NBGenWeb: NB Biographical Review

Biographical Review
Province of New Brunswick, Canada

Edited by I.Allen Jack, QC, DCL;
Boston, Biographical Review Company,
15 Court Square, 1900

Allan, Harris                292
Allan, John Campbell         472
Allan, Thomas Carleton       331
Allison, James Frederick     450
Alward, Silas                 47
Anderson, James              574
Anderson, Josiah J.          556
Anderson, Thomas Rheese      415
Appleby, Stephgen Burpee      56
Arnold, Oliver Roswell        89
Arnold, R. Heber             312
Atkinson, James Smith        453
Austin, Henry A.             344
Austin, M. Douglas           337

Baird, George F.             480
Barber, James                202
Barker, Frederick E.          59
Barlow, Thomas               280
Barnhill, William            128
Barry, Thomas                182
Bates, Edward                255
Baxter, James McGregor       102
Bayard, William               37
Bebbington, John, Sr.        290
Beer, Edwin Bond             111
Benson, Joseph Black         263
Black, John                  461
Black, Joseph L.             237
Blair, Andrew George         320
Blair, Thomas B.             577
Borden, Robert Allison       585
Bostwick, Charles Merritt    521
Bowman, William Henry        271
Boyd, Robert James           458
Brewster, Gilbert            567
Brown, James                 275
Burden, Oliver Earl          427
Bustin, Stephen B.           550

Camp, Wellington             471
Campbell, Peter              555
Carritte, De Blaviere        561
Carter, Charles L.           508
Chipman, Ward                530
Christie, Alexander          247
Clark, Joseph Sutton         578
Clark, William               168
Clarke, Clement Peckham       66
Climo, John S.               548
Clinch, D. Carlton           167
Coffin, General              523
Coll, Michael                275
Colpitts, Robert             143
Colwell, William             185
Connell, Allison Barlow      488
Connell, Henry Augustus      476
Connolly, Thomas             227
Connors, James F.           233
Coulthard, George E.         496
Crandall, Joseph             157
Crothers, Samuel             308
Currie, James Russell        256
Cushing, Allston             157
Cusshing, Andre              156

Daniel, John W.              246
Dawson, David C.             538
Dean, Thomas                 517
de Forest, George Sylvester  323
de Forest, Henry Hubbard     324
Desmond, Francis J.          152
De Veber, William Hubbard    538
Dever, Patrick               487
Dibblee, William Fyler       480
Dickinson, James Duncan       67
Dickson, S.Z.                200
Dixon, James D.              360
Dodge, Alfred                574
Doherty, William             573
Dunbar, Alexander            449
Dunn, Albert T.               87
Dunn, Elbridge Gerry         289
Dunn, R.C. John              285

Earle, Allen O.              577
Emmerson, Henry Robert        14
Fairweather, Arthur C.        55
Fairweather, George Edwin    506
Furguson, Daniel             386
Furguson, John C.            549
Finley, Joseph               253
Fish, Charles E.             254
Fisher, Charles              146
Fleming, James               402
Flewelling, Frank H.         234
Flood, John                  325
Forester, John Baker         208
Fowler, Josiah               138
Fowler, Weeden               561
Fowler, William H.           559
Fraser, Donald               461
Fraser, John James            30

Gallagher, Hugh              466
Gallagher, Michael           326
Gaynot, James                281
Gaynor, William Cleophas     363
George, Charles W.           137
George, William F.           276
Gibson, Alexander            286
Gikbert, James S.            237
Gilbert, George Godfrey      345
Gilbert, Thomas               88
Gilchrist, John              286
Godsoe, Frank Amos           207
Gooden, Edward C.            382
Gordon, John James           158
Grieves, John Brooke         517

Hale, Frederick H.           513
Hall, Stephen S.             305
Hamilton, James F.           404
Hamm, Joseph B.              261
Hamm, Matthias                98
Hannay, James                423
Hanson, Uriah Rubert         422
Harding, Charles Edward      112
Harding, John Henry          301
Harrison, Jeremiah           332
Harrison, William Frederick  559
Harrison, William Gray       199
Harrison, William Henry      293
Hartley, J. Chipman          201
Hatfield, Samuel Fairweather 296
Hay, George Upham            296
Hay, William Wallace         371
Hayward, Harvey P.           146
Hayward, Samuel              518
Hayward, William H.          145
Hetherington, George A.      529
Hevenor, Gideon              584
Hickman, William             181
Hilyard, Thomas              591
Hocken, Richard              569
Holly, James                  71
Holstead, Alfred E.          194
Humphrey, William F.          74

Inches, Andrew Small          99
Inches, Julius LeGrendre     419
Inches, Peter Robertson       33

Jack, David William          428
Jack, Edward                 532
Jack, Isaac Allen              9
Jack, William Brydone        117
Jarvis, Charles Edward Leonard 563
Jarvis, William Munson        27
Johnson, John Mercer         571
Jones, Andrew H.             125
Jones, Edward Charles         67
Jones, Frederic A.           462
Jones, George West           299
Jones, Oliver                126
Jones, Thomas R.              42
Jones, Wilfred T.            507
Jordan, Daniel               396

Kaye, James Joseph           511
Keast, John W.               272
Kennedy, Edward J.           187
Kennedy, James               173
Kenney, Frank Lincoln        229
Kerr, Robert                 581
Ketchum, Ezekiel Barlow       80
Ketchum, George William      358
Ketchum, Richard Benjamin    248
Killam, Amasa Emerson         34
Kingdon, Hollingworth Tully   10
Kinnear, Charles F.          542
Knapp. Charles E.            188
Knight, Leonard B.            84
Knowles, Edward T.C.         121
Knox, James                  295

Le Lacheur, John             212
Leonard, Walter A.           267
Lindsay, John A.             349
Lockhart, William Albert     374
Lordly, Albert J.            576
Lordly, Sterling B.          573
Lovett, Arthur Wellesley     381

Mabee, Alfred A.             354
Mac Donald, Char;es Abner    195
Mac Kenzie, William Brouard  206
Mac Lean, Arthur B.          136
Maher, Joseph D.             179
Maltby, Richard L.           448
Maltby, Thomas               447
Markham, Alfred              167
Marshall, Robert             138
Marven, Bliss A.             163
Maunsell, George J.          564
Maxwell, Henry               169
Maxwell, Robert              249
Mc Alary, Joseph W.          557
Mc Alpine, Edwin H.          151
Mc Avenney, Andrew Francis   268
Mc Avity Family, The         387
Mc Cormick, Daniel W.        534
Mc Donald, James G.          466
Mc Donald, Montesquien       107
Mc Farlane, Peter            442
Mc Gafigan, James J.         380
Mc Innerney, James Peterson  444
Mc Kean, George              568
Mc Keown, Harrison A.        250
Mc Keown, Hezekiah           253
Mc laughlin, John F.         132
Mc Lellan, Savid             105
Mc Leod, Ezekiel             568
Mc Leod, John                106
Mc Millan, John              352
Mc Roberts, David            317
Mc Sweeney, George           176
Mc Sweeney, Peter            175
Menzie, John                 407
Merritt, Gabriel             191
Miller, Charles              544
Miller, Edward Winslow       338
Miller, Henry Usher          220
Mitchell, Peter              242
Moore, Frederick             377
Morgan, Patrick              314
Morrison, William Sommerville 560
Mullin, Daniel               170
Murdoch, Robert A.           215
Murdoch, Edward S.           503
Murdoch, William             180
Murray, Suther Corbett       465
Murray, Robert                60
Myers, William Frederick     212

Nase, David H.               224
Nase, Harry Brunswick        318
Nase, Philip                  12
Neil, James Stewart          196
Newcomb, Daniel Watson       589
Nicholson, Robert            499
Niven, John                  403
Northrup Family, The         545

O'Brien, John                392
O'Connell, David             392
Odell, Charles               420
Ogden, Amos                  300
O'Neil, Daniel               351
O'Neil, John                 351
Otty, George O. Dickson      400
Otty, Henry Phipps           186

Palmer, Aclus Lockwood        18
Palmer, Charles Arthur        20
Paterson, Robert Bissell     149
Pearson, George Nelson       120
Peck, Charles A.             570
Peck, Charles Lewis          135
Peters, John Lewis           135
Peters, Charles H.           262
Peters, George C.            318
Peters, Hurd                  61
Peters, William              311
Powell, Henry A.             490
Prescott, George D.          484
Prescott, Gideon Knight      131
Prescott, Isaac Clayton      479
Preston, Henry Canfield      364
Prince, John                  76
Pugsley, William             537
Pullen, James H.             385
Purdy, John Dean             144

Quinton, William A.          216

Randall, Edward Clark         72
Randolph, Archibald Fitz     282
Rankin, William Donald       391
Rankine, Thomas              152
Raymond, William E.           81
Reynolds, James              468
Reynolds, William Kilby      408
Reynolds, William Kilby, 2nd 411
Richey, James                457
Ried, Frederick P.           321
Ritchie, Roebrt J.           343
Robertson Company, The James 357
Robertson, George            162
Robertson, James C.          563
Robinson, Alexander          150
Robinson, Clifford W.         94
Robinson, James              526
Robinson, Thomas William     543
Rowan, Joseph                427
Ruddock, Joseph M.           313
Ruel, James Rhodes            45
Russell, James Venner        492
Ryan, Michael                302

Sandall, Fred                262
Sangster, George Robert       17
Saunders, William Sheppard    29
Scammell, Joseph Henry       205
Segee, Charles William       340
Shaw, Arthur N.              240
Shaw, William                101
Skinner, Charles N.           97
Smith, Charles Lewis         326
Smith, George F.             108
Smith, G. Sidney              20
Smith, John Blackhall        194
Smith, John Wilson Young     330
Spurr, James DeWolfe         582
Steeves, John I.              40
Stirling, W.H.               593
Stockton, Alfred Augusstus   335
Sturdee, Henry Lawrence       93

Tapley, Daniel F.            125
Tapley, David                118
Tapley Family, The           399
Taylor, Charles Sloggett     263
Taylor, John M.              245
Tennant, James               164
Thomson, John H.              74
Thomson, Robert               74
Thomson, Samuel               65
Thomson, William              73
Trites, Edward T.            588
Trueman, Arthur I.           527
Tuck, William Henry           23
Tweedie, Lemuel J.           500

Van Wart, Gilbert William    114
Vroom, William Ezra           54

Walker, James                450
Walker, John                 495
Walker, Thomas               503
Ward, John                   546
Wark, David                  306
Warwick, Orlando H.          174
Watson, Alexander A.         581
Watson, J. Frederick         584
Watt, George                 319
Wells, William Woodbury       49
White, Thomas                372
White, Thomas F.             373
Whitney, Henry A.            490
Wilbur, John                 264
Wilkinson, William           257
Williams, Rainsford W.       575
Willis, Edward               552
Williston, Edward             82
Williston, Edward P.          83
Wilson, John E.              268
Wilson, Le Baron             300
Wilson, William               83
Winslow, Edward Byron        359
Winslow, J. Norman W.        100
Wood, Josiah                  53
Wood, R. Dixon                4_
Woodman, Charles F.           6_
Wright, Willard O.           39_
Wyse, henry                  22_
Wyse, William                57_

Yerxa, Abraham D.            99?

Updated:Monday, 10-Sep-2018 19:43:15 MDT