Gallatin County, IL 1840 Federal Census Index This Census was transcribed by Mary Hudson ( and proofread by Helen Masterson ( for the USGenWeb Archives Census Project Copyright (c) 1999 by Mary Hudson ( ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from which this transcription was made. The complete original, handwritten census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208 ( ************************************************************************ Transcriber's notes: There are no pages 33, 51 or 59. Census_Year 1840 Microfilm #M704-60 State Illinois County Gallatin District entire county Enumerator Harrison Wilson THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILENAME COLUMN. Pg Line Last Name First Name Filename ================================================== 2 26 *** *** pg00002.txt 2 27 *** *** pg00002.txt 2 28 *** *** pg00002.txt 2 29 *** *** pg00002.txt 2 30 *** *** pg00002.txt 2 31 *** *** pg00002.txt 5 30 *** *** pg00002.txt 55 31 *** *** pg00050.txt 9 17 *** Bryant Y pg00007.txt 4 30 ***** Isa** pg00002.txt 45 13 ***** Robert pg00044.txt 36 9 ?Adcock Burnet pg00032.txt 42 24 Aarons Thomas pg00039.txt 32 21 Abbot Wiley pg00032.txt 48 16 Abney Abner pg00044.txt 57 13 Abney Elias pg00057.txt 48 6 Abney Henry pg00044.txt 48 12 Abney Jackson pg00044.txt 64 2 Abney James pg00057.txt 47 22 Abney Joshua pg00044.txt 57 12 Abney Michail pg00057.txt 47 2 Abney William pg00044.txt 48 3 Abney William pg00044.txt 61 30 Abott William pg00057.txt 19 25 Adams Charles pg00014.txt 17 18 Addison Thomas pg00014.txt 22 24 Adkinson Robert pg00020.txt 14 29 Akers Charles pg00014.txt 15 26 Akers George pg00014.txt 13 4 Akers Thomas pg00007.txt 13 3 Akers William pg00007.txt 15 34 Akers William pg00014.txt 39 29 Albin M***** pg00039.txt 37 27 Alexander James pg00032.txt 60 12 Alexander John pg00057.txt 10 26 AlexanderjAMESJames pg00007.txt 14 8 Allen David pg00014.txt 8 19 Allen Joseph pg00007.txt 13 7 Allen samuel pg00007.txt 43 10 Alvin Orrion pg00039.txt 62 6 Ambroz David pg00057.txt 5 24 Amos James pg00002.txt 9 31 Anders Adam pg00007.txt 19 2 Anders David pg00014.txt 6 17 Anders Riley pg00002.txt 9 25 Anders Samuel pg00007.txt 46 9 Anderson **** pg00044.txt 44 8 Anderson Alexander pg00044.txt 45 24 Anderson John pg00044.txt 56 17 Anderson Thomas pg00050.txt 15 22 Anderson William pg00014.txt 45 23 Anderson William pg00044.txt 8 24 Andrews Sterling pg00007.txt 9 24 Andrews William pg00007.txt 35 10 Anit William pg00032.txt 47 21 Anyear Mary pg00044.txt 5 15 Archey H. pg00002.txt 7 12 Archey Joseph pg00007.txt 3 30 Archy **** pg00002.txt 13 2 Archy Elizabeth pg00007.txt 5 6 Arehart Frank pg00002.txt 63 24 Armstrong Abraham pg00057.txt 35 7 Armstrong Jessee pg00032.txt 54 29 Arnold *** pg00050.txt 54 30 Arnold William pg00050.txt 39 22 Atkinson Jamees pg00039.txt 17 23 Ausbourn Thomas pg00014.txt 26 22 Ausburn Charles pg00026.txt 37 13 Axford Elias pg00032.txt 37 31 Axford Sally pg00032.txt 23 8 Aydelot Elizabeth pg00020.txt 23 7 Aydelot John pg00020.txt 6 18 Bacer Priston pg00002.txt 6 16 Bacon Jacob pg00002.txt 41 4 Bager Ferguson pg00039.txt 22 4 Bahannan William pg00020.txt 42 28 Bailey Lewis S. pg00039.txt 27 19 Bailey Nimley pg00026.txt 54 4 Bailey Robert pg00050.txt 36 4 Bailey William pg00032.txt 19 22 Bain Riley pg00014.txt 34 15 Baines Elijah pg00032.txt 34 24 Baines James pg00032.txt 24 9 Baker David pg00020.txt 24 8 Baker Edward pg00020.txt 29 3 Baker Edward pg00026.txt 24 10 Baker Elijah pg00020.txt 29 24 Baker George pg00026.txt 42 15 Baker James pg00039.txt 41 30 Baker Jeremiah pg00039.txt 29 2 Baker John pg00026.txt 2 19 Baker Peter pg00002.txt 47 15 Baker Thomas pg00044.txt 23 13 Baker William pg00020.txt 24 11 Baker James pg00020.txt 24 5 Baldwin Baker pg00020.txt 29 28 Baldwin Jeremiah pg00026.txt 20 14 Baldwin William pg00020.txt 47 4 Ballard Benjamin pg00044.txt 6 19 Bangard William pg00002.txt 63 15 Bard George pg00057.txt 63 16 Bard John pg00057.txt 30 3 Barger Isaac pg00026.txt 32 12 Barger John pg00032.txt 44 10 Barger Joseph pg00044.txt 4 10 Barger R. pg00002.txt 54 28 Barker *** pg00050.txt 36 3 Barker Jessee pg00032.txt 29 9 Barker Lourena pg00026.txt 10 19 Barlow Benjamin pg00007.txt 37 20 Barlow James pg00032.txt 37 21 Barlow Jessee pg00032.txt 10 11 Barlow John pg00007.txt 23 6 Barnes Henry pg00020.txt 22 10 Barnett Zadrock pg00020.txt 22 9 Barnett Bazel pg00020.txt 22 11 Barnett David pg00020.txt 21 26 Barnett David Sr. pg00020.txt 21 28 Barnett David W. pg00020.txt 21 25 Barnett James pg00020.txt 54 27 Barnett Joseph pg00050.txt 21 24 Barnett Zadock Jr. pg00020.txt 21 29 Barnett Zadock St. pg00020.txt 49 12 Barnfield John pg00044.txt 26 30 Barton Thomas pg00026.txt 31 22 Bates Eli pg00026.txt 36 30 Baugher Isaac pg00032.txt 34 17 Baugher Jessee pg00032.txt 3 14 Bayles David pg00002.txt 26 5 Bays David pg00026.txt 27 24 Bays William pg00026.txt 46 24 Beaden James pg00044.txt 35 20 Beal B. pg00032.txt 35 18 Beal Joel pg00032.txt 61 23 Bean Henry pg00057.txt 61 17 Bean James pg00057.txt 61 27 Bean John pg00057.txt 61 25 Bean William pg00057.txt 65 1 Bedford Zachouiah pg00057.txt 11 25 Bedwell James pg00007.txt 26 8 Bell Mary pg00026.txt 19 13 Bell Thomas pg00014.txt 64 1 Bellar James pg00057.txt 41 26 Bellar Jasah pg00039.txt 64 3 Bellar Samuel pg00057.txt 15 40 Bennet * pg00014.txt 42 8 Bennet Asa pg00039.txt 34 21 Bennet Jesse pg00032.txt 60 19 Bennett George pg00057.txt 60 17 Bennett John pg00057.txt 27 26 Benson Charles pg00026.txt 28 21 Bentlet Osborn pg00026.txt 14 6 Berkert Jarrod pg00014.txt 19 26 Berry William pg00014.txt 46 10 Bevins Thomas pg00044.txt 38 6 Biggs Nancy pg00032.txt 41 9 Binkley Anthony pg00039.txt 48 21 Binks James pg00044.txt 13 1 Bird Nancy pg00007.txt 8 1 Bird Samuel pg00007.txt 36 2 Bird Samuel pg00032.txt 47 5 Bird Thomas pg00044.txt 6 1 Birket Francis pg00002.txt 47 10 Birks William pg00044.txt 30 13 Bishop Beal Jr. pg00026.txt 30 10 Bishop Beal Sr. pg00026.txt 30 11 Bishop Jeramiah pg00026.txt 30 17 Bishop Joseph pg00026.txt 24 17 Bishop William pg00020.txt 20 12 Black Elizabeth pg00020.txt 37 28 Black Isaac pg00032.txt 20 13 Black John pg00020.txt 20 28 Black William pg00020.txt 55 8 Blackman Bennet B. pg00050.txt 55 2 Blackman David pg00050.txt 55 4 Blackman John B. pg00050.txt 55 3 Blackman Mary pg00050.txt 34 31 Blakley William pg00032.txt 27 17 Blalock D. pg00026.txt 46 28 Blankenship O. pg00044.txt 63 23 Blascard Spwig pg00057.txt 63 22 Blascard Thomas pg00057.txt 42 12 Blazer Miles pg00039.txt 48 2 Boatwright Daniel pg00044.txt 8 4 Bogardas Edward pg00007.txt 5 7 Bogardas Emily pg00002.txt 61 2 Bolton William pg00057.txt 48 27 Bonc Joseph pg00044.txt 47 25 Bond George pg00044.txt 47 20 Bond Nicholis pg00044.txt 47 11 Bond Sam pg00044.txt 48 23 Bond Stephen pg00044.txt 45 8 Bond William pg00044.txt 62 11 Booton **** pg00057.txt 62 12 Booton Jeremiah pg00057.txt 12 18 Boswell Henry pg00007.txt 12 17 Boswell James pg00007.txt 7 16 Boutwell Stephen pg00007.txt 7 19 Boutwell William pg00007.txt 7 17 Boutwell Alex K. pg00007.txt 26 12 Bowland William pg00026.txt 20 3 Bowlin James pg00020.txt 42 30 Boyd John pg00039.txt 42 9 Boyd Samuel pg00039.txt 25 23 Boyd Thomas pg00020.txt 6 22 Boyer Jacob pg00002.txt 2 9 Boyers Cealia pg00002.txt 27 25 Bozarth John T. pg00026.txt 27 12 Bozarth Nancy pg00026.txt 15 33 Bradford Avery pg00014.txt 18 7 Bradford John pg00014.txt 17 11 Bradford John M. pg00014.txt 14 19 Bradford Margaret pg00014.txt 60 27 Bradley Hugh pg00057.txt 60 26 Bradley Joshua pg00057.txt 15 9 Bradshaw Philip pg00014.txt 13 5 Bradshaw William pg00007.txt 39 5 Brail Solomon pg00039.txt 9 29 Braizier William pg00007.txt 32 29 Bramlet Coleman pg00032.txt 58 23 Bramlet Nathan pg00057.txt 32 16 Bramlett Ruben pg00032.txt 26 9 Brawlton Andrew pg00026.txt 11 4 Brazier John pg00007.txt 11 29 Brazier Sarah pg00007.txt 29 4 Breaden Abraham pg00026.txt 9 20 Briant William pg00007.txt 65 7 Brill Sarah pg00057.txt 65 6 Brill William pg00057.txt 9 15 Brimbarger James pg00007.txt 9 2 Brimbarger John pg00007.txt 22 12 Brinkley Elisah pg00020.txt 22 8 Brinkley Hudson pg00020.txt 22 7 Brinkley Thimothy pg00020.txt 35 21 Briton Alphia pg00032.txt 35 14 Britton John pg00032.txt 34 28 Brokan Alvan pg00032.txt 41 29 Broom Samuel pg00039.txt 62 7 Brown *** pg00057.txt 31 14 Brown A. pg00026.txt 30 28 Brown Coleman pg00026.txt 28 3 Brown Fielding pg00026.txt 11 2 Brown Hiram pg00007.txt 35 11 Brown John pg00032.txt 30 27 Brown John T. pg00026.txt 30 18 Brown Jonathan pg00026.txt 36 22 Brown Joshua pg00032.txt 26 1 Brown Nathan pg00026.txt 19 30 Brown Noble pg00014.txt 22 15 Brown Samuel pg00020.txt 17 31 Brown Sarah pg00014.txt 11 30 Brown Solomon pg00007.txt 62 5 Brown Thomas pg00057.txt 61 10 Bruce Benjamin pg00057.txt 58 15 Bucham Joseph pg00057.txt 19 27 Bucher Samuel pg00014.txt 13 25 Buck George H. pg00007.txt 37 19 Buffington Philip pg00032.txt 20 30 Buffington Thomas pg00020.txt 58 24 Bullinger Stephen pg00057.txt 42 17 Burdick James pg00039.txt 43 13 Burduck Ruben pg00039.txt 32 18 Burkhart George W. pg00032.txt 32 19 Burkhart William pg00032.txt 29 10 Burnett *** pg00026.txt 29 16 Burnett John M. pg00026.txt 29 17 Burnett William pg00026.txt 27 5 Burns Edward pg00026.txt 19 23 Burns Felix pg00014.txt 14 28 Burrows Joseph pg00014.txt 34 27 Burus Geroge pg00032.txt 53 17 Bush Benjamin pg00050.txt 52 26 Bush Berry G. pg00050.txt 18 9 Bush George pg00014.txt 52 20 Bush Holland pg00050.txt 52 25 Bush Stephens pg00050.txt 52 27 Bush William pg00050.txt 5 17 Butler *** pg00002.txt 41 16 Butt James pg00039.txt 27 13 Cain William pg00026.txt 15 38 Caldwell Samuel pg00014.txt 21 14 Caldwell Samuel pg00020.txt 61 42 Calicote Samuel pg00057.txt 2 21 Campbell *** pg00002.txt 43 23 Campbell Cornelius pg00039.txt 26 16 Campbell Robert pg00026.txt 64 21 Campbell Robert pg00057.txt 12 4 Cane Ann pg00007.txt 27 31 Carnes Art pg00026.txt 23 30 Carnes John pg00020.txt 47 29 Carr William pg00044.txt 54 23 Carrier Bluford pg00050.txt 54 21 Carrier Jonathan pg00050.txt 57 7 Carrier Nancy pg00057.txt 48 5 Carson Hiram pg00044.txt 58 21 Carson John H. pg00057.txt 48 9 Carson Madison pg00044.txt 23 16 Carter Boyle pg00020.txt 23 21 Carter Ellias pg00020.txt 4 9 Carter James pg00002.txt 28 15 Carter James pg00026.txt 37 2 Carter Rufa pg00032.txt 47 13 Casaway Ami**** pg00044.txt 18 20 Casey Robert pg00014.txt 15 10 Casner Henry pg00014.txt 4 11 Cassell Jacob pg00002.txt 50 8 Casty Johnson pg00050.txt 14 11 Catt George pg00014.txt 15 2 Catt Job pg00014.txt 12 2 Cayton John pg00007.txt 9 9 Chandler William pg00007.txt 49 1 Chaney Thomas pg00044.txt 46 16 Chaplain John pg00044.txt 20 4 Charleton Thomas pg00020.txt 49 6 Chasteen Jessee pg00044.txt 22 25 Check Thomas pg00020.txt 39 16 Cheed James pg00039.txt 32 15 Chenault James pg00032.txt 17 24 Chimbers Stephen pg00014.txt 29 27 Choisser John pg00026.txt 30 21 Choisser Joseph pg00026.txt 29 26 Choisser William pg00026.txt 37 29 Christian William pg00032.txt 26 10 Church Richard pg00026.txt 25 31 Clark Thomas pg00020.txt 5 12 Clayton George W. pg00002.txt 19 15 Clayton William pg00014.txt 19 18 Clayton William Jr. pg00014.txt 26 23 Clemins George pg00026.txt 25 2 Cloud William pg00020.txt 25 3 Coats Benjamin pg00020.txt 26 15 Coats David pg00026.txt 27 15 Coats David pg00026.txt 40 5 Coats Henry pg00039.txt 12 3 Coffee Garrison pg00007.txt 29 15 Coffee Hor*** pg00026.txt 49 30 Coffee James pg00044.txt 49 18 Coffee John pg00044.txt 46 25 Coffee Nichelous pg00044.txt 49 19 Coffee Thomas pg00044.txt 22 22 Colbert Sarah Ann pg00020.txt 22 6 Colbert Thomas pg00020.txt 4 21 Coldwell Ach*** A. pg00002.txt 4 22 Coldwell John pg00002.txt 58 28 Cole Abel pg00057.txt 58 27 Cole Joseph pg00057.txt 50 1 Coleman Benjamin pg00050.txt 9 30 Coles Malid** pg00007.txt 36 29 Collins Daniel pg00032.txt 60 2 Combs Jonathan pg00057.txt 40 25 Conery Michael pg00039.txt 38 14 Conkin John pg00032.txt 38 11 Conkin Moses pg00032.txt 15 4 Connen Morris pg00014.txt 40 7 Connery Robert pg00039.txt 53 1 Cook Alfred pg00050.txt 41 28 Cook Bethel pg00039.txt 42 19 Cook Bethly A. pg00039.txt 53 2 Cook Cullin pg00050.txt 30 5 Cook Drury pg00026.txt 53 15 Cook Elisha pg00050.txt 41 27 Cook Garrison pg00039.txt 25 1 Cook James pg00020.txt 36 19 Cook James pg00032.txt 25 10 Cook Joel pg00020.txt 14 14 Cook John pg00014.txt 17 19 Cook John pg00014.txt 52 2 Cook Thomas pg00050.txt 25 9 Cook Turner pg00020.txt 30 31 Cook Elison pg00026.txt 5 19 Cooner Timothy A. pg00002.txt 5 4 Coop William pg00002.txt 8 20 Cooper David pg00007.txt 60 25 Cooper Joseph pg00057.txt 64 27 Copland James pg00057.txt 41 12 Cosadd Hardin pg00039.txt 58 2 Cotner Dunc** pg00057.txt 58 3 Cotner Peter pg00057.txt 61 24 Cox Benjamin pg00057.txt 32 4 Cox John pg00032.txt 47 12 Cox Wiley pg00044.txt 12 9 Crabtree Isaac pg00007.txt 27 29 Crabtree Thomas J. pg00026.txt 20 24 Crabtree William pg00020.txt 23 5 Crank Samuel pg00020.txt 30 2 Crawford Hannah pg00026.txt 20 22 Crawford James pg00020.txt 60 21 Crawford John pg00057.txt 60 6 Crawford Robert pg00057.txt 17 2 Crawford Sarah pg00014.txt 32 20 Crawford Wesly pg00032.txt 20 25 Crawford William pg00020.txt 60 9 Crawford William pg00057.txt 8 3 Crenshaw John pg00007.txt 19 8 Crenshaw Robert pg00014.txt 7 23 Crenshaw Thomas pg00007.txt 18 17 Crenshaw William pg00014.txt 19 17 Cronk Abraham pg00014.txt 60 30 Crow Benjamin pg00057.txt 54 24 Cruse Jane pg00050.txt 45 22 Culpepper Joel pg00044.txt 14 23 Cummins Alexander pg00014.txt 21 6 Cummins Allen pg00020.txt 55 18 Cummins Benjamin pg00050.txt 55 21 Cummins James pg00050.txt 7 24 Cummins John pg00007.txt 14 4 Cummins Lucinda pg00014.txt 55 19 Cummins Rosina pg00050.txt 55 22 Cummins Thomas pg00050.txt 61 32 Cundiff James pg00057.txt 38 9 Curran William pg00032.txt 17 5 Curtin David pg00014.txt 40 27 Cusick Francis pg00039.txt 40 26 Cusick Henry pg00039.txt 40 6 Cusick Joseph pg00039.txt 40 29 Cusick Robert pg00039.txt 40 28 Cusick Thomas pg00039.txt 35 1 Daffee John pg00032.txt 40 21 Dailey William pg00039.txt 18 3 Dale Samuel pg00014.txt 11 22 Damewood William pg00007.txt 12 26 Dangerfield Sally pg00007.txt 34 18 Danner John pg00032.txt 26 29 Davenport William pg00026.txt 10 4 David Daniel pg00007.txt 56 26 Davis *** pg00050.txt 65 2 Davis *achel pg00057.txt 12 21 Davis D. pg00007.txt 21 11 Davis David pg00020.txt 63 6 Davis Elizabeth pg00057.txt 12 6 Davis Francis pg00007.txt 12 7 Davis James pg00007.txt 10 21 Davis John pg00007.txt 56 25 Davis Joseph pg00050.txt 64 4 Davis Mary pg00057.txt 31 26 Davis Richard pg00026.txt 56 13 Davis Washington pg00050.txt 61 9 Davis William pg00057.txt 63 7 Davis William pg00057.txt 12 24 Davis William pg00007.txt 63 30 Daws Presley pg00057.txt 39 15 Dawson ***** pg00039.txt 41 5 Dawson Isaac pg00039.txt 15 30 Dawson Jermiah pg00014.txt 39 14 Dawson John pg00039.txt 2 10 Deahil John pg00002.txt 12 12 Degar James pg00007.txt 54 6 Demsey Samuel pg00050.txt 8 10 Denson William pg00007.txt 48 22 Derse Alice pg00044.txt 26 31 Devanport James pg00026.txt 53 24 Dew George pg00050.txt 13 6 Dewees William M. pg00007.txt 60 8 Dickey James pg00057.txt 60 10 Dickey William pg00057.txt 27 8 Dillard Auston pg00026.txt 61 15 Dillard James pg00057.txt 61 22 Dillard James Sr. pg00057.txt 61 16 Dillard Stephen pg00057.txt 61 12 Dillard Wesley pg00057.txt 61 18 Dillard William pg00057.txt 21 27 Dillion Nathan pg00020.txt 15 18 Dimery David pg00014.txt 15 19 Dimery David pg00014.txt 44 1 Dobbins William pg00044.txt 11 7 Dobbs Morton pg00007.txt 11 6 Dobbs Polly pg00007.txt 42 7 Dobbs William pg00039.txt 28 1 Dodds John pg00026.txt 9 23 Dodds Josiah pg00007.txt 52 7 Dodds Thomas pg00050.txt 52 3 Doddy Jackson pg00050.txt 2 23 Doeker William A. pg00002.txt 40 24 Doland Patrick pg00039.txt 25 26 Donahoo John pg00020.txt 64 17 Dondward Lorenzo pg00057.txt 24 12 Dooley Jessee pg00020.txt 24 13 Dooley Lorenzo pg00020.txt 10 25 Dorman Jesse pg00007.txt 11 15 Dorman William pg00007.txt 52 29 Dorris Andrew pg00050.txt 52 24 Dorris Elijah pg00050.txt 52 13 Dorris Lewis pg00050.txt 21 3 Dorsey H. pg00020.txt 21 4 Dorsey John pg00020.txt 21 5 Dorsey Mary pg00020.txt 3 15 Dosh Joseph pg00002.txt 39 18 Dotson William pg00039.txt 48 24 Dotson William pg00044.txt 36 7 Douglass Apling A. pg00032.txt 32 11 Downey Dennis pg00032.txt 45 1 Downey James pg00044.txt 45 2 Downey James M. pg00044.txt 32 6 Downey John pg00032.txt 5 5 Downing Walter pg00002.txt 40 11 Dudley James pg00039.txt 64 14 Dugger Allen pg00057.txt 64 13 Dugger Doctor pg00057.txt 64 9 Dugger Dread pg00057.txt 64 12 Dugger Harrison pg00057.txt 64 11 Dugger Wiley pg00057.txt 9 5 Dumbar William pg00007.txt 53 27 Duncan Stephen pg00050.txt 53 30 Duncan Thomas pg00050.txt 53 29 Duncan William pg00050.txt 53 28 Duncan Stephen Jr. pg00050.txt 56 27 Dunn Isham pg00050.txt 56 28 Dunn James pg00050.txt 4 7 Dunovan John pg00002.txt 49 28 Durham Asa pg00044.txt 49 24 Durham Asakel pg00044.txt 49 26 Durham Lion pg00044.txt 49 25 Durham Thomas pg00044.txt 34 9 Dutton Abner pg00032.txt 10 15 Dutton Isach pg00007.txt 58 18 Duval Joshua pg00057.txt 19 24 Early James pg00014.txt 24 2 Eastes John pg00020.txt 55 23 Eastes Mary pg00050.txt 57 23 Eaton *** pg00057.txt 3 22 Eddy Henry pg00002.txt 15 36 Edwards George pg00014.txt 64 20 Edwards Howel pg00057.txt 64 16 Edwards John pg00057.txt 40 2 Edwards Robert pg00039.txt 5 22 Edwards William pg00002.txt 15 37 Egbert Nicholis pg00014.txt 60 11 Elder Elinor pg00057.txt 24 22 Elder John pg00020.txt 27 23 Elder Samuel pg00026.txt 30 6 Elder Samuel pg00026.txt 11 11 Elliot Thomas pg00007.txt 24 28 Elliott Carnelius pg00020.txt 20 16 Elliott Thomas pg00020.txt 10 6 Ellis James pg00007.txt 11 18 Ellis John pg00007.txt 38 7 Ellis Richard pg00032.txt 11 19 Ellis Sharlotty pg00007.txt 41 23 Ellison James pg00039.txt 26 17 Ensminger Catherine pg00026.txt 43 26 Eply Andrew pg00039.txt 64 24 Eubanks Benjamin F. pg00057.txt 19 14 Evans Valentine pg00014.txt 32 10 Evans William pg00032.txt 58 29 Evans Zachariah pg00057.txt 44 18 Eveleth Willis pg00044.txt 55 28 Ewel Alfred pg00050.txt 7 3 Ewing Billy pg00007.txt 61 7 Ewing James pg00057.txt 63 17 Farless Andrew pg00057.txt 64 6 Farless Robert pg00057.txt 53 31 Farrer David pg00050.txt 10 27 Farrister William pg00007.txt 10 8 Faughn Daniel pg00007.txt 10 10 Faughn John pg00007.txt 41 8 Fawber Benjamin pg00039.txt 52 14 Feazel Jacob pg00050.txt 13 22 Fell David pg00007.txt 13 13 Fell Edward pg00007.txt 13 21 Fell Jacob pg00007.txt 13 10 Fell Sarah pg00007.txt 42 16 Felton John pg00039.txt 9 10 Fentress Archabald pg00007.txt 9 12 Fentress Cal**** pg00007.txt 54 3 Fergason James pg00050.txt 54 12 Fergason James Jr. pg00050.txt 4 27 Fields James pg00002.txt 14 1 Fields Stephen pg00014.txt 37 8 Files James pg00032.txt 26 25 Flanders Abner pg00026.txt 26 28 Flanders John pg00026.txt 11 23 Fleeming Jacob pg00007.txt 13 23 Fleetwood Wiley pg00007.txt 40 14 Fleming Baily pg00039.txt 40 13 Fleming William pg00039.txt 62 1 Flemming Zachariah pg00057.txt 60 18 Flemmings James pg00057.txt 49 8 Fletcher Wesley pg00044.txt 13 24 Ford Samuel pg00007.txt 22 14 Ford Thomas pg00020.txt 10 30 Forrister John pg00007.txt 41 15 Foster Abner pg00039.txt 43 8 Foster John pg00039.txt 41 10 Foster Nancy pg00039.txt 41 14 Foster Thomas pg00039.txt 14 20 Fowler E**ch pg00014.txt 62 14 Fowler Isiah pg00057.txt 26 24 Fowler Israil D. pg00026.txt 14 24 Fowler James pg00014.txt 25 7 Fowler Jermia L. pg00020.txt 62 10 Fowler Moses pg00057.txt 15 8 Fowler William pg00014.txt 36 25 Frailey Mary pg00032.txt 36 15 Fraily Daniel pg00032.txt 40 30 Francis Philip pg00039.txt 12 5 Franklin Daniel pg00007.txt 24 19 Franklin Edward pg00020.txt 58 19 Franklin John pg00057.txt 20 27 Frazier Matthew pg00020.txt 60 15 Freeman Isaac pg00057.txt 24 23 Friend Sarah pg00020.txt 56 7 Fritzgerald Washington pg00050.txt 9 19 Fruger Ellizabeth pg00007.txt 40 4 Fulk Emanual pg00039.txt 7 2 Fuller George W. pg00007.txt 20 23 Gailord Stephen pg00020.txt 21 21 Gailord William pg00020.txt 47 30 Garner Henry pg00044.txt 48 15 Garner John pg00044.txt 63 1 Garret B.R. pg00057.txt 27 7 Garrett Francis pg00026.txt 58 11 Garris Michael pg00057.txt 55 1 Garris Sikes pg00050.txt 24 21 Garrison Azeriah pg00020.txt 24 20 Garrison Isaac pg00020.txt 54 5 Garrison Z. pg00050.txt 49 10 Gasaway John pg00044.txt 47 27 Gasaway Lewis pg00044.txt 46 21 Gasaway Thomas pg00044.txt 2 20 Gasmatier Andrew pg00002.txt 39 21 Gass Jashua pg00039.txt 43 15 Gassage Samuel pg00039.txt 43 14 Gassage William pg00039.txt 52 17 Gastin Thadduis pg00050.txt 28 17 Gastin Thomas pg00026.txt 52 15 Gastin William pg00050.txt 52 16 Gastin Wilson pg00050.txt 27 18 Gastins Peter pg00026.txt 30 9 Gates Peter pg00026.txt 30 8 Gates Squire pg00026.txt 10 1 Gates William pg00007.txt 3 2 Gatewood *. H. pg00002.txt 17 14 Gatewood Jefferson pg00014.txt 38 18 Gebhart John pg00032.txt 42 29 Gholson Paris pg00039.txt 5 23 Gibbens Lilly pg00002.txt 7 28 Gibbins Anthony pg00007.txt 7 18 Gibbins edward pg00007.txt 56 1 Gibbons William pg00050.txt 22 18 Gibbs Samuel pg00020.txt 53 8 Giddens Samuel pg00050.txt 55 13 Giggins Elijah pg00050.txt 49 13 Gilbert John pg00044.txt 45 27 Gilberth John pg00044.txt 15 25 Gilbreth Robert pg00014.txt 3 18 Gill Henry pg00002.txt 3 27 Gillen Thomas pg00002.txt 28 16 Gillett Martin pg00026.txt 3 24 Gilpin A. B. pg00002.txt 60 24 Glass James pg00057.txt 43 16 Glasscock John H. pg00039.txt 58 7 Gleen Alexander pg00057.txt 61 33 Glover John W. pg00057.txt 36 26 Goble Daniel pg00032.txt 60 13 Goforth *** pg00057.txt 40 3 Goforth A. pg00039.txt 39 13 Goforth Jackson pg00039.txt 39 12 Goforth John pg00039.txt 9 21 Gold Calvin pg00007.txt 4 17 Goldon Daniel pg00002.txt 34 23 Goldsberry Edmond pg00032.txt 15 5 Goodnight Thomas pg00014.txt 2 25 Goodrich **** pg00002.txt 4 2 Gordon Elisha pg00002.txt 31 11 Gordon George pg00026.txt 13 20 Gorin Fredrick pg00007.txt 63 19 Gott John pg00057.txt 62 15 Gowler *** pg00057.txt 29 21 Grable William pg00026.txt 38 12 Graham Lucinda pg00032.txt 22 16 Graves John pg00020.txt 18 25 Gray Lewis pg00014.txt 18 26 Gray Nicholas pg00014.txt 21 20 Greek Ruben pg00020.txt 23 14 Green Calvin pg00020.txt 21 23 Green Susan pg00020.txt 2 18 Green Thomas pg00002.txt 62 13 Green Thomas pg00057.txt 11 10 Greer Berry pg00007.txt 62 8 Greer Christopher pg00057.txt 6 13 Greer Edward pg00002.txt 21 2 Greer Mary pg00020.txt 64 25 Gregg Hezekial pg00057.txt 56 31 Griffin Solomn pg00050.txt 5 16 Griffin William pg00002.txt 64 22 Grigg Francis pg00057.txt 49 14 Grisham Nancy pg00044.txt 39 27 Groves John pg00039.txt 43 19 Groves Tipti pg00039.txt 29 18 Grumble David pg00026.txt 29 19 Grumble Is*** pg00026.txt 19 29 Guard Adolph** pg00014.txt 18 12 Guard charles pg00014.txt 18 13 Guard Thimothy pg00014.txt 21 18 Gullet Wilson pg00020.txt 42 2 Gurley Catherine pg00039.txt 11 5 Gutland Eveline pg00007.txt 15 20 Haden Eben pg00014.txt 15 21 Haden Otis pg00014.txt 28 14 Hafford Charles pg00026.txt 28 13 Hafford John pg00026.txt 28 12 Hafford Malakial pg00026.txt 22 27 Hail James pg00020.txt 27 2 Hail James pg00026.txt 47 18 Hail John pg00044.txt 47 17 Hail Thomas pg00044.txt 22 28 Hail Walker pg00020.txt 47 16 Hail Wilson pg00044.txt 9 28 Haines James pg00007.txt 35 2 Haines John pg00032.txt 35 17 Halford Alexander pg00032.txt 60 14 Hall *** pg00057.txt 46 1 Hall Henry pg00044.txt 20 7 Hall John pg00020.txt 46 3 Hall William pg00044.txt 63 27 Hall Young pg00057.txt 30 14 Hall Zachariah pg00026.txt 22 17 Hamel William pg00020.txt 14 7 Hamilton James pg00014.txt 52 10 Hamilton John pg00050.txt 23 15 Hamilton Thomas pg00020.txt 53 13 Hamilton Thomas pg00050.txt 53 14 Hamilton Thomas Jr. pg00050.txt 32 14 Hammock ** pg00032.txt 46 22 Hammock Benjamin pg00044.txt 28 7 Hammons B. pg00026.txt 28 10 Hammons Nathon pg00026.txt 39 6 Hampton Adam pg00039.txt 52 1 Hampton Edward pg00050.txt 56 6 Hancock John pg00050.txt 56 5 Hancock William pg00050.txt 60 22 hannah Isaac pg00057.txt 8 16 Hardin Asnel pg00007.txt 7 1 Hardin Jepthah pg00007.txt 11 16 Hardin Joseph pg00007.txt 39 4 Hardin Sally pg00039.txt 43 27 Hardison Gabriel pg00039.txt 8 15 Hardy George pg00007.txt 27 11 Hargate William pg00026.txt 24 4 Hargrave ******* pg00020.txt 5 14 hargrave Curtis pg00002.txt 17 29 Hargrave Elizabeth pg00014.txt 11 12 hargrave Willis pg00007.txt 26 26 Hargrove George pg00026.txt 47 31 Harlow John pg00044.txt 45 15 Harlow Levi pg00044.txt 42 31 Harper Thomas pg00039.txt 63 2 Harpool Biddy pg00057.txt 57 1 Harris *** pg00057.txt 5 20 Harris Alexander pg00002.txt 54 25 Harris Gilliam pg00050.txt 56 24 Harris Jane pg00050.txt 56 23 Harris John pg00050.txt 54 26 Harris Thompson pg00050.txt 53 4 Harris William pg00050.txt 17 10 Harward Edward pg00014.txt 17 4 Harwood Jeramiah pg00014.txt 10 20 Hastongs Samuel pg00007.txt 46 11 Hasty James pg00044.txt 15 35 Hatfield Buckner pg00014.txt 23 28 Hawes Jeremial pg00020.txt 46 19 Hawes Peter pg00044.txt 46 12 Hawkins James pg00044.txt 24 7 Hayes James pg00020.txt 40 23 Hays Johathan pg00039.txt 17 13 Hays Joseph pg00014.txt 40 16 Hays Nancy pg00039.txt 40 22 Hays William pg00039.txt 54 14 Hays William pg00050.txt 42 14 Hedge Louis pg00039.txt 44 12 Heize George pg00044.txt 57 15 Henderson Edward pg00057.txt 58 4 Henderson Giles pg00057.txt 57 26 Henderson James pg00057.txt 4 14 Henderson Josiah pg00002.txt 56 29 Henderson Nancy pg00050.txt 57 29 Henderson Robert pg00057.txt 57 16 Henderson Thomas pg00057.txt 57 14 Henderson William pg00057.txt 57 22 Henderson William C. pg00057.txt 57 24 Henderson Wilson pg00057.txt 57 25 Henderson Wilson J. pg00057.txt 5 29 Henry *** pg00002.txt 26 20 Henry Garrison pg00026.txt 31 28 Henry Garrison pg00026.txt 23 25 Henry Newton pg00020.txt 3 8 Henry Willia pg00002.txt 28 2 Henson James pg00026.txt 28 8 Henson Richard pg00026.txt 29 11 Henson Richard pg00026.txt 27 27 Henson Russel pg00026.txt 41 1 Herrelson Ess**** pg00039.txt 40 15 Herrelson George pg00039.txt 40 10 Herrelson John pg00039.txt 41 2 Herrelson Sil*** pg00039.txt 40 9 Herrelson William pg00039.txt 30 19 Herring Elis pg00026.txt 18 6 Hewit Emily pg00014.txt 35 19 Hick Henry pg00032.txt 18 22 Hick James pg00014.txt 18 24 Hick John pg00014.txt 43 25 Hick Thomas pg00039.txt 18 14 Hick William pg00014.txt 18 23 Hick William pg00014.txt 4 29 Hickey Michael pg00002.txt 18 15 Hickney William pg00014.txt 14 30 Hicks Ealey pg00014.txt 14 21 Hicks William pg00014.txt 4 24 Hide James pg00002.txt 8 23 Hilborne William pg00007.txt 46 29 Hiler *** pg00044.txt 54 22 Hill Allen pg00050.txt 39 1 Hill Bennit pg00039.txt 54 19 Hill Gilliam pg00050.txt 54 20 Hill James H. pg00050.txt 64 28 Hines Andrew pg00057.txt 7 27 Hines Henry pg00007.txt 7 25 Hines Louis pg00007.txt 7 7 Hinkle John pg00007.txt 60 1 Hinton Jethro pg00057.txt 3 25 Hinzey Conrad pg00002.txt 24 30 Hires Hart***** pg00020.txt 28 19 Hirsh Joseph pg00026.txt 61 11 Hise George pg00057.txt 61 13 Hise Jacob pg00057.txt 64 15 Hizer Daniel pg00057.txt 7 31 Hoats Christopher pg00007.txt 37 7 Hobbs Kitt pg00032.txt 45 4 Hodge Andrew pg00044.txt 50 7 Hodge Andrew pg00050.txt 34 13 Hodge Archibald pg00032.txt 10 18 Hodge Edwards pg00007.txt 14 15 Hodge Isael pg00014.txt 50 5 Hodge Marshal pg00050.txt 10 3 Hogan Isaac pg00007.txt 2 5 Hogue Andrew pg00002.txt 54 13 Holland Henderson pg00050.txt 53 16 Holland James pg00050.txt 52 21 Holland John pg00050.txt 20 8 Hollida Joel pg00020.txt 57 30 Holmes *** pg00057.txt 63 21 Holsby Dempsey pg00057.txt 41 13 Holt Thomas pg00039.txt 14 18 Hooker Hiram pg00014.txt 14 22 Hooker Joseph pg00014.txt 17 20 Hooper Joseph pg00014.txt 43 7 Hoover Elizabeth pg00039.txt 17 27 Hopper Robert pg00014.txt 25 24 Horton William pg00020.txt 48 20 How James pg00044.txt 10 9 Howard Martha pg00007.txt 17 6 Howit Sarah Ann pg00014.txt 5 10 Hubbard Benjamin pg00002.txt 4 15 Hubbard James pg00002.txt 22 31 Hubbs **** pg00020.txt 20 26 Hubbs William pg00020.txt 26 21 Hudgens Benjamin pg00026.txt 53 6 Hudson Henry pg00050.txt 45 18 Huff Henry pg00044.txt 35 6 Hulseey James pg00032.txt 30 15 Humphries Ephriam pg00026.txt 30 7 Humphries James pg00026.txt 32 22 Hunt Abel pg00032.txt 4 23 Hunt Thomas pg00002.txt 15 32 Hunter John pg00014.txt 11 1 Huston Ivan pg00007.txt 7 26 Huston Jonathan pg00007.txt 56 15 Hutchinson James pg00050.txt 55 7 Hutchison James pg00050.txt 55 5 Hutchison William pg00050.txt 55 9 Hutchison William G. pg00050.txt 13 18 Hutson Landford pg00007.txt 8 22 Hutson Thomas pg00007.txt 12 15 Inglet John pg00007.txt 53 7 Ingram David pg00050.txt 53 11 Ingram Job pg00050.txt 37 6 Ingram Jonas pg00032.txt 34 16 Ingram Thomas pg00032.txt 53 25 Ingram Timothy pg00050.txt 30 30 Irons Abraham pg00026.txt 47 23 Isham Rich** pg00044.txt 58 30 Jackson James pg00057.txt 61 29 Jackson Josuah E. pg00057.txt 7 13 Jacobs Joel pg00007.txt 19 7 Jacobs Ruf** pg00014.txt 23 11 James Amos pg00020.txt 21 22 Jamison Elizabeth pg00020.txt 20 15 Jarold Prior pg00020.txt 25 29 Jayore Thomas pg00020.txt 14 5 Jenkins William pg00014.txt 2 15 Jennings **** pg00002.txt 32 17 Jennings Isaac pg00032.txt 38 5 Jiles Priston pg00032.txt 49 3 Johnson Benjamin J. pg00044.txt 47 6 Johnson Emanuel pg00044.txt 46 7 Johnson Stephen pg00044.txt 32 13 Johnson William pg00032.txt 7 9 Johnson William P. pg00007.txt 62 9 Johnston David pg00057.txt 39 3 Johnston George pg00039.txt 14 26 Johnston John pg00014.txt 22 1 Johnston John pg00020.txt 39 9 Johnston Samual pg00039.txt 32 1 Johnston Thomas pg00032.txt 60 3 Johnston Thomas pg00057.txt 29 13 Johnston William pg00026.txt 11 21 Joiner Alfred pg00007.txt 48 29 Joiner Giles pg00044.txt 45 9 Joiner Jasiah pg00044.txt 56 20 Joiner Joshua pg00050.txt 10 7 Jolly Benjamin pg00007.txt 45 10 Jones Benjamin pg00044.txt 31 29 Jones Daniel pg00026.txt 38 4 Jones Elijah pg00032.txt 10 14 Jones Fountain pg00007.txt 3 11 Jones James pg00002.txt 2 24 Jones John pg00002.txt 46 6 Jones John pg00044.txt 12 30 Jones Michael pg00007.txt 30 4 Jones Wiley pg00026.txt 7 14 Jones William pg00007.txt 12 13 Jones William pg00007.txt 13 31 Jones William pg00007.txt 45 25 Jones William pg00044.txt 30 29 Jones John F. pg00026.txt 58 14 Judson James pg00057.txt 12 28 Judson Levi J. pg00007.txt 20 21 Kane Hugh pg00020.txt 56 22 Kane John pg00050.txt 8 26 Kannady Johnston pg00007.txt 8 27 Kannady Mary pg00007.txt 32 25 Karnes George pg00032.txt 45 6 Karnes Isaac pg00044.txt 32 26 Karnes John pg00032.txt 32 9 Karnes Ruben M. pg00032.txt 10 5 KayKendall Louis pg00007.txt 32 23 Keaton Sarah pg00032.txt 39 20 Keech Benjamin pg00039.txt 55 12 Keith Robert pg00050.txt 46 4 Kelly John pg00044.txt 2 11 Kelly John B pg00002.txt 3 29 Kelly Michael pg00002.txt 4 12 Kelly Michael pg00002.txt 61 8 Kelly William pg00057.txt 15 27 Kenney Cornelius pg00014.txt 38 3 Kenrick James S. pg00032.txt 47 26 Kerney Davis pg00044.txt 23 22 Kerric Ka,es pg00020.txt 6 24 Kershaw James pg00002.txt 45 17 Kerton Spence pg00044.txt 24 24 Kierwin Sarah pg00020.txt 11 8 King Jefferson pg00007.txt 63 9 Kinsall Benjamin pg00057.txt 63 11 Kinsall David pg00057.txt 63 8 Kinsall John pg00057.txt 65 5 Kirk William pg00057.txt 12 8 Kirkham John pg00007.txt 43 24 Kirkham Robert pg00039.txt 12 20 Kirkham Samuel pg00007.txt 64 18 Kisler James pg00057.txt 32 2 Kittinger Jacob pg00032.txt 20 2 Kittinger John pg00020.txt 32 3 Kittinger Martin pg00032.txt 32 27 Knight David pg00032.txt 49 7 Knight William pg00044.txt 8 30 Kroh William pg00007.txt 45 21 Lackey John pg00044.txt 18 8 Lafferty Benj pg00014.txt 12 22 Laforge Jass pg00007.txt 6 9 Lagosdon Joseph pg00002.txt 14 27 Lake Jessee pg00014.txt 60 16 Lamb ** pg00057.txt 63 26 Lamb Eli pg00057.txt 61 21 Lamb John pg00057.txt 63 25 Lamb John Sr. pg00057.txt 61 20 Lamb Robert pg00057.txt 12 19 Lambert David pg00007.txt 25 16 Lambert Hugh pg00020.txt 55 27 Lambert Joseph pg00050.txt 12 14 Lambert Rive* pg00007.txt 17 1 Lane John pg00014.txt 36 31 Lane John pg00032.txt 49 23 Lane Thomas pg00044.txt 35 23 Lanier Amaziah pg00032.txt 35 22 Lanier Asa pg00032.txt 35 24 Lanier Whit*** pg00032.txt 34 11 Lasefield Samuel pg00032.txt 4 16 Laster James pg00002.txt 6 6 Laughlin Andrew pg00002.txt 40 17 Lawler Elizabeth pg00039.txt 47 8 Lawyer William pg00044.txt 8 31 Layton James pg00007.txt 24 26 Leaper ** pg00020.txt 24 25 Leaper C. pg00020.txt 24 27 Leaper Henry pg00020.txt 36 6 Leard John pg00032.txt 20 11 Leavell Edward pg00020.txt 17 21 Leavell Thomas H. pg00014.txt 20 29 Leavell William pg00020.txt 36 16 Ledbetter Bartin pg00032.txt 37 1 Ledbetter John pg00032.txt 49 2 Ledbetter John pg00044.txt 52 31 Ledford Soloman pg00050.txt 52 30 Ledford Timothy pg00050.txt 36 8 Lee Green pg00032.txt 25 13 Lee John pg00020.txt 44 13 Lee Joseph pg00044.txt 2 22 Leny Charles pg00002.txt 20 1 Lewis Louisa pg00020.txt 63 3 Lewis Samuel pg00057.txt 31 9 Lewis Sterling pg00026.txt 55 20 Lightner Jane pg00050.txt 60 4 Like Jacob pg00057.txt 5 13 Limerick John pg00002.txt 18 4 Lincoln Samuel pg00014.txt 17 15 Lindsey Jefferson pg00014.txt 11 9 Lindsey Michael pg00007.txt 36 17 Linn John pg00032.txt 35 9 Literal Mary pg00032.txt 35 27 Litteral Riley pg00032.txt 49 21 Little John pg00044.txt 7 30 Little John C. pg00007.txt 34 20 Lock James pg00032.txt 46 18 Lockage Alison pg00044.txt 19 31 Lockhard John pg00014.txt 31 24 Logan Elizabeth pg00026.txt 38 13 Logan Hannah pg00032.txt 41 3 Logan James pg00039.txt 11 31 Logsdon John pg00007.txt 3 19 Long Elizabeth pg00002.txt 4 6 Long James pg00002.txt 36 18 Looh Frederick pg00032.txt 18 18 Lowler Micheal pg00014.txt 10 2 Lowrey Thomas pg00007.txt 10 13 Lowrey William J. pg00007.txt 4 19 Luch John M pg00002.txt 14 9 Lupton Harvey pg00014.txt 42 4 Luther Elias pg00039.txt 42 5 Luther Ezra pg00039.txt 41 21 Luther John pg00039.txt 42 1 Luther Solomon pg00039.txt 45 16 Lynch Logan pg00044.txt 54 16 Maddox James pg00050.txt 8 7 Maher Michael pg00007.txt 31 3 Malcomb John pg00026.txt 31 4 Malcomb Matthew pg00026.txt 46 15 Malcomb Thomas pg00044.txt 25 30 Maltby Alexis pg00020.txt 25 18 Manhart John pg00020.txt 57 10 Mantril James pg00057.txt 37 3 Marrable William pg00032.txt 3 5 Marshall John pg00002.txt 9 16 Marshall Samual pg00007.txt 4 4 Marshall Sarah pg00002.txt 46 20 Martin Jason pg00044.txt 14 10 Martin Jessee pg00014.txt 7 5 Martin John pg00007.txt 38 17 Martin John pg00032.txt 12 23 Martin Mary pg00007.txt 31 16 Martin William pg00026.txt 47 19 Mason James pg00044.txt 25 27 Mason Jefferson pg00020.txt 45 5 Massey **** pg00044.txt 5 11 Massy Sl*** pg00002.txt 60 23 Mathis William pg00057.txt 55 24 Mattingley Zachoriah pg00050.txt 28 11 McCaleb Joseph pg00026.txt 7 29 McCallister David pg00007.txt 21 16 McCallister George pg00020.txt 21 31 McCallister Rebecca pg00020.txt 12 27 McCallister Rose pg00007.txt 5 8 McCallister Sammuel pg00002.txt 19 6 MCCallister William pg00014.txt 56 19 McCaslin John pg00050.txt 25 5 McCastlin Allen pg00020.txt 23 27 McCastling James B. pg00020.txt 23 26 McCastling James M. pg00020.txt 17 9 McClab William pg00014.txt 39 23 McCleomas Anderson pg00039.txt 49 17 McClusky David pg00044.txt 46 27 McClusky George pg00044.txt 49 16 McClusky George A. pg00044.txt 25 28 McClusky Hiram pg00020.txt 25 4 McClusky John pg00020.txt 35 16 McConnel Charlotte pg00032.txt 35 13 McConnel Hugh pg00032.txt 35 15 McConnel Richard pg00032.txt 17 3 McCool William T. D. pg00014.txt 30 24 McCoy Daniel pg00026.txt 13 12 McCoy Ezekiel pg00007.txt 13 14 McCoy Sarah pg00007.txt 26 19 McCoy William pg00026.txt 2 17 McCracken William pg00002.txt 45 7 McCreery George pg00044.txt 6 21 McCune William pg00002.txt 56 8 McDaniel Elijah pg00050.txt 56 9 McDaniel Hiram pg00050.txt 56 10 McDaniel Jane pg00050.txt 8 12 McDaniel John pg00007.txt 3 13 McDaniel William pg00002.txt 56 11 McDonald John pg00050.txt 5 18 McDurden *** pg00002.txt 46 2 McFarland Allen pg00044.txt 45 30 McFarland James pg00044.txt 37 16 McFarling Palsey pg00032.txt 23 20 McGahha Daniel pg00020.txt 64 5 McGhee John pg00057.txt 8 17 McGhee Right pg00007.txt 65 8 McGhee Ruth pg00057.txt 42 23 McGhee Ruth M. pg00039.txt 8 29 McGhee William pg00007.txt 64 23 McGill John K. pg00057.txt 38 22 McGlore Rebecca pg00032.txt 4 13 McGuire Edward pg00002.txt 4 28 McGuire Patrick pg00002.txt 38 23 McKee Abner pg00032.txt 24 29 McKernan Joseph pg00020.txt 10 28 McKernon Charles pg00007.txt 23 23 MCKerron Lawrence pg00020.txt 29 6 McLean William pg00026.txt 63 29 McLelland Sam pg00057.txt 8 8 McNelty Peter pg00007.txt 15 17 Meadddows Jerry pg00014.txt 15 11 Meadow Isham pg00014.txt 25 19 Meaks Charles Jr. pg00020.txt 25 15 Meaks Charles Sr. pg00020.txt 47 1 Medlin Alfred pg00044.txt 48 8 Medlin Needham pg00044.txt 57 3 Meeks John pg00057.txt 56 21 Meetget George pg00050.txt 43 11 Melvin Daniel pg00039.txt 44 4 Melvin James pg00044.txt 44 3 Melvin John pg00044.txt 36 28 Merrit John pg00032.txt 10 24 Metcalf David pg00007.txt 57 18 Miller Abs**** pg00057.txt 23 24 Miller Andrew pg00020.txt 13 28 Miller Jaes pg00007.txt 57 17 Miller James pg00057.txt 4 8 Miller John pg00002.txt 57 19 Miller John pg00057.txt 57 21 Miller Stephen pg00057.txt 43 17 Mills Charles pg00039.txt 43 18 Mills George pg00039.txt 23 12 Mills William pg00020.txt 56 12 Milton Richard pg00050.txt 46 26 Miner Daniel pg00044.txt 35 25 Mitchel Bennet pg00032.txt 19 16 Mitchel John pg00014.txt 53 12 Mitchel Lee pg00050.txt 54 8 Mitchell Edward pg00050.txt 55 6 Mitchell Hugh pg00050.txt 63 32 Mitchell Moses pg00057.txt 54 10 Mitchell Nancy pg00050.txt 54 9 Mitchell Robert pg00050.txt 54 7 Mitchell Stephen F. pg00050.txt 21 1 Mixson William pg00020.txt 43 12 Moberley William S. pg00039.txt 23 1 Modgelin *** pg00020.txt 20 31 More ***** pg00020.txt 26 7 More Ebenezer pg00026.txt 22 5 More Elizabeth pg00020.txt 9 26 More Eu**h pg00007.txt 23 4 More Harrison pg00020.txt 30 1 More Humphrey pg00026.txt 13 26 More James pg00007.txt 24 6 More Joab pg00020.txt 8 13 More John pg00007.txt 40 19 More Mable pg00039.txt 26 6 More Martha pg00026.txt 29 1 More Samuel pg00026.txt 8 28 Moreland *** pg00007.txt 43 20 Moreland Hazel pg00039.txt 43 22 Moreland Willis pg00039.txt 2 16 Morey William pg00002.txt 48 19 Morgan John pg00044.txt 34 30 Morgan Stephan pg00032.txt 3 9 Morris Benjamin pg00002.txt 19 3 Morris Henry pg00014.txt 24 14 Morris James pg00020.txt 61 14 Morris John pg00057.txt 25 12 Morris John pg00020.txt 11 3 Morris Joseph pg00007.txt 45 14 Morris Richmond pg00044.txt 2 13 Morris Thomas pg00002.txt 11 13 Morris Thomas pg00007.txt 29 8 Morris Valentine pg00026.txt 14 3 Morrow Fo*** pg00014.txt 44 7 Morrow John pg00044.txt 61 5 Morrow John pg00057.txt 8 25 Moyers James pg00007.txt 52 28 Mulinax John pg00050.txt 27 21 Mulinax Richard pg00026.txt 49 27 Mulligan Jane pg00044.txt 26 27 Mundine Thomas pg00026.txt 25 17 Mundy John pg00020.txt 8 21 Mures Henry pg00007.txt 62 2 Murphey John pg00057.txt 62 3 Murphey John R. pg00057.txt 30 25 Murry James Jr. pg00026.txt 30 26 Murry James Sr. pg00026.txt 31 27 Murry William pg00026.txt 49 11 Musgrave Andrew pg00044.txt 29 20 Musgraves James pg00026.txt 48 28 Myers Christian pg00044.txt 36 14 Naham James pg00032.txt 34 26 Nash John T. pg00032.txt 34 25 Nash Nancy pg00032.txt 4 3 Newberry Samual pg00002.txt 10 16 Newman A. pg00007.txt 43 4 Newman Anthony pg00039.txt 42 27 Newman Francis pg00039.txt 43 28 Newman John pg00039.txt 4 26 Nicholson Edmons pg00002.txt 34 12 Nisewanger Jefferson pg00032.txt 15 39 Norington Daniel pg00014.txt 52 11 Norman John pg00050.txt 61 1 Norman John pg00057.txt 10 17 Nowers james pg00007.txt 34 19 Odam Landford pg00032.txt 2 6 Odeal William pg00002.txt 46 14 Oglesby Walker pg00044.txt 5 3 Oldenburgh Fredrick pg00002.txt 38 21 Olinger Michael pg00032.txt 38 19 Olinger Michail pg00032.txt 2 4 Olney Hulda pg00002.txt 31 2 Orr John pg00026.txt 49 5 Orr William Sr. pg00044.txt 48 26 Owen Mathew pg00044.txt 7 8 Owens Simon pg00007.txt 4 1 Ownes Timothy pg00002.txt 34 5 Oxford James pg00032.txt 34 6 Oxford Morgan pg00032.txt 34 8 Page Archelus pg00032.txt 9 6 Painter Philip pg00007.txt 20 19 Paisley William pg00020.txt 3 3 Palmer Arron pg00002.txt 57 6 Pankey Hampton pg00057.txt 53 5 Pankey John pg00050.txt 57 8 Pankey Stephen pg00057.txt 56 30 Pankey William pg00050.txt 57 4 Pankey William Sr. pg00057.txt 31 12 Panner Richard pg00026.txt 7 10 Pantier David pg00007.txt 9 14 Pasleey Samuel pg00007.txt 15 14 Patrick Owen pg00014.txt 48 18 Patterson Esther pg00044.txt 57 5 Patterson Lewis pg00057.txt 37 12 Patton Andrew pg00032.txt 37 5 Patton Robert pg00032.txt 37 15 Patton Robert pg00032.txt 37 14 Patton Thomas pg00032.txt 37 4 Patton William pg00032.txt 5 28 Peeples Washington pg00002.txt 11 28 Pelham Elisha pg00007.txt 39 25 Perkins *** pg00039.txt 19 19 Perkins Elizabeth pg00014.txt 53 10 Perkins James pg00050.txt 39 26 Perkins Margaret pg00039.txt 49 22 Perry Edmond pg00044.txt 41 6 Pettigrew James pg00039.txt 61 19 Pettigrew Mary pg00057.txt 14 16 Philips Josiah pg00014.txt 62 4 Philips Thomas pg00057.txt 44 21 Pickering Henry pg00044.txt 53 3 Pickering Thomas pg00050.txt 40 8 Pierce Joseph pg00039.txt 25 8 Pierce Wiley pg00020.txt 53 18 Pierson Henry pg00050.txt 22 23 Pierson Robert pg00020.txt 53 19 Pierson Thomas pg00050.txt 20 10 Pigg Granvil pg00020.txt 36 5 Pile Thomas pg00032.txt 9 4 Piller Martin pg00007.txt 30 12 Pinnell Wiley pg00026.txt 12 11 Pirairer James pg00007.txt 27 4 Pircles Nicholas pg00026.txt 28 4 Pistole Asa pg00026.txt 36 12 Pledger John pg00032.txt 36 13 Pledger Thomas pg00032.txt 46 23 Poe Isaah F pg00044.txt 48 7 Pogue James Jr. pg00044.txt 48 10 Pogue James Sr. pg00044.txt 39 11 Points David pg00039.txt 17 7 Pool Alexander W. pg00014.txt 2 8 Pool Orral pg00002.txt 42 22 Pool William pg00039.txt 37 11 Pope Robert pg00032.txt 7 20 Porter Ezikill pg00007.txt 28 20 Porter Robert pg00026.txt 4 25 Posey W. A. G. pg00002.txt 34 22 Postlewrig Joseph pg00032.txt 19 20 Potella Mary pg00014.txt 5 9 Potts Alsey pg00002.txt 37 9 Potts Isaah pg00032.txt 48 31 Poun Samuel pg00044.txt 3 16 Powel Alexander pg00002.txt 41 20 Powel Charles pg00039.txt 41 19 Powel John pg00039.txt 41 18 Powel Nicholas pg00039.txt 45 3 Powel Osborn pg00044.txt 41 17 Powel William pg00039.txt 61 37 Powers William pg00057.txt 19 5 Prator Jessee pg00014.txt 18 19 Prator Spencer pg00014.txt 20 9 Pratt John pg00020.txt 27 1 Pratt William pg00026.txt 23 2 Prewit Jacob pg00020.txt 23 3 Prewit James pg00020.txt 42 21 Price David pg00039.txt 60 20 Price Eli pg00057.txt 20 6 Price Nimrod pg00020.txt 63 4 Pritchett Joseph pg00057.txt 29 23 Pumphrey Anderson pg00026.txt 29 22 Pumphrey Peter pg00026.txt 41 25 Putnam Jane pg00039.txt 63 12 Quigley Arron pg00057.txt 39 2 Raglin Ann pg00039.txt 39 8 Raglin George pg00039.txt 50 6 Ragsdale Theodore pg00050.txt 20 5 Ramsey Gruffe pg00020.txt 60 7 Randolf Marcus pg00057.txt 54 31 Ratcliff Elizabeth pg00050.txt 3 26 Rawlings Ellinor pg00002.txt 15 3 Rawlings Jane pg00014.txt 8 5 Rawson Leonard pg00007.txt 18 28 Rawson S****** pg00014.txt 18 27 Rawson Thomas pg00014.txt 50 4 Ray Allison pg00050.txt 3 28 Ray Cath*** pg00002.txt 2 2 Redman Allen pg00002.txt 56 4 Reed Alfred pg00050.txt 56 3 Reed Cannon pg00050.txt 2 12 Reid Elys pg00002.txt 12 31 Reid John pg00007.txt 5 21 Reir John pg00002.txt 27 6 Rensbotton James pg00026.txt 48 4 Reynolds Berry pg00044.txt 37 17 Reynolds David pg00032.txt 17 26 Reynolds John pg00014.txt 28 22 Reynolds Joseph pg00026.txt 27 3 Reynolds Samuel pg00026.txt 37 18 Reynolds William pg00032.txt 31 25 Rhine Elias pg00026.txt 31 15 Rhine John pg00026.txt 31 20 Rhine John pg00026.txt 20 20 Rice Benjamin pg00020.txt 48 11 Rice Luther pg00044.txt 22 3 Rice Sanford pg00020.txt 6 3 Richeson Alfred pg00002.txt 30 20 Richey Francis pg00026.txt 6 4 Richinson John pg00002.txt 61 36 Ridd Joshua pg00057.txt 4 18 Right Robert pg00002.txt 61 41 Riley Abram pg00057.txt 61 40 Riley Isaac pg00057.txt 64 26 Riley John E. pg00057.txt 61 38 Riley Owen pg00057.txt 3 21 Riley Patrick pg00002.txt 57 11 Ritchey John pg00057.txt 8 11 Roach Patrick pg00007.txt 44 9 Roark Isaac pg00044.txt 26 2 Roark Michael pg00026.txt 6 5 Robbards William J. pg00002.txt 31 10 Roberts Wiley pg00026.txt 31 23 Roberts William pg00026.txt 38 1 Robinett Joseph pg00032.txt 18 2 Robinson Clay pg00014.txt 43 1 Robinson Enod pg00039.txt 13 15 Robinson George pg00007.txt 57 27 Robinson James pg00057.txt 15 28 Robinson Jane pg00014.txt 14 2 Robinson Richard pg00014.txt 13 17 Robinson William pg00007.txt 15 1 Rogers Andrew pg00014.txt 63 14 Rogers Elijah pg00057.txt 45 28 Rogers James pg00044.txt 63 13 Rogers Joseph pg00057.txt 15 16 Rogers Richard pg00014.txt 22 29 Rogers William pg00020.txt 5 1 Roher William R. pg00002.txt 13 19 Rohrer Susan pg00007.txt 61 26 Rollman Henry pg00057.txt 57 9 Roper William pg00057.txt 17 12 Rose Joel pg00014.txt 9 7 Rosels Samuel pg00007.txt 3 10 Rowan Stephen R. pg00002.txt 61 34 Rudd James pg00057.txt 61 35 Rudd John pg00057.txt 6 14 Rudd William pg00002.txt 2 14 Ruddick Thomas pg00002.txt 55 17 Rude Ashley pg00050.txt 55 16 Rude H. pg00050.txt 25 14 Rude Jessee pg00020.txt 24 15 Rude Joseph pg00020.txt 55 11 Rude William pg00050.txt 45 26 Rumsey Henry pg00044.txt 61 6 Rusk Wilson pg00057.txt 37 22 Russel James pg00032.txt 57 2 Russell David B. pg00057.txt 34 7 Rutherford Archibald pg00032.txt 34 14 Sadler Alexander pg00032.txt 12 10 Saltmarsh Joseph pg00007.txt 39 28 Sampson William pg00039.txt 43 5 Sanders Eli pg00039.txt 43 3 Sanders James pg00039.txt 13 27 Sanderson James pg00007.txt 27 10 Sands John pg00026.txt 35 30 Sarver Jeremiah pg00032.txt 65 3 Sauls Abram pg00057.txt 65 4 Sauls James pg00057.txt 36 20 Sayer Charles pg00032.txt 13 16 Scantland Bal*** pg00007.txt 36 1 Scarboroug Polly pg00032.txt 3 7 Scates Walter B. pg00002.txt 6 7 Scholes Samuel pg00002.txt 11 20 Scranton Simon G. pg00007.txt 35 31 Scroggins ***** pg00032.txt 23 19 Scroggins Absol*** pg00020.txt 36 27 Scroggins Asa pg00032.txt 23 18 Scroggins Pleasant pg00020.txt 35 29 Scrogins Chatten pg00032.txt 15 29 Scudamon George pg00014.txt 44 20 Scurlock Beverly pg00044.txt 9 1 seaton Luontia pg00007.txt 9 3 Seaton Samuel pg00007.txt 22 26 Seet Catherine pg00020.txt 21 17 Seet Samual pg00020.txt 21 19 Seet Willis pg00020.txt 26 4 Seets Miles pg00026.txt 41 24 Segers Philip***** pg00039.txt 15 15 Sexton Joshua pg00014.txt 6 2 Sexton Orral pg00002.txt 57 20 Shanks Michael pg00057.txt 9 22 Sharpe Christopher K.pg00007.txt 64 29 Shaw Mary pg00057.txt 7 11 Shaw Robert pg00007.txt 54 17 Shaw Sarah pg00050.txt 35 28 Shearer John pg00032.txt 13 30 Shearwood Hugh B. pg00007.txt 13 29 Shearwood Thomas pg00007.txt 55 14 Sheat Levi pg00050.txt 6 23 Shelby Edmand pg00002.txt 44 16 Sheridan John pg00044.txt 60 29 Sherwood *** pg00057.txt 61 4 Sherwood Washington pg00057.txt 15 12 Shickles Daniel pg00014.txt 25 22 Shoat Green B. pg00020.txt 55 15 Shoat Squire pg00050.txt 31 30 Shockley George pg00026.txt 11 17 Short Moses pg00007.txt 2 1 Siddall *ojn pg00002.txt 19 21 Siddall Robert pg00014.txt 17 25 Siddall William pg00014.txt 26 11 Silman James pg00026.txt 12 29 Simes Hannah pg00007.txt 46 30 Simmons *** pg00044.txt 49 15 Simmons Joseph B. pg00044.txt 19 4 Simmons Randolph pg00014.txt 61 28 Simons *** pg00057.txt 28 6 Simpson Rachel pg00026.txt 5 2 Simpson Thomas pg00002.txt 63 28 Sisk Culberston pg00057.txt 26 3 Sisk Straton pg00026.txt 28 9 Skelton Mark pg00026.txt 28 5 Skelton Soloman pg00026.txt 53 9 Skiles Peter pg00050.txt 8 18 Skinner George pg00007.txt 39 24 Slater Margaret pg00039.txt 44 14 Slater Peter pg00044.txt 2 7 Sllin Henry pg00002.txt 32 8 Sloan Archibald pg00032.txt 47 3 Sloan Hannah pg00044.txt 47 24 Sloan Peter pg00044.txt 3 6 Slod James C. pg00002.txt 44 17 Smallwood John pg00044.txt 8 2 Smith Briant pg00007.txt 31 5 Smith Calvin pg00026.txt 30 23 Smith Charles pg00026.txt 32 7 Smith Doria pg00032.txt 9 27 Smith Fredrick pg00007.txt 31 17 Smith Giles pg00026.txt 31 7 Smith Isaac pg00026.txt 32 28 Smith James pg00032.txt 34 29 Smith James pg00032.txt 39 30 Smith James pg00039.txt 7 22 Smith Jeremiah pg00007.txt 23 29 Smith Jo***** pg00020.txt 31 19 Smith John pg00026.txt 39 17 Smith John pg00039.txt 31 18 Smith John pg00026.txt 54 1 Smith Jubal pg00050.txt 7 21 Smith Marble pg00007.txt 14 12 Smith Martin pg00014.txt 22 30 Smith Mary pg00020.txt 19 9 Smith Peter pg00014.txt 39 31 Smith Robert pg00039.txt 42 13 Smith Sam pg00039.txt 44 6 Smith Samuel pg00044.txt 21 7 Smith William pg00020.txt 41 11 Smoot John R pg00039.txt 15 23 Smothers John pg00014.txt 54 2 Smothers John pg00050.txt 15 24 Smothers William pg00014.txt 53 21 Snider Elizabeth pg00050.txt 53 20 Snider Nelson pg00050.txt 3 23 Sorgenfry A.M. pg00002.txt 23 17 Sourheaver Michael pg00020.txt 28 18 Speires Peter pg00026.txt 40 20 Spencer Christopher pg00039.txt 49 4 Spencer Thomas pg00044.txt 14 17 Spencer William pg00014.txt 27 20 Spiers James pg00026.txt 27 14 Spiers Joseph pg00026.txt 42 10 Spilman Benjamin pg00039.txt 10 29 Spivey Thojmas J. pg00007.txt 40 18 Splun Jeremiah pg00039.txt 39 10 Srewart Brooks pg00039.txt 6 11 Stanley Amos pg00002.txt 14 31 Starkey Russell pg00014.txt 30 16 Staten William pg00026.txt 36 11 Stephes Fielding pg00032.txt 27 22 Stevendore William pg00026.txt 38 16 Stewart Augustus pg00032.txt 39 19 Stewart Ebenay pg00039.txt 3 12 Stickney Charles pg00002.txt 52 22 Stiff Catherine pg00050.txt 55 29 Stiff David pg00050.txt 52 23 Stiff Lewis pg00050.txt 53 22 Stiff Melba pg00050.txt 53 26 Stiff Richard pg00050.txt 23 9 Stilly Stephen Jr. pg00020.txt 23 10 Stilly Stephen Sr. pg00020.txt 13 8 Stinston James Sr. pg00007.txt 13 9 Stinston Jamrs Jr. pg00007.txt 15 13 Stockton Rebecca pg00014.txt 38 8 Stokes Ephraim pg00032.txt 15 31 Stokes Ephram pg00014.txt 39 7 Stokes Young pg00039.txt 47 28 Stone John P. pg00044.txt 21 9 Storey Elizabeth pg00020.txt 43 2 Storey Francis pg00039.txt 5 27 Stout London pg00002.txt 3 20 Stout Sara pg00002.txt 35 26 Straton Bea pg00032.txt 48 17 Strickland Harmon pg00044.txt 32 24 Strickland Isham pg00032.txt 48 14 Strickland James pg00044.txt 47 14 Strickland John pg00044.txt 48 1 Strickland Larkham pg00044.txt 48 13 Strickland William pg00044.txt 29 5 Stricklin Joseph pg00026.txt 32 5 Striclan William pg00032.txt 56 16 Stucker Willis pg00050.txt 31 1 Stumate Greenbury pg00026.txt 18 10 Stump Elius pg00014.txt 44 5 Stump George pg00044.txt 26 14 Stunson Levi pg00026.txt 12 16 Stutson E, pg00007.txt 36 23 Suggs Jessee pg00032.txt 4 5 Sullivan Timothy pg00002.txt 42 25 Summers John pg00039.txt 21 13 Sutton Elizabeth pg00020.txt 30 22 Sutton George pg00026.txt 42 18 Swan Alexander pg00039.txt 45 20 Swan James pg00044.txt 42 20 Swan Samuel pg00039.txt 19 28 Tabour Abarham pg00014.txt 35 8 Tadlock Comodore pg00032.txt 35 3 Tadlock Edward pg00032.txt 35 5 Tadlock Green pg00032.txt 35 4 Tadlock Hardin pg00032.txt 58 8 Talbot James pg00057.txt 15 6 Tally Amos pg00014.txt 37 30 Tally Pleasant pg00032.txt 58 6 Tanner David pg00057.txt 58 20 Tanner John pg00057.txt 58 22 Tanner Merideth pg00057.txt 58 10 Tanner Stephen pg00057.txt 58 5 Tanner Thomas pg00057.txt 63 20 Tant James pg00057.txt 63 31 Taranam James pg00057.txt 10 22 Tarlton Baxter pg00007.txt 6 10 Tarlton Richard pg00002.txt 52 6 Tate Lorenzo pg00050.txt 52 19 Tate Robert pg00050.txt 27 30 Tate William pg00026.txt 58 26 Taybourne *** pg00057.txt 58 25 Taybourne Zachariah pg00057.txt 17 30 Taylor George pg00014.txt 17 28 Taylor Nancy pg00014.txt 36 24 Taylor Sam pg00032.txt 8 6 Taylor William pg00007.txt 19 1 Taylor William pg00014.txt 42 26 Taylor William pg00039.txt 24 3 Tewel Harvy pg00020.txt 21 8 Thacker Randolph pg00020.txt 58 17 Thadowen David pg00057.txt 58 16 Thadowen John pg00057.txt 24 16 Thaxton Benjamin pg00020.txt 44 2 Therwell Leonard pg00044.txt 35 12 Thomas Anthony pg00032.txt 58 31 Thomas Benjamin pg00057.txt 29 12 Thomas Henry pg00026.txt 29 14 Thomas John pg00026.txt 45 12 Thomas William pg00044.txt 9 11 Thomason John pg00007.txt 58 1 Thompson Harmon pg00057.txt 10 23 Thompson Holmes pg00007.txt 37 25 Thompson James pg00032.txt 11 14 Thompson John pg00007.txt 57 31 Thompson John pg00057.txt 37 24 Thompson Matthew pg00032.txt 34 1 Thompson Robert pg00032.txt 57 28 Thompson Robert pg00057.txt 7 15 Thompson William pg00007.txt 40 1 Thompson William pg00039.txt 36 10 Thorne Elias pg00032.txt 26 13 Timmons Elyah pg00026.txt 14 13 Tindle Barton pg00014.txt 14 25 Tindle John pg00014.txt 20 17 Tite Valentina pg00020.txt 58 9 Todd James pg00057.txt 31 31 Tolen James pg00026.txt 64 30 Tonetson James pg00057.txt 17 16 Tong Thomas pg00014.txt 18 16 Towles Thomas D. pg00014.txt 56 18 Trimmel John pg00050.txt 60 5 Trousdale John pg00057.txt 63 5 Trousdale Malinda pg00057.txt 64 7 Tucker Woody pg00057.txt 3 4 Tull Charles pg00002.txt 43 29 Turner Fielding pg00039.txt 52 9 Turner Louis pg00050.txt 29 25 Tyre Conely pg00026.txt 49 9 Upchurch Davic pg00044.txt 31 6 Upchurch John pg00026.txt 31 13 Upchurch John pg00026.txt 31 8 Upchurch Samuel pg00026.txt 31 21 Upchurch Thomas pg00026.txt 55 30 Vaglon Darcus pg00050.txt 9 13 Valandingham George pg00007.txt 25 11 Valentine Nicholas pg00020.txt 3 1 Vanderser **** pg00002.txt 6 8 Vanlandingham O.C. pg00002.txt 9 18 Vanlandingham Richard pg00007.txt 45 29 Varner Peter pg00044.txt 24 18 Vaughn Daniel pg00020.txt 29 7 Vaughn Thomas pg00026.txt 2 3 Vaught Thomas F. pg00002.txt 24 1 Vincent Jeremiah pg00020.txt 22 21 Vineyard Eli pg00020.txt 41 32 Vinson Charles pg00039.txt 52 4 Vinson Edward pg00050.txt 41 22 Vinson Elizabeth pg00039.txt 41 31 Vinson Samuel pg00039.txt 22 20 Vinyard George pg00020.txt 27 9 Vinyard Isaah pg00026.txt 38 24 Vvincent Richard pg00032.txt 47 7 Waggoner George pg00044.txt 55 25 Waggoner John pg00050.txt 5 26 Wagner Benjamin pg00002.txt 7 4 Waks Pey*on pg00007.txt 43 6 Wales Francis pg00039.txt 54 11 Walker David pg00050.txt 58 32 Wallace George pg00057.txt 56 2 Wallen James pg00050.txt 25 6 Wallis Ccharles pg00020.txt 55 10 Walston Levi pg00050.txt 10 12 Walthen Joseph pg00007.txt 42 3 Walton Timothy pg00039.txt 55 26 Ward Asa pg00050.txt 48 25 Ward Burrel pg00044.txt 54 15 Ward Eli pg00050.txt 26 18 Ward Pleasant S. pg00026.txt 53 23 Ward William pg00050.txt 37 10 Warren **** pg00032.txt 44 11 Wathen George W. pg00044.txt 17 22 Watkins Joseph E. pg00014.txt 63 10 Watson Hugh pg00057.txt 45 19 Watson Robert pg00044.txt 44 15 Weatherford William pg00044.txt 54 18 Weaver Elias pg00050.txt 38 20 Weaver Joshua pg00032.txt 43 9 Webb James pg00039.txt 42 11 Webb Robert pg00039.txt 47 9 Webber John pg00044.txt 8 9 Weeks Christopher pg00007.txt 45 11 Weir Joseph pg00044.txt 46 17 Weir Turner pg00044.txt 46 8 Weir Joseph Jr. pg00044.txt 3 17 Werts Alexander pg00002.txt 37 26 Wesley John pg00032.txt 64 19 West Lewis pg00057.txt 61 43 West William pg00057.txt 27 28 Westbrook Samuel pg00026.txt 43 21 Wheeler John pg00039.txt 21 12 While Abraham pg00020.txt 56 14 Whitaker Neall pg00050.txt 7 6 Whitaker Thomas pg00007.txt 15 7 White Adrain pg00014.txt 25 20 White Benjamin pg00020.txt 21 15 White James pg00020.txt 46 13 White James pg00044.txt 18 1 White Leonard pg00014.txt 23 31 White Leonard pg00020.txt 42 6 White Nelson pg00039.txt 25 21 White Walter pg00020.txt 8 14 Whitesides Kelly pg00007.txt 48 30 Whitesides Sarah pg00044.txt 6 15 Wiatt Joseph pg00002.txt 58 12 Wilkines *eadham pg00057.txt 58 13 Wilkines Jane pg00057.txt 63 18 Wilkins Andrew pg00057.txt 60 28 Wilkison *** pg00057.txt 38 10 Williams Morgan pg00032.txt 21 30 Williams Daniel pg00020.txt 37 23 Williams David pg00032.txt 6 12 Williams George pg00002.txt 22 19 Williams James pg00020.txt 21 10 Williams John pg00020.txt 44 19 Williams John pg00044.txt 64 8 Williams Joseph pg00057.txt 20 18 Williams Sarah pg00020.txt 25 25 Williams Silas pg00020.txt 64 10 Williams Simpson pg00057.txt 52 18 Williford John pg00050.txt 18 21 Willis Archibald pg00014.txt 17 8 Willis Elizabeth pg00014.txt 19 10 Willis Henry pg00014.txt 38 2 Willis John pg00032.txt 19 12 Willis Littleton pg00014.txt 19 11 Willis Mary Ann pg00014.txt 27 16 Willis Noah c. pg00026.txt 10 31 Willis Polly Ann pg00007.txt 41 7 Wilson Aaron pg00039.txt 5 25 Wilson B. pg00002.txt 40 12 Wilson Elisha pg00039.txt 12 25 Wilson Harrison pg00007.txt 12 1 Wilson Wilson pg00007.txt 34 2 Wingate John pg00032.txt 34 3 Wingate John * pg00032.txt 52 5 Wise Joseph pg00050.txt 52 12 Wise William pg00050.txt 6 20 Wisehart Richard pg00002.txt 13 11 Wollum Joseph pg00007.txt 22 13 Womac John pg00020.txt 43 30 Wood John pg00039.txt 61 3 Wood John pg00057.txt 61 31 Wood Mary pg00057.txt 49 20 Wood Thomas pg00044.txt 34 4 Wood Timothy D. pg00032.txt 60 31 Woodall Franklin pg00057.txt 49 29 Woodall Thomas pg00044.txt 50 2 Woodrell Agrilla pg00050.txt 50 3 Woodrell George pg00050.txt 38 15 Woods David pg00032.txt 4 20 Woods Dunbar pg00002.txt 9 8 Woods Michael pg00007.txt 46 5 Woolard Lawson pg00044.txt 61 39 World Henry pg00057.txt 36 21 Wright Margaret pg00032.txt 52 8 Yandel James P. pg00050.txt 34 10 York Zachariah pg00032.txt 18 5 Yost Henry pg00014.txt 18 11 Yost John pg00014.txt 11 27 Young ***in pg00007.txt 50 9 Young *anchel pg00050.txt 22 2 Young Benjamin pg00020.txt 17 17 Young Beverly B. pg00014.txt 24 31 Young Francis pg00020.txt 11 24 Young John pg00007.txt 11 26 Young Samuel pg00007.txt