San Francisco County |
Pre-1905 Calif Death Index
San Francisco County is one of the original 27 counties. The sixth mission in California was established here by Padre Junipero Serra on October 9, 1776, and was named Mission San Francisco de Asis a la Laguna de los Dolores (Saint Francis of Assisi at the Lagoon of Sorrows). The mission is now known as "Mission Dolores." Territory which at one time was in San Francisco County is now in San Mateo County. Some of the water of San Francisco Bay which at one time was in San Francisco County is now in Marin County. ......... |
San Francisco files are divided here by date. To search for names on the pages below you will need to use the Edit/Find command in your browser (by pressing the Ctrl key and the F key simultaneously) or you can use the search box on the home page.
NOTE: It has come to our attention that the date on the San Francisco records is NOT the date of death, but the date the entry was made to the record. SOURCES: Register of Deaths of the City and County of San Francisco) These volumes normally include the following information for each individual:*Date of Entry, Name, Sex, Age, Occupation, Place of Birth*, Previous Residence, Particular Place of Death, Date of Death, Cause of Death, Place of Burial, and Remarks.
The originals are located at the S.F. Dept. of Public Health (Book "O" was never microfilmed).
Some San Francisco Files have come in that cover a span of dates and are divided by
letter rather than date. Those files received so far are listed below.
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copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 - Pre-1905 CADI Phoenix Project.
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