September 11, 1929

September 11, 1929
Sketch of Journalism In Kings Co.

By The Late John E. Woodworth
Berwick Register

Many of our readers in Kings County, and elsewhere, will be interested in the following article which, under the caption, "Sketch of Journalism in Kings County," appeared twenty-five years ago in "The Suburban, " a weekly periodical published at Rockingham, Halifax County, by Alexander McNeil of Halifax. The number containing the article, the author of which was the late John E. Woodworth, founder and former editor of The Register, was Vol. 2, No. 8, dated March 26, 1904. This issue of "The Suburban" was designated "The Press Number," and in addition to the article which we reproduce herewith, contains historical sketches of journalism in various other counties of the province including Halifax, Lunenburg, Pictou, Inverness, Cape Breton, Cumberland, Annapolis, Yarmouth and Shelburne. The Register is indebted to Mrs. John E. Woodworth for loan of the copy which was discovered among her late husband’s possessions.

The first attempt at journalism in the County of Kings was made about the year 1859. Mr. Campbell Stephens, an educated deaf mute, projected a newspaper to be published in Wolfville. A subscription list was secured, but after a few issues of the paper had appeared. Mr. Stephens went to Windsor, where he began the publication of the Avon Herald.

Apart from this episode, the history of journalism in the County begins in the year 1864, from which time Kings has never been without a newspaper. It may seem strange to those whose acquaintance with this part of the province is of modern date, but it is a fact that the first newspaper enterprise in the county was neither at Kentville, the county town, nor at Wolfville the educational centre. The honor of being the pioneer in the field of journalism belongs to the little town of Canning, which, forty years ago, was the principal seaport of the county, and a place of greater importance than at present.

The Kings County Gazette, established in 1864 by Mr. H. A. Borden, was a neat, attractive-looking sheet of four pages, with three columns to the page. Mr. Borden published it for about a year when he disposed of it to an Englishman, Mr. Major Theakson, now of Halifax. The paper was well edited, but owing to its limited size, the advertising matter absorbed so much the greater part of the space afforded, that the paper lost its popularity with the reading public. In August, 1866, the publisher intimated that the regular issues of the paper would be discontinued, but that it might continue to appear at intervals, the advertisements being depended on to defray expenses. A few days after this announcement was made, the business part of Canning was burned to the ground, and the suspension of the Kings County Gazette was permanent.

Mr. Theakson removed to Wolfville, and, in company with his brother William, began the publication of a small newspaper in that town. This was the Acadian. It was a very creditable production – a five column folio, well edited and well printed. Its collapse came in the fall of 1869. The paper reported the proceedings in a magistrate’s court at the trial of some boys charged with and found guilty of plundering an orchard. A little later the office of the Acadian was broken into at night, and the type and movable portions of the plant removed and thrown in the creek. No evidence could be found against the perpetrators of the outrage. The Messrs. Theakson did not care to risk further experiences of the same sort, and left the country. In after years, another paper bore, and still bears, the name of the Acadian.

In 1866, Mr. James A. Halliday, a resident of Berwick, announced his intention of starting a newspaper. The people of Western Kings, with their usual appreciation of enterprise, accorded true encouragement. Mr. H. E. Jefferson entered into partnership with Mr. Halliday, and on July 5th, the Star appeared. Its existence began as a three column folio. Enlarging from time to time, it developed into a paper of decidedly creditable appearance and secured a comparatively large circulation. Hoping for a larger field for his enterprise. Mr. Halliday, in 1868, removed from Berwick to Kentville, where he published the Star for some five years. In 1873 he returned to Berwick. In 1879 the office of the Star was burned. Shortly after, Mr. Halliday removed to Wolfville where he disposed of his paper to Mr. (afterwards Rev.) Walter L. Barss, who sold it to C. W. Knowles, who transferred it to A. J. Steele. Mr. Steele stole away and the Star ceased to shine. Mr. Halliday is now editor and proprietor of the Saugus Herald, and excellent weekly published in Cliftondale, Mass.

In the spring of 1873 a number of young business men of Kentville formed a publishing company, started a newspaper, and installed Mr. Joseph A. Cogswell, a practical printer, as manager of the company and editor of the paper.

The Western Chronicle, as the newspaper was called, began life as a five column folio, was afterward enlarged to six, and then to seven columns, became a semiweekly, then an eight column weekly, and is now an eight page five column weekly.

Mr. Cogswell for some years managed the paper for the company. Then the ownership was transferred to him, and for a time his name appeared as the proprietor. In 1879, business embarrassment compelled his retirement from the paper, which was purchased by Mr. G. W. Woodworth, then a law student in Kentville. Mr. Cogswell for a time published the Eastern Beacon in Port Hawkesbury, later going to the United States. He died in Baltimore.

Mr. Woodworth’s management of the Western Chronicle was fraught with energy. The services of Mr. Elihu Woodworth were secured, and under his control the editorial management of the paper was second to none in the province. Notwithstanding the fact that the brother of the proprietor – the late D. B. Woodworth, Esq. – was prominent in political circles at the time, the paper, being the only one in the county, was courteous and fairly independent in the treatment of public questions.

For one year, the Watchman, then the organ of the Sons of Temperance in Nova Scotia, was published from the office of the Western Chronicle. An annoying mistake once occurred in the making up of the forms, by which the advertisement of a firm of liquor dealers in Halifax was transferred from the Western Chronicle to the Watchman. That the publisher was the recipient of some interesting letters on the subject, may well be imagined.

In 1880, Mr. Woodworth began the publication of the Farmer’s Manuel, a fortnightly paper, whose name explains it's ostensible purpose. That there should have been a field for this paper is undeniable, though success could not be expected at a bound. But the time which could be spared by the editorial staff of the Western Chronicle was scarcely sufficient for the proper editing of an agricultural journal, and soon the Farmer’s Manuel ceased to deserve success. It became in effect a duplicate of the Western Chronicle and was soon merged into that paper.

In April, 1883, Mr. Arthur S. Davidson, a young man of Wolfville, being possessed of some printing material, started a small paper, mainly for his own amusement. He intended to call it the Bumble Bee, but his case was short of a sufficient number of capital B’s, and the name The Young Acadian was substituted. Before the summer was gone, the young man was convinced that there was a field for his paper. His brother, B. O. Davidson entered into partnership with him. The paper was enlarged and its name was shortened to the Acadian. In September, 1884, it became a five column paper, and in August, 1886, was enlarged to seven columns. Mr. Arthur S. Davidson died in January, 1899, deeply regretted by all who knew him and could appreciate the excellence of his character, the beauty and elegance of his literary style, and his industry and business ability. Mr. B. O. Davidson continued the publication of the paper under the same firm name of Davidson Bros. In July, 1900, it was enlarged to its present size, an eight column folio.

In December, 1883, Mr. Elihu Woodworth severed his connection with the Western Chronicle, assuming editorial control of the Sackville, N. B., Post. His place was taken by Mr. James Stewart, who, though far inferior to Mr. Woodworth in physique or in literary ability, was active and energetic, though his energies were devoted more to the extension of the advertising and job work department of the business than to editorial work. Mr. Stewart fully appreciated the value of his services. He was not a man who would be satisfied in a subordinate position, and in 1885, a suggestion from him looking toward a share in the proprietorship, led to the severance of his connection with the business.

Shortly before this, Mr. A. J. Pineo had made a journalistic venture in Wolfville. This was, in some sort, a resurrection of the before-mentioned Star, and bore the not very suggestive name of the New Star. When Mr. Stewart left the Western Chronicle, he entered at once into a partnership with Mr. Pineo, the New Star being moved to Kentville. The paper became a semi-weekly, like the Western Chronicle, and Mr. Stewart devoted all his energies to its extension.

The period which followed was not one of great credit to Kings County journalism. Mr. Woodworth felt that he had grounds for serious satisfaction with Mr. Stewart’s conduct toward himself, and endeavored to inspire the readers of his paper with the same dissatisfaction. Week after week the New Star and Mr. Stewart formed the theme of editorial comments in the Western Chronicle. Mr. Stewart reciprocated in kind. The situation doubtless afforded amusement to many of the readers, but the style of argument was not likely to change the opinion of any person interested in the matter in dispute, while the better class of those not interested read with feelings of disgust. The principal results of the quarrel – other than an abortive libel suit – were to afford each paper a liberal amount of free advertising, which, as the Western Chronicle had much the larger circulation, was decidedly to the advantage of the New Star, and to lead to each paper becoming the organ of a political party.

The election campaign which ended in February, 1887, was especially bitter in Kings County, and neither party held cause to be particularly proud of its organ. The overwhelming defeat of the candidate supported by the Western Chronicle was more or less seriously, attributed to the "boomerang" effects of the attacks of that paper upon his opponent.

In March, 1887, the Western Chronicle appeared with the name of John Bryenton as publisher. Mr. Bryenton had been on the staff of the paper since Mr. Stewart’s retirement, and now assumed the charge, it was understood, under an agreement to share profits with Mr. Woodworth, who still retained the ownership. Before the year was ended Mr. Bryenton was in financial difficulties, and Mr. Woodworth resumed the management under his own name. Mr. Bryenton shortly after left the staff and joined that of the New Star.

About the beginning of 1888, Mr. A. J. Pineo severed his connection with the New Star. He then purchased the Pictou News. In connection with that paper, he began in April, the publication of a small sheet called the Farm Journal, which, though printed in Pictou, was dated at and ostensibly published in Berwick. Miss Aimee Huntington, a daughter o the late Richard Huntington, of Yarmouth, in his day one of the ablest newspaper writers in the province, was engaged as editor and local manager, with headquarters in Berwick. The paper lived till about the end of the year, when it disappeared, being succeeded by an eight column folio, also printed in Pictou, and differing little in contents from the Pictou News, but called the Berwick News.

During the same year, 1888, another newspaper venture was made in the county. This was the Canning Gazette. Mr. Alexander M. Liddell, a commercial traveler out of employment who ten resided in Canning, projected this paper, a seven column folio, which was printed from the office of the Western Chronicle. Mr. Liddell was an expressive and fairly concise writer, and had he possessed a little knowledge of practical journalism coupled with industry and temperate habits, the Canning Gazette might have been a success. In less then three months, however, Mr. Liddell had abandoned his venture. Mr. Woodworth took over the paper which was amalgamated with the Western Chronicle, the Saturday issue of that paper being thenceforth dated at Canning and called the Canning Gazette.

On March 1, 1890, the Western Chronicle and Canning Gazette newspaper business was transferred by lease to John E. Woodworth for one year. Mr. G. W. Woodworth, who had spent the greater part of the previous year abroad, leaving for the United States. The new publisher had been on the staff since the autumn of 1886, and the change of management made little difference in the general character of the paper. The lease under which he held was supplemented with a verbal condition that if Mr. G. W. Woodworth had an opportunity during the year to sell the paper at the price he asked, the lease should at once determine. To the surprise, probably, of both parties, this condition was brought into exercise one month before the termination of the agreement, or on February 1, 1891.

On that day a convention of the Liberal party was held in Kentville. The announcement had just been made that an election was pending. After the convention, a meeting of the leaders was held, and as a result of their deliberations, Mr. Woodworth, (who had shortly before returned home), was waited upon, a bargain was struck, and the Western Chronicle passed into the hands of a company, under the firm name of R. C. Dickey & Co., composed of some forty of the leading men among the supporters of the Liberal party in Kings County.

The change, as may well be believed both by practical politicians and practical newspaper men was not conducive to the best interests of the newspaper, considered as a business proposition. The sudden change of political tone on the very eve of an election naturally offended very many of the old supporters, and paying patrons from the other party were not hastening to supply the vacant places. The paper, however, had an excellent standing and did not seriously suffer, in a business sense, during the period of transition.

The change of political base thus effected in the Western Chronicle was followed by a similar reversal of the politics of the New Star. In fact, Mr. Stewart’s editorial management after he had become sole owner had not been sufficiently subservient to please his political friends, some of whom, having aided financially in originating the paper, felt a sense of proprietorship which Mr. Stewart would be slow to acknowledge. When they became owners of the rival paper, the New Star, though professedly independent, could not but manifest a decided leaning toward the Conservative party.

Mr. John E. Woodworth, after the sudden termination of his lease of the Western Chronicle aided the new owners in the transition of the business, of which Mr. C. F. Rockwell became the manager, and W. P. Scott, a former editor of a paper in Antigonish, the chief of the editorial department. Mr. Woodworth then purchased from Mr. A. J. Pineo the good-will of the before-mentioned Berwick News, and began the publication of the Register, the first issue of which appeared at Berwick on June 13, 1891.

The type with which the Register was printed had been first purchased and used for the printing of a French paper in Meteghan, Digby Co., which had enjoyed a very brief existence. The free and indiscriminate use of accented letters in the columns of the new paper caused much amusement and some wonder, especially to those of its readers who had a knowledge of the French language. The press used was obtained from the office of the Acadian Recorder in Halifax. It is a Hoe Railway, and though it had been in use for many years and had evidently met with serious vicissitudes, is still doing excellent work.

When the Western Chronicle Changed owners it was printed on a small, worn out Fairhaven press. It being the intention of the new owners to enlarge, and drop the semi-weekly issue, a new press, a No. 1 Fairhaven, was ordered, new type was obtained, and the general appearance of the paper was much improved.

While this was being done, however, a series of changes were taking place in the management. Messrs. Rockwell & Scott retired, and were succeeded by Mr. George S. Hutchinson, the proprietor of the before-mentioned French paper at Meteghan, and later the publisher of the Valley Scribe at Middleton.

Mr. Hutchinson, after a brief and not very satisfactory term of office, was succeeded by Mr. P. F. Lawson, a young man of ability and of excellent character. The company, however, was meeting the fate of the majority of organizations whose management is in the hands of a debating club, and character and ability alone were unable to make a satisfactory showing to shareholders. A re-organization of the company was effected. Mr. Lawson was displaced by Mr. H. Percy Borden, who conducted the paper for some time until, in 1898, it was purchased by MR. F. W. Wickwire, who has since been the editor and proprietor.

In the meantime, important changes had taken place in the office over the way. In 1892, Mr. Stewart retired from journalism, having sold the New Star to Mr. Frank H. Eaton. Under Mr. Eaton’s editorial care the paper was completely writing which had stuck to it in spite of Mr. Stewart’s later efforts to avoid personalities; the name was changed to The Advertiser, and the Acadian Orchardist, dated at Wolfville, took the place of the Tuesday’s issue of the paper, which had been a semi-weekly. Mr. Eaton continued to publish the paper until August, 1897, when he left for the Pacific Coast.

His brother, Mr. R. W. Eaton, managed the paper for a time, when it passed into the hands of Mr. H. G. Harris, the present editor and proprietor.

One other journalistic venture of this period deserves to be mentioned. This was an illustrated literary weekly which appeared for about two months in 1898, under the name of The Twentieth Century. It was published by Mr. F. C. Mulloney, and printed at the office of the Advertiser. Its contents afforded no clue to any reason fir its existence, and naturally it soon ceased to be and departed without being desired.

The year 1898 was also remarkable for the return of Mr. G. W. Woodworth to the journalistic field. In January of that year he began the publication of a small paper called the Wedge. This paper was characterized by the same style of literary and journalistic effort which had distinguished the Western Chronicle. The Wedge grew to a good size, became a semi-weekly, involved its proprietor in a criminal snit for libel, and had its office raided by night and press and type destroyed. It then passed, in 1901, into the hands of Messrs. N. A. and S. D. Woodworth; (sons of Mr. G. W. Woodworth), who soon abandoned its publication.

Still another attempt at journalism was made during the same period. In 1897, the Rev. John B. Morgan, pastor of the Aylesford Baptist Church, announced the publication of a monthly journal, devoted to the interests of young people’s societies in Western Kings. The paper was called the Aylesford Union. It contained twelve to sixteen pages, about ten inches by twelve. The contents were of an order rather superior to those that generally appear in publications of that class, and could Mr. Morgan have devoted more time to this part of his work, the Union might have become one of the permanent institutions of Kings County. It expired at the end of its second year. During the first year it was printed in the office of the Berwick Register; during the second year in that of the Middleton Outlook.

In September, 1896, the office of the Register was destroyed by fire. The fire originated outside the office, and the presses and much of the type and other essentials of the business were saved. A new office was built especially for the paper. During the nine weeks that this office was in course of erection the Register appeared regularly, being printed first on the press of the Outlook, and later on that of the Kentville Advertiser, the proprietors of which papers freely tendered the use of their facilities to the unfortunate publisher.

On November 26, 1902, fire destroyed the block in Kentville in which the office of the Western Chronicle was situated. The presses were not greatly injured, but much injury was done to other portions of the plant. Mr. Wickwire speedily secured new type and accessories, and new rooms for his paper, which continued to appear regularly as before.

One other King’s County journal remains to be mentioned. This is the Acadia Athenaeum, published monthly during the college year by the students of Acadia College, Wolfville. The Athenaeum made its first appearance in 1874. The list of its editors during the thirty years of its existence comprises the names of many persons who have attained celebrity, among whom might be mentioned J. G. Schurman, now President of Cornell University.

J. E. Woodworth.

(Note. – During the quarter century interval from the time the above article appeared up to the present time, journalism in Kings County has witnessed many changes. These, not being sufficiently acquainted with, we shall not attempt to enumerate, suffice to say that of the three county newspapers which have survived the vicissitudes of a somewhat precarious existence – The Kentville Advertiser, The Wolfville Acadian and The Register – all have passed under new management and control. The Acadian is now published by the sons of the former proprietor, under the firm name of Davidson Bros.; The Advertiser is controlled by a joint stock company, with Mr. Clifford R. Baker as editor and publisher; while The Register was taken over on Jan. 1st, 1919, by the present proprietor. – Ed.)

August 28th, 1929

A Tribute To The Late John E. Woodworth

Beaumont, Texas, August 19. – A few minutes ago I received a telegram telling me that J. E. Woodworth had just died.

Would that I could cover his casket with masses of the flowers now blooming in Texas!

My best and greatest friend was John E. Woodworth. I heard a famous orator some years ago effectively word and eloquently express the thought that friendship was the greatest worldly wealth and as he pictured the good fortune of one who had even one true friend I thought of John E. Woodworth and knew that life had brought to me inestimable riches.

I do not believe there were many who knew him and enjoyed so completely his confidences. He established The Register in 1890 and the next year I went to work in the printing office. "Why There Are No Blue Roses," was the caption of the first piece of reprint copy given me to set in long primer type; it appeared on the last page. Very soon I commenced setting the editor’s manuscript which was as easy to read as the reprint copy. I became interested in the editorials. The "general news" column was a tabloid of world affairs, gleaned from much careful reading and "boiled down" free from superfluities. I appreciated that I was sitting at the feet of a great teacher – how great I did not fully realize until I ventured farther out in the world.

In those early days the foreman of the office, W. H. Nowlin, others of my fellow workers and myself used to carefully prepare questions which we thought might "floor" the editor. We never succeeded in doing so. I remember in 1894 telling Dr. Archibald MacMechan, then as now head of the English department of Dalhousie University, that I considered John E. Woodworth, editor of the Berwick Register, not only a master of pure English but the best-informed man in the province.

In my ramblings we separated but letters were frequently exchanged and The Register I received every week. Percy J. Shaw and myself, no matter where we were, could for a number of years always depend on at least half a dozen letters a year from Mr. Woodworth. Both of us put our problems up to him. Lusby X. Anthony is another who knew what an excellent correspondent Mr. Woodworth was.

For more than a year prior to the world war we were again closely associated at Berwick. His knowledge and understanding of world-politics and the determining factors of economic conditions were great. Had he ever entered a larger sphere of journalism doubtless he would have been one of the leaders, for few men had his wide grasp of affairs.

Many recollections crowd upon my memory. Often we discussed the passing away of men and women which left unfillable gaps. At Mr. Woodworth’s behest I have written "obituaries" for The Register, and similar duties have come upon me on other papers. Now that my best friend has gone I might write much but there comes to me the remembrance of the old days when he used to say, "I wish people would realize that The Register hasn’t room for long obituaries."

A final word: Coupled with Mr. Woodworth’s great knowledge, keen mind and wonderful ability as a writer, were all the attributes of distinguished citizenship. He served well his community, his county and his province. His writings went farther afield and I have among my possessions articles he wrote years ago for journals of international circulation which now show the extent and correctness of his vision.

P. F. Lawson.

(Please note that J.E.W’s middle name is shown in this article with different spellings, Elishu and Elihu).

Page 2

The Register
Published every Wednesday at Berwick
Nova Scotia

SUBSCRIPTION – $1.50 per year in advance.
$2.00 to the United States

W.L. Hatfield, Publisher

Wednesday, August 21, 1929.


John Elishu Woodworth

His many friends in Berwick and throughout Kings County will learn with profound regret of the death on Saturday morning, August 17th, of John E. Woodworth, of Brooklyn, Yarmouth County, former editor and founder of The Register, who passed away in the Yarmouth Hospital after a brief illness. Mr. Woodworth had entirely recovered from his serious illness of last winter and was in usually good health and spirits up to Sunday, August 4th, when he was seized with an attack of bronchitis which later developed such serious complications that his physician advised an immediate removal to the Hospital. At first he seemed to be improving, but a few days later it became evident that the end was drawing near. He gradually weakened until he passed away on Saturday.

John Elihu Woodworth was born at Buckley’s Corner, Kings County, on May 10, 1849. He was the son of Solomon and Margaret Newcombe Woodworth who lived in the house afterward owned by Benjamin Wood, and now by Mrs. Charles Lawrence.

In his youth he attended school at Welsford conducted by a Mr. Carmichael, also receiving part of his education from the pastor of his church, Rev. William Sommerville. Early in life he became a reader of good literature and of books that appealed to adults. Before he had reached his teens he had read D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation and afterward considered that this work had an important influence in fixing his style. He was largely self-education, having learned shorthand without a teacher, and could quote extensively from Byron, Milton and other poets.

Mr. Woodworth spent several years during the 80’s in the United States, in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Kansas, part of the time doing ordinary farm work where he gained a valuable experience in the work he performed and in the men he met. It was then he read Progress and Poverty and became a convert to Henry George’s theory of Single Tax.

He returned to Nova Scotia in the late 80’s and went on the staff of the Western Chronicle, then owned and published by the late George W. Woodworth, Kentville. On March 1st, 1890, he leased the Western Chronicle which he published for a year, at the end of which time the paper was sold to a company and operated in the interests of the Liberal party. Having no fondness for party papers on either side of politics, or for papers operated for stockholders, Mr. Woodworth severed his connection with the Western Chronicle, came to Berwick and started The Register, the first number of which appeared June 13, 1891.

For the twenty-seven years during which he was editor and proprietor of The Register, his work speaks for itself. Through many vicissitudes, including a fire which destroyed the printing office, the issues appeared regularly, a clean, fair and honest paper, reflecting the character of the man who ran it. As a group of representative citizens of Berwick, in an address of appreciation in 1919, expresses it: "For nearly thirty years we have looked for the weekly issue of The Register and found in its columns a fair and unbiased report of local events and matters of personal interest …..In the political life of the County and of the Dominion you have stood always for honesty, morality, clean politics and fair dealing."

Mr. Woodworth possessed a remarkable knowledge of the affairs of Kings County. Descended on both sides from the original grantees of the county, he had gained from family records and personal reminiscences a vast fund of valuable information much of which has perished with him. He could give the genealogy of almost any person whose family had lived here any considerable time. He had an unusual memory for dates and events both local and of world interest. Largely self-education through early reading of good books, through travel and contact with men, and through the influence of the printing office, he nevertheless took a keen interest in schools, in the work of the teachers, and of the children in their school work. For several years he was a trustee and secretary to the trustees of the Berwick school. His frequent visits to the school were always appreciated by both teachers and pupils because of his sympathetic interest in the work.

For a number of years he was Secretary of the Board of Trade in Berwick and as such was a helpful member of that body in advancing the interests of Berwick and the surrounding districts.

Mr. Woodworth continued to publish The Register until Jan. 1. 1919, when, beginning to feel the weight of advancing years, he disposed of the business to the present proprietor.

In April, 1919, he removed to Brooklyn, Yarmouth County, where he has since resided, living quietly and happily, busy with his pen, his books and his garden, and gaining for himself there, as elsewhere, the friendship and esteem of all who knew him.

The funeral took place at Yarmouth on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 20th, interment being made in the beautiful Mountain Cemetery. The services were held in the Memorial Chapel, Rev. H. L. Haslam officiating. The bearers were: Capt. F. A. Ladd, of Yarmouth, Selwyn B. Hatfield of New York, and Messrs. P. J. Shaw and W. L. Hatfield of Berwick.

Mr. Woodworth leaves a widow who, before her marriage, was Miss Aimee Huntington, and one sister, Miss Mary C. Woodworth, Orrington, Maine, besides a number of more distant relatives in Berwick and vicinity.

August 21, 1929

An Appreciation

In the passing of Mr. John E. Woodworth, Kings County suffers the loss of one of its most notable men. Mr. Woodworth’s early days were given to its welfare and his best efforts to its upbuilding and varied interests. A man of phenomenal memory, connected by relationship to the best of the olden times and modern days he could speak with authority upon matters forgotten by the present generation. As a newspaper man, his record on the Western Chronicle, Kentville, and The Register, speaks for itself. He frequently remarked, it was not so much what went into each edition of a paper as what was kept out of it, which spelled success in journalism.

Owing to illness and death in his family, he was compelled to leave school at a very early age. He was practically self-educated and under adverse circumstances he persevered where a less courageous soul would have given up in despair. He was untiring in his devotion to his family and loyal to his friends. He gave generously the columns of his paper, recording social matters, marriages, the coming and going of friends, giving eulogistic tributes to our friends when called from us. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, and children sharing our burdens by these sympathetic messages. The world knew little of his self-denial and many deeds of kindness. He shrank from publicity for himself though giving it so freely to others.

For years Mr. Woodworth conducted a Bible Class in Somerset Hall on Sundays. His knowledge of Scripture was remarkable; he could quote chapter and verse on an instant’s notice, and always carried in those days a vest pocket edition of the bible of so small a type as to be almost invisible to us, but easily discernible to his quicker eyes.

Having known him from my earliest youth, I have no hesitation in naming him as one of the finest education forces we had in our midst. The Rev’d. William Sommerville, to whose church he was an adherent, said of him as a youth, "he would go far if his life was spared as he had exceptional talent and perseverance." He will be widely and sincerely mourned as a very honorable Christian gentleman.

To Mrs. Woodworth, her many friends extend sympathy in her sorrow and bereavement, sustained in the death of her husband.

Mrs. G. G. King.
