Saskatchewan Gen Web Project - SASKATCHEWAN AND ITS PEOPLE by JOHN HAWKES Vol 1I 1924 BR>

Dear Saskatchewan GenWeb Enthusiasts,

We come bearing exciting news for those who have journeyed through the corridors of the old Provincial Saskatchewan GenWeb site hosted by Rootsweb and Ancestry. Fear not, for our webpages will not only endure but thrive in a new digital haven!

New Beginnings, Rejuvenated Dedication:

Discover our revamped home at This transition marks the continuation of our unwavering commitment to document the rich history of Saskatchewan. The legacy of the one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, historical maps, and the plethora of placenames will persist.

Navigating History's Landscape:

As we weave through the diversity of Saskatchewan's past, these webpages serve as a compass, guiding you to the closest one-room schoolhouse, a church or cemetery, or the nearest town or Rural Municipality for your genealogical or historical quest.

Patreon: A Beacon of Support:

The heart of this journey lies in the support of our growing Patreon community. With their encouragement, we've secured a new domain and web hosting provider-ensuring that the flame of this service continues to burn bright.

Grow With Us:

Join our Patreon community, become a pillar in our efforts to persist year after year. Your support is not just a contribution; it's a testament to the value of preserving the stories that make Saskatchewan unique.

Visit Our New Webpages:

Explore the evolving Saskatchewan GenWeb at The digital canvas is ready to be painted with the vibrant strokes of history.

Support Us on Patreon:

Behind every webpage update, every historical map scanned, and every record documented, there is a dedicated team of volunteers. If you find our service beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Your contribution ensures that the Saskatchewan GenWeb remains a beacon for historians, genealogists, and the public.

Gratitude to and

We express our deep gratitude to and for providing the foundation upon which this digital tapestry was woven. Now, as we transition, we seek your support in maintaining paid web hosting.

Sustaining a Legacy:

The Saskatchewan GenWeb service has been a cornerstone for those seeking to unravel the past. Today, we invite you to stand with us in ensuring its continued existence for generations to come.

Join Us in This Exciting Chapter:

Visit and witness the renaissance of the Saskatchewan GenWeb. Thank you for being a vital part of our community and for your enduring passion for genealogy and history in our best beloved province of Canada.

Warm regards,

The Saskatchewan GenWeb Volunteer Team



The Peopling of Saskatchewan.


For weal or woe the foreign immigrant is with us in large numbers and in considerable variety. There are those who look upon this fact with disfavor, and who would if possible reserve Saskatchewan and the rest of Canada for the English speaking peoples. The complaint is that the Euro- pean immigrants never really become British, and have no interest in the country outside of their material interests; that they occupy land, and re- ceive wages, which should by rights belong to our own people; and that it is a piece of folly to encourage foreign immigration when there is a sur- plus population in the British Islands of our own race who could profit- ably occupy the land, and provide the labor necessary for our development. The working man fears that foreign labor will depress wages, and the farmer or prospective farmer, notes that there are large areas of land, which, but for the European would still be open to his choice. There is a certain color of plausibility in all this, but it is not in our opinion in accord with the facts.

The fully grown European undoubtedly clings to his own nationality, his own religion, and his own customs, but the man who could forget the land that bred him, the religion in which he was raised, and despise the language and the customs of his forefathers, could not be of much national value in any country. All that should be asked, and need be asked, of the foreign immigrant is that he should be industrious and law-abiding. If he tills his farm, or earns his wages in peace and quietness, and is an eco- nomic asset, and not an incubus, that is sufficient; for he is needed pri- marily not as a citizen or as a patriot, but as a tiller of the land, a builder of railroads, a digger of sewers, a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. It is too much to expect him to become a full fledged Canadian in feeling or in aspiration. A Slovak or Polak, a German, a Hungarian, a Scandi- navian, Finn or Serbian he was born; and as he was born, so will he die, as far as his racial sense is concerned. At the best his knowledge of oui language and his grasp of our political constitution will be imperfect. There are many exceptional instances of course, but in the main the wisest thing is, while giving the mature foreign immigrant every possible assist- ance if he shows any desire to attain to sympathetic citizenship in his adopted country, to recognise that it is just as impossible to turn a mature Pole into a Canadian, as it would be to turn a Canadian into a Pole. If one heard of a Canadian who had settled in Poland, and had practically forgotten the land of his birth, we should say he must have been a pretty poor Canadian in any case, and Canada was well rid of him. But we should also consider him a poor Canadian if he did not do his best for the land of his adoption, which was providing him with the necessaries of life, and possibly an abundance over and above those necessaries.

The foreign immigrant has, quite unconsciously of course, placed West- ern Canada under a considerable weight of obligation. The railroads which alone make our development possible, could not have been built except at a snail's pace without him; rough and to a Canadian, undesirable sections of the country, would have remained long unsettled, instead of being brought into production and adding to the wealth of the world; our cities could only have been supplied with sewers and water mains after a long period of waiting, because only a small portion of the English speak- ing people would do that sort of work. After their construction the rail- roads would have remained in a state of chronic dis-repair through the Bibliography follows:

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