Dec. 6, 1922

The Register,

December 6, 1922


Friends of Mr. Edward Gould will regret to learn that he has been confined to the house by illness.

Mr. C. A. Burns is able to be out again after being "laid up" with a severe attack of rheumatism.

Mr. Boyd Swindell, of Burlington, has returned to his employment in Boston.

Mr. Claude Faulkinham, of Burlington, has gone to Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Lufkin, of Somerset, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edson P. Wood.

Miss Evelyn Florence Perry entertained a number of her little friends Saturday afternoon, the occasion being the celebration of her twelfth birthday which occurred on Sunday, the 3rd.

Mrs. Austin Best, of Burlington, is visiting relatives in Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Mr. David P. Spicer is spending a well earned vacation with his sisters in Massachusetts.

Mrs. D. Boyd Parker, who has been very ill, is, we are pleased to state, able to be out again.

Work on the Russia bridge is progressing rapidly. Mr. Anderson, an engineer of the Highways Board is in charge. The schooner Nina C., commanded by Capt. E. L. Curry, brought the heavy timber from Port Greville.

Capt. I. Bloomfield Morris has returned from Port Greville, where he is having a fine yacht built. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, work on the boat will be suspended until next spring.
