Saskatchewan Gen Web WHAT'S NEW"

What's New

Saskatchewan Gen Web
Saskatchewan-Ethnic Genealogy Web pages.

Saskatchewan Gen Web has initiated the Saskatchewan-Ethnic Genealogy Web pages. These pages provide links and historical background which relate to historical information about Saskatchewan's ethnic diversity. As many people emigrated to Saskatchewan, an international genealogy site such as World Gen Web will help locate genealogy resources in other countries. These links included here on this page are ethnic and cultural sites which have some resources or references to the cultural diversity of immigrant and indigenous peoples and settlements in Saskatchewan. To follow up and obtain more information on a specific town or settlement please use the Regional Saskatchewan Gen Web Sites.

In particular, as of late, there have been a few new additions to The Scottish-Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots web pages:
There are now searchable database indices on a website started by Bruce MacDonald named EARLY SCOTTISH PIONEERS IN SASKATCHEWAN and published by Saskatchewan Gen Web.



KILLARNEY, MANITOBA SETTLERS (On Oct. and Nov. 1889, settlers interviewed on house, stable, ploughing done, livestock, crops)

SALTCOATS, SASKATCHEWAN (THEN N.W.T.) SETTLERS, 1(On Oct. 1889 ) settlers interviewed on house, stable, ploughing done, livestock, crops)

Appendix: Norton, Wayne. Help Us to a Better Land: Crofter Colonies in the Canadian West.
This book seperates the indices into:
Appendix: Saltcoats Settlers: The King Colony and The Lothian Colony
Appendix: Killarney Settlers: The Killarney Colony and The Argyle Colony

This What's New information has been written for Canada Gen Web can also be found on at

Saskatchewan What's New
Back Issues:
Volume 1: Saskatchewan's Centennial 1905-2005
Volume 2:Saskatchewan's Ethnic diversity