Welcome! This page is intended to provide a summary of available Lunenburg County genealogy resources. Whether you are new to Lunenburg County genealogy, or are just looking for additional research material, I hope that you will find this information useful. If you are aware of any other resources which are not listed here, please feel free to e-mail me, Gail Edwards, and let me know. |
1. Census Records | 11. Probate Records |
2. Ship Passenger Lists | 12. Court Records |
3. Victualling Lists | 13. Land / Land Grant Records |
4. Nova Scotia Marriage Bonds | 14. Obituaries |
5. Newspaper Statistics | 15. Cemeteries |
6. Birth Records | 16. Church Records |
7. Marriage Records | 17. Township Books |
8. Death Records | 18. Family / Local Genealogies |
9. Births, Marriages and Deaths | 19. Winthrop Bell's Notes |
10. Wills | 20. Books and Publications |
Title | LDS # | AGLL # | PANS # |
1770 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376295 | M-5219 | |
1792 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376295 | M-5219 | |
1793 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376295 | M-5219 | |
1794 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376295 | M-5219 | |
1795 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376295 | M-5219 | |
1838 Census - Lunenburg County | 1376477 | M-5220 | |
1861 Census - Lunenburg County | 0865127 | M-886 | |
1871 Census - Lunenburg County | 0493604 | C-10548/49/50 | |
1881 Census - Lunenburg County | 1375805/06 | C-13169/70 | |
1891 Census - Lunenburg County | 1465743/44 | T-6318/19;T-6427 | |
1901 Census - Lunenburg County | 1843535/36 | Available | Available |
Source | Film # |
Lunenburg County Genealogy Page | (transcribed) |
Historic Saga of LaHave (Kaulback) | LDS # 1036002 (transcribed) |
LDS | 1376197 (original) |
Source | Film # |
Historic Saga of LaHave (Kaulback) | LDS # 1036002 (transcribed) |
LDS | 1376197 (original) |
Source | Film # |
Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) | Publication R-14 |
LDS | 1376196 (1763-1847) ; 1376197 (1848-1860;1862-1864;1870-1871) |
Source | Film # |
Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) | Publications P-1, 3, 5, 6, 8; 10-13 |
LDS | Fiche 6099917-23; 6087572; 6104744 |
Source | Film # |
Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths (1864-1918) | |
LDS | Index - 1298984-87; 1302066-67 Births - 1298810 (1864-1870) ; 1298875 (1871-1877) |
PANS | |
Births (1864-1877) | |
LDS | 1319531 (1864-1871) ; 1319532 (1872-1877) ; 1319533 (1877) |
Source | Film # |
Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths (1864-1918) | |
LDS | Index - 1302063 Marriages - 1298990-91 (1864-1877) |
PANS | |
Marriages (1864-1875) | |
LDS | 1318205 (1864-1865) ; 1318206 (1865-1875) |
PANS | |
Marriage Licenses (1861-1910) | |
LDS | 1314025/26 ; 1314015-19 ; 1314081-94 ; 1314234-39 ; 1314262-65 ; 1314459-4461 |
Source | Film # |
Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths (1864-1918) | |
LDS | Index - 1276123-25 Deaths - 1298861 (1864-1877) |
PANS | |
Deaths (1864-1877) | |
LDS | 1294795 (1864-1870) ; 1294796 (1870-1876) ; 1294797 (1876-1877) |
Source | Film # |
Lunenburg County Genealogy Page | |
LDS | 1698046 (Births/Marriages) ; 1698047 (Deaths) |
PANS | |
Source | Film # |
LDS | 0556203 (1762-1854) ; 0556204 (1855-1893) ; 0555475 (1879-1897) |
Source | Film # |
LDS | 0556208-11 (1762-1902) ; 0556212 (1902-1931) ; 1754343 |
Source | Film # |
LDS | 0556198-6200 |
Source | Film # |
LDS | 0477530; 0555475-76 |
Source | Film # |
Halifax Herald | Obituary Database on CD-ROM (1961-present) |
Source | Film # |
South Shore Genealogy Society | Cemetery Inscriptions in 4 Volumes |
LDS | 1017206 ; 1378476 |
Source | Film # |
LDS | |
Baptist | 0928971 ; 1378474 |
Bridgewater | 0866365; 1017206 |
Dutch Reformed | 0928971 ; 1378474 |
Lutheran | 0105401 ; 0908865 (1782-1793) ; 1312368; 1378474 |
Methodist | 1378476 |
St. James' Anglican | 0883661 ; 0933975 ; 0962591 ; 1012328 |
St. John's Anglican | 0928971 ; 0962591 |
St. Stephen's Anglican | 0928970 |
Source | Film # |
Chester Township Records | LDS # 0928972 ; 1376192 |
Source | Film / Fiche # |
LDS | |
Conquerall Genealogy | 0982377 |
Cross Family | 1376195 |
Foreign Protestants to Lunenburg County (Thoreson) | 1421583-84 |
Genealogy of the Kaulbachs of Lunenburg County (Kaulback) | |
Hang On To Your Hatts (Hatt) | 6087376 |
Hiltz Genealogy (Tobey) | |
Historic Saga of LaHave (Kaulback) | 1036002 |
New Dublin Genealogy | 1376195 |
History of the Neufahrt Name (Nieforth) | 6111432 |
St. Margaret's Bay Genealogy | 1376405 |
The Corkums (Williams) | 1378475 |
Western Shore Genealogy (Kaizer) | 1697865 |
Acker | Fralick | Kohler | Pieler | |
Andreas | Friedrich | Kraft | Rehfuss | |
Arenburg | Gerhard | Krauss | Reinhard | |
Bachmann | Goetz | Kuhn | Rhodenheiser | |
Baltzer | Gretteau | Langille | Rohsty | |
Beck | Guigne | Lankert | Rust | |
Becker | Halter | Lantz | Schaffner | |
Berghaus | Hamm | Launer | Schauffelburg | |
Bezanson | Hammer | LeGarce | Schlagenweidt | |
Biguenet | Harnisch | Leau | Schmeltzer | |
Binter | Hatt | Leslie | Schmidt | |
Bizette | Haun | Ley | Schnerr | |
Boehner | Hauptman | Loffler | Schupe | |
Bolivar | Henrici | Lohnes | Seeburger | |
Boutillier | Herman | Marriette | Seiler | |
Bruhm | Hiltz | Masson | Shankle | |
Conrad | Himmelman | Meisner | Spindler | |
Contois | Hirtle | Metin | Tatterey | |
Corkum | Hubley | Mettetal | Thethof | |
Cross | Jaillet | Meyer | Vienot | |
Dares | Jeanperrin | Morasch | Wacker | |
Dauphinee | Jollimois | Moreau | Wamboldt | |
Demett | Jost | Moritz | Weinacht | |
Drilliot | Jung | Moser | Wentzel | |
Eisenhauer | Kayser | Naas | Wessel | |
Emoneau | Klages | Naugler | Wild | |
Engel | Klein | Ochs | Wissel | |
Falkenheim | Klett | Pentz | Wust | |
Fausel | Knickle | Petriquin | Zwicker |