Removed to Frankfurt-am-Main by 1717. He is named in the joint will of Anne Johannot and Magdelaine Peccat, and identified as a resident of Frankfurt.
_Anthoine JOHANNOT __ | (.... - 1669) _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (.... - 1679) | | |_____________________ | _Pierre JOHANNOT ____| | (1643 - 1725) m 1681| | | ______ PINET ________ | | | | |_Catherine PINET ____| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne BOURGET _______| m 1681 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Pierre's family seems to disappear from Annonay records quite early. Perhaps they moved back to their home town. At the baptism of the second child, the phrase "de St. Didier" follows the name of the mother. This may indicate that the couple was now located at St. Didier-en-Velay (Haute-Loire). It is tempting to think that descendants of Pierre may have removed to England, as the English Johannot (also connected with the Floreton family) do not seem to belong to the group recorded at Annonay.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Anthoine JOHANNOT __| | (.... - 1669) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Marriage record seems to say he is of "Bouliens". La France Moderne indicates he died in Geneva and is the same Pierre who married Anne Bourget. Baptismal record copy gives parents as Pierre Johannot and Catherine Pinet. However, it was Mathieu Johannot who married Catherine Pinet, and the original register confirms this. Louis Johannot indicates Pierre fled to Geneva in 1699. At least 4 testaments at Geneva, one a codicil (1715) to a testament made at Nyon.
The story of his flight to Geneva is interesting and parts of it are recounted in several secondary sources, including Gaston Tournier, Les Gal�res de France. Pierre was very ill and was not expected to survive. He was visited by the Catholic authorities, but he refused last rites, saying he would rather die protestant. To the surprise of everyone, he recovered, and was then condemned to life as a gal�rien. At that point, he fled.
Le Moine says he died in 1742 or 1743, almost a centenarian. The 1725 date is from Louis Johannot, and is believed more reliable. Among other evidence in support of the earlier date, we note the joint testament of Anne Johannot and Magdelaine Peccat, refugees at Bern, recorded at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 12 dec 1741. Anne Johannot died at Bern 24 apr 1729, and the joint testament specifies that Pierre Johannot had already died in Geneva.
He might be the Pierre Johannod, refugee, whose son Matthieu Henry died at Lausanne 25 mar 1710, no age given.
__ | _Anthoine JOHANNOT __| | (.... - 1669) | | |__ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (.... - 1679) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1643 - 1725) | __ | | | ______ PINET ________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Catherine PINET ____| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
The baptismal record indicates presented by "Mathieu Joannot pour Sr. Pierre Blachon leur oncle et Catharine Bertand". This might mean that Blachon was the uncle of the Mathieu and of his brother Barthelemy, father of the child. This would suggest that the wife of Anthoine Johannot was also a Blachon. However, it is even more likely that Pierre Blachon was the uncle of Anne and Catherine Pinet. This idea is supported by a baptism of 08 sep 1642 at Annonay, for Anne daughter of Pierre Blachon merchant of Lyon and his wife Jeanne Crottier. The witnesses were Meraud Mareschal, also merchant of Lyon, and Anne Pinet, wife of Barthelemi Johannot in place of Maire du Pr� wife of Jacques Blachon, merchant and bourgeois of Paris. Evidently Pierre Blachon and Jeanne Crottier had a daughter Jeanne who is cited as the wife of Jean Leorat in 1672. All of this would suggest that the father of Anne and Catherine Pinet must have married a sister of Pierre Blachon. This rules out George Pinet, cordonnier, whose wife Isabeau Cottier appears several times in early church records of Annonay, as the father of Anne and Catherine Pinet. One likely couple has been noted at St. Etienne (Forez, Loire), Andr� Pinet and his wife Marie Blachon. Very little is known of the protestants at St. Etienne, but they are known to have been connected closely with the protestant churchs at Boulieu-l�s-Annonay and at Annonay itself.
__ | _Anthoine JOHANNOT __| | (.... - 1669) | | |__ | _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1649 - ....) | __ | | | ______ PINET ________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
At the baptism of Pierre Leorat, 10 jun 1669, Pierre Johannot is identified as the brother of the infant's mother, Marie Jeanne Johannot, wife of Fran�ois Leorat. If this is the right Pierre, he would be just past the age of confirmation, and therefore eligible to be a godparent. Burial record does not name parents, but notes age 33. The marriage record, however, names both parents.
[3314] witnesses were Pierre Rignol, procureur du baillage de Viverois, and Jeanne Lascoste, w. of Sr. Anthoine de la Croix.
__ | _Anthoine JOHANNOT __| | (.... - 1669) | | |__ | _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (.... - 1685) | __ | | | ______ PINET ________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Le Moine notes apprenticeship in Geneva 1706, notary Joly vol. 61 p. 13. Le Moine also notes he was still alive in 1729, mentioned in a court document.
_Anthoine JOHANNOT __ | (.... - 1669) _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | |_____________________ | _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | | ______ PINET ________ | | | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (.... - 1729) | _____________________ | | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______| | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie MERLE ________| m 1665 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______| m 1643 | |_____________________
_Anthoine JOHANNOT __ | (.... - 1669) _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | |_____________________ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1644 - 1724) m 1673| | | ______ PINET ________ | | | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1680 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Charles RIOU ________| | | (.... - 1683) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie RIOU _________| (1655 - 1683) m 1673| | _____________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________
This Pierre Johannot appears at Shoreham, Kent in 1712. He is too old to be a son of Andr� Johannot and Marguerite Fleureton, but he could be a son of Andr� by a previous wife (Andr�'s age is not known), or his brother, or perhaps even a first cousin. Pierre had at least 3 wives, the first two named Mary. Children of Pierre and Elizabeth, the third wife, are found at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Whether he, too, was a papermaker is not known with certainty.
Later notation in baptismal record: "Not� p. 262 Armorial du Vivarais."
[3190] Witnesses include "Mr. Johannot p�re".
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1671 - 1744) | | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______ | | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | |_Marie MERLE ________| | m 1665 | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______ | m 1643 | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Ester ALL�ON _______| (1680 - 1756) | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
[3256] From records at Offenbach, evidently computed from age at death.
_Mathieu JOHANNOT ___+ | (.... - 1679) _Pierre JOHANNOT ____| | (1643 - 1725) m 1681| | |_Catherine PINET ____+ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____| | (1682 - 1744) m 1706 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Anne BOURGET _______| | m 1681 | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1723 - 1796) | _____________________ | | | _Isaac PERRIN _______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie Claire PERRIN _| (1679 - 1753) m 1706 | | _____________________ | | |_Magdelaine VEYRIN __| | |_____________________
[3202] Assassin� sous la Terreur, according to La France Moderne. Le Moine says he was guillotined at Lyon as a libelist and conspirator.
_Pierre JOHANNOT ____+ | (1643 - 1725) m 1681 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____| | (1682 - 1744) m 1706 | | |_Anne BOURGET _______ | m 1681 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1710 - 1792) | | | _Isaac PERRIN _______ | | | | |_Marie Claire PERRIN _| | (1679 - 1753) m 1706 | | |_Magdelaine VEYRIN __ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1747 - ....) | _Jean JOHANNOT ______+ | | (1643 - 1711) m 1665 | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____| | | (1671 - 1744) | | | |_Marie MERLE ________+ | | m 1665 |_Marie JOHANNOT _____| (1711 - 1773) | | _____________________ | | |_Ester ALL�ON ________| (1680 - 1756) | |_____________________
_Mathieu JOHANNOT ___+ | (1644 - 1724) m 1684 _Jean Prudent JOHANNOT _| | (1686 - 1755) m 1709 | | |_Marie FRESSENEL ____+ | (1650 - ....) m 1684 _Jean Daniel Matthieu JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1775) m 1745 | | | _Paul BETTHON _______ | | | (1641 - ....) | |_Susanne BETTHON _______| | (.... - 1778) m 1709 | | |_Jeanne MALLAIN _____ | (1654 - ....) | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (1752 - 1752) | _____________________ | | | _Germain DELACOMBE _____| | | (1689 - 1755) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Louise DELACOMBE ______________| (1724 - 1803) m 1745 | | _____________________ | | |_Rachel DELVERT ________| (1690 - 1740) | |_____________________
Possibly other children -- a small child Matthieu Henry, son of Pierre Johannot, merchant, buried 25 mar 1710, "Registres mortuaires des fran�ais refugi�s � Lausanne". Marriage contract identifies father Matthieu Johannot of Annonay, who was present, and brothers Jean and Mathieu, and demoiselle Marthe Galand (whose presence may indicate whereabouts of Jeanne Imbard her mother?).
[14649] Date of contract, Isaac Guibaud, notary.
_Anthoine JOHANNOT __ | (.... - 1669) _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | |_____________________ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1644 - 1724) m 1684| | | ______ PINET ________ | | | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Pierre JOHANNOT | (.... - 1762) | _Jaques FRESSENEL ___+ | | (.... - 1648) | _Pierre FRESSENEL ____| | | (1621 - 1665) m 1642 | | | |_Isabeau BLACHE _____+ | | (1588 - ....) |_Marie FRESSENEL ____| (1650 - ....) m 1684| | _____________________ | | |_Anne CROTTIER _______| m 1642 | |_____________________
_Mathieu JOHANNOT ____+ | (1682 - 1744) m 1706 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1710 - 1792) | | |_Marie Claire PERRIN _+ | (1679 - 1753) m 1706 _Fran�ois JOHANNOT ___| | (1745 - 1839) m 1776 | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____+ | | | (1671 - 1744) | |_Marie JOHANNOT _____| | (1711 - 1773) | | |_Ester ALL�ON ________ | (1680 - 1756) | |--Pierre Henri JOHANNOT | (.... - 1789) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie PERRET _| m 1776 | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
Catechumen 1734 at Bern. Possibly his mother's family is connected with the DuCimiti�re's there.
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1644 - 1724) m 1684| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Pierre JOHANNOT ____| | (.... - 1762) m 1708| | | _Pierre FRESSENEL ____+ | | | (1621 - 1665) m 1642 | |_Marie FRESSENEL ____| | (1650 - ....) m 1684| | |_Anne CROTTIER _______ | m 1642 | |--Pierre Henry JOHANNOT | | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Aim�e Du CIMETI�RE _| (.... - 1737) m 1708| | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
_Pierre JOHANNOT ____+ | (1643 - 1725) m 1681 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____| | (1682 - 1744) m 1706 | | |_Anne BOURGET _______ | m 1681 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1710 - 1792) | | | _Isaac PERRIN _______ | | | | |_Marie Claire PERRIN _| | (1679 - 1753) m 1706 | | |_Magdelaine VEYRIN __ | | |--Pierre Louis JOHANNOT | (1744 - 1785) | _Jean JOHANNOT ______+ | | (1643 - 1711) m 1665 | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____| | | (1671 - 1744) | | | |_Marie MERLE ________+ | | m 1665 |_Marie JOHANNOT _____| (1711 - 1773) | | _____________________ | | |_Ester ALL�ON ________| (1680 - 1756) | |_____________________
_Mathieu JOHANNOT ___+ | (1644 - 1724) m 1684 _Jean Prudent JOHANNOT _| | (1686 - 1755) m 1709 | | |_Marie FRESSENEL ____+ | (1650 - ....) m 1684 _Jean Daniel Matthieu JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1775) m 1745 | | | _Paul BETTHON _______ | | | (1641 - ....) | |_Susanne BETTHON _______| | (.... - 1778) m 1709 | | |_Jeanne MALLAIN _____ | (1654 - ....) | |--Ren�e JOHANNOT | (1746 - 1752) | _____________________ | | | _Germain DELACOMBE _____| | | (1689 - 1755) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Louise DELACOMBE ______________| (1724 - 1803) m 1745 | | _____________________ | | |_Rachel DELVERT ________| (1690 - 1740) | |_____________________
_Mathieu JOHANNOT ____+ | (1682 - 1744) m 1706 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1710 - 1792) | | |_Marie Claire PERRIN _+ | (1679 - 1753) m 1706 _Fran�ois JOHANNOT ___| | (1745 - 1839) m 1776 | | | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ____+ | | | (1671 - 1744) | |_Marie JOHANNOT _____| | (1711 - 1773) | | |_Ester ALL�ON ________ | (1680 - 1756) | |--Sabine JOHANNOT | (1800 - 1820) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Jeanne Marie PERRET _| m 1776 | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Pierre JOHANNOT ____| | (1691 - 1739) m 1722| | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Sarah JOHANNOT | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Mary HOLDER ________| (.... - 1725) m 1722| | __ | | |__| | |__
"Mort en Amerique", according to Le Moine's reading of the papers of Gaston Binet.
_Jean JOHANNOT ______________+ | (1643 - 1711) m 1665 _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1671 - 1744) | | |_Marie MERLE ________________+ | m 1665 _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1702 - 1764) | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Ester ALL�ON _______| | (1680 - 1756) | | |_____________________________ | | |--Sich� Luc JOHANNOT | | _Jean L�ORAT ________________+ | | (1638 - 1687) m 1665 | _Andr� L�ORAT _______| | | (.... - 1756) m 1694| | | |_Charlotte L�ORAT ___________+ | | (1643 - 1691) m 1665 |_Anne L�ORAT ________| (1710 - 1788) | | _Louis LAGRANGE _____________+ | | (1638 - 1711) m 1664 |_Jeanne LAGRANGE ____| (1672 - 1756) m 1694| |_Isabeau (Elizabeth) L�ORAT _+ (1646 - 1719) m 1664
Apprenticed in Geneva in 1700 to Theophile Pasteur, confiseur (Jean Girard, notary, vol. 6 p. 39). Sim�on is listed in the Livre des habitants de Geneve, 21 may 1707 and was granted citizenship there 31 may 1707. By 1729, he was back in France.
[3208] Burial permit shows age as about 84, and that he died at the house of Jean Baptiste Johannot.
[14639] Date of contract, Fran�ois Joly, notary at Geneva.
_Anthoine JOHANNOT __ | (.... - 1669) _Barthelemi JOHANNOT _| | (.... - 1673) | | |_____________________ | _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | | ______ PINET ________ | | | | |_Anne PINET __________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Sim�on JOHANNOT | (1684 - 1767) | _____________________ | | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______| | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie MERLE ________| m 1665 | | _____________________ | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______| m 1643 | |_____________________
[3123] Catholic church registers.
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Fran�ois JOHANNOT __| | (1669 - 1755) m 1695| | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______ | | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | |_Marie MERLE ________| | m 1665 | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______ | m 1643 | |--Sim�on JOHANNOT | | _Jaques VEYRE ________+ | | m 1681 | _Sim�on VEYRE _______| | | | | | |_Jeanne JOHANNOT _____+ | | (1648 - ....) m 1681 |_Marie VEYRE ________| (.... - 1725) m 1695| | ______________________ | | |_Magdelaine GUERIN __| | |______________________
Surname is given as Jeannot on baptismal record. His testament dated 11 jan 1725 (Delhorme notaire, Archives de Lyon) names sisters Madeleine and Catherine, brother Louis, and notes that Sim�on was then "novice au couvent des R. R. P. P. du tiers-ordre de Saint-Fran�ois au faubourg de Guilloti�re". However, Le Moine points out that there is a 1723 abjuration wherein Sim�on renounces the catholic faith and leaves the monastery.
[3129] Catholic church registers.
[3130] Catholic church registers.
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Fran�ois JOHANNOT __| | (1669 - 1755) m 1695| | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______ | | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | |_Marie MERLE ________| | m 1665 | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______ | m 1643 | |--Sim�on JOHANNOT | (1705 - ....) | _Jaques VEYRE ________+ | | m 1681 | _Sim�on VEYRE _______| | | | | | |_Jeanne JOHANNOT _____+ | | (1648 - ....) m 1681 |_Marie VEYRE ________| (.... - 1725) m 1695| | ______________________ | | |_Magdelaine GUERIN __| | |______________________
Listed in his father's testament of 1729, no further information.
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Jean JOHANNOT ______| | (1643 - 1711) m 1665| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1671 - 1744) | | | _Zaccaire MERLE ______ | | | (1599 - 1649) m 1643 | |_Marie MERLE ________| | m 1665 | | |_Susanne VEYRE _______ | m 1643 | |--Simon JOHANNOT | | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Ester ALL�ON _______| (1680 - 1756) | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
_Barthelemi JOHANNOT _+ | (.... - 1673) _Mathieu JOHANNOT ___| | (1644 - 1724) m 1684| | |_Anne PINET __________+ | _Jean Prudent JOHANNOT _| | (1686 - 1755) m 1709 | | | _Pierre FRESSENEL ____+ | | | (1621 - 1665) m 1642 | |_Marie FRESSENEL ____| | (1650 - ....) m 1684| | |_Anne CROTTIER _______ | m 1642 | |--Susanne JOHANNOT | | ______________________ | | | _Paul BETTHON _______| | | (1641 - ....) | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne BETTHON _______| (.... - 1778) m 1709 | | ______________________ | | |_Jeanne MALLAIN _____| (1654 - ....) | |______________________