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Lesson Plans

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Lesson Plans and Charlotte Mason

A lot of parents wonder if Charlotte Mason used lesson plans for her classes.  Of all the documents we have available for research, the answer seems to be quite muddled.  There isn't a lesson plan book, outside of her Original Home Schooling series, that documents exactly how she taught her students.  It is implied, however, that her teachers probably did have "teacher guides" or "notes" to use.  The Parent's Review articles are probably the closest record we have of actual teacher notes.

So do you need lesson plans to teach using the Charlotte Mason method?  Personally, I don't think you do until the upper forms (high school).  Even then, I would consider teacher notes or a guide to be all that is really needed.  In the lower forms, the majority of "teaching" is caught through reading books (either the child reads or the parent reads aloud).  There are plenty of moments to explore topics and to engage in conversation.  I think parents might want to read ahead of their students, note vocabulary words, find maps, etc. to assist but they do not need to worry about formal lesson plans.  Here is a wonderful PR Article that talks about setting up the school room.  I think you will see that the idea is to already have plenty of hands-on objects in the room so that students do not need additional items to study.

Creating Teacher Lesson Plans

I have found that I like to have a few lesson plans to follow or else I simply do not feel like I am in control of our school.  My lesson plans are basically our weekly schedule with notes on them (not very exciting - I know.)   I schedule all our books out by terms or semesters so that I know exactly when we will finish  and when a new book needs to be substituted or when we are done with our year.  If you would like to see my basic lesson plan, click on the link below.

Creating a "Book " Study Guide

Teacher Notes on the other hand are really useful, if you have the time to create them.  I tried my hand at creating them for some of the books we read in Year 7.  Theye were really time consuming and I ended up not using them.  You are welcome to download and use them.  You might also want to use my template and create some of your own!

**Next:  Other goodies and files

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