I25213: Jaques Abraham DUTOIT (b. 16 OCT 1822)

DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Jaques Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I25213)

Father: Jean Baltazard DUTOIT (b. 29 OCT 1783)
Mother: Jeanne (Jeannette) PANCHAUD (dates unknown)


                                                         _Jaques DUTOIT __________
                                                        |  m 1735                 
                                _Jean Balthazar DUTOIT _|
                               | (.... - 1803) m 1767   |
                               |                        |_Susanne Urbaine BESSON _
                               |                          (1700 - 1756) m 1735    
 _Jean Baltazard DUTOIT _______|
| (1783 - ....) m 1811         |
|                              |                         _________________________
|                              |                        |                         
|                              |_Susanne DURUSSEL ______|
|                                (1746 - 1817) m 1767   |
|                                                       |_________________________
|--Jaques Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1822 - ....)
|                                                        _________________________
|                                                       |                         
|                               _David PANCHAUD ________|
|                              |                        |
|                              |                        |_________________________
|                              |                                                  
|_Jeanne (Jeannette) PANCHAUD _|
   m 1811                      |
                               |                         _________________________
                               |                        |                         
                               |_Marianne CURRIT _______|

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I20653)

Father: Philippe DUTOIT (bp. 16 FEB 1615, d. BEF 1688)
Mother: Catherine (Sara?) LESCHEYRES (dates unknown)


According to the testimony of Vincent Favre, Sergeant in the Regiment of L'Isle Marais, who returned to Moudon in April or May, 1695 with news of the death of Jaques Daniel Dutoit, the latter had died in Piedmont sometime between January and the middle of March, 1695. The circumstances were not recorded in the Court of Justice at Moudon, but the names of his brother and sister are given, allowing us to place him in the correct family.

(ACV Bil 98, fol. 32v-35v)

Testament d'honnorable Jaques Daniel Dutoict bourgeois de Moudon.

Le Mescredi cinquiesme jour du mois de Juin mille six centz nonante cinq, par devant Noble et Genereux Jean Fran�ois Cerjatt Gentilhomme seigneur de Denesy, Lieutenant Ballyval et Chastelain de Mouldon, tenant cour ordinaire avec les honnorables Jurez dudit lieu, est comparu honnorable Vincent Favre du Chasteau d'Oex, representant comme feu Jaques Daniel Dutoict bourgeois de ceste ville et deced� en Piedmont, auroit en absence de Notaire, en presence de tesmoings fait les declarations de sa derniere volont� qui luy ont est� confi�es, lesquelles il produit pour en bailler cognoissance aux interessez.

Par cognoissance le fait a est� renvoy� de huictaine auquel temps Monsieur l'Assesseur Ballyval [Philippe] Tacheron tuteur dudit defunct et d'Albert Dutoict son frere fera citter les interessez pour entendre la teneur desdittes declarations, lesquelles sont icy inser�es:

Moy soubsign� certifie comme Jaques et Albert Dutoict freres de Moudon en Suisse se sont fait donation de leurs biens, celuy l� qui survivra l'autre d'estre son heritier, en foy dequoy je le certifie en parole de verit� comme Jean Bichet de Geneve, tondeur de la mesme Compagnie de Monsieur de Beaulieu dans le Regiment de Monsieur de L'Islle Marais [Henri Bois Billand de Montaciel de L'Isle-Marais, d. 1722] au service du Roy d'Angleterre en Piedmont, fait a Roque [Rocca de' Baldi?] soit en Piedmond le 7e Janvier 1695.

Anthoine Jollimay de Goumoens au Ballyvage d'Eschallens. Et comme ledit Bichet ne scachant escrire je me suis soupsign� a son nom, Jean Bichet.

Vincent Favre habitant de Moudon, David Jacob des Combes bourgeois de Valangin et Pierre Demarche du Lieu (?), on depos� devant moy que feu Jaques Daniel Dutoit de Moudon ont donn� avant sa mort tout ce qu'il avoit de bien meubles et immeubles a Jaques Albert Dutoict son frere, c'est le tesmoignage que je rend sur le lieu pour servir en ce que de raison, a Coni [Cuneo] le vingthuictiesme Mars stil nouveau mille six centz quatre vingt et quinze.

La Serve pasteur [probably Alexandre de La Serve, later minister at Payerne] du Regiment de L'Isle Marais.

Moy soubsign� ratifie le mesme de ce que dessus en parole de verit� estre veritable, fait a Verceil [Vercelli] le quatorziesme Apvril 1695.

David Sonnard de Courtilles au Ballyvage de Moudon en Suisse.

Du douziesme du predit mois de Juin, le prenomm� Sr. Tacheron comparoissant disant avoir fait citter honnor� Susanne Marie Dutoict femme d'honnorable Jacob Jossevel bourgeois dudit Moudon et soeur de sesditz puppiles afin d'entendre la teneur des susdittes declarations, suivant quoy lecture en ayant est� faite, ledit Sr. Tacheron auroit de plus demand� que puis ledit Vincent Favre nomm� pour l'un des tesmoings dans l'une desdittes declarations est presentement icy, et pour ce fait citt� qu'il ait a sermentalement soustenir si pas sondit produit de Mescredi dernier ne contient la pure verit� en protestant de pouvoir evoquer les autres tesmoings auxdites declarations nomm�s lors qu'ils seront de retour au pays.

Laditte Dutoict par contre dit ne cognoistre ledit Favre, ne scachant s'il est admissible a tesmoignage ou non, priant la Noble Justice en cognoistre, et que pouvant dans le temps descouvrir qu'il se fust mesfait d'en pouvoir prevalloir, joind a ce que ledit Sr. Tacheron vint a tard a le produire puis qu'il y a pass� six septmaines qu'il est arriv� dans ceste ville.

A quoy ledit Sr. Instant a contreprotest� en niant d'avoir sceu qu'il y ait pass� six septmaines que ledit Favre soit de retour dans leditt Moudon.

Apres quoy ledit Favre a produit le Certificat que luy a est� accord� par fust Monsieur le ministre Demierres son pasteur avant sa sortie de Lucens dat� du 23e octobre 1672 faisant entierement a sa faveur. Item, le passeport que l'Isle Marais Collonel du Regiment d'Infanterie des trouppes de sa Majest� Britannique au service de son Altesse Royale en Piedmont luy a desparti le 27e Mars dernier pass� par lequel il atteste ledit Favre avoir fonctionn� la charge de Sergent dans la Compagnie de Varillac audit Regiment avec approbation et fidelit� l'espace de autre ans. Item, un autre Certificat de Milor Gallouay [Lord Galway: Henri Massue, Marquis de Ruvigny, Baron of Portarlington, Earl of Galway,1648-1720] donn� a Verceil le 15e Apvril dernier par lequel il recommande ledit Favre qui s'en retire en Suisse, en priant tous ceux qui sont a prier de luy donner toute sorte d'assistance, offrant le reciproque en cas pareil.

Lesquels certificats ayant est� leus et examinez, a est� en suite cogneu et jug� que la declaration dudit Favre sera tousjours entendue souz la proteste que les partis a faite que pouvant a la suite du temps descouvrir quelque chose contre luy d'en pouvoir prevalloir pour annullir laditte declaration.

A quoy ledit Sr. Tacheron a contreprotest� en demandant tousjours audit Fabre qu'il ait a declarer si pas sondit produit ne contient verit�, et n'a est� present a la donnation produite.

Et pour contre interrogat luy a est� demand� si lors que ladite declaration a est� faite par ledit defunct il estoit en bon sens, et s'il n'estoit point dans le vin et desbauch�, et s'il n'a point apperceu qu'il ait est� sollicit� par quelqu'un, protestant de la pouvoir invallider en temps requis par les voyes qu'il trouvera equitables, a quoy ledit Sr. Tacheron a contreprotest� ledit Favre a sermentalement declar� sondit produit ne contenir que la pure verit� et que ledit defunct estoit de bon sens, memoire et jugement, nullement en desbauche, et n'avoir apperceu qu'il ait est� sollicit� de personne, et que le frere dudit defunct l'appella avec les susnommez Jacob des Combes et Pierre deMarche pour aller faire leurs declaration a Monsieur La Serue pasteur du Regiment de L'Isle Marais le 28e Mars dernier, et David Sonnard a Verceil le 14e Aprvril proche suivant, declarant de plus avoir est� present lors de la donnation produitte, et leur avoir entendu dire a diverses fois durant la Compagne qu'ils se faisoyent heritier l'un l'autre disant en outre ne avoir que cinq septmaines sammedi prochain qu'il est arriv� a Moudon.

Apres quoy ledit Sr. Tacheron a demand� que ladit declaration testamentaire et donation produitte soyent decrest�es et emologu�es conformement aux loix souveraines, souz tousjours les mesmes protestes que dessus, a quoy laditte Dutoict a contreprotest�, de sorte que par cognoissance protest�e et contreprotest�e ont est� admises pour valloir autant que de droict, estant permis et loisible a partie de tirer copie deditte declaration testamentaire et donnation susdite, lesquelles par estes sont decrest�es et emologu�es, et de ce Acte audit Sr. Instant souz la reserve du droict d'autruy conced�, le tout en conformit� des loix souveraines.

Faict et pass� judicialement audit Moudon souz le Seau a ce requis et signature du Curial soubsign� le susdit jour 12e Juin 1695.

The Manuel de Cour de Justice (ACV Bil 56) for the same period gives essentially the same information, but it specifies in addition that Tacheron was the guardian of the sons of the late Philippe Dutoit.

There is a baptism that might be his, 03 sep 1678, Jaques Daniel son of "Jaques Dutoit et Susanne Rossalet", in the Deacon's Register (ACV Eb 88/4). Susanne Rossalet was the wife of one of the Isaac Dutoits, and not the wife of a Jaques Dutoit. The record is thus defective, and it is the only unplaced Jaques Daniel that we have found. The Deacon's Register is full of errors, but we would have to suppose that the deacon who performed the baptism did not make a note of the names of the parents and then later made an incorrect entry. Also, we would have to suppose that Jaques Daniel became a soldier at age 16, not impossible but not very likely, either!

                                                       _Jaques (Jacob�?) DUTOIT _+
                                                      | (1545 - 1593) m 1569     
                                 _Gaspard DUTOIT _____|
                                | (.... - 1618) m 1598|
                                |                     |_Aim�e PANCHAUD __________+
                                |                        m 1569                  
 _Philippe DUTOIT ______________|
| (.... - 1688)                 |
|                               |                      _Daniel NICOD-ARNAUD _____+
|                               |                     |  m 1563                  
|                               |_Sara NICOD-ARNAUD __|
|                                 (.... - 1632) m 1598|
|                                                     |_Susanne SAVATAIRE _______+
|                                                        m 1563                  
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1695)
|                                                      __________________________
|                                                     |                          
|                                _Jaques LESCHEYRES __|
|                               | (.... - 1684)       |
|                               |                     |__________________________
|                               |                                                
|_Catherine (Sara?) LESCHEYRES _|
                                |                      __________________________
                                |                     |                          
                                |_S�bastienne _____ __|

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I2914)

Father: David DUTOIT (b. ABT 1653?)
Mother: Doroth�e ROCHETTAZ (dates unknown)


                                             _Andr� DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (.... - 1629) m 1619
                       _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1665) m 1643|
                      |                     |_Fran�oise PIDOUX ___
                      |                       (.... - 1629) m 1619
 _David DUTOIT _______|
| (1653 - ....) m 1688|
|                     |                      _Pierre BUTTET ______+
|                     |                     |  m 1626             
|                     |_Christine BUTTET ___|
|                       (.... - 1685) m 1643|
|                                           |_Jeanne _____ _______
|                                              m 1626             
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre ROCHETTAZ ___|
|                     | (.... - 1709)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Doroth�e ROCHETTAZ _|
   m 1688             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Jeanne MOJONNIER ___|

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I2181)

Father: Jean Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 12 FEB 1688, d. 20 FEB 1738)
Mother: Susanne VEYRE (b. ABT 1688, d. 17 FEB 1738)

Family 1 : Ursule DECREVEL (b. 1717, d. 18 JAN 1807)
  1.  Andr� Daniel DUTOIT (bp. 9 OCT 1740)
  2.  Jean Jaques Daniel DUTOIT (bp. 11 MAR 1742, d. 23 JUL 1747)
  3.  Jeanne DUTOIT (bp. 10 NOV 1743)
  4. +Fran�oise Susanne DUTOIT (bp. 11 NOV 1745, d. BEF 1797)
  5.  Jaques Daniel DUTOIT (b. JAN 1748, d. 17 JUN 1767)
  6.  Jeanne Marie DUTOIT (b. 9 FEB 1750)
  7.  Jean Daniel DUTOIT (b. 4 APR 1752)
  8.  Susanne DUTOIT (b. 3 NOV 1754)
  9.  Philippe DUTOIT (b. 25 JUN 1756)


[882] Witnesses include: Jaques Dutoit fr�re du p�re de l'enfant, Daniel Claude fils de fut Anthoine Dutoit de Chesalles.

[14430] Groom is listed as son of late Anthoine Dutoit de Chesalles, bride as daughter of the late lieutenant Decreval of Combremont-le-Grand. Banns published on this date.

                                              _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                             | (1620 - 1685) m 1644
                        _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
                       | (.... - 1728) m 1685|
                       |                     |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______+
                       |                       (.... - 1685) m 1644
 _Jean Antoine DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1738) m 1711 |
|                      |                      _Jean Jaques MONOD __
|                      |                     |                     
|                      |_Anne Marie MONOD ___|
|                        (1668 - 1733) m 1685|
|                                            |_____________________
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                       _Daniel VEYRE _______|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |_____________________
|                      |                                           
|_Susanne VEYRE _______|
  (1688 - 1738) m 1711 |
                       |                      _____________________
                       |                     |                     

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I4034)

Father: Pierre (Jean Pierre?) DUTOIT (bp. 6 APR 1704, d. 30 APR 1747)
Mother: Susanne BOURGEOIS (b. ABT 1701, d. 28 MAY 1764)


                                                       _Aim� DUTOIT ________+
                                                      | (.... - 1700) m 1667
                                 _Fran�ois DUTOIT ____|
                                | (.... - 1724) m 1703|
                                |                     |_Susanne PAHUD ______
                                |                        m 1667             
 _Pierre (Jean Pierre?) DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1747) m 1724          |
|                               |                      _Pierre AMY _________
|                               |                     | (.... - 1703)       
|                               |_Anne AMY ___________|
|                                 (.... - 1718) m 1703|
|                                                     |_____________________
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|                                                      _____________________
|                                                     |                     
|                                _Jean BOURGEOIS _____|
|                               |                     |
|                               |                     |_____________________
|                               |                                           
|_Susanne BOURGEOIS ____________|
  (1701 - 1764) m 1724          |
                                |                      _____________________
                                |                     |                     

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I3114)

Father: Jaques Daniel DUTOIT (bp. 26 JUN 1716)
Mother: Ursule DECREVEL (b. 1717, d. 18 JAN 1807)


                                                _Isaac DUTOIT _______+
                                               | (.... - 1728) m 1685
                         _Jean Antoine DUTOIT _|
                        | (.... - 1738) m 1711 |
                        |                      |_Anne Marie MONOD ___+
                        |                        (1668 - 1733) m 1685
 _Jaques Daniel DUTOIT _|
|  m 1739               |
|                       |                       _Daniel VEYRE _______
|                       |                      |                     
|                       |_Susanne VEYRE _______|
|                         (1688 - 1738) m 1711 |
|                                              |_____________________
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|  (1748 - 1767)
|                                               _____________________
|                                              |                     
|                        ______________________|
|                       |                      |
|                       |                      |_____________________
|                       |                                            
|_Ursule DECREVEL ______|
  (1717 - 1807) m 1739  |
                        |                       _____________________
                        |                      |                     

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Jaques Daniel DUTOIT       (ID #I25256)

Mother: Charlotte Sophie DUTOIT (b. 25 JUL 1805)


Illegitimate child. The name of the father is not recorded in the birth record.

                           |                                   |
                           |                                   |_____________________________
|                          |
|                          |                                    _____________________________
|                          |                                   |                             
|                          |___________________________________|
|                                                              |
|                                                              |_____________________________
|--Jaques Daniel DUTOIT 
|  (1828 - ....)
|                                                               _Isaac Daniel DUTOIT ________
|                                                              | (1742 - 1815) m 1775        
|                           _Jaques (J. Jaques) Daniel DUTOIT _|
|                          | (1776 - ....) m 1798              |
|                          |                                   |_Marie Magdelaine CHEVALLEY _+
|                          |                                     (1746 - 1815) m 1775        
|_Charlotte Sophie DUTOIT _|
  (1805 - ....)            |
                           |                                    _Jean FONTANNAZ _____________
                           |                                   |                             
                           |_Marianne FONTANNAZ _______________|
                              m 1798                           |
                                                               |_Jeanne Magdelaine GILLARD __

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Jaques David DUTOIT       (ID #I6875)

Father: Isaac DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne ROSSELET (dates unknown)


Apparently he belongs with these parents, but the baptismal record says he is the child of Jaques Dutoit and Susanne Rossalet. We assume the father's name has been recorded incorrectly. His name might also be read as Jaques Daniel Dutoit.

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
|  m 1675             |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jaques David DUTOIT 
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Susanne ROSSELET ___|
   m 1675             |
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jaques David DUTOIT       (ID #I5842)

Father: Jean Pierre DUTOIT (bp. 15 JUN 1684)


                                             _Aim� DUTOIT ________+
                                            |  m 1642             
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1701) m 1680|
                      |                     |_Judith FAUCHERRE ___+
                      |                        m 1642             
 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _|
|                     |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Susanne FAVRE ______|
|                       (.... - 1702) m 1680|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques David DUTOIT 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques David DUTOIT       (ID #I4352)

Father: Jean Louis DUTOIT (b. ABT 1728, d. 23 MAR 1800)
Mother: Marie Judith BLANC (b. ABT 1728, d. 4 JUN 1795)

Family 1 : Anne (Jeanne?) Susanne PITTON (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Susanne DUTOIT (b. 2 SEP 1778)
  2.  Jeanne Marie DUTOIT (b. 28 JUL 1780)
  3. +Jean Pierre DUTOIT (b. 19 JAN 1782)
  4.  Susanne Marguerite DUTOIT (b. 13 JAN 1784)
  5.  Jaques Louis DUTOIT (b. 26 JUN 1785)


Not confirmed in the parish of Cronay, so presumbably he had already reached the age of confirmation (about 16-17 in most cases) before the family moved to Oppens, about 1771-2.

                                                 _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                       _Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT _|
                      | (.... - 1773) m 1729    |
                      |                         |_Genon MARTIN _______
 _Jean Louis DUTOIT __|
| (1728 - 1800) m 1745|
|                     |                          _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _+
|                     |                         |                     
|                     |_Jeanne DUTOIT __________|
|                       (1701 - 1773) m 1729    |
|                                               |_____________________
|--Jaques David DUTOIT 
|  (1747 - ....)
|                                                _____________________
|                                               |                     
|                      _David BLANC ____________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |_____________________
|                     |                                               
|_Marie Judith BLANC _|
  (1728 - 1795) m 1745|
                      |                          _____________________
                      |                         |                     

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Jaques David DUTOIT       (ID #I4379)

Father: Pierre Elie DUTOIT (b. 29 AUG 1788)
Mother: Jeanne Marie CLERC (dates unknown)


                                                 _Jean Louis DUTOIT ____+
                                                | (1728 - 1800) m 1745  
                       _Jean Louis DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1754 - 1805) m 1783    |
                      |                         |_Marie Judith BLANC ___+
                      |                           (1728 - 1795) m 1745  
 _Pierre Elie DUTOIT _|
| (1788 - ....) m 1808|
|                     |                          _Jean Daniel RECORDON _
|                     |                         |                       
|                     |_Anne Esther RECORDON ___|
|                       (.... - 1816) m 1783    |
|                                               |_______________________
|--Jaques David DUTOIT 
|  (1817 - ....)
|                                                _______________________
|                                               |                       
|                      _Pierre CLERC ___________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |_______________________
|                     |                                                 
|_Jeanne Marie CLERC _|
   m 1808             |
                      |                          _______________________
                      |                         |                       
                      |_Jeanne Susanne HUGOTET _|

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Jaques F�lix DUTOIT       (ID #I3470)

Father: Jean David DUTOIT (b. 16 MAR 1775, d. 13 JUN 1817)
Mother: Esther Marguerite GROSSMAN (dates unknown)


                                                                       _David DUTOIT _________+
                                                                      | (.... - 1764) m 1739  
                               _Joseph DUTOIT ________________________|
                              |  m 1774                               |
                              |                                       |_Magdelaine GILLI�RON _+
                              |                                         (1702 - 1790) m 1739  
 _Jean David DUTOIT __________|
| (1775 - 1817) m 1807        |
|                             |                                        _Jean Philippe ROBERT _
|                             |                                       |                       
|                             |_Susanne Fran�oise (Fanchette) ROBERT _|
|                               (1753 - 1811) m 1774                  |
|                                                                     |_______________________
|--Jaques F�lix DUTOIT 
|  (1810 - ....)
|                                                                      _______________________
|                                                                     |                       
|                              _Gabriel GROSSMAN _____________________|
|                             | (.... - 1807)                         |
|                             |                                       |_______________________
|                             |                                                               
|_Esther Marguerite GROSSMAN _|
   m 1807                     |
                              |                                        _______________________
                              |                                       |                       
                              |_Jeanne Esther BUSIGNY ________________|

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Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT       (ID #I4350)

Father: Jaques DUTOIT (bp. 19 SEP 1658)
Mother: Genon MARTIN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne DUTOIT (b. ABT 1701, d. 3 MAR 1773)
  1. +Jean Louis DUTOIT (b. ABT 1728, d. 23 MAR 1800)
  2. +David DUTOIT (b. 18 JUL 1734, d. BEF 1811)
  3. +Marguerite DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4. +Pierre DUTOIT (dates unknown)


Evidently this is the Jaques Fran�ois who was the son of Jaques Dutoit and Genon Martin. There do not seem to be any other Jaques Fran�ois Dutoit's who belong at Neyruz at this relatively early date, when all the other Dutoit's there can be assigned to the descendancy of the first Fran�ois who settled there. He is at Pont des Sauges ri�re Lausanne in 1738, where identified as son of the late Jaques of Neyruz (J. P. Jayet, notary, 26 may 1738), and only a few years later his presumed son Jean Louis baptises children there.

He is probably also the Jaques Dutoit of Neyruz and Moudon who is cited as a farmer ("granger") at Pont des Sauges 06 mar 1728 in a transaction recorded by Sebastien Buttex, notary at Lausanne, and again by the same notary 08 may 1734 as "granger � la grange des Sauges", leasing out two milk cows for the summer season to Claude Ethenoz and his wife Marie Combe.

                                             _Fran�ois DUTOIT ____+
                                            | (1593 - 1663) m 1618
                       _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
                      | (.... - 1662)       |
                      |                     |_Jeanne GENIER ______+
                      |                       (1596 - 1667) m 1618
 _Jaques DUTOIT ______|
|                     |
|                     |                      _Felix MOENNOZ ______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Rose MOENNOZ _______|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1773)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Genon MARTIN _______|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT       (ID #I2250)

Father: Samuel DUTOIT (b. ABT 1697, d. BEF 1751)
Mother: Jeanne Marie MARTIN (d. 6 APR 1771)

Family 1 : Jeanne Louise REYBAZ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean Fran�ois DUTOIT (bp. 7 JUL 1754)
  2. +Rodolphe Salomon DUTOIT (bp. 15 FEB 1756)


Marriage record at Moudon gives name as Jean Fran�ois, son of the late Samuel Dutoit of Moudon, St.-L�gier-Ch�say, and Chavannes, living at Vevey. He is identified as bourgeois of both Vevey and Moudon on the occasion of the remarriage of his widow, 1780. He appears to be the notary whose records from 1748 to 1758 have survived. By 1764, the parish registers of Blonay show that Jaques Philippe Reybaz is now the curial, so it is likely that Jaques Fran�ois Dutoit had already died by that date, and definitely by 1777.

                                              _Pierre DUTOIT ______+
                                             | (.... - 1709) m 1669
                        _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
                       |                     |
                       |                     |_Marie FROSSARD _____+
                       |                       (.... - 1729) m 1669
 _Samuel DUTOIT _______|
| (1697 - 1751)        |
|                      |                      _____________________
|                      |                     |                     
|                      |_____________________|
|                                            |
|                                            |_____________________
|--Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1777)
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                       _____________________|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |_____________________
|                      |                                           
|_Jeanne Marie MARTIN _|
  (.... - 1771)        |
                       |                      _____________________
                       |                     |                     

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Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT       (ID #I6649)

Father: Jeremie Andr� DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne GRANDJEAN (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marie DELEZ (dates unknown)


                                                      _Jean Fran�ois DUTOIT _+
                                                     | (1630 - 1694)         
                         _Joseph DUTOIT _____________|
                        | (.... - 1738) m 1685       |
                        |                            |_Marguerite DUTOIT ____+
                        |                              (1635 - 1716)         
 _Jeremie Andr� DUTOIT _|
|                       |
|                       |                             _______________________
|                       |                            |                       
|                       |_Judith (Elizabeth?) FAVRE _|
|                         (1661 - 1741) m 1685       |
|                                                    |_______________________
|--Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT 
|                                                     _______________________
|                                                    |                       
|                        ____________________________|
|                       |                            |
|                       |                            |_______________________
|                       |                                                    
|_Susanne GRANDJEAN ____|
                        |                             _______________________
                        |                            |                       

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Jaques Fr�derich DUTOIT       (ID #I2778)

Father: Jean Pierre DUTOIT (b. 9 SEP 1750, d. 21 AUG 1813)
Mother: Susanne BORSAY (b. 1748, d. 28 APR 1814)


Witnesses at baptism included Jaques Henri Franc of Vevey, uncle, and Jaques Fr�derich Goumaz of Rossens, uncle.

                                                    _David DUTOIT _______+
                                                   | (1653 - ....) m 1688
                       _Samuel DUTOIT _____________|
                      | (.... - 1794) m 1740       |
                      |                            |_Doroth�e ROCHETTAZ _+
                      |                               m 1688             
 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _|
| (1750 - 1813) m 1771|
|                     |                             _Jaques GOUMAZ ______
|                     |                            |                     
|                     |_Susanne Marguerite GOUMAZ _|
|                       (1720 - 1794) m 1740       |
|                                                  |_Jeanne Marie _____ _
|--Jaques Fr�derich DUTOIT 
|  (1780 - ....)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                      _Samuel BORSAY _____________|
|                     |                            |
|                     |                            |_____________________
|                     |                                                  
|_Susanne BORSAY _____|
  (1748 - 1814) m 1771|
                      |                             _____________________
                      |                            |                     

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Jaques Henri DUTOIT       (ID #I3135)

Father: Jean David DUTOIT (bp. 18 AUG 1726, d. 27 MAR 1776)
Mother: Ursule Marguerite DESARZENS (b. ABT 1725, d. 21 OCT 1796)


                                                        _David DUTOIT _______+
                                                       | (1653 - ....) m 1688
                                _Abraham David DUTOIT _|
                               |  m 1724               |
                               |                       |_Doroth�e ROCHETTAZ _+
                               |                          m 1688             
 _Jean David DUTOIT ___________|
| (.... - 1776) m 1755         |
|                              |                        _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                              |                       | (.... - 1736)       
|                              |_Susanne MARTIN _______|
|                                (1700 - 1773) m 1724  |
|                                                      |_Claudine WAGNI�RES _
|                                                        (.... - 1736)       
|--Jaques Henri DUTOIT 
|  (1764 - ....)
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                               _Daniel DESARZENS _____|
|                              |                       |
|                              |                       |_____________________
|                              |                                             
|_Ursule Marguerite DESARZENS _|
  (1725 - 1796) m 1755         |
                               |                        _____________________
                               |                       |                     

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Jaques Henri DUTOIT       (ID #I2635)

Father: Abraham Antoine DUTOIT (b. 3 MAR 1751, d. 26 JAN 1812)
Mother: Jeanne Rose DOMBALD (b. 2 JAN 1750, d. 19 JUL 1811)


                                                     _Moyse Gabriel DUTOIT _+
                                                    | (.... - 1752) m 1715  
                           _Samuel Philippe DUTOIT _|
                          |  m 1746                 |
                          |                         |_Fran�oise PIACHAUD ___
                          |                           (1690 - 1750) m 1715  
 _Abraham Antoine DUTOIT _|
| (1751 - 1812) m 1778    |
|                         |                          _Antoine LOUP _________
|                         |                         | (.... - 1746)         
|                         |_Magdelaine LOUP ________|
|                           (1718 - 1782) m 1746    |
|                                                   |_______________________
|--Jaques Henri DUTOIT 
|  (1780 - 1780)
|                                                    _Albert DOMBALD _______+
|                                                   |                       
|                          _Jean Samuel DOMBALD ____|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |_Marguerite GOLAY _____+
|                         |                                                 
|_Jeanne Rose DOMBALD ____|
  (1750 - 1811) m 1778    |
                          |                          _______________________
                          |                         |                       

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Jaques Louis DUTOIT       (ID #I3455)

Father: Jacob Samuel DUTOIT (bp. 21 DEC 1755, d. 11 MAY 1818)
Mother: Jeanne Susanne DECREVEL (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Fran�oise Salom� GILLI�RON (dates unknown)
  1.  Fran�ois Christophle DUTOIT (b. 19 SEP 1820)
  2.  Samuel Henri DUTOIT (b. 24 MAR 1817)
  3.  Jean Jaques Abraham DUTOIT (b. 13 JAN 1824)
  4.  Charles Louis DUTOIT (b. 1 AUG 1828)


                                                      _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
                                                     | (.... - 1743) m 1714
                            _Pierre Vincent DUTOIT __|
                           |  m 1747                 |
                           |                         |_Ursule PACHE _______+
                           |                            m 1714             
 _Jacob Samuel DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1818) m 1779     |
|                          |                          _Pierre AUGSBURGER __
|                          |                         | (.... - 1749) m 1706
|                          |_Elizabeth AUGSBURGER ___|
|                             m 1747                 |
|                                                    |_Christine VEYRE ____
|                                                       m 1706             
|--Jaques Louis DUTOIT 
|  (1781 - ....)
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                           _Abraham Isaac DECREVEL _|
|                          |                         |
|                          |                         |_____________________
|                          |                                               
|_Jeanne Susanne DECREVEL _|
   m 1779                  |
                           |                          _____________________
                           |                         |                     

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Jaques Louis DUTOIT       (ID #I4384)

Father: Jaques David DUTOIT (b. 2 JUN 1747)
Mother: Anne (Jeanne?) Susanne PITTON (dates unknown)


                                                        _Jaques Fran�ois DUTOIT _+
                                                       | (.... - 1773) m 1729    
                                  _Jean Louis DUTOIT __|
                                 | (1728 - 1800) m 1745|
                                 |                     |_Jeanne DUTOIT __________+
                                 |                       (1701 - 1773) m 1729    
 _Jaques David DUTOIT ___________|
| (1747 - ....) m 1778           |
|                                |                      _David BLANC ____________
|                                |                     |                         
|                                |_Marie Judith BLANC _|
|                                  (1728 - 1795) m 1745|
|                                                      |_________________________
|--Jaques Louis DUTOIT 
|  (1785 - ....)
|                                                       _________________________
|                                                      |                         
|                                 _Jaques PITTON ______|
|                                | (.... - 1788)       |
|                                |                     |_________________________
|                                |                                               
|_Anne (Jeanne?) Susanne PITTON _|
   m 1778                        |
                                 |                      _________________________
                                 |                     |                         
                                 |_Jeanne SIGNY _______|

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Jaques Louis DUTOIT       (ID #I2442)

Father: Jaques Samuel DUTOIT (b. 11 AUG 1787)
Mother: Jeanne Magdelaine JAQUES (dates unknown)


                                                         _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____+
                                                        | (.... - 1781) m 1747    
                             _Samuel DUTOIT ____________|
                            | (1749 - 1811)             |
                            |                           |_Jeanne Ursule BESAN�ON _+
                            |                             (.... - 1781) m 1747    
 _Jaques Samuel DUTOIT _____|
| (1787 - ....) m 1817      |
|                           |                            _________________________
|                           |                           |                         
|                           |_Rose ST�KLY ______________|
|                                                       |
|                                                       |_________________________
|--Jaques Louis DUTOIT 
|  (1819 - 1819)
|                                                        _Jean Louis JAQUES ______
|                                                       |                         
|                            _Jean Pierre JAQUES _______|
|                           |  m 1787                   |
|                           |                           |_Magdelaine NOVERRAZ ____
|                           |                                                     
|_Jeanne Magdelaine JAQUES _|
   m 1817                   |
                            |                            _Pierre Fran�ois BESSAT _
                            |                           |                         
                            |_Jeanne Magdelaine BESSAT _|
                               m 1787                   |
                                                        |_Elizabeth CHAPUIS ______

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Jaques Moyse DUTOIT       (ID #I5787)

Father: Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 23 OCT 1686)
Mother: Estiennaz DUTOIT (bp. 5 JAN 1682, d. 12 APR 1753)

Family 1 : Fran�oise ROUX (d. 25 JUN 1745)
  1.  Jeanne Marie DUTOIT (bp. 24 AUG 1743, d. 23 SEP 1750)


Relationships finally identified, after much hesitation, from record of Daniel Antoine Jossevel, notary at Moudon, regarding a debt of Fran�oise Roud, wife of Jaques Moyse Dutoit of Chavannes, with his father Antoine, Officier de Chavannes, and mother Estienne Dutoit. This Estienne had a brother Samuel Dutoit who is now dead, and the money is owed to his widow, who is not named.

                                             _Abraham DUTOIT _____+
                                            | (.... - 1689) m 1642
                       _Jacob DUTOIT _______|
                      | (.... - 1720) m 1677|
                      |                     |_Pernon VEYRE _______+
                      |                       (.... - 1694) m 1642
 _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
|  m 1712             |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Elizabeth BECHOLEY _|
|                        m 1677             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jaques Moyse DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1750)
|                                            _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
|                                           | (.... - 1665) m 1643
|                      _Baltazard DUTOIT ___|
|                     | (.... - 1729) m 1681|
|                     |                     |_Christine BUTTET ___+
|                     |                       (.... - 1685) m 1643
|_Estiennaz DUTOIT ___|
  (.... - 1753) m 1712|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Estiennaz DUPUIS ___|
                         m 1681             |

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Jaques Moyse DUTOIT       (ID #I3026)

Father: Abraham David DUTOIT (bp. 4 AUG 1695)
Mother: Susanne MARTIN (b. ABT 1700, d. 1773?)


                                               _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
                                              | (.... - 1665) m 1643
                         _David DUTOIT _______|
                        | (1653 - ....) m 1688|
                        |                     |_Christine BUTTET ___+
                        |                       (.... - 1685) m 1643
 _Abraham David DUTOIT _|
|  m 1724               |
|                       |                      _Pierre ROCHETTAZ ___
|                       |                     | (.... - 1709)       
|                       |_Doroth�e ROCHETTAZ _|
|                          m 1688             |
|                                             |_Jeanne MOJONNIER ___
|--Jaques Moyse DUTOIT 
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                        _Pierre MARTIN ______|
|                       | (.... - 1736)       |
|                       |                     |_____________________
|                       |                                           
|_Susanne MARTIN _______|
  (1700 - 1773) m 1724  |
                        |                      _____________________
                        |                     |                     
                        |_Claudine WAGNI�RES _|
                          (.... - 1736)       |

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Jaques Moyse DUTOIT       (ID #I2186)

Father: Jean Antoine DUTOIT (bp. 12 FEB 1688, d. 20 FEB 1738)
Mother: Susanne VEYRE (b. ABT 1688, d. 17 FEB 1738)


                                              _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                             | (1620 - 1685) m 1644
                        _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
                       | (.... - 1728) m 1685|
                       |                     |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______+
                       |                       (.... - 1685) m 1644
 _Jean Antoine DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1738) m 1711 |
|                      |                      _Jean Jaques MONOD __
|                      |                     |                     
|                      |_Anne Marie MONOD ___|
|                        (1668 - 1733) m 1685|
|                                            |_____________________
|--Jaques Moyse DUTOIT 
|                                             _____________________
|                                            |                     
|                       _Daniel VEYRE _______|
|                      |                     |
|                      |                     |_____________________
|                      |                                           
|_Susanne VEYRE _______|
  (1688 - 1738) m 1711 |
                       |                      _____________________
                       |                     |                     

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Jaques Moyse DUTOIT       (ID #I2785)

Father: Abraham Isaac DUTOIT (bp. 21 NOV 1706, d. BEF 1801)
Mother: Susanne Claudine CHAPPALLAZ (bp. 14 JAN 1716, d. 3 NOV 1781)

Family 1 : Jeanne ROUX (bp. 7 SEP 1745)
  1.  Anne Louise DUTOIT (b. 9 APR 1775)
  2.  David Fran�ois DUTOIT (b. 22 MAY 1778)
  3.  Isaac Samuel DUTOIT (b. 8 JAN 1782)
  4.  Susanne Catherine DUTOIT (b. 23 JUL 1786)
  5.  Nanette DUTOIT (dates unknown)


There is little doubt that this is the Jaques Moyse who married Jeanne Roux and baptised several children at Crissier. His siblings Philippe Louis, Abraham David, and Susanne Catherine can be recognized among the sponsors for his children. Marriage record indicates he is son of Abraham.

                                                      _Antoine DUTOIT _________+
                                                     | (1633 - 1693) m 1658    
                                _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _|
                               |  m 1697             |
                               |                     |_Claudine CURCHOD _______
                               |                       (1630 - 1687) m 1658    
 _Abraham Isaac DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1801) m 1736         |
|                              |                      _Abraham D�TRAZ _________
|                              |                     | (.... - 1697)           
|                              |_Elizabeth D�TRAZ ___|
|                                (.... - 1728) m 1697|
|                                                    |_________________________
|--Jaques Moyse DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1814)
|                                                     _Jean Pierre CHAPPALLAZ _
|                                                    |                         
|                               _Daniel CHAPPALLAZ __|
|                              |  m 1714             |
|                              |                     |_________________________
|                              |                                               
|_Susanne Claudine CHAPPALLAZ _|
  (.... - 1781) m 1736         |
                               |                      _Michel VEYRE ___________
                               |                     | (.... - 1731)           
                               |_Jeanne Marie VEYRE _|
                                  m 1714             |
                                                     |_Marie LAGNIAZ __________
                                                       (.... - 1737)           

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