Early Scottish Pioneers in Saskatchewan

KILLARNEY, MANITOBA SETTLERS (mortgage holder, some of his family and his partner if any)


(On Oct. and Nov. 1889, settlers interviewed on house, stable, ploughing done, livestock, crops)


01.   William MacLeod (Malcolm MacIver also on property working in Manitou)

02.   Donald Macdonald (sister Mary Macdonald working in Manitou and brother-in-law Samuel Graham working at a sawmill in Winnipeg)


04.   John MacKay, his wife and three year old child

05.   Norman Graham (cousin Isabella Morrison away at Winnipeg in service)

06.   John Nicholson (brother John MacLean, alias Kenneth Nicolson away working) partner Murdo MacLeod of this homestead moved away permanently to work at his trade- shoemaker

07.   John Campbell (partner Angus Graham working in Potage-la-Prairie)

08.   John MacKenzie (partner Andrew Graham working at Morden)

09.   John MacLeod, senior away working at his trade- stonemason (three sons: John MacLeod, junior, William MacLeod and Lewis MacLeod working on their homesteads)

10.   Kenneth MacAulay, son John MacAulay and daughter Isabella MacAulay (Neil Munro who had homestead has permanent work at Rat Portage)

11.    Angus Macdonald (cousin John MacKenzie earning wages at Rat Portage) (cousin Isabella MacIver


13.   Angus MacLeod (brother Donald MacLeod)

14.    John Morrison (George Morrison away working) (cousin Murdo M.)

15.    John Graham (cousin John Graham)

16.   Allan MacLeod

17.    John MacKenzie (cousin Kenneth MacLeod away in Dakota) (cousin C. MacKay working in Morden)

18.    William Macdonald (partner Donald Murray moved to Saltcoats where he has married and settled down) (Brother Alexander, working north of Winnipeg)

19.   Murdo Graham


21.   Norman MacKenzie (brothers William MacKenzie and Malcolm MacKenzie) James MacIver

22.    John Macdonald, junior (sons Norman Macdonald, Duncan Macdonald and Archibald (Archie) Macdonald)

23.    John Macdonald, senior (sons William Macdonald, Donald Macdonald) (two nieces Catherine and Margaret)

24.   Angus MacLeod (cousins Alexander Morrison, Constance Morrison and John Morrison)

25.   Angus Morrison (son Archie Morrison)

26.   Donald MacKinnon (brothers Kenneth MacKinnon and John MacKinnon) (their mother)

27.   Donald Stewart, wife and son Kenneth Stewart (brother-in-law MacLeod)

28.   Ronald (Ranald?) MacKay (sister Mary MacKay away at Manitou)

29.   Dugald MacKenzie (brother Donald MacKenzie) (cousin Hugh Morrison) (brother-in-law John MacKay) (cousin Mary Ann MacKinnon)

30.    Roderick MacKay (father John MacKay) (cousin Annie Shaw)

31.    Bann MacKinnon, wife, daughters Margaret MacKinnon and Annie MacKinnon (married Kenneth MacMillan) 

32.    Kenneth MacLeod

33.    John Fraser died, daughters, his son Donald Fraser took homestead







Appendix: Norton, Wayne. Help Us to a Better Land: Crofter Colonies in the Canadian West.
Appendix: Saltcoats Settlers: The King Colony and The Lothian Colony
Appendix: Killarney Settlers: The Killarney Colony and The Argyle Colony




From: Bruce MacDonald

To  Sask Gen Web

Sat, 4 Mar 2006

Scottish Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots

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