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Canadian Military Heritage Project - Find your military ancestors!

Canadian Military Heritage Project

Search free Canadian ancestors' letters Find Canadian ancestors in in free searchable military databases for each war and rebellion Canada has been involved in. Build your family tree, and rediscover history. Find your military roots and learn your military history.




Guide to Finding a Loyalist Ancestor in Upper Canada (Ontario) will help genealogists find their Loyalist ancestor. Explanations are given for each of the set of records available for research. The reader will learn how to manoeuver through the more challenging obscure records.

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Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestorsOlive Tree Genealogy ships passenger lists to Canada
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors Images of Ships Passenger Lists
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors USA & Canada Census Records
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestorsLoyalist Genealogy
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors Canadian Genealogy
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors Military Records Military records for USA & Canada
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors at Naturalization Records USA & Canada
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors Past Voices: Letters Home Poignant old letters
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors Lost Faces Find ancestors in Old Photo Albums Rescued
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestors The Paper Trail Find ancestors in Old Documents online
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestorsAncestors At Rest - Death records
Search Ships passenger lists, census, vital stats, church records, military, find your ancestorsGreat War (WW1) Homepage

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The Canadian Military Heritage Project

This site is now located at Canadian Military Project and is dedicated to presenting Canadian military history ~ the wars, uprisings and conflicts in which Canadians participated.

Genealogists will want to start a search for Military Ancestors in each war or conflict - French-Indian Wars | American Revolution | War of 1812 | Rebellion of 1837 aka Patriot War | Civil War | Fenian Raids | Red River Rebellion | Nile Expedition | North West Rebellion | South African (Boer) War | WW1 | Siberian Expeditionary Force | Spanish Civil War | WWII | Korean War | Vietnam War | War in Afghanistan | Peacekeeping Missions

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Search Canadian Military Heritage Project for yourWar of 1812 ancestors The Poppy is a Trademark of Dominion Command, Royal Canadian Legion, and is used on The Canadian Military Heritage Project with permission