I11081: Marie Magdelaine DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 5 NOV 1676)

DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Marie Magdelaine DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11081)

Father: David DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 12 JUL 1635)
Mother: Marie Magdelaine MESTRAL (dates unknown)


                                                         _Abraham DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                        | (1568 - 1655) m 1592    
                             _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
                            | (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
                            |                           |_Marguerite RU�RAT ______+
                            |                              m 1592                 
 _David DE TREYTORRENS _____|
|  m 1655                   |
|                           |                            _Jean ROUGE _____________+
|                           |                           | (1580 - 1640) m 1600    
|                           |_Magdelaine ROUGE _________|
|                             (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
|                                                       |_Anne PLANCHE ___________+
|                                                          m 1600                 
|--Marie Magdelaine DE TREYTORRENS 
|                                                        _________________________
|                                                       |                         
|                            _Jean MESTRAL _____________|
|                           |                           |
|                           |                           |_________________________
|                           |                                                     
|_Marie Magdelaine MESTRAL _|
   m 1655                   |
                            |                            _________________________
                            |                           |                         
                            |_Marguerite FIVAZ _________|

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Marie Marguerite DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11177)

Father: Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS (b. 17 APR 1662, d. BEF MAY 1722)
Mother: Estiennaz (Barbille) DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 18 DEC 1666, d. AFT 1701)


                                                                   _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _
                                        _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
                                       | (.... - 1676) m 1658     |
                                       |                          |__________________________
 _Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS _______|
| (1662 - 1722) m 1691                 |
|                                      |                           __________________________
|                                      |                          |                          
|                                      |_Marguerite DE BORSENS ___|
|                                         m 1658                  |
|                                                                 |__________________________
|--Marie Marguerite DE TREYTORRENS 
|                                                                  _Tobie DE TREYTORRENS ____+
|                                                                 | (1583 - 1628) m 1610     
|                                       _David DE TREYTORRENS ____|
|                                      | (1627 - 1693) m 1653     |
|                                      |                          |_Claudaz BUTTET __________+
|                                      |                            (.... - 1663) m 1610     
|_Estiennaz (Barbille) DE TREYTORRENS _|
  (.... - 1701) m 1691                 |
                                       |                           _Jean DECRISTAZ __________+
                                       |                          | (.... - 1662)            
                                       |_Susanne DECRISTAZ _______|
                                          m 1653                  |
                                                                  |_Marie DUTOIT ____________
                                                                    (1620 - 1660)            

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Mermet DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11210)

Father: Peret DE TREYTORRENS (d. ABT 1340)

Family 1 :
  1. +Othonet DE TREYTORRENS (d. aft 1409)
  2. +Uldriod DE TREYTORRENS (dates unknown)
  3. +_____ DE TREYTORRENS (dates unknown)


He is number 54 in the de Treytorrens genealogy. He seems to have had two wives, his son Othonet apparently by Reymonde de Cronay, and his son Uldriod by a different mother. In 1395, this Uldriod had two brothers, Othonet and Jean, so it is likely the third son, father of Jean de Treytorrens of Moudon, was himself called Jean.

                         _Uldric DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (.... - 1338)          |
                        |                        |__
| (.... - 1340)         |
|                       |                         __
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|                       |________________________|
|                                                |
|                                                |__
|  (.... - 1383)
|                                                 __
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|                       |                           
                        |                         __
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Nicolas DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11202)

Father: Henri DE TREYTORRENS (d. bef 1500)

Family 1 : Jaqueme GIRARDET (dates unknown)
  1. +Henri DE TREYTORRENS (dates unknown)


He is number 305 in the de Treytorrens genealogy.

                                                  _Henri DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                 | (.... - 1428)         
                         _Pierre DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (.... - 1455)          |
                        |                        |_Marie DE VUIPPENS ____
| (.... - 1500)         |
|                       |                         _______________________
|                       |                        |                       
|                       |_Perissone CHEVRESSY ___|
|                                                |
|                                                |_______________________
|                                                 _______________________
|                                                |                       
|                        ________________________|
|                       |                        |
|                       |                        |_______________________
|                       |                                                
                        |                         _______________________
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Nicolas DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11102)

Father: Tobie DE TREYTORRENS (b. 31 OCT 1583, d. 25 NOV 1628)
Mother: Claudaz BUTTET (bp. 13 JAN 1594, d. 4 JAN 1663)


                                                  _Henri DE TREYTORRENS _+
                         _L�gier DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (1552 - 1618) m 1580   |
                        |                        |_Claudaz CHAILLET _____
| (1583 - 1628) m 1610  |
|                       |                         _Humbert DE MOLIN _____
|                       |                        | (.... - 1693)         
|                       |_Nicolarde DE MOLIN ____|
|                         (1564 - 1639) m 1580   |
|                                                |_Fran�oise BOURGEOIS __
|                                                 _Antoine BUTTET _______
|                                                | (.... - 1585) m 1563  
|                        _Guillaume BUTTET ______|
|                       | (.... - 1625) m 1588   |
|                       |                        |_Marie DEMIERRE _______+
|                       |                           m 1563               
|_Claudaz BUTTET _______|
  (.... - 1663) m 1610  |
                        |                         _Daniel NICOD-ARNAUD __+
                        |                        |  m 1563               
                        |_Eve NICOD-ARNAUD ______|
                           m 1588                |
                                                 |_Susanne SAVATAIRE ____+
                                                    m 1563               

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Nicolas Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11119)

Father: Benedict DE TREYTORRENS (d. AFT 1676)
Mother: Marguerite DE BORSENS (dates unknown)


The story of Nicolas Samuel de Treytorrens is a strange, and to some extent a pathetic one. Henri Vuilleumier (Histoire de l'�glise r�form�e du Pays de Vaud sous le r�gime bernois, Lausanne: Editions La Concorde, 1927-1933, 4 volumes) devotes 50 pages to it (vol. 4, pp. 471-521).

The picture that emerges is that of a pathetic and very depressed man whose life is mainly known from his encounters with the governing authorities of his day—of the rest of his life, there is almost no information at all. However, to form a complete picture of the man, it would be necessary to study the "Lettre Missive escrite � Leurs Excellences de Berne en Suisse" (1717) in great detail. This would not be an easy task: from the long quotations given by Vuilleumier, we would have to agree, it is a work of signal obscurity, made worse by poor writing and editing.

For a shorter appreciation, let us quote the summary of his life that appears in the index to the Histoire, compiled by the editor, Frank Olivier. (Vuilleumier died in 1925, and his great Histoire was prepared for publication by a committee under the auspices of the University of Lausanne.) The volume and page references are included to assist the reader who requires more information.

"Nicolas-Samuel de Treytorrens, sixi�me des sept enfants de B�n�dict, baptis� en 1671 � Montet, perd son p�re � sept ans, a peut-�tre �t� au coll�ge de Payerne, tr�s probablement � celui de Neuch�tel, o� sa famille avait de la parent�; ne fait pas d'autres �tudes; en a, semble-t-il, �prouv� quelque regret. Excerce d�s vingt-six ans la mayorie h�r�ditaire. N'est pas sollicit� par sa famille ni par son entourage � un pi�t� personnelle vivante ou sp�ciale; a peut-�tre subi des influences neuch�teloises. Se convertit on ne sait comment, se refuse � prendre la sainte c�ne, est d�nonc� par son pasteur et traduit devant l'Illustre Chambre de religion, avant 1705; s'en tire pour cette premi�re fois avec un avertissement et une menace.

"Se r�sout alors � s'exiler volontairement, plut�t que de r�pudier tout commerce avec les personnes qu'on repr�sentait suspectes de pi�tisme, et renonce � ses biens: III, 471-481. De cette nouvelle p�riode, soit douze ans au moins, nous ne savons pour ainsi dire rien. Doit s'�tre rendu en Hollande et en Allemagne, o� il a men� une vie retir�e, sans doute dans les privations, et sans vouloir du mariage. On ne peut que lui supposer des relations avec certains pi�tistes; il ne dit pas de quel auteur il s'est nourri, bien qu'il se soit manifestement inspir� de la litt�rature pi�tiste, d'Arnold et de Tennhardt incontestablement. En vient � un �tat d'esprit presque pathologique, mais sans pratiquer ni pr�cher le s�paratisme.

"On ne sait combien de temps il a v�cu � l'�tranger; en 1715-1716, passe quelque temps � Berne, allant et venant par son pays, recherchant le commerce des saintes �mes et prenant le parti des anabaptistes traqu�s par Berne; est renvoy� devant la Chambre de religion, mis au cachot, banni � perp�tuit� des terres de Berne; prend cong� de sa famille, se rend � Neuch�tel puis gagne l'Allemagne, o� il aura mis la derni�re main � sa 'Lettre missive': III, 481-491. A partir de sa publication, rentre pour nous dans l'ombre et le silence. En 1723 nous le savons � B�le, o� il a �t� traduit devant la Chambre de religion; semble �tre d�j� devenu plus mod�r�, mais est quand m�me invit� � quitter la ville. On ne sait o� il alla; en 1731, il est � Yverdon. Mort o� et quant? On l'ignore. Peut-�tre avant 1738: III, 519-521.

"...Ame sinc�rement religieuse, homme de conviction respectable, mais esprit �troit et born� et voyant volontiers tout en noir: III, 472; pi�tiste la�que faisant fi de la science humaine et la condamnant contraire au christianisme: III, 497."

We have the impression is that he seized on the idea that his inate unhappiness was due to the material and sensory preoccupations of humanity (and to the extent that he believed his unhappiness was due to the corruption of other people, he is engaging also in magical thinking), and so he would have made a fine hermit in a desert—but there were no deserts nearby, so he was simply unhappy. His contemporaries said that he eventually mistook the fantasies of his own mind for authentic prophecy, and thus, if he were among us today, the word "misguided" might be applied.

Exactly why he conceived the idea of intervening on behalf of the anabaptists is not entirely clear. What is clear, however, is that he, like so many others before and since, had absolutely no concept of how to manipulate the Bernese bureaucracy to achieve his ends. He had thought he could simply ask for their endorsement of his idea to travel to Italy to request the release of the anabaptists (or at least, their better treatment), and that Their Excellencies, responding to everyday logic, would then send him on his way. Nothing, absolutely nothing, was so simple under Their Excellencies of Bern. He was, therefore, exceptionally na�ve as well as misguided.

Who, I ask rhetorically, was equally ill-informed during the history of the Pays de Vaud? The example of Major Davel springs immediately to mind, and it occurs to me they had much in common—a tendency to believe that the simple ideas they found in their minds would really work, would really make sense to the rest of the world. (Davel also had pietist roots.) We meet such characters frequently in the history of the Pays de Vaud. They seem to have believed that Their Excellencies were good men, as pious and charitable as their pronouncements were designed to make them appear, but misinformed by the bureaucrats. All that would be necessary, they thought, was to talk to them directly, man to man. They were mistaken, of course, but their spectacular failures helped to prepare the way for the re-awakening of the Pays de Vaud in 1798.

                            _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
                           |                          |
                           |                          |__
 _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (.... - 1676) m 1658     |
|                          |                           __
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|                          |__________________________|
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|                                                     |__
|--Nicolas Samuel DE TREYTORRENS 
|  (.... - 1738)
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|                           __________________________|
|                          |                          |
|                          |                          |__
|                          |                             
|_Marguerite DE BORSENS ___|
   m 1658                  |
                           |                           __
                           |                          |  

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Othonet DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11209)

Father: Mermet DE TREYTORRENS (d. BEF 1383)

Family 1 :
  1. +Henri DE TREYTORRENS (d. bef 1428)


Number 61 in the de Treytorrens genealogy, and founder of the branch of the family at Yverdon.

                                                  _Uldric DE TREYTORRENS _
                                                 | (.... - 1338)          
                          _Peret DE TREYTORRENS _|
                         | (.... - 1340)         |
                         |                       |________________________
| (.... - 1383)          |
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|  (.... - 1409)
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Peret DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11211)

Father: Uldric DE TREYTORRENS (d. 1338)

Family 1 :
  1. +Mermet DE TREYTORRENS (d. BEF 1383)


He is number 51 in the de Treytorrens genealogy.

                         |  |
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| (.... - 1338)          |
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|  (.... - 1340)
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Perronet DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I20912)

Father: Pierre DE TREYTORRENS (d. aft 1455)
Mother: Perissone CHEVRESSY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Perronette _____ (dates unknown)


He is number 302 in the de Treytorrens genealogy. Among his children was Guillauma, who married Guillerme de Pontheys of Grandson. They had at least one son, Nicolas de Pontheys alias Tretorens, who died before 1554. This suggests strongly that the next generation of de Treytorrens at Grandson might have inherited their surname through their mother, rather than their father. No other evidence for the parentage of the next generation, Fran�ois de Treytorrens, notary at Grandson who died before 1595, has come to light.

                                                  _Othonet DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                 | (.... - 1409)           
                          _Henri DE TREYTORRENS _|
                         | (.... - 1428)         |
                         |                       |_________________________
| (.... - 1455)          |
|                        |                        _________________________
|                        |                       |                         
|                        |_Marie DE VUIPPENS ____|
|                                                |
|                                                |_________________________
|                                                 _________________________
|                                                |                         
|                         _______________________|
|                        |                       |
|                        |                       |_________________________
|                        |                                                 
|_Perissone CHEVRESSY ___|
                         |                        _________________________
                         |                       |                         

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Pierre DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11205)

Father: Henri DE TREYTORRENS (d. bef 1428)
Mother: Marie DE VUIPPENS (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Perissone CHEVRESSY (dates unknown)
  1. +Henri DE TREYTORRENS (d. bef 1500)
  2.  Perronet DE TREYTORRENS (dates unknown)


He is number 301 in the de Treytorrens genealogy.

                                                   _Mermet DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                  | (.... - 1383)          
                         _Othonet DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (.... - 1409)           |
                        |                         |________________________
| (.... - 1428)         |
|                       |                          ________________________
|                       |                         |                        
|                       |_________________________|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |________________________
|  (.... - 1455)
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|                       |                         |________________________
|                       |                                                  
|_Marie DE VUIPPENS ____|
                        |                          ________________________
                        |                         |                        

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Pierre DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11181)

Father: Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS (b. 17 APR 1662, d. BEF MAY 1722)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite DUMONT (b. 1680, d. 27 MAR 1763)


                                                             _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _
                                  _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
                                 | (.... - 1676) m 1658     |
                                 |                          |__________________________
 _Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (1662 - 1722) m 1701           |
|                                |                           __________________________
|                                |                          |                          
|                                |_Marguerite DE BORSENS ___|
|                                   m 1658                  |
|                                                           |__________________________
|                                                            __________________________
|                                                           |                          
|                                 _Abraham DUMONT __________|
|                                | (1640 - 1715) m 1675     |
|                                |                          |__________________________
|                                |                                                     
|_Jeanne Marguerite DUMONT ______|
  (1680 - 1763) m 1701           |
                                 |                           _Gabriel MESTRAL _________
                                 |                          |                          
                                 |_Urbaine MESTRAL _________|
                                    m 1675                  |
                                                            |_Marguerite du MOULIN ____+

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Salomon DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11073)

Father: Abraham DE TREYTORRENS (b. 1 MAR 1568, d. 1655)
Mother: Marguerite RU�RAT (dates unknown)


                                                       _Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                      | (.... - 1566)            
                           _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
                          | (.... - 1598)             |
                          |                           |_Ambroise DE BRUEL _______
| (1568 - 1655) m 1592    |
|                         |                            __________________________
|                         |                           |                          
|                         |_Marie ROSSALLAT __________|
|                                                     |
|                                                     |__________________________
|                                                      __________________________
|                                                     |                          
|                          _Claude RU�RAT ____________|
|                         |                           |
|                         |                           |__________________________
|                         |                                                      
|_Marguerite RU�RAT ______|
   m 1592                 |
                          |                            __________________________
                          |                           |                          

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I8425)

Father: Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 12 JUN 1595, d. aft 1673)
Family 2 : Susanne ROUGEMONT (b. BEF 1610)
  1.  Elis�e DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 28 JUN 1627)


He is number 497 in the de Treytorrens genealogy.

                           |  |
                           |  |__
 _Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS _|
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|  (.... - 1595)
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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I20908)

Father: Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 12 JUN 1595, d. aft 1673)
Mother: Jeanne CRIBLET (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Doroth�e BEAUSIRE (d. aft 1667)
Family 2 : Elizabeth FIVAZ (bp. 23 MAR 1628)


He is number 520 in the de Treytorrens genealogy.

                                                     _Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS _
                            _Samuel DE TREYTORRENS _|
                           | (.... - 1595)          |
                           |                        |__________________________
 _Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (.... - 1673) m 1620     |
|                          |                         __________________________
|                          |                        |                          
|                          |________________________|
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|                                                   |__________________________
|  (.... - 1691)
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|                          |                        |__________________________
|                          |                                                   
|_Jeanne CRIBLET __________|
   m 1620                  |
                           |                         __________________________
                           |                        |                          

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I7252)

Father: Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 12 MAR 1598, d. BEF 1642)
Mother: Magdelaine ROUGE (bp. 1 JAN 1604, d. BEF 1642?)


                                                       _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                      | (.... - 1598)             
                             _Abraham DE TREYTORRENS _|
                            | (1568 - 1655) m 1592    |
                            |                         |_Marie ROSSALLAT __________
 _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
|                           |                          _Claude RU�RAT ____________
|                           |                         |                           
|                           |_Marguerite RU�RAT ______|
|                              m 1592                 |
|                                                     |___________________________
|                                                      _Fran�ois ROUGE ___________+
|                                                     | (1550 - 1617) m 1574      
|                            _Jean ROUGE _____________|
|                           | (1580 - 1640) m 1600    |
|                           |                         |_Anne BERTHOD _____________+
|                           |                           (.... - 1609) m 1574      
|_Magdelaine ROUGE _________|
  (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
                            |                          _Pettermand PLANCHE _______+
                            |                         | (1547 - 1588) m 1578      
                            |_Anne PLANCHE ___________|
                               m 1600                 |
                                                      |_Jacobe GACHET ____________+
                                                        (1540 - ....) m 1578      

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11062)

Father: Isaac DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 1 JAN 1626)
Mother: Andr�e BIOLLEY (bp. 1 DEC 1618, d. 1686)


                                                     _Abraham DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                    | (1568 - 1655) m 1592    
                         _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
                        |                           |_Marguerite RU�RAT ______+
                        |                              m 1592                 
|  m 1646               |
|                       |                            _Jean ROUGE _____________+
|                       |                           | (1580 - 1640) m 1600    
|                       |_Magdelaine ROUGE _________|
|                         (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
|                                                   |_Anne PLANCHE ___________+
|                                                      m 1600                 
|                                                    _________________________
|                                                   |                         
|                        _Moyse BIOLLEY ____________|
|                       |                           |
|                       |                           |_________________________
|                       |                                                     
|_Andr�e BIOLLEY _______|
  (.... - 1686) m 1646  |
                        |                            _Josu� GACHET ___________+
                        |                           | (1558 - 1621) m 1597    
                        |_Marguerite GACHET ________|
                                                    |_Jeanne MORATEL _________+
                                                      (.... - 1628) m 1597    

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11117)

Father: Benedict DE TREYTORRENS (d. AFT 1676)
Mother: Marguerite DE BORSENS (dates unknown)


                            _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
                           |                          |
                           |                          |__
 _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (.... - 1676) m 1658     |
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|                          |                             
|_Marguerite DE BORSENS ___|
   m 1658                  |
                           |                           __
                           |                          |  

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11080)

Father: David DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 12 JUL 1635)
Mother: Marie Magdelaine MESTRAL (dates unknown)


                                                         _Abraham DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                        | (1568 - 1655) m 1592    
                             _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
                            | (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
                            |                           |_Marguerite RU�RAT ______+
                            |                              m 1592                 
 _David DE TREYTORRENS _____|
|  m 1655                   |
|                           |                            _Jean ROUGE _____________+
|                           |                           | (1580 - 1640) m 1600    
|                           |_Magdelaine ROUGE _________|
|                             (.... - 1642) m 1625      |
|                                                       |_Anne PLANCHE ___________+
|                                                          m 1600                 
|                                                        _________________________
|                                                       |                         
|                            _Jean MESTRAL _____________|
|                           |                           |
|                           |                           |_________________________
|                           |                                                     
|_Marie Magdelaine MESTRAL _|
   m 1655                   |
                            |                            _________________________
                            |                           |                         
                            |_Marguerite FIVAZ _________|

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Samuel DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11088)

Father: David DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 11 MAR 1646, d. aft 1724)
Mother: Jeanne Marie MESTRAL (dates unknown)


Not named in his mother's testament of 1712, thus probably already deceased.

                                                 _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                | (.... - 1642) m 1625      
                         _Isaac DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        |  m 1646               |
                        |                       |_Magdelaine ROUGE _________+
                        |                         (.... - 1642) m 1625      
| (.... - 1724) m 1672  |
|                       |                        _Moyse BIOLLEY ____________
|                       |                       |                           
|                       |_Andr�e BIOLLEY _______|
|                         (.... - 1686) m 1646  |
|                                               |_Marguerite GACHET ________+
|                                                ___________________________
|                                               |                           
|                        _______________________|
|                       |                       |
|                       |                       |___________________________
|                       |                                                   
|_Jeanne Marie MESTRAL _|
   m 1672               |
                        |                        ___________________________
                        |                       |                           

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Sebastien Isaac DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11086)

Father: David DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 11 MAR 1646, d. aft 1724)
Mother: Jeanne Marie MESTRAL (dates unknown)


Not named in his mother's testament of 1712, thus probably already deceased.

                                                 _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                | (.... - 1642) m 1625      
                         _Isaac DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        |  m 1646               |
                        |                       |_Magdelaine ROUGE _________+
                        |                         (.... - 1642) m 1625      
| (.... - 1724) m 1672  |
|                       |                        _Moyse BIOLLEY ____________
|                       |                       |                           
|                       |_Andr�e BIOLLEY _______|
|                         (.... - 1686) m 1646  |
|                                               |_Marguerite GACHET ________+
|--Sebastien Isaac DE TREYTORRENS 
|                                                ___________________________
|                                               |                           
|                        _______________________|
|                       |                       |
|                       |                       |___________________________
|                       |                                                   
|_Jeanne Marie MESTRAL _|
   m 1672               |
                        |                        ___________________________
                        |                       |                           

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Simon DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I21487)

Father: Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS (d. ABT 1598)
Mother: Marie ROSSALLAT (dates unknown)


                                                        _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _+
                                                       | (1462 - 1545)             
                             _Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS _|
                            | (.... - 1566)            |
                            |                          |_Isabelle VAUCHERAT _______
 _Guillaume DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (.... - 1598)             |
|                           |                           ___________________________
|                           |                          |                           
|                           |_Ambroise DE BRUEL _______|
|                                                      |
|                                                      |___________________________
|  (1575 - ....)
|                                                       ___________________________
|                                                      |                           
|                            __________________________|
|                           |                          |
|                           |                          |___________________________
|                           |                                                      
|_Marie ROSSALLAT __________|
                            |                           ___________________________
                            |                          |                           

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Susanne Marguerite DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11126)

Father: Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS (b. 17 APR 1662, d. BEF MAY 1722)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite DUMONT (b. 1680, d. 27 MAR 1763)


                                                             _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _
                                  _Benedict DE TREYTORRENS _|
                                 | (.... - 1676) m 1658     |
                                 |                          |__________________________
 _Fran�ois Louis DE TREYTORRENS _|
| (1662 - 1722) m 1701           |
|                                |                           __________________________
|                                |                          |                          
|                                |_Marguerite DE BORSENS ___|
|                                   m 1658                  |
|                                                           |__________________________
|--Susanne Marguerite DE TREYTORRENS 
|                                                            __________________________
|                                                           |                          
|                                 _Abraham DUMONT __________|
|                                | (1640 - 1715) m 1675     |
|                                |                          |__________________________
|                                |                                                     
|_Jeanne Marguerite DUMONT ______|
  (1680 - 1763) m 1701           |
                                 |                           _Gabriel MESTRAL _________
                                 |                          |                          
                                 |_Urbaine MESTRAL _________|
                                    m 1675                  |
                                                            |_Marguerite du MOULIN ____+

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Tobie DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11097)

Father: L�gier DE TREYTORRENS (b. 1552, d. 27 MAR 1618)
Mother: Nicolarde DE MOLIN (b. 1564, d. 30 SEP 1639)

Family 1 : Claudaz BUTTET (bp. 13 JAN 1594, d. 4 JAN 1663)
  1.  Fran�ois DE TREYTORRENS (b. 27 JAN 1613, d. 16 MAR 1623)
  2.  Jean Humbert DE TREYTORRENS (b. 26 JAN 1615, d. 9 SEP 1660)
  3.  Jerome DE TREYTORRENS (b. 12 DEC 1618, d. 2 SEP 1671)
  4.  Nicolas DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 13 AUG 1620)
  5.  Abraham DE TREYTORRENS (b. 8 NOV 1620, d. 22 JUN 1669)
  6.  Tobie DE TREYTORRENS (bp. 3 FEB 1625, d. 28 DEC 1696)
  7. +David DE TREYTORRENS (b. 17 JUL 1627, d. bef 1693)


He is number 325 in the de Treytorrens genealogy. Minister at Yverdon 1620-1628, where he died caring for victims of the plague. He was at the University of Heidelberg in December, 1603 and at Leiden 28 feb 1606, age 21 (age evidently in error!), and at the Acad�mie de Lausanne, 1610 (Livre du Recteur).

                                                  _Nicolas DE TREYTORRENS _+
                          _Henri DE TREYTORRENS _|
                         |                       |
                         |                       |_Jaqueme GIRARDET _______
| (1552 - 1618) m 1580   |
|                        |                        _________________________
|                        |                       |                         
|                        |_Claudaz CHAILLET _____|
|                                                |
|                                                |_________________________
|  (1583 - 1628)
|                                                 _________________________
|                                                |                         
|                         _Humbert DE MOLIN _____|
|                        | (.... - 1693)         |
|                        |                       |_________________________
|                        |                                                 
|_Nicolarde DE MOLIN ____|
  (1564 - 1639) m 1580   |
                         |                        _________________________
                         |                       |                         
                         |_Fran�oise BOURGEOIS __|

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Tobie DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11104)

Father: Tobie DE TREYTORRENS (b. 31 OCT 1583, d. 25 NOV 1628)
Mother: Claudaz BUTTET (bp. 13 JAN 1594, d. 4 JAN 1663)

Family 1 : Louise BOURGEOIS (dates unknown)


                                                  _Henri DE TREYTORRENS _+
                         _L�gier DE TREYTORRENS _|
                        | (1552 - 1618) m 1580   |
                        |                        |_Claudaz CHAILLET _____
| (1583 - 1628) m 1610  |
|                       |                         _Humbert DE MOLIN _____
|                       |                        | (.... - 1693)         
|                       |_Nicolarde DE MOLIN ____|
|                         (1564 - 1639) m 1580   |
|                                                |_Fran�oise BOURGEOIS __
|  (.... - 1696)
|                                                 _Antoine BUTTET _______
|                                                | (.... - 1585) m 1563  
|                        _Guillaume BUTTET ______|
|                       | (.... - 1625) m 1588   |
|                       |                        |_Marie DEMIERRE _______+
|                       |                           m 1563               
|_Claudaz BUTTET _______|
  (.... - 1663) m 1610  |
                        |                         _Daniel NICOD-ARNAUD __+
                        |                        |  m 1563               
                        |_Eve NICOD-ARNAUD ______|
                           m 1588                |
                                                 |_Susanne SAVATAIRE ____+
                                                    m 1563               

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Uldric DE TREYTORRENS       (ID #I11212)

Family 1 :
  1. +Peret DE TREYTORRENS (d. ABT 1340)


Habitant of Moudon, 1323. Most of the information on this family is taken from Vuilleumier, Auguste, and Reymond Maxime, "Treytorrens", in Recueil des G�n�alogies Vaudoises, I (2), 189-242, 690-691 (Lausanne, 1914), which appears to be thorough and authoritative. Uldric is number 50 in this genealogy, and probably the brother of the chevalier Pierre, number 12.

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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