Scott, Ky 1810 Federal Census (INDEX) This Census was transcribed by Tina Hall and proofread by Tina Hall for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2000 by Tina Hall ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from which this transcription was made. The complete original, handwritten census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208 ( ************************************************************************ THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY LAST NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. ====================================================================== PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE NAME ============================================================ 174a 10 ABBOTT Harry pg0167a.txt 174a 11 ABBOTT Joseph pg0167a.txt 174a 12 ABBOTT William pg0167a.txt 184a 22 ABBOTT William Jnr. pg0180a.txt 172a 2 ACUFF Christopher pg0167a.txt 172a 10 ADAMS Isaac pg0167a.txt 188a 8 ADAMS Jacob pg0180a.txt 176b 14 ADAMS Jerh. pg0167a.txt 189b 13 ADAMS John pg0180a.txt 188a 5 ADAMS Levon pg0180a.txt 167b 24 ADAMS Moses pg0167a.txt 188a 4 ADAMS Nathan pg0180a.txt 186a 9 ADDISON Thos. pg0180a.txt 168a 14 ALEXANDER Hugh pg0167a.txt 170b 21 ALEXANDER Jonathan pg0167a.txt 174a 23 ALEXANDER Travis pg0167a.txt 172b 19 ALEXANDER Wm. pg0167a.txt 173a 9 ALFRED Thos. pg0167a.txt 185b 14 ALLEN David pg0180a.txt 181a 12 ALLEN Robert pg0180a.txt 180a 4 ALSOP Wm. pg0180a.txt 174b 22 ANGEL Robert pg0167a.txt 169b 15 ANGLETON John pg0167a.txt 189a 23 ANTLES Peter pg0180a.txt 189a 10 ARMSTRONG Robert pg0180a.txt 169b 22 ARRASMITH James pg0167a.txt 172a 12 ATKINS Absalom pg0167a.txt 177a 10 ATKINS Alexr. pg0167a.txt 172a 21 ATKINS Ga**e* pg0167a.txt 181b 16 ATKINS James pg0180a.txt 181b 17 ATKINS James pg0180a.txt 184a 2 ATKINS William pg0180a.txt 179b 1 BAGWELL Thos. pg0167a.txt 173b 2 BAILEY Abm. pg0167a.txt 167a 15 BAILEY John pg0167a.txt 167b 4 BAILEY John Sen. pg0167a.txt 167b 3 BAILEY Thos. pg0167a.txt 188a 18 BALDOCK James pg0180a.txt 169b 27 BALDWIN Danl. pg0167a.txt 186a 22 BALDWIN John pg0180a.txt 176a 2 BALLARD George pg0167a.txt 182b 19 BALLINGER John pg0180a.txt 182b 3 BARKLEY James pg0180a.txt 168b 17 BARKLEY Mathw. Jun. pg0167a.txt 168b 16 BARKLEY Mathw. Sen. pg0167a.txt 171a 20 BARKLEY Robert pg0167a.txt 186b 24 BARKLEY Thos. S. pg0180a.txt 191a 8 BARKLEY William pg0180a.txt 177b 7 BARLOW Enoch pg0167a.txt 167b 7 BARLOW Thos. pg0167a.txt 181b 18 BARNHILL David pg0180a.txt 167a 11 BARNHILL Saml. pg0167a.txt 167a 13 BARNHILL Saml. Jun. pg0167a.txt 181b 1 BARTLETT John pg0180a.txt 174a 25 BATES Joseph Jur. pg0167a.txt 192a 1 BAXTER Jacob pg0180a.txt 184b 19 BEARD Hugh pg0180a.txt 171a 26 BEATTY George pg0167a.txt 175b 25 BEATTY James pg0167a.txt 180a 17 BEATTY James pg0180a.txt 185a 16 BEATTY Nancy pg0180a.txt 169b 26 BEATTY Sally pg0167a.txt 172a 15 BEATTY Willm. pg0167a.txt 171b 20 BEAUCHAMP Isaac pg0167a.txt 172b 24 BELL Joseph pg0167a.txt 177a 4 BELL Sarah pg0167a.txt 169a 24 BELLOWS John pg0167a.txt 178b 11 BELLOWS Mary pg0167a.txt 179a 14 BENNET Richd. pg0167a.txt 192a 8 BENTON Erasmus pg0180a.txt 183b 4 BERRY Benjn. pg0180a.txt 190a 11 BERRY George pg0180a.txt 189a 11 BERRYMAN Sarah pg0180a.txt 191b 4 BETTS James pg0180a.txt 187a 17 BETTS Joseph pg0180a.txt 173b 21 BETTS Thos. pg0167a.txt 177a 25 BEVERHUS Wm. pg0167a.txt 172b 13 BIBB Thomas pg0167a.txt 175b 21 BICKERS Wm. pg0167a.txt 179b 7 BIGGS Andrew pg0167a.txt 189b 24 BIGHAM David pg0180a.txt 188a 1 BIRCH Joseph pg0180a.txt 173a 22 BIRD Lee pg0167a.txt 181a 15 BIRDWHISTLE James pg0180a.txt 187a 19 BIRT Benjn. pg0180a.txt 187b 10 BIRT James pg0180a.txt 178a 26 BIRT Milly pg0167a.txt 168a 21 BITNER Nichs. pg0167a.txt 168b 19 BLACK John pg0167a.txt 184a 8 BLACKBURN Julius pg0180a.txt 172b 15 BLAKEY James pg0167a.txt 172b 20 BLANFORD Henry L. pg0167a.txt 180b 21 BLEDSOE Wm. pg0180a.txt 172b 10 BLUNT Sally pg0167a.txt 183b 7 BOAS Henry pg0180a.txt 183b 6 BOAS John pg0180a.txt 188b 7 BOICE Willm. pg0180a.txt 174b 16 BOLES John B. pg0167a.txt 183a 4 BOND Robert pg0180a.txt 172a 19 BOND Walker pg0167a.txt 176a 9 BOND William pg0167a.txt 183a 19 BOSWELL Henson pg0180a.txt 183a 18 BOSWELL John pg0180a.txt 169b 25 BOURNE John pg0167a.txt 176b 7 BOWMAN Jacob pg0167a.txt 183b 3 BOWMAN John pg0180a.txt 179b 19 BOYD Hugh pg0167a.txt 186b 22 BOYD Hugh pg0180a.txt 188b 6 BRADEN Wm. pg0180a.txt 173a 5 BRADFORD Alexr. pg0167a.txt 170a 14 BRADFORD Austin pg0167a.txt 175a 24 BRADFORD Benjn. pg0167a.txt 181b 8 BRADFORD Enoch pg0180a.txt 181b 5 BRADFORD Fielding pg0180a.txt 185a 3 BRADLEY Hannah pg0180a.txt 169b 9 BRADLEY John Sen. pg0167a.txt 168a 24 BRADLEY John W. pg0167a.txt 185a 2 BRADLEY Philip pg0180a.txt 168a 25 BRADLEY Thos. P. pg0167a.txt 172a 16 BRANHAM Benjn. pg0167a.txt 184a 4 BRANHAM Gaten pg0180a.txt 187a 10 BRANHAM James pg0180a.txt 174a 17 BRANHAM John pg0167a.txt 184a 9 BRANHAM John pg0180a.txt 189b 16 BRANHAM John pg0180a.txt 174a 2 BRANHAM Lynn pg0167a.txt 169a 21 BRANHAM Richd. pg0167a.txt 180a 25 BRANHAM Robert pg0180a.txt 174a 16 BRANHAM Tavener pg0167a.txt 185a 21 BRANHAM Tavener pg0180a.txt 189b 21 BRANHAM Tavner pg0180a.txt 171a 2 BRANHAM Thos. pg0167a.txt 170a 15 BRANIN Richd. pg0167a.txt 185a 12 BRASHEARS Judson pg0180a.txt 185b 7 BREEDLOVE Major pg0180a.txt 185b 6 BREEDLOVE Nathan pg0180a.txt 190a 7 BRENT Thos. pg0180a.txt 173a 13 BRENT William pg0167a.txt 175a 19 BRISCOE James M. pg0167a.txt 175a 9 BRISCOE John pg0167a.txt 175b 9 BROCK Aaron pg0167a.txt 191a 4 BROCK John pg0180a.txt 169a 14 BROCKMAN Elijah pg0167a.txt 182a 4 BROOKEN John pg0180a.txt 167a 9 BROOKS Grizzy pg0167a.txt 177a 11 BROOKS William pg0167a.txt 177b 2 BROWN Hannah pg0167a.txt 171a 5 BROWN John pg0167a.txt 189b 23 BROWN John pg0180a.txt 177b 1 BROWN Lydia pg0167a.txt 186a 12 BROWN Thomas pg0180a.txt 189b 10 BROWN Willm. pg0180a.txt 167a 21 BROWNING Jesse pg0167a.txt 176b 12 BUCKHANON Andrew pg0167a.txt 187b 18 BUCKNER George pg0180a.txt 175b 18 BUFORD Abm. pg0167a.txt 183a 6 BURBAGE George pg0180a.txt 184b 10 BURGESS Edwd. pg0180a.txt 167a 7 BURGESS Thos. Jun. pg0167a.txt 184a 20 BURKE Martin pg0180a.txt 174b 5 BURNS John pg0167a.txt 182b 12 BURNS Wm. pg0180a.txt 185b 3 BURNS Wm. Jnr. pg0180a.txt 171b 4 BURTON Wm. pg0167a.txt 167a 20 BUTLER Cornelius pg0167a.txt 179a 20 BUTLER James pg0167a.txt 190a 3 BUTLER James pg0180a.txt 187b 15 BUTLER Mary pg0180a.txt 177a 5 BUTLER Thos. pg0167a.txt 185a 22 CALENDS Philip pg0180a.txt 170b 23 CAMERON Robert C. pg0167a.txt 168a 22 CAMPBELL Alexr. pg0167a.txt 173a 2 CAMPBELL Alexr. pg0167a.txt 184a 10 CAMPBELL Allen pg0180a.txt 174a 26 CAMPBELL David pg0167a.txt 168b 23 CAMPBELL James pg0167a.txt 175a 16 CAMPBELL John pg0167a.txt 189b 19 CAMPBELL Linsey pg0180a.txt 180b 6 CAMPBELL William pg0180a.txt 174a 9 CAMUCK Henry pg0167a.txt 182a 14 CANNON Newton pg0180a.txt 189a 12 CARDWELL William pg0180a.txt 190b 3 CAREY Hugh pg0180a.txt 178b 20 CARLISLE Danl. pg0167a.txt 168b 14 CARNAGY John pg0167a.txt 182a 7 CARNEY John pg0180a.txt 182a 8 CARNEY Pleasant pg0180a.txt 182a 1 CARR Ezekiel pg0180a.txt 170a 6 CARROL Enoch pg0167a.txt 181b 15 CARROLL Dempsy pg0180a.txt 189b 12 CARROLL Wm. pg0180a.txt 187b 14 CARRY Willm. pg0180a.txt 183a 11 CARSON Isaac pg0180a.txt 174b 23 CARSON Wm. pg0167a.txt 173a 15 CARTER Tandy pg0167a.txt 181b 3 CARVEN Andrew pg0180a.txt 191b 11 CARVEN Andrew pg0180a.txt 192a 17 CAVE Henry pg0180a.txt 184b 12 CAVENDER Margaret pg0180a.txt 181b 24 CAVENDER Thomas pg0180a.txt 187a 20 CAVINS Absalom pg0180a.txt 190b 17 CHALK James pg0180a.txt 187a 18 CHAMBERS Abraham pg0180a.txt 172a 17 CHAMBERS James pg0167a.txt 182b 14 CHAPPELL Archd. pg0180a.txt 182b 13 CHAPPELL Henry pg0180a.txt 182b 15 CHAPPELL John pg0180a.txt 191b 17 CHARMS Sarah D. pg0180a.txt 174b 11 CHISM George pg0167a.txt 180a 24 CHISM George pg0180a.txt 185a 13 CHISM James pg0180a.txt 175a 11 CHRISTIAN Paul pg0167a.txt 187b 16 CHRISWELL David pg0180a.txt 191b 14 CLARKE Cary L. pg0180a.txt 168b 11 CLARKE Esther pg0167a.txt 168a 15 CLAYTON Ambrose pg0167a.txt 176b 15 CLEVINGER Jas. pg0167a.txt 172a 20 CLINTON Saml. pg0167a.txt 179b 8 CLUTTER Paul pg0167a.txt 178a 16 COBB Judah pg0167a.txt 170b 3 COBB Thos. pg0167a.txt 170b 12 COBB Wm. pg0167a.txt 169a 2 COGWELL John pg0167a.txt 187b 4 COLBERT Isaac pg0180a.txt 187a 2 COLBERT Jeremiah pg0180a.txt 187b 5 COLBERT Jerh. pg0180a.txt 174a 13 COLBERT John pg0167a.txt 187b 3 COLBERT Presly pg0180a.txt 176a 3 COLLINS Lewis pg0167a.txt 167a 2 COLLINS Richd. pg0167a.txt 168a 17 COLLINS Thos. pg0167a.txt 185b 15 COLLINS Whitfield pg0180a.txt 172b 16 COMBS James pg0167a.txt 183a 5 CONNELY James pg0180a.txt 188a 27 CONNOWAY Peter pg0180a.txt 177b 20 COOK Coleman pg0167a.txt 186b 18 COOK Isaac pg0180a.txt 169b 20 COOK John pg0167a.txt 191a 15 COOK John pg0180a.txt 189a 9 COOK Robert pg0180a.txt 175b 5 COOPER Danl. pg0167a.txt 169a 23 COOPER Saml. pg0167a.txt 171a 11 COPE David pg0167a.txt 177b 13 COPE David pg0167a.txt 177b 12 COPE Jesse pg0167a.txt 177b 8 COPE Jonathan pg0167a.txt 177b 14 COPE Jonathan Sen. pg0167a.txt 185b 11 COPPEDGE Charles pg0180a.txt 177a 18 COPPEDGE John pg0167a.txt 182a 19 COPPEDGE Rhodes pg0180a.txt 183b 17 CORBAN James pg0180a.txt 183b 18 CORBAN John pg0180a.txt 167a 25 COWAN Hugh pg0167a.txt 183b 16 COWDEN Elizabeth pg0180a.txt 168b 2 COWDEN James pg0167a.txt 189a 15 COX Daniel pg0180a.txt 177b 23 COX Danl. pg0167a.txt 178b 2 COX Danl. pg0167a.txt 167b 20 COX Jos. pg0167a.txt 182b 20 COX Joseph pg0180a.txt 178b 3 COX Wm. pg0167a.txt 171a 22 CRAIG Elijah pg0167a.txt 190a 2 CRAIG John pg0180a.txt 167a 5 CRAIG John D. pg0167a.txt 169a 11 CRAIG Nathl. pg0167a.txt 185a 11 CRAIG Reuben pg0180a.txt 181b 22 CRAIG Toliver pg0180a.txt 169a 10 CRAIG Toliver Jun. pg0167a.txt 192a 19 CRAIGMILES John pg0180a.txt 188a 10 CRANMER George pg0180a.txt 179b 2 CRAWFORD Hezekiah pg0167a.txt 189b 2 CRAWFORD James B. pg0180a.txt 190a 14 CREIGHTON Henry pg0180a.txt 179b 18 CREIGHTON Robert pg0167a.txt 168a 19 CRENSHAW Joel pg0167a.txt 176a 12 CROSBY John pg0167a.txt 193a 11 CROSS John pg0180a.txt 167b 6 CROWDEN Polly pg0167a.txt 183a 14 CRUMBAUGH Solomon pg0180a.txt 171b 23 CRUTCHFIELD John pg0167a.txt 171b 8 CULBERSON Margarett pg0167a.txt 185a 10 CULLIN Charles pg0180a.txt 180a 15 CUMMINS Andrew pg0180a.txt 189a 24 CUMMINS Thos. pg0180a.txt 186b 17 CUNNINGHAM James pg0180a.txt 169a 16 CURRY Alexr. pg0167a.txt 175a 23 DAILEY Wm. pg0167a.txt 168b 26 DARBY John pg0167a.txt 169b 16 DAVIDSON James pg0167a.txt 169b 17 DAVIDSON Reuben pg0167a.txt 185a 4 DAVIS Benjamin pg0180a.txt 167a 23 DAVIS Benjn. pg0167a.txt 175a 15 DAVIS Danl. pg0167a.txt 191b 3 DAVIS Danl. pg0180a.txt 189a 13 DAVIS Elijah pg0180a.txt 170a 26 DAVIS John pg0167a.txt 179a 8 DAVIS John pg0167a.txt 185b 20 DAVIS Lucy pg0180a.txt 171b 7 DAVIS Nancy pg0167a.txt 169b 23 DAVIS Peter pg0167a.txt 168b 7 DAVIS Philemon pg0167a.txt 183b 21 DAVIS Solomon pg0180a.txt 169a 22 DAVIS Willm. pg0167a.txt 189a 6 DEAR Goodall pg0180a.txt 186b 14 DEHAVEN Isaac pg0180a.txt 183a 17 DEHAVEN Jacob pg0180a.txt 167b 8 DEHAVEN Saml. pg0167a.txt 174a 4 DEHONEY Rodes pg0167a.txt 174b 13 DEHONY James pg0167a.txt 178b 9 DELANY Harris pg0167a.txt 186b 3 DEMOSS John pg0180a.txt 184b 23 DENNY Christopher pg0180a.txt 182a 20 DENNY Fielding pg0180a.txt 167b 13 DENNY James pg0167a.txt 178b 8 DENNY James pg0167a.txt 171a 4 DENNY Lewis pg0167a.txt 176a 16 DICKEY John pg0167a.txt 177a 23 DICKEY Willm. pg0167a.txt 185b 25 DILKEN Henry pg0180a.txt 177b 9 DILMAN Saml. pg0167a.txt 179b 17 DINGLE Edward pg0167a.txt 191a 19 DINWIDDIE Thos. pg0180a.txt 190b 18 DOLMAN Thos. pg0180a.txt 175b 17 DORSEY Reason pg0167a.txt 172b 23 DOUGHERTY James pg0167a.txt 184a 16 DOUGHERTY James pg0180a.txt 185b 13 DOUGLASS Richd. pg0180a.txt 170b 19 DOWNING Francis pg0167a.txt 172b 11 DOYLE Patrick pg0167a.txt 170a 13 DRAKE Thos. pg0167a.txt 168a 2 DRENEN John pg0167a.txt 185b 12 DRIVER Francis pg0180a.txt 186a 14 DULEY James pg0180a.txt 193a 22 DULEY James Jnr. pg0180a.txt 190a 19 DULEY Thos. pg0180a.txt 178b 23 DUNCAN Celia pg0167a.txt 171b 26 DUNCAN Colin pg0167a.txt 171b 14 DUNCAN James pg0167a.txt 186a 2 DUVALL Cornelius pg0180a.txt 187a 25 DUVALL John pg0180a.txt 186a 11 DUVALL Marins pg0180a.txt 177a 16 DYSON Hezh. pg0167a.txt 170b 17 EALLEY Henry pg0167a.txt 189b 9 EASTHAM Wm. pg0180a.txt 189a 19 EDINS Elias pg0180a.txt 182b 10 ELGIN Joseph pg0180a.txt 192a 4 ELLEN David pg0180a.txt 184a 21 ELLEY Henry pg0180a.txt 184a 17 ELLIOTT James pg0180a.txt 170a 23 ELLIOTT John Revd. pg0167a.txt 189b 20 ELLIOTT Thomas pg0180a.txt 180b 9 ELLIS Obadiah pg0180a.txt 180a 7 ELLISON Moses pg0180a.txt 182a 16 ELSEY John pg0180a.txt 168a 9 EMBERSON Armstead pg0167a.txt 181b 13 EMISON A*h pg0180a.txt 172a 3 EMISON Hugh pg0167a.txt 172a 4 EMISON James pg0167a.txt 178b 5 ESTILL Thos. pg0167a.txt 184a 13 ETHINGTON William pg0180a.txt 172a 26 ETHRINGTON John pg0167a.txt 178b 21 EULIS Jacob pg0167a.txt 188a 6 EVE George pg0180a.txt 191a 22 EWING Joseph pg0180a.txt 173a 17 EWING Willm. pg0167a.txt 170b 24 FALLS Stern pg0167a.txt 184a 23 FANT William P. pg0180a.txt 171a 25 FAULKNER Nichs. pg0167a.txt 173b 11 FENWICK Ignatius pg0167a.txt 174a 15 FERGUSON James pg0167a.txt 174a 14 FERGUSON Larkin pg0167a.txt 193a 27 FERRELL Isaac pg0180a.txt 180a 14 FERRIER Joseph pg0180a.txt 173b 25 FICKLIN Thos. pg0167a.txt 184b 16 FIELDS Abraham pg0180a.txt 175b 11 FIELDS James pg0167a.txt 168b 20 FIELDS Joseph pg0167a.txt 175b 13 FIELDS Joseph pg0167a.txt 184b 17 FIELDS Kizzy pg0180a.txt 186b 9 FIELDS Matthew pg0180a.txt 184b 22 FIELDS Reason pg0180a.txt 190a 21 FIELDS Reason pg0180a.txt 169b 13 FIGLIN John pg0167a.txt 170b 13 FINK Henry pg0167a.txt 188a 20 FINLEY Saml. pg0180a.txt 184a 12 FINNEY Abner pg0180a.txt 186a 7 FINNEY George W. pg0180a.txt 170b 15 FINNEY James pg0167a.txt 188b 5 FISH John H. pg0180a.txt 178b 24 FISHER Wm. pg0167a.txt 173a 8 FITZGIBBON John pg0167a.txt 178b 16 FLOURNOY David pg0167a.txt 176a 18 FORD Bailey pg0167a.txt 170a 22 FORD Lewis pg0167a.txt 173b 14 FORTS Sally pg0167a.txt 183a 21 FOSTER Isaac pg0180a.txt 182a 6 FOSTER Thos. pg0180a.txt 184b 5 FRANCIS Thomas pg0180a.txt 179a 24 FRANCIS Wm. pg0167a.txt 190a 25 FRAZIER William pg0180a.txt 171a 24 GAINS Richd. pg0167a.txt 185a 23 GALE Matthew pg0180a.txt 181b 19 GALLOWAY Saml. pg0180a.txt 190b 23 GANO Richd. M. pg0180a.txt 188b 4 GANOE Danl. pg0180a.txt 189a 17 GARNETT George pg0180a.txt 172a 6 GARTH John pg0167a.txt 187a 7 GATEWOOD Peter pg0180a.txt 191b 7 GEORGE Leonard pg0180a.txt 170a 4 GIBBS Julius pg0167a.txt 184b 13 GIBSON Alexander pg0180a.txt 169b 24 GIBSON John pg0167a.txt 180a 6 GIBSON John pg0180a.txt 184b 14 GIBSON John pg0180a.txt 180b 8 GILES Henry pg0180a.txt 181b 23 GILLOM John pg0180a.txt 181b 25 GILLOM Thomas pg0180a.txt 171a 16 GLASS Belfry pg0167a.txt 171a 15 GLASS Benjn. pg0167a.txt 187a 14 GLASS Fleming pg0180a.txt 171a 17 GLASS John pg0167a.txt 173a 21 GLASS Saml. pg0167a.txt 187a 13 GLASS Thomas pg0180a.txt 170a 8 GLASS Wm. pg0167a.txt 168a 26 GLENN Jerh. pg0167a.txt 173a 6 GODARD Michael pg0167a.txt 178b 6 GODARD Thos. pg0167a.txt 175b 6 GOODLETT Adam pg0167a.txt 186b 19 GOODLETT James pg0180a.txt 191b 9 GORAM John pg0180a.txt 179a 3 GOUGH Cornelius pg0167a.txt 173b 10 GOUGH James pg0167a.txt 173b 12 GOUGH John B. pg0167a.txt 181a 8 GRANT Elijah pg0180a.txt 168a 6 GRANT James pg0167a.txt 174b 14 GRANT John pg0167a.txt 184a 15 GRANT John pg0180a.txt 188a 7 GRAVES Stephen pg0180a.txt 189b 8 GRAY George pg0180a.txt 171b 18 GREEN Andw. pg0167a.txt 173a 10 GREEN Charles pg0167a.txt 180b 13 GREEN Henry pg0180a.txt 189a 8 GREEN Joseph pg0180a.txt 185a 18 GREENWELL Ignatius pg0180a.txt 175a 4 GREGG Joseph pg0167a.txt 177b 17 GREGGS Amos pg0167a.txt 176b 20 GREGGS Saml. pg0167a.txt 186a 5 GRENUP John pg0180a.txt 186a 6 GRENUP Saml. pg0180a.txt 172b 25 GRENWELL Bennet pg0167a.txt 176a 14 GREYER James pg0167a.txt 173b 23 GREYER Robert pg0167a.txt 189a 2 GRIFFETH Paris pg0180a.txt 179a 19 GRIFFETH Thomas pg0167a.txt 190a 12 GRIFFIN John pg0180a.txt 180b 24 GRIFFIN William pg0180a.txt 169b 2 GRIFFIN Wm. pg0167a.txt 177b 4 GRIFFITH Isaac pg0167a.txt 179b 21 GRIFFITH Isaac pg0167a.txt 173a 18 GRIFFITH Jesse pg0167a.txt 189b 11 GRISSAM David pg0180a.txt 169b 10 GUFFY Joseph pg0167a.txt 179a 18 GUILL John pg0167a.txt 175a 7 GUINN Benjn. pg0167a.txt 183b 11 GUNNEL Richd. pg0180a.txt 175a 14 HADEN Turner pg0167a.txt 186b 2 HALL Jenny pg0180a.txt 193a 19 HALL John pg0180a.txt 189a 22 HALL John Senr. pg0180a.txt 170a 9 HALL Washington pg0167a.txt 190a 10 HALL William pg0180a.txt 167a 8 HAMBLETON Chas. pg0167a.txt 189b 17 HAMBLETON John H. pg0180a.txt 176a 11 HAMBRICK Jesse pg0167a.txt 178a 12 HAMMOND John pg0167a.txt 187b 2 HAMMOND Lewis pg0180a.txt 190a 5 HAMMONDS James pg0180a.txt 185b 22 HANDY Wm. pg0180a.txt 176a 24 HANNAH Andrew pg0167a.txt 189b 6 HARDY Henry pg0180a.txt 173b 6 HARDY Willm. pg0167a.txt 170b 16 HARRIS Elijah pg0167a.txt 183b 9 HARRIS Hosea pg0180a.txt 193a 17 HARRIS William pg0180a.txt 183b 1 HARRISON Danl. pg0180a.txt 192a 24 HARRISON Joseph pg0180a.txt 180b 17 HARROD John pg0180a.txt 178b 22 HARTNESS Robert pg0167a.txt 182a 23 HARWOOD James pg0180a.txt 174a 22 HAWKERSMITH Henry pg0167a.txt 187a 26 HAWKINS John pg0180a.txt 190b 11 HAWKINS John pg0180a.txt 191b 1 HAWKINS Martin pg0180a.txt 169b 6 HAWKINS Philip pg0167a.txt 191b 5 HAWKINS Thos. P. pg0180a.txt 173a 11 HAWKINS Willm. pg0167a.txt 171a 3 HAWS James pg0167a.txt 174b 18 HEAD Benjn. pg0167a.txt 174b 19 HEAD John pg0167a.txt 175b 19 HEDGES Jonathan pg0167a.txt 173b 20 HENDEN Taylor pg0167a.txt 186b 24 HENDERSON Alexr. pg0180a.txt 185b 1 HENDERSON J**** pg0180a.txt 167a 22 HENDERSON James pg0167a.txt 190a 20 HENDERSON Thomas pg0180a.txt 184a 7 HENDREN Taylor pg0180a.txt 167b 16 HENDRICKS Edwd. pg0167a.txt 171a 21 HENDRICKS Henry pg0167a.txt 180a 3 HENRY Jacob pg0180a.txt 167b 21 HENRY John T. pg0167a.txt 173a 19 HENRY Wm. pg0167a.txt 186b 20 HENSELEY Clifton pg0180a.txt 167b 9 HENTON James pg0167a.txt 186a 23 HERNDON David pg0180a.txt 192a 23 HERNDON Henry pg0180a.txt 186a 15 HERNDON James pg0180a.txt 177a 2 HERNDON John pg0167a.txt 178a 27 HERNDON John pg0167a.txt 187a 15 HERNDON Joseph pg0180a.txt 186a 24 HERNDON Thomas pg0180a.txt 174b 2 HERRING Edmd. pg0167a.txt 190b 8 HEWETT Wm. pg0180a.txt 171b 21 HICKS John pg0167a.txt 184b 3 HILE Christopher pg0180a.txt 182b 25 HILE John pg0180a.txt 183b 23 HILE Palser pg0180a.txt 170a 3 HILES John pg0167a.txt 171a 6 HILL James pg0167a.txt 177b 21 HILL James pg0167a.txt 184b 24 HINTON Asher pg0180a.txt 183b 15 HINTON Solomon pg0180a.txt 184b 25 HINTON Wm. pg0180a.txt 179b 16 HOGAN James pg0167a.txt 177a 27 HOGAN Thos. pg0167a.txt 178a 14 HOLBROOK Colby pg0167a.txt 178a 10 HOLBROOK Zachh. pg0167a.txt 182b 21 HOLDEN James pg0180a.txt 169a 27 HOLDEN John pg0167a.txt 183b 19 HOLDING William pg0180a.txt 183b 20 HOLDING Willm. Jr. pg0180a.txt 186a 18 HOLLAND Ephm. pg0180a.txt 191a 12 HOLLAND William pg0180a.txt 175b 10 HOLMAN Andrew pg0167a.txt 172b 2 HOOVER Lawrence pg0167a.txt 169b 8 HOPKINS John pg0167a.txt 179b 6 HOPKINS Richd. pg0167a.txt 185a 9 HORTON Saml. pg0180a.txt 177b 18 HOUSTON Anthony pg0167a.txt 188a 23 HOUSTON Joseph pg0180a.txt 186b 21 HOUSTON Robert pg0180a.txt 177a 6 HUDSON Obadiah pg0167a.txt 176b 10 HUFFARD Danl. pg0167a.txt 176b 9 HUFFARD David pg0167a.txt 177a 20 HUMPHRIES Benjn. pg0167a.txt 173b 7 HUNTER Robert pg0167a.txt 167b 15 HURST Henry pg0167a.txt 167b 14 HURST James pg0167a.txt 169a 13 HURST John pg0167a.txt 188b 2 HUTCHINS Thomas pg0180a.txt 176b 18 HUTCHINSON John pg0167a.txt 188a 13 HUTCHINSON John pg0180a.txt 179b 22 INGRAM Saml. pg0167a.txt 180b 15 IRELAND Alexr. pg0180a.txt 179a 7 IRELAND Andrew pg0167a.txt 180b 10 IRELAND John pg0180a.txt 180b 5 IRELAND John R. pg0180a.txt 182a 3 IVINS Robert pg0180a.txt 184b 6 JACKSON Alexr. pg0180a.txt 169a 4 JACKSON Colby pg0167a.txt 189a 7 JACKSON John pg0180a.txt 172b 5 JACKSON Simon pg0167a.txt 184b 20 JACO Theodore pg0180a.txt 183b 5 JACOBS John pg0180a.txt 171a 13 JAMES Wm. pg0167a.txt 174a 20 JENKINS Henry pg0167a.txt 174b 17 JENKINS Thos. C. pg0167a.txt 171b 17 JENKINS Wm. pg0167a.txt 186b 16 JOHN Abm. pg0180a.txt 186b 15 JOHN Daniel pg0180a.txt 181b 21 JOHNS Jonathan pg0180a.txt 191b 13 JOHNSON Adam pg0180a.txt 168a 5 JOHNSON Andrew pg0167a.txt 187a 5 JOHNSON Bailey pg0180a.txt 186b 5 JOHNSON Charles pg0180a.txt 170b 2 JOHNSON Gabl. pg0167a.txt 167a 16 JOHNSON Isaac pg0167a.txt 167b 5 JOHNSON Isaac pg0167a.txt 182b 6 JOHNSON Isaac pg0180a.txt 182b 17 JOHNSON Jacob pg0180a.txt 187a 6 JOHNSON James pg0180a.txt 190b 4 JOHNSON James pg0180a.txt 193a 5 JOHNSON James pg0180a.txt 175a 20 JOHNSON John pg0167a.txt 186a 16 JOHNSON John J. pg0180a.txt 175b 20 JOHNSON Jonathan pg0167a.txt 169a 20 JOHNSON Joseph pg0167a.txt 170b 4 JOHNSON Levi pg0167a.txt 168a 18 JOHNSON Matthew pg0167a.txt 193a 1 JOHNSON Richd. M. pg0180a.txt 193a 2 JOHNSON Robert Senr. pg0180a.txt 193a 3 JOHNSON Robt. Jnr. pg0180a.txt 175b 1 JOHNSON Thomas pg0167a.txt 175a 8 JOHNSON Thos. pg0167a.txt 187a 9 JOHNSON Thos. pg0180a.txt 193a 4 JOHNSON William pg0180a.txt 169a 19 JOHNSON Willm. pg0167a.txt 180a 16 JOHNSON Willm. pg0180a.txt 182b 18 JOHNSON Willm. pg0180a.txt 186a 8 JOHNSON Yerles pg0180a.txt 179b 25 JOINS Caleb pg0167a.txt 175b 7 JONES George pg0167a.txt 176a 4 JONES James pg0167a.txt 172b 18 JONES John pg0167a.txt 179a 4 JONES John pg0167a.txt 191a 21 JONES John H. pg0180a.txt 193a 16 JONES Jos. pg0180a.txt 170a 25 JONES Nathl. pg0167a.txt 179a 2 JONES Peter pg0167a.txt 179a 25 JONES Stafford pg0167a.txt 179a 5 JONES Thomas pg0167a.txt 170a 12 JONES Willm. pg0167a.txt 176b 3 JOUETTE John pg0167a.txt 167a 24 KEEN Benjn. pg0167a.txt 177b 16 KEENE *achel pg0167a.txt 182a 24 KEENE Charles pg0180a.txt 178b 4 KEENE Hilly pg0167a.txt 175b 22 KEENE Hopewell pg0167a.txt 177b 15 KEENE Mary pg0167a.txt 167a 6 KEENE Richd H. pg0167a.txt 182a 25 KEENE Saml. pg0180a.txt 178a 5 KEENUM William pg0167a.txt 173b 13 KEITH Alexr. pg0167a.txt 167a 10 KELLY Griffin pg0167a.txt 171b 22 KELLY James pg0167a.txt 191a 20 KELLY William pg0180a.txt 176b 8 KENDRICK Benoni pg0167a.txt 172b 22 KENNY Edwd. D. pg0167a.txt 172b 3 KENNY Thos. pg0167a.txt 191b 6 KEPLINGER Jacob pg0180a.txt 180a 8 KERR David pg0180a.txt 193a 23 KERR Wm. pg0180a.txt 174a 19 KILLOUGH John pg0167a.txt 181a 14 KIRNS Peter pg0180a.txt 192a 13 KIRTLEY John pg0180a.txt 176a 7 KNOX Thos. pg0167a.txt 190a 17 LACKLAND John Jnr. pg0180a.txt 190a 18 LACKLAND John Senr. pg0180a.txt 184a 14 LAKE Ignatius pg0180a.txt 176a 8 LAMBERT Ruth pg0167a.txt 183b 8 LANDRUM James pg0180a.txt 174b 12 LASBY Saml. pg0167a.txt 176b 5 LATEN David pg0167a.txt 185a 25 LAWS George pg0180a.txt 191a 24 LAWS Robert pg0180a.txt 171b 3 LAWSON Richd. pg0167a.txt 186a 13 LEACH Henry pg0180a.txt 182b 9 LEACH Jerh. pg0180a.txt 170a 24 LEACH John pg0167a.txt 184b 15 LEACH Joseph pg0180a.txt 169b 18 LEACH Marshall pg0167a.txt 187b 17 LEACH Marshall pg0180a.txt 170a 2 LEACH Willm. pg0167a.txt 168a 4 LEATHERER Joshua pg0167a.txt 174a 8 LEE Joseph pg0167a.txt 173b 9 LEEK James pg0167a.txt 180b 12 LEFORCE Randol pg0180a.txt 180b 11 LEFORCE Saml. pg0180a.txt 169a 12 LEMMON John pg0167a.txt 177a 19 LEMMON Robert pg0167a.txt 186b 12 LEMMON Thomas pg0180a.txt 190a 13 LEMMON William pg0180a.txt 181a 13 LEMMON Wm. pg0180a.txt 177b 19 LEWIS Solomon pg0167a.txt 187a 4 LIBURN Richd. pg0180a.txt 186b 7 LINN John pg0180a.txt 185b 24 LINSEY Ann pg0180a.txt 186a 1 LINSEY Anthony pg0180a.txt 171b 16 LINSEY Henry pg0167a.txt 171b 19 LINSEY James pg0167a.txt 174b 9 LITTLE Philip pg0167a.txt 177b 10 LITTLEJOHN John pg0167a.txt 170b 22 LOGAN Willm. pg0167a.txt 181a 10 LONG Alexr. pg0180a.txt 189b 4 LONG Elisha pg0180a.txt 189a 3 LONG Nicholas pg0180a.txt 171b 10 LONG Robert pg0167a.txt 170b 8 LONGDON Beverly pg0167a.txt 167a 12 LOWRY John pg0167a.txt 183b 2 LOWRY John pg0180a.txt 168a 20 LOWRY Saml. pg0167a.txt 192a 3 LOYD Thomas pg0180a.txt 176a 23 LUCAS Elijah pg0167a.txt 177a 17 LUCAS John pg0167a.txt 174b 7 LUCAS Richd. pg0167a.txt 184a 19 LUCAS Stephen pg0180a.txt 183a 7 LUCAS Thomas Senr. pg0180a.txt 177a 13 LUCAS Thos. pg0167a.txt 183a 8 LUCAS William pg0180a.txt 186b 4 LUKE John pg0180a.txt 169a 8 LURTON Willm. pg0167a.txt 185a 5 LUTTRELL George pg0180a.txt 178b 7 LUTTRELL John pg0167a.txt 172b 7 LUTTRELL Jonathan pg0167a.txt 172b 4 LUTTRELL Joseph pg0167a.txt 183a 10 LUTTRELL Joshua pg0180a.txt 177a 22 LYNCH Patrick pg0167a.txt 176b 24 MADKIN Joseph pg0167a.txt 190b 15 MAHONY Jas. H. pg0180a.txt 182a 9 MALLORY Charles pg0180a.txt 180a 13 MALLORY George pg0180a.txt 186b 11 MALLORY Joseph pg0180a.txt 179a 22 MANLIFF Mary pg0167a.txt 169a 17 MANNING John pg0167a.txt 185a 20 MANNING Wm. pg0180a.txt 171b 5 MARKER Timothy pg0167a.txt 170a 21 MARKUM Lewis pg0167a.txt 182a 13 MARSHALL George pg0180a.txt 171b 15 MARSHALL Wm. pg0167a.txt 175b 15 MARSHALL Wm. pg0167a.txt 181a 9 MARSHALL Wm. pg0180a.txt 178b 13 MARTIN Aaron pg0167a.txt 175a 22 MARTIN Benjn. pg0167a.txt 187b 6 MARTIN Jacob pg0180a.txt 187b 7 MARTIN Jacob Jnr. pg0180a.txt 178b 14 MARTIN James pg0167a.txt 178b 15 MARTIN Joseph pg0167a.txt 190b 10 MASON Peter pg0180a.txt 178b 27 MASSAC George pg0167a.txt 178b 26 MASSAC Job pg0167a.txt 169a 18 MASSIE Willm. pg0167a.txt 180a 10 MASTERSON John pg0180a.txt 184a 3 MATTHEWS Robert pg0180a.txt 178a 24 MAXWELL Chas. pg0167a.txt 185a 8 MAXWELL John G. pg0180a.txt 193a 25 McARTHUR Peter pg0180a.txt 168b 22 McCAFFERTY Adam pg0167a.txt 190b 5 McCAFFERTY Green pg0180a.txt 176a 25 McCALLA Jos. pg0167a.txt 185a 14 McCALLA Robert pg0180a.txt 178a 13 McCHRISTY James pg0167a.txt 187a 3 McCLAIN Danl. pg0180a.txt 175b 2 McCLELLAND Benjn. pg0167a.txt 170b 25 McCLURE Thos. pg0167a.txt 180b 19 McCOLLISTER James pg0180a.txt 174a 21 McCONNEL Alexr. pg0167a.txt 167b 18 McCORMACK George pg0167a.txt 179a 11 McCORMACK Hugh pg0167a.txt 189b 3 McCOY Alexr. pg0180a.txt 176b 25 McCROSKY Jas. pg0167a.txt 171b 13 McCUTCHEON Jas. pg0167a.txt 179a 10 McFARLAND Charles pg0167a.txt 179a 12 McFARLAND Langford pg0167a.txt 167b 23 McFARLAND Levin pg0167a.txt 189b 7 McFEARTRIDGE Robt. pg0180a.txt 172b 17 McGOWAN Patrick pg0167a.txt 182a 5 McHATTON David pg0180a.txt 191a 10 McHATTON John Jnr. pg0180a.txt 191a 9 McHATTON John Senr. pg0180a.txt 168b 21 McHATTON Robert pg0167a.txt 171a 10 McHATTON Saml. pg0167a.txt 171a 23 McMILLIAN Robt. pg0167a.txt 188a 12 McMURTRY William pg0180a.txt 174b 21 MEDONOUGH Peter pg0167a.txt 169b 4 MEEK Thos. pg0167a.txt 185b 16 MEGAHEE Danl. pg0180a.txt 179b 12 MEGARA Saml. pg0167a.txt 179b 11 MENIFEE Jarrott pg0167a.txt 192a 21 MEREDITH William Jnr. pg0180a.txt 192a 22 MEREDITH William Senr. pg0180a.txt 178b 28 MEZINGER Joseph pg0167a.txt 181a 5 MICHAEL Bennet pg0180a.txt 180b 23 MILLBANKS John pg0180a.txt 168b 12 MILLER Adam pg0167a.txt 183a 20 MILLER Adam pg0180a.txt 177b 24 MILLER Andrew pg0167a.txt 190b 6 MILLER George W. pg0180a.txt 168b 13 MILLER Jacob pg0167a.txt 172a 14 MILLER John pg0167a.txt 183a 22 MILLER John pg0180a.txt 188a 2 MILLER John pg0180a.txt 193a 18 MILLER John A. pg0180a.txt 186b 23 MILLER Robert pg0180a.txt 173b 1 MILLS James pg0167a.txt 172a 24 MINOR Jerh. pg0167a.txt 193a 8 MITCHELL Willis pg0180a.txt 182a 15 MONTAGUE John pg0180a.txt 190b 12 MONTAGUE John pg0180a.txt 182a 17 MONTAGUE Peter pg0180a.txt 176a 1 MONTAGUE Thos. pg0167a.txt 182a 18 MONTAGUE Thos. pg0180a.txt 172a 5 MONTGOMERY Angus pg0167a.txt 190a 4 MONTGOMERY John pg0180a.txt 171b 25 MONTGOMERY Thos. pg0167a.txt 182b 4 MONTGOMERY Willm. pg0180a.txt 174a 24 MONTGOMERY Wm. pg0167a.txt 185b 8 MOODY Thomas pg0180a.txt 185b 10 MOODY Thomas Jnr. pg0180a.txt 185b 9 MOODY Wm. pg0180a.txt 191a 2 MOORE Charles pg0180a.txt 178a 20 MOORE Clarke pg0167a.txt 173a 23 MOORE George pg0167a.txt 178a 21 MOORE James pg0167a.txt 190a 24 MOORE James pg0180a.txt 179a 13 MOORE John pg0167a.txt 175a 6 MOORE Robert pg0167a.txt 176a 20 MOORE William pg0167a.txt 178a 11 MOORE William pg0167a.txt 178a 22 MORGAN Lewis pg0167a.txt 171b 6 MORRISS Martha pg0167a.txt 168a 23 MORRISS Wm. pg0167a.txt 169b 14 MORRISS Wm. pg0167a.txt 173b 22 MORROW John pg0167a.txt 175a 12 MOSBY John pg0167a.txt 178b 17 MOSELEY Clement pg0167a.txt 179b 4 MOSELEY Jacob pg0167a.txt 179b 15 MOSELEY Susannah pg0167a.txt 188a 17 MOSS Mason pg0180a.txt 191b 8 MOSS Thos. B. pg0180a.txt 183a 23 MOTHERSHEAD Nathl. pg0180a.txt 181a 22 MULBERRY Jacob pg0180a.txt 180b 18 MULBERRY James pg0180a.txt 181a 24 MULBERRY John pg0180a.txt 172b 21 MUNROE Andrew pg0167a.txt 167b 26 MUNSON Allen pg0167a.txt 167b 25 MUNSON Wm. pg0167a.txt 180a 22 MUROE John pg0180a.txt 184b 9 MURPHY Joshua pg0180a.txt 181a 4 MURRAY George pg0180a.txt 173b 4 NALL Lewis pg0167a.txt 192a 11 NEALE Daniel pg0180a.txt 190a 16 NEALE Jemima pg0180a.txt 169b 12 NEALE Presly pg0167a.txt 173a 16 NEALE Rhoden pg0167a.txt 176b 13 NEEF John pg0167a.txt 187b 11 NELSON Alexander pg0180a.txt 187b 8 NELSON John pg0180a.txt 177a 15 NELSON Robert pg0167a.txt 180b 7 NELSON Wm. pg0180a.txt 173a 24 NEWBOLD David pg0167a.txt 187a 12 NEWMAN Joshua pg0180a.txt 187b 19 NEWNINGHAM Daniel pg0180a.txt 168b 25 NICHOLS Abner pg0167a.txt 170a 19 NICHOLS Isaac pg0167a.txt 172b 6 NICHOLS John pg0167a.txt 169b 7 NICHOLS Lewis pg0167a.txt 168b 24 NICHOLS Nimrod pg0167a.txt 175a 13 NICHOLS Thos. pg0167a.txt 191b 2 NORRIS Joseph S. pg0180a.txt 185b 18 NUTTER David pg0180a.txt 178b 18 NUTTER Hewet pg0167a.txt 192a 5 NUTTER John pg0180a.txt 176a 10 OBANYON John pg0167a.txt 167b 19 OFFICER James pg0167a.txt 185a 19 OFFUTT Andrew pg0180a.txt 192a 7 OFFUTT James pg0180a.txt 190b 16 OFFUTT Thos. pg0180a.txt 192a 15 OLDHAM George pg0180a.txt 191a 3 ORR John pg0180a.txt 188a 15 OTWELL Francis pg0180a.txt 188a 22 OTWELL Solomon pg0180a.txt 171a 7 OWENS Charles pg0167a.txt 181b 9 OWENS Harroway pg0180a.txt 177a 14 OWENS James pg0167a.txt 168a 13 OWENS John pg0167a.txt 168a 12 OWENS Levi pg0167a.txt 181b 10 OWENS Owen pg0180a.txt 177a 8 OWENS Thos. pg0167a.txt 181a 18 OZBORN Ab*rilla pg0180a.txt 191a 6 OZBORN Benjn. pg0180a.txt 180a 19 OZBORN Bennet pg0180a.txt 181a 16 OZBORN James pg0180a.txt 181a 20 OZBORN John pg0180a.txt 178a 15 OZBORN Richd. pg0167a.txt 181a 17 OZBORN Sarah pg0180a.txt 167b 22 OZBORN Thos. pg0167a.txt 177a 7 OZBORN Thos. pg0167a.txt 189a 16 OZBORN William pg0180a.txt 168a 7 OZBORN Wm. pg0167a.txt 191a 7 OZBORN Wm. pg0180a.txt 176b 22 PARKS James pg0167a.txt 190a 1 PATTERSON John pg0180a.txt 180a 21 PATTERSON William pg0180a.txt 177b 27 PAYNE Bailey pg0167a.txt 193a 6 PAYNE John pg0180a.txt 186a 10 PAYNE Zenus pg0180a.txt 193a 14 PEAK Poesly pg0180a.txt 193a 15 PEAK Spencer pg0180a.txt 175b 14 PEAKE Hekh. pg0167a.txt 172a 11 PEAKE James pg0167a.txt 170b 14 PEAKE Thos. pg0167a.txt 173b 5 PEAKE Thos. pg0167a.txt 175b 12 PEAKE Wm. pg0167a.txt 184b 21 PECK Benjn. pg0180a.txt 184b 18 PECK Zephh. pg0180a.txt 181b 12 PENCE Adam pg0180a.txt 189a 18 PENCE Adam pg0180a.txt 191a 11 PENCE George pg0180a.txt 173a 12 PENCE John pg0167a.txt 167b 11 PENN Saml. pg0167a.txt 167a 3 PENN Shadrach pg0167a.txt 178a 19 PERKINS John pg0167a.txt 170b 11 PERRY Bartlett pg0167a.txt 176a 26 PERRY Benjn. pg0167a.txt 170b 7 PERRY Edmond pg0167a.txt 176a 17 PERRY James pg0167a.txt 187a 23 PERRY Larkin pg0180a.txt 182a 11 PERRY Robert pg0180a.txt 185b 2 PETTIT Saml. pg0180a.txt 192a 9 PETTIT William pg0180a.txt 174b 25 PIERSON John pg0167a.txt 186b 13 PIGG Willm. pg0180a.txt 191b 16 PINES Larkin pg0180a.txt 188a 11 PINTS Arthur pg0180a.txt 192a 14 PITTS Josiah pg0180a.txt 173a 7 PITTS Younger pg0167a.txt 183a 3 PLUMMER William pg0180a.txt 172b 12 POGUE Joseph pg0167a.txt 181b 14 POKE Ephm. pg0180a.txt 185b 23 POLK Peggy pg0180a.txt 175b 8 PORTER Ebbin pg0167a.txt 179b 26 PORTER Nathl. pg0167a.txt 188a 26 POWELL Ambrose pg0180a.txt 176b 2 POWELL Honor pg0167a.txt 169b 21 POWELL John pg0167a.txt 181a 7 POWELL Willis pg0180a.txt 185b 5 POWER Joseph pg0180a.txt 191a 25 POWER Robert pg0180a.txt 181a 6 POWERS Joseph pg0180a.txt 177b 26 POWERS Richd. pg0167a.txt 180a 11 POWERS Robert pg0180a.txt 176a 15 PRATT Wm. pg0167a.txt 167a 14 PREBLE Wm. pg0167a.txt 182b 2 PRICE Isaac pg0180a.txt 175a 5 PRICE James pg0167a.txt 167b 1 PRICE John pg0167a.txt 182b 22 PRICE John pg0180a.txt 180a 9 PRICHARD Betsy pg0180a.txt 193a 10 PRICHARD James pg0180a.txt 180a 2 PRICHARD John pg0180a.txt 179a 17 PULLIN John pg0167a.txt 168a 16 RAINEY Abm. pg0167a.txt 179b 24 RAINEY Isaac pg0167a.txt 169b 1 RAINEY Jacob pg0167a.txt 171b 9 RAMSAY Thos. pg0167a.txt 171a 8 RANKIN Solomon pg0167a.txt 190b 2 RANNELLE David pg0180a.txt 174b 10 RANSDALE Nancy pg0167a.txt 178b 19 RATCLIFF Minor pg0167a.txt 188a 9 RAWLINS John pg0180a.txt 189a 5 REDDING Joseph Jnr. pg0180a.txt 189a 4 REDDING Joseph Senr. pg0180a.txt 180a 20 REDDING Willm. pg0180a.txt 167a 17 REED Saml. pg0167a.txt 174b 3 REID John C. pg0167a.txt 170a 10 REID Saml. pg0167a.txt 176a 6 RESOR Fredk. pg0167a.txt 189b 1 RICHARDSON N* H. pg0180a.txt 186a 4 RIDDLE William pg0180a.txt 184b 4 RILEY James pg0180a.txt 167b 17 RITCHIE John pg0167a.txt 191a 16 RITCHIE Stephen pg0180a.txt 176a 22 ROBERTS Hazeriah pg0167a.txt 168a 8 ROBERTS Willm. pg0167a.txt 168a 1 ROBINSON Andrew pg0167a.txt 178a 17 ROBINSON Benjn. pg0167a.txt 170b 20 ROBINSON George pg0167a.txt 174a 3 ROBINSON John pg0167a.txt 170b 18 ROBINSON Jonathan pg0167a.txt 177a 24 ROBINSON Scarlet pg0167a.txt 187b 9 ROBINSON Toliver pg0180a.txt 168a 27 RODES Elizabeth pg0167a.txt 189a 20 ROGERS Benjn. pg0180a.txt 175a 2 ROGERS John pg0167a.txt 183a 12 ROGERS Joseph pg0180a.txt 172a 7 ROGERS William pg0167a.txt 177b 11 ROLLINS Rachael pg0167a.txt 182a 22 ROOTS Philip J. pg0180a.txt 186a 17 ROZEL Stephen pg0180a.txt 192a 2 ROZELL John pg0180a.txt 171a 18 RUSK David pg0167a.txt 181a 2 RUSK James pg0180a.txt 185b 21 RUSK James pg0180a.txt 170b 26 RUSK John pg0167a.txt 190a 15 RUSK John pg0180a.txt 178b 25 RUSSEL John pg0167a.txt 169a 25 RUTLEDGE John pg0167a.txt 187a 21 SAMUEL John pg0180a.txt 167a 18 SANTEE Joseph pg0167a.txt 178b 12 SAWYERS Jacob pg0167a.txt 179b 3 SCOFIELD Henry pg0167a.txt 188a 19 SCOFIELD John pg0180a.txt 179b 5 SCOFIELD Thomas pg0167a.txt 190b 7 SCOTT Abm. pg0180a.txt 173b 24 SCOTT Joel pg0167a.txt 187a 16 SCOTT John pg0180a.txt 173a 3 SCRUGGS Thos. Jun. pg0167a.txt 173a 4 SCRUGGS Thos. Sen. pg0167a.txt 172a 25 SCRUGGS Willm. pg0167a.txt 168b 6 SEBASTIAN Benjn. pg0167a.txt 168b 3 SEBASTIAN Lewis pg0167a.txt 187a 24 SEBREE Richd. Jnr. pg0180a.txt 172a 8 SEBREE Richd. Sen. pg0167a.txt 177a 21 SEBREE Thos. pg0167a.txt 173b 8 SHANNON Hugh pg0167a.txt 184a 5 SHANNON Hugh pg0180a.txt 190a 23 SHANNON Hugh pg0180a.txt 186a 20 SHANNON Joseph pg0180a.txt 170a 20 SHANNON Nathl. pg0167a.txt 182b 16 SHARON Hugh pg0180a.txt 183a 13 SHARP Benjn. pg0180a.txt 184a 24 SHARP Lincefield pg0180a.txt 175b 16 SHARP Thos. pg0167a.txt 183a 15 SHARP William pg0180a.txt 170b 6 SHEARLEY Arge pg0167a.txt 172a 1 SHEARLEY Edwd. pg0167a.txt 173a 26 SHEARLY Ezekiel pg0167a.txt 178b 10 SHELAY John pg0167a.txt 173a 25 SHELLERS John pg0167a.txt 174b 15 SHELTON David pg0167a.txt 189b 5 SHEPARD Saml. pg0180a.txt 177b 6 SHORT Danl. pg0167a.txt 181a 25 SHORT Ely * pg0180a.txt 180b 3 SHORT Ely Jnr. pg0180a.txt 180b 4 SHORT Jacob pg0180a.txt 186b 8 SHORT Obadiah pg0180a.txt 180b 1 SHORT Purnel pg0180a.txt 191a 17 SHORTRIDGE William Jnr. pg0180a.txt 191a 18 SHORTRIDGE William Senr. pg0180a.txt 182b 24 SHUFF Isaac pg0180a.txt 185b 19 SHUFF Jacob pg0180a.txt 183a 9 SINCLAIR Armstead pg0180a.txt 175a 21 SINCLAIR Danl. pg0167a.txt 175a 25 SINCLAIR Jas. pg0167a.txt 186a 3 SINCLAIR Robert pg0180a.txt 182a 21 SMITH Berryman pg0180a.txt 176b 11 SMITH Clifton pg0167a.txt 175a 10 SMITH Henry pg0167a.txt 176b 16 SMITH Henry pg0167a.txt 176a 19 SMITH Isaac pg0167a.txt 175a 26 SMITH James pg0167a.txt 189b 22 SMITH James pg0180a.txt 193a 20 SMITH James pg0180a.txt 172a 23 SMITH Jarrot pg0167a.txt 171a 9 SMITH John pg0167a.txt 171b 24 SMITH John pg0167a.txt 178a 1 SMITH John pg0167a.txt 171b 11 SMITH John B. pg0167a.txt 170b 10 SMITH Joseph pg0167a.txt 176a 13 SMITH Lewis pg0167a.txt 180a 26 SMITH Lewis pg0180a.txt 176a 21 SMITH Moses pg0167a.txt 169b 11 SMITH Nelson pg0167a.txt 180b 14 SMITH Robert pg0180a.txt 181b 6 SMITH Rodes pg0180a.txt 171b 12 SMITH Thos. pg0167a.txt 168b 8 SMITH Willm. pg0167a.txt 171a 19 SMITH Willm. pg0167a.txt 173b 15 SMITH Wm. pg0167a.txt 176b 6 SMITH Wm. pg0167a.txt 181b 11 SMITH Wm. pg0180a.txt 175a 18 SNELL Cumberland pg0167a.txt 187a 11 SNELL John pg0180a.txt 190a 9 SNELL William pg0180a.txt 177b 5 SNIDER John pg0167a.txt 168b 15 SOWARD John pg0167a.txt 173b 3 SPARKS Humphrey pg0167a.txt 190b 24 SPARKS Willm. pg0180a.txt 176b 21 SPOON Conrad pg0167a.txt 171b 1 SPRINGER * pg0167a.txt 171b 2 SPRINGER Willm. pg0167a.txt 184b 2 STAFFORD Gideon pg0180a.txt 183b 24 STAFFORD Willm. pg0180a.txt 169a 6 STAPHENSON James Jun. pg0167a.txt 169a 5 STAPHENSON James Sen. pg0167a.txt 169a 7 STAPHENSON Willm. pg0167a.txt 185b 17 STEELE Willm. pg0180a.txt 170a 17 STEPP Achilles pg0167a.txt 170a 16 STEPP Ely pg0167a.txt 182a 10 STERRETT John pg0180a.txt 179a 23 STEVENSON Aaron pg0167a.txt 190b 14 STEVENSON Job pg0180a.txt 179a 15 STEVENSON William pg0167a.txt 176b 17 STEWARD Annanias pg0167a.txt 177b 22 STEWARD James pg0167a.txt 176b 19 STEWARD John pg0167a.txt 174a 1 STIFLER Adam pg0167a.txt 190b 22 STITES John pg0180a.txt 189a 21 STOCKDELL William pg0180a.txt 180b 20 STONE John pg0180a.txt 186b 6 STONE Rufus pg0180a.txt 189b 14 STONG John pg0180a.txt 182a 2 STORY Asa pg0180a.txt 181a 11 STORY John pg0180a.txt 190b 20 STORY Thomas pg0180a.txt 175b 24 STOUT Ely pg0167a.txt 175b 23 STOUT Philemon pg0167a.txt 174b 20 STRAINEY Nichs. pg0167a.txt 192a 12 STRICKLER John pg0180a.txt 174a 18 STRIPLAND Benjn. pg0167a.txt 174a 5 STRIPLAND John pg0167a.txt 188a 3 STUCKER Jacob pg0180a.txt 187a 22 SUBLETT Robert pg0180a.txt 187a 8 SUBLETT William pg0180a.txt 186a 19 SUGGETTE James pg0180a.txt 186a 26 SUGGETTE John Jnr. pg0180a.txt 186a 25 SUGGETTE John Snr. pg0180a.txt 186a 21 SUGGETTE William pg0180a.txt 176a 27 SULLIVAN James pg0167a.txt 172a 22 SULLIVAN Willm. pg0167a.txt 181a 19 SUTPHIN John pg0180a.txt 167a 19 SUTTON James pg0167a.txt 185a 6 SUTTON Robert pg0180a.txt 173a 20 SUTTON Temperance pg0167a.txt 190a 22 SUTTON William pg0180a.txt 169a 15 SUTTON Willm. pg0167a.txt 182b 11 SUTTON Wm. pg0180a.txt 184a 1 SWAN Jacob pg0180a.txt 185a 15 SWAN John pg0180a.txt 178a 23 SWANGO Jacob pg0167a.txt 169b 5 SWETNAM George pg0167a.txt 182b 7 TALBERT Gazaway pg0180a.txt 193a 21 TAPP John pg0180a.txt 179b 13 TARENCE David pg0167a.txt 179b 27 TARLTON Caleb pg0167a.txt 184a 11 TARLTON Jeremiah pg0180a.txt 183a 24 TARLTON Jerh. pg0180a.txt 181b 26 TAUSEL Francis pg0180a.txt 179a 9 TAYLOR James pg0167a.txt 168b 4 THARP Willm. A. pg0167a.txt 193a 26 THEOBALDS Will* pg0180a.txt 184a 18 THOMASON Joseph pg0180a.txt 170a 1 THOMASON Saml. pg0167a.txt 172a 9 THOMASON Saml. pg0167a.txt 174b 4 THOMASON Sarah pg0167a.txt 170a 7 THOMSON David pg0167a.txt 179b 9 THOMSON Gilbert pg0167a.txt 176b 23 THOMSON Jarvis pg0167a.txt 170a 5 THOMSON John pg0167a.txt 179b 14 THOMSON John pg0167a.txt 179b 10 THOMSON Martin pg0167a.txt 180b 22 THOMSON Peter pg0180a.txt 187b 13 THOMSON Peter pg0180a.txt 169b 3 THOMSON Robert pg0167a.txt 179a 21 THOMSON Robert Jnr. pg0167a.txt 178a 18 THOMSON Robert Sen. pg0167a.txt 189a 14 THOMSON Rodis pg0180a.txt 176b 26 THOMSON Wm. pg0167a.txt 182a 12 THORN Thos. pg0180a.txt 170b 9 THORNTON Susannah pg0167a.txt 181a 23 THRAILKILL George pg0180a.txt 181a 21 THRAILKILL Jesse pg0180a.txt 178a 25 THRAILKILL Wm. pg0167a.txt 184b 26 TICEN Macklin pg0180a.txt 192a 6 TILFORD Alexander pg0180a.txt 191a 14 TILFORD Alexr. Senr. pg0180a.txt 188a 16 TILFORD James pg0180a.txt 191a 13 TILFORD William pg0180a.txt 193a 24 TINER Richd. pg0180a.txt 187b 20 TODD Richd. pg0180a.txt 183b 22 TOLBERT John B. pg0180a.txt 191a 5 TOMLIN Jesse pg0180a.txt 170a 18 TOMLIN Wm. pg0167a.txt 181b 20 TOMLINSON John pg0180a.txt 191a 23 TOMLINSON William pg0180a.txt 169a 9 TRAW Fredk. pg0167a.txt 180b 2 TREWIT Tutman pg0180a.txt 186b 10 TROTTER James pg0180a.txt 172b 9 TROTTER Joseph pg0167a.txt 191b 15 TROUP Geo. pg0180a.txt 168a 10 TROYMAN James pg0167a.txt 188a 24 TULLY Saml. pg0180a.txt 190b 19 TUMBLESTONE Sarah pg0180a.txt 178a 9 TUNE Henry pg0167a.txt 181b 4 TURNER Agnes pg0180a.txt 181a 3 TURREY Matthew pg0180a.txt 191b 12 TYRE Willm. pg0180a.txt 177a 26 VALANDINGHAM Lewis pg0167a.txt 174b 6 VANCE Joseph pg0167a.txt 167b 10 VANCE Willm. pg0167a.txt 182b 23 VANDEBECK John pg0180a.txt 175b 3 VANDEGRAFT Abm. S. pg0167a.txt 185a 7 VAWTER Richard pg0180a.txt 168b 10 VEECH Benjn. pg0167a.txt 169b 19 VILEY George pg0167a.txt 187b 22 VINZANT John pg0180a.txt 181b 2 VONZANT Mary pg0180a.txt 170b 5 VORUS Garret pg0167a.txt 192a 10 WAGGONER Thomas pg0180a.txt 178a 6 WAINSCOTT John pg0167a.txt 178a 8 WAINSCOTT Jos. Jnr. pg0167a.txt 178a 7 WAINSCOTT Joseph Senr. pg0167a.txt 175b 4 WALDEN Thos. pg0167a.txt 191b 10 WALKER Alexr. pg0180a.txt 189b 18 WALKER John pg0180a.txt 188a 21 WALKER Saml. pg0180a.txt 179b 20 WALLACE John pg0167a.txt 180a 12 WALLS Saml. pg0180a.txt 172b 14 WARD Jacob pg0167a.txt 172b 8 WARD John pg0167a.txt 169a 3 WARD William pg0167a.txt 193a 7 WARD William pg0180a.txt 190b 21 WARREN Willm. pg0180a.txt 167b 2 WASH James pg0167a.txt 184b 11 WATSON Patrick pg0180a.txt 172a 13 WAY Saml. pg0167a.txt 188a 25 WEBB Bevan pg0180a.txt 187b 12 WEEKLEY Enoch pg0180a.txt 167b 12 WEEKLEY Jerh. pg0167a.txt 168a 11 WEST James pg0167a.txt 190b 13 WEST Lynn pg0180a.txt 188b 3 WHITE Brockman pg0180a.txt 187b 1 WHITE Danl. pg0180a.txt 176a 5 WHITE Edmond pg0167a.txt 168b 27 WHITE James pg0167a.txt 170b 27 WHITE John pg0167a.txt 177b 3 WHITE Joseph pg0167a.txt 175a 17 WHITE Lewis pg0167a.txt 193a 9 WICKERSHAM James pg0180a.txt 184b 8 WICKLING Jerh. pg0180a.txt 182b 5 WIGGINS Abraham pg0180a.txt 168b 5 WIGGINS John pg0167a.txt 173a 14 WIGGINS Jonas pg0167a.txt 174a 6 WILEY Joseph pg0167a.txt 174a 7 WILEY Joseph Sen. pg0167a.txt 177a 3 WILLIAMS Charles pg0167a.txt 179b 23 WILLIAMS James pg0167a.txt 181b 7 WILLIAMS Jeremiah pg0180a.txt 190a 8 WILLIAMS John pg0180a.txt 177a 12 WILLIAMS John F. pg0167a.txt 183b 12 WILLIAMS Robert pg0180a.txt 170a 11 WILLIAMS Simon pg0167a.txt 168a 3 WILLIAMSON Abm. pg0167a.txt 185a 17 WILLIAMSON David pg0180a.txt 171a 12 WILLIAMSON John pg0167a.txt 182b 8 WILLIAMSON Lewis pg0180a.txt 176b 4 WILLIAMSON Roger pg0167a.txt 183b 14 WILLIAMSON Thomas pg0180a.txt 183b 13 WILLIAMSON Turner pg0180a.txt 175a 3 WILLS John pg0167a.txt 193a 12 WILSON John pg0180a.txt 180a 23 WILSON John Jnr. pg0180a.txt 180a 18 WILSON Joseph pg0180a.txt 193a 13 WILSON Mary pg0180a.txt 187b 21 WILSON Richd. pg0180a.txt 177b 25 WILSON William pg0167a.txt 188a 14 WILSON William pg0180a.txt 192a 20 WILSON William pg0180a.txt 172a 18 WININS Jacob pg0167a.txt 183a 16 WINTERS Jacob pg0180a.txt 173b 16 WIRT George pg0167a.txt 173b 17 WIRT George Jnr. pg0167a.txt 173b 18 WIRT John pg0167a.txt 192a 16 WITHERS James pg0180a.txt 185b 4 WOLF Andrew pg0180a.txt 168b 9 WOLF Conrad pg0167a.txt 168b 18 WOLF David pg0167a.txt 191b 18 WOLF Henry pg0180a.txt 169a 26 WOLF Jacob pg0167a.txt 190b 9 WOLF Jacob pg0180a.txt 171a 14 WOOD Amos pg0167a.txt 189a 25 WOOD Edmond pg0180a.txt 190a 6 WOOD George pg0180a.txt 173b 19 WOOD Rhoden pg0167a.txt 167a 4 WOOD Thos. pg0167a.txt 180a 5 WOOD William pg0180a.txt 174b 24 WOOD Willm. pg0167a.txt 180b 16 WOODS Searight pg0180a.txt 192a 18 WOOLFOLD Elijah pg0180a.txt 180b 25 WOOLLUM John Jnr. pg0180a.txt 179a 16 WOOLLUM John Senr. pg0167a.txt 178a 2 WOOLUM Zachh. pg0167a.txt 179a 6 WORKS Andrew pg0167a.txt 178a 4 WORKS Joseph Jnr. pg0167a.txt 178a 3 WORKS Joseph Senr. pg0167a.txt 185a 24 WORLAND Barnaby pg0180a.txt 184a 6 WORLAND Thomas pg0180a.txt 183b 10 WREN Willm. pg0180a.txt 177a 9 WRIGHT Edwd. pg0167a.txt 174b 8 WRIGHT James pg0167a.txt 183a 2 YATES Joseph pg0180a.txt 184b 7 YOUNG Saml. pg0180a.txt 189b 15 ZIMMERMAN Fredk. pg0180a.txt