth LANT _____| | (1804 - 1869) | | |_____________________ | | |--William James MCDOUGALL | (1852 - 1861) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Nancy MCNEIL ___________| (1827 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
At Ft. Edward in 1920, with mother Mary and grandson Elmer.
_Duncan R. MCDOUGALL _+ | (1775 - 1848) _Alexander R. MCDOUGALL _______| | (1801 - 1869) | | |_Phebe CROWE _________ | (1775 - 1855) _Charles Henry MCDOUGALL _| | (1847 - ....) | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Catherine (Cathaline?) _____ _| | (1805 - 1869) | | |______________________ | | |--William James MCDOUGALL | (1871 - ....) | ______________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Mary LILLIE _____________| (1844 - ....) | | ______________________ | | |_______________________________| | |______________________
_Duncan MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1740 - 1790) m 1760 _Duncan MCDOUGALL ___| | (1761 - 1804) | | |_Mary MCCOY _________ | m 1760 _James S. MCDOUGALL _| | (1799 - 1872) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Agnes STEWART ______| | (1769 - 1846) | | |_____________________ | | |--William Lant MCDOUGALL | (1827 - 1862) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth LANT _____| (1804 - 1869) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Jennie Patten says he died in TN and his descendants lived there and in the south, all trace of them lost. 1850 census: Stewart Co., TN, p. 925, only William b. NY, all the rest listed as TN. Marriage record gives middle initials for both, bondsman John Morton. 1840 in Lincoln Co., TN. A possible match in 1860 has wrong age for husband, wife Martha, 2 children reversed for age, and one with only initials, but otherwise as expected. More research needed.
[14859] Published marriage records give bondsman John W. Morton, but original marriage license record simply has Morton issued a license the same day, 11 jun 1838. Marriage performed by T. Fanning, M. G., E. C. C.
_Alexander MCDOUGALL _+ | (.... - 1793) m 1750 _John MCDOUGALL _____| | (1753 - 1813) | | |_Catherine MCDONNELL _ | (.... - 1793) m 1750 _James MCDOUGALL _________| | (1783 - 1862) m 1805 | | | _James BEATTY ________ | | | | |_Elizabeth BEATTY ___| | (1757 - 1820) | | |_Catherine _____ _____ | | |--William R. MCDOUGALL | (1806 - 1875) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jennet (Jane) ROBERTSON _| (1783 - 1856) m 1805 | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
_James Alexander MCDOUGALL _+ | (1848 - 1916) m 1872 _Jay Perley MCDOUGALL _| | (1885 - 1926) m 1910 | | |_Esther GILCHRIST __________ | (1844 - 1933) m 1872 _Roland Perley MCDOUGALL _| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Nina J. BROWN ________| | (1888 - ....) m 1910 | | |____________________________ | | |--William Roland MCDOUGALL | (1942 - 1966) | ____________________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Florence STORY __________| | | ____________________________ | | |_______________________| | |____________________________
1880: Volney, Oswego Co., NY, p. 243A.
_Daniel MCDOUGALL ____+ | (.... - 1830) m 1800 _Daniel Fraser MCDOUGALL __| | (1797 - 1851) | | |_Mary FRASER _________ | (1762 - 1831) m 1800 _Jacob Matson MCDOUGALL _| | (1829 - 1861) | | | _Archibald MCDOUGALL _+ | | | (1767 - ....) | |_Rachel Traford MCDOUGALL _| | (1807 - 1873) | | |_Phebe MATSON ________ | | |--William W. MCDOUGALL | (1844 - 1909) | ______________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Sarah DUELL ____________| (1825 - 1913) | | ______________________ | | |___________________________| | |______________________
_Robert MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1785 - 1860) _Robert MCDOUGALL ___| | (1807 - 1890) m 1834| | |_____________________ | _Robert C. MCDOUGALL _| | (1837 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Margaret A. KILMER _| | (1815 - 1886) m 1834| | |_____________________ | | |--Willie MCDOUGALL | (1869 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Alvira _____ ________| (1836 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Duncan R. MCDOUGALL _+ | (1775 - 1848) _James R. MCDOUGALL _| | (1812 - 1871) | | |_Phebe CROWE _________ | (1775 - 1855) _Levi C. MCDOUGALL __| | (1853 - ....) | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Hannah TRIPP _______| | (1811 - 1892) | | |______________________ | | |--Willie J. MCDOUGALL | (1877 - 1880) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Mary J. SAVILLE ____| (1860 - ....) | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
In 1900, living with his wife and children in Brooklyn, NY, ED 555 p. 36. He is staying in New York City in 1880, alone, apparently at a hotel or rooming house, NARA film T9-0897, page 199B.
_Duncan MCDOUGALL ___+ | (1761 - 1804) _Alexander S. MCDOUGALL _| | (.... - 1870) | | |_Agnes STEWART ______ | (1769 - 1846) _Alexander E. MCDOUGALL _| | (1826 - 1898) m 1850 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Hannah EGLESTON ________| | (1800 - 1864) | | |_____________________ | | |--Winfield L. (or S.?) MCDOUGALL | (1854 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Julia KING _____________| (1828 - 1916) m 1850 | | _____________________ | | |_________________________| | |_____________________
_Alexander Fraser MCDOUGALL _+ | (.... - 1860) _Daniel MCDOUGALL ___| | (1816 - 1888) m 1845| | |_Charity LEIGH ______________ | (1791 - 1862) _Joseph Fisher MCDOUGALL _| | (1851 - ....) m 1873 | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Mary Nigh HANKS ____| | (1824 - 1897) m 1845| | |_____________________________ | | |--Zippie MCDOUGALL | (1874 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Mary M. LINDENMAN _______| (1856 - ....) m 1873 | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________________
The six known McDougall immigrants who were associated in some way with the Argyle Patent in Washington Co., NY are attached here as "children", a handy way to keep them together. The first and still the most helpful account of these McDougalls came into my hands as a very bad photocopy of a typescript whose present location is unknown, evidently derived from notes compiled by Jennie Patton. The edited version of this source, in PDF format, is availble here.
We previously attached our John McDougall b. 1810 here, for lack of any evidence at all of his parentage. As a result of new genetic evidence, we have detached him from the present record and placed him in the family of Robert McDougall.
The main primary sources that connect these McDougalls who immigrated from Scotland with the Argyle settlers are:
List of heads of families 17 oct 1738, New York City includes Ronald McDougall (with wife and 4 children), Allan McDougall (with wife and 5 children), Archibald McDougall (with wife and 3 children).
Petition of 02 may 1763: Ronald McDougall, John McDougall, Archibald McDougall, Duncan McDougall, Angus McDougall, Alexander McDougall.
Petition of 01 feb 1764: Ronald McDougall (wife and 3 children), Allan McDougall's widow (and 5 children), Archibald McDougall (wife and 5 children), Duncan McDougall (wife and 5 children), Angus McDougall, Alexander McDougall.
List of Patentees 21 mar 1764 (with lot numbers): Duncan McDougall (lot 75, 500A), Archibald McDougall (lot 109, 450A), John McDougall (lot 95, 400A), Ranald McDougall (lot 16, 400A), Alexander McDougall (lot 129, 350A), Hugh McDougall (lot 99, 300A), Angus McDougall (lot 80, 300A), Angus McDougall (lot 30, 300A).
List of passengers from Islay with Capt. Laughlin Campbell July, 1738: Ronald McDougall and Bettie McDougall his wife, John and Alexander his 2 sons; Allan McDougall and Elizabeth Graham his wife, Margaret, Anna, and Hannah his 3 daughters; Archibald McDougall and Christian McIntyre his wife, Alexander and John his 2 sons; Hugh McDougall.
Passengers from Islay, June, 1739: Duncan McDougall and Janet Calder his wife, John, Alexander, Ronald, Dugald, and Margaret his 5 children; Angus McDougall.
Summary of lists circa 1763: Ronald McDougall, wife, 2 children both married (John one of his sons is dead, left 2 children); Allan McDougall dead, the widow, one son, and 4 daughters living; Archibald McDougall, wife, 5 children (3 married); Duncan McDougall, wife, 6 children (3 sons, 3 daughters -- 2 sons and a daughter married, the latter a widow with 4 children); Hugh McDougall lives in Livingston Manor; Angus McDougall is married and lives in the highlands [of this province, that is, New York].
10 may 1763: John McDougall came in 1739, died a privateer in the last war, his Brother Dougal McDougall of New York prays his proportion...
[14856] Both parties of "Kackiat", Orange Co.
Daughter of Robert and Margaret H. McEachron.
Note Mary's mother on 1900 census, confirming identity.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _John MCEACHRON _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Peter J. MCEACHRON | (1767 - 1847) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Margaret REID ______| | | __ | | |__| | |__
still living - details excluded