Cornwallis Ships - 1749
Cornwallis Ships to Halifax - 1749

The following lists contain passengers, arranged in alphabetical order by surname,
for the ships that arrived in Halifax in 1749.

The ships included in this database are:

Alexander - 1749
Baltimore - 1749
Beaufort - 1749
Brotherhood - 1749
Canning - 1749
Charlton - 1749
Everley - 1749
Fair Lady - 1749
London - 1749
Merry Jacks - 1749
Rochampton - 1749
Wilmington - 1749
Winchelsea - 1749

Passengers with surnames beginning with:

| A-B | C | D-E-F | G-H | I-J-K | L-M | N-O-P-Q | R-S | T-U-V | W-X-Y-Z

About the Cornwallis Ships
Advertisement for Settlers to Accompany Cornwallis - 1749
Description of the Charming Molly (1750)
Sphinx - 1749
List of those who arrived with Cornwallis who were reported as missing shortly thereafter
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