County Coordinator's Helper

Home Table of Contents Download and install CCHelper CCHelper On-line Reference Manual Getting Started with CCHelper Available upgrades to the CCHelper software Subscribe or send message to one of the CCHelper
Lists Frequently Asked Questions County Coordinator's Helper was specifically designed for the USGenWeb Project county coordinator and is available free for their use. It is also available free for anyone else who may find it useful, provided it is used for non-commercial, non-profit purposes.

NOTE: This software and associated documentation are
Copyright © 1997-1998 Patricia A. Lindsay.
Except for the CCHelper Manual written by Carol A. Haagensen


If you have a question about a query you posted or would like to post : This is not the place you want to be. Press the Back button on your browser and return to the page you came from to find the name and e-mail address of the County Coordinator or person who manages the query page.

CCHelper will help you organize your data in 3 basic entities. These are:

  1. Researchers: CCHelper will track Name, e-mail address, researcher's Web page address, and a note field.

  2. Surnames: The surnames referenced by the data in CCHelper. There is an option to indicate whether a surname is the primary or alternate spelling, but it is not required.

  3. Postings: Items posted for the county. The current version of CCHelper tracks queries and surname registrations. Items tracked for a surname registration are the researcher who posted it, the date posted, and the county for which it was posted. Query items include all of those of a surname registration plus the query text.

CCHelper will generate Web pages for your data.

CCHelper comes with a set of sample pages predefined for you, but you have the option to change how those pages will look if you like. Click here to learn more about how the HTML is defined in CCHelper.


New page lists special uses of CCHelper

There's now a page that lists sites using CCHelper in interesting ways. Check this list to find pages that are using CCHelper for single surname pages, and for indexing transcribed data like obits, censuses, vital records and more.

Use QueryExpress to get your queries.

Visit the Query Express site and learn how to get your queries prepped and ready to go into CCHelper with this system.

IIGS January 1998 Newletter CCHelper Article

Read Wally's article The CCHelper Revolution!

Carol's Manual

See Carol Haagensen's wonderful manual. Take a look, we think you'll be pleased!

You can now download the zipped version of the manual for viewing offline.

Surname Helper

Visit Surname Helper and try out the new surname-searchable database. CCHelper lets the site manager (eg USGenWeb County Coordinator) create a surname index for the site. Surname Helper links all of those surname indexes together and lets the user search multiple sites for a given surname.

Register a CCHelper site with Surname Helper.

The CCHelper Project Team

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Copyright © 1997-1998 Patricia A. Lindsay. All rights reserved.
Patty Lindsay
[email protected]