
Disclaimer: All materials have been transcribed
and typed according to spelling of documents from online internet auctions.

Washington, D.C.

In some of the Southern states of this enlightened country, if a man steals a negro, and is convicted thereof before a court having competent jurisdiction, he is sentenced to the gallows; but if he kill a negro, he is fined in a sum not exceeding his nominal value.  At a court of sessions held in Charleston, on the 28th ult. James Hutton, for a crime of the latter description, was fined fifty pounds, and George Burrows and Robert Welch; convicted of negro stealing were ordered to be hanged on the 22d of June.

NY Musuem

Jun 17, 1809

Lots of Ground, with Houses and Negroes for sale

BY virtue of a deed of trust from Francis Fenwick, we will sell, at public auction, on Wednesday the 3rd of April next, at half past 4 o'clock, P.M., on the premises, for cash, all the said Fenwick's right, title, interest, and estate, to the following property, as conveyed to us, viz: lot No. 175, in Threlkeld's addition to Georgetown, fronting 60 feet on Fayette street, with the house and other improvements thereon, in which the said Fenwick resides, and lot No. 109, in same addition, fronting 60 feet on Fayette street, with the house and other improvements on it, now occupied by Mr. Offat.

    Also, at the said residence of Mr. Fenwick, two negro men, viz: Michael, about 31 years of age, now employed at the college, and Ambrose.

    The title papers of the property maybe seen at anytime at the Counting House of John Laird & Son.

                                                                           JAMES DUNLOP, Jr.

                                                                            WILLIAM LAIRD

The sale of the above property is postponed to Wednesday the 24th April, at 4 o'clock, P.M.

april 19-ls

Source: 1822, National Intelligencer, Washington, D.C.


Left Mr. Joshua Peirce, about two miles from Washington City, where he has been living for ten or eleven years, on Saturday evening, 12th January, a negro man who calls himself, by name, NED RHODES.  He is a dark mulatto, with black whiskers about 27 years old, five feet ten or eleven inches high; no mark recollected except a gap in his teeth before, not from the loss of a tooth; had on when he left Mr. Peirce's a brown frock coat, gray pantaloons and a white hat.  He has a mother and brother living in Baltimore, belonging to Mr. Bonsinger, it is quite likely, he has gone on there.  the above reward will be given if taken out of the District, and ten dollars if taken in the District of Columbia.

                                                                        CATHARINE CONNER

                                                                        Montgomery County

jan 25-3t

Source: 1839, National Intelligencer, Washington, D.C.


For delivering to the Subscriber a negro boy, Edmond, who was a few days ago sent with a letter to a gentleman in the city and has not since returned.
                                                                         Richard Frazer

Washington, June 27, 1843                                                                            6tep.
Source: National Intelligencer, July 1
8, 1803


INCLUDING both sexes from 12 to 25 years of age.  Persons having servants to dispose of, will find it to their interest to give me a call, as I will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is now in the market.  I can at all times be found at the MECHANIC'S HALL, now kept by B.O. Sheckle, and formerly kept by Isaac Beers, on 7th Street, a few doors below Lloyd's Tavern, opposite of the Centre Market.  All communications promptly attended to.

                                                                        JAMES H. BURCH

                                                                         Washington City

July 18. dtf


The subscriber will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to him, in this city, of his mulatto man slave, named TOM, who eloped from his service, without the slightest provocation, on the 23d of April last.  He will give one hundred and fifty dollars if said slave is secured in any jail in the U. States, so that he is thereby enabled to reclaim him.  Tom is a tall dark mulatto, upwards of six feet high, straight built, and not inclined to be fleshy.  At the time of his elopement, he wore large black whispers, which, I am informed, he has since shaved off. His dress, as my coachman, was a livery of dark gray cloth, with a red cape and cuffs on the coat; red casimere waistcoat, and grey pantaloons.  He had also a drab great coat, and other clothing not particularly recollected.  These articles of clothing he will probably change to prevent detection.  I have been informed...

[Researcher's Note: Transcription was not completed due to incomplete scanning of the full-length advertisement]

Source: The United States Telegraph, Washington City, (Washington, D.C. )
August 31, 1832; September 7, 1832


The subscriber will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery to him, in this city,  of his mulatto man slave, named TOM, who eloped from his service, without the slightest provocation, on the 23rd of April last.  He will give one hundred and fifty dollars if said slave is secured in any jail in the U. States, so that he is thereby enabled to reclaim him.  Tom is a tall dark mulatto, upwards of six feet high, straight built, and not inclined to be fleshy.  At the time of his elopement, he wore large black whiskers, which, I am informed, he has since shaved off.  His dress, as my coachman, was a livery of dark gray cloth, with a red cape and cuffs on the coat; red casimere waistcoat, and grey cloth pantaloons.

[Researcher's Note: Transcription was not completed due to incomplete scanning of the full-length advertisement] 

Source: The United States Telegraph, Washington City, (Washington, D.C. )
September 14, 1832

$200 REWARD-RANAWAY FROM the subscriber, living near Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Md., NEGRO MAN LEN, who calls himself LEN HARROD; he is a dark mulatto, about thirty-one years of age, five feet seven inches high; he has a scar on the right knee caused by a cut; half of his head shaved, and very grum when spoken to.

I will give the above reward if caught out of the State of Maryland or District of Columbia, or one hundred dollars if caught in the State of Maryland or District of Columbia, and secured in jail or brought home so that I can get him again.

au28tf                                                                Z.B. BEALL

Source: Evening Star, Washington, D.C.
Saturday, September 6, 1856


I will give two hundred dollars for securing my mulatto servant BEN in any gaol, so that I get him again, or the above reward if brought home; and 2 dollars for the HORSE he took away with him, the 2d of December, last.  Ben is a height mulatto, 17 years of age, of the usual stature of his age, tenderly ___, round, ___face; thick lips, has a short beard chiefly on the upper lip, and heavy stupid countenance.  Had on when he went away a half worn small brim beaver hat; roundabout and pantaloons of blue cloth, with white metal buttons, and great coat of drab flushing collar and cuffs laced with dark fur, pieced in the foreskirt.  It is believed to be his intention to get to Philadelphia, where he has a grandmother called Suke, 66 years of age about 5 feet high, and an aunt called Rachel 36 years of age 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, mulatines, born slaves in the state of Maryland, lived a few years in Alexandria, state of Virginia, were manumitted and ____ to Philadelphia, some 8 or 10 years back.  The horse is a dark ____, 10 or 12 years old, about 13 hands high, cropped tail and ridged mane.  Masters of vessels and others were forewarned from employing, or carrying off said servant, at their peril.

                                                                          DENNIS MAGRUDER
                                                                          Ten miles east of Washington City

April 14


Compiled By: Sonya Brown
Date Created: August 25, 2000
Last Update: March 17, 2001

Background and Image Design By Sonya Brown

 Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved.

Brown and Mear(e)s of Bladen and Columbus County