before the "hunger years" (1843-1850) the destruction by urban
industrialization of the flax-based cottage industry of rural people
had been rapidly accelerating and encouraged many small farmers to
emigrate overseas. Before leaving they sold or rented out their land
before getting
on board ship2
and paid for their trip with their own money or with the help of
their parents, as a loan on their heritage.
However, the failure of the home-based flax industry
combined with repeated failure of crops, particularly
that of potatoes, the poor man's staple, created large numbers of
destitute people who often were reduced to begging and wandering
around the countryside and into towns as vagabonds, looking for work.
To organize food and lodging support they were collected into "beggar
colonies" near the towns and cities in Flanders. Such colonies
existed at or near Antwerpen, Bergen, Brugge, Hoogstraaten, Rekkem
and Ter Kameren. Destitute people often entered such settlements
voluntarily for up to a year but others were committed to them by
magistrates. In either case the municipality where they had lived
became responsible for the cost of feeding and lodging them in these
"colonies". Because the municipalities had lost much of their tax
revenue due to the depressed economy they looked for ways to reduce
the costs of supporting people in the "colonies", especially for
those who stayed for a year.
Some were encouraged to emigrate to Central and
South America, but many returned because of the climate and tropical
diseases. The welfare office of Gent helped those who wished to move
to France by paying their travel and household moving costs and a bit
of money to tide them over for the first few days in their new
'home'. Another approach was developed by the Council of the Province
of Antwerpen. It encouraged the "socially fallen" in its "beggars
colony" to emigrate overseas to places where they would remain, USA
and Canada4.
The first to take advantage of an extension of that idea was J-F
Loos, the Burgomeester of Antwerpen (Antwerp) who "encouraged" the
emigration of J.J. Leemans. He was a 35 year-old tailor who had been
sentenced to jail for 3 months for embezzling funds in January 1849
and in January 1850 was sentenced again for the same felony. The
police commissioner put Leemans in the "beggar colony" at
Hoogstraaten so he could consider if he would like to receive help to
leave the country. He accepted the offer and on February 27th boarded
a ship for New York. The cost of the ticket, was taken for the funds
the city had allocated for Leeman's lodging and food in the
Hoogstraaten "colony". (Does Leemans have any descendants in the US
or Canada?) A group of similar "colonists" departed from Antwerpen on
February 17th, 1851.
Other municipalities in Flanders soon followed
Antwerpen's example with the support and help of that province's
administration to organize the emigration of likely candidates from
the "colonies" at Gent, Brugge, Hoogstraaten, Rekkem and Ter Kameren.
Preparation became more elaborate and cost 186 Francs per person
(mostly men?). This included the ticket for between deck" passage,
money for food for 77 days, kitchen utensils for preparing meals,
pocket money and each was provided with trousers, a vest, working
overalls, 2 shirts, 2 pairs socks, a pair of shoes, a trunk, a towel,
a comb and hair brush, white soap, needles and thread, a straw-filled
mattress and pillow, a bed cover, a pipe and tobacco. To make sure
these emigrants would be acceptable they were to be "mustered"
on the ship as sailors! Efforts were also made to hide the fact that
most of the emigrants came from beggars colonies and that some were
people whose sentence to a colony or jail had been commuted when they
agreed to leave Belgium.
Things went smoothly until in April 1854 when the
captain of the ship Ann Washburn insisted that each emigrant
should have a ticket to show that he would be traveling further into
the interior of the US and would not become a burden to the city of
New York where they would disembark. But the same year the captain of
the ship Rochambeau and the American Consul in Antwerpen
became suspicious that many of the travelers were in fact beggars
because they brought little baggage. When the ship arrived in New
York 12 of the 350 passengers were jailed on the grounds that the
entry of foreign ex-criminals was prohibited. However, with the
payment of $20 for each of the 12 arrested immigrants they were were
allowed to proceed to St. Louis. Following that uproar the Belgian
government denied any knowledge of the plan to send beggars out of
the country. Next, the governor of the Province of Antwerpen spread
the word that there would be no trouble if such emigrants went to
Canada. He also implied they could reach the American Midwest by
passing through Canada. Later the three Belgian Ministries involved
in the matter assured the US authorities that the emigration of
beggars, vagabonds and released convicts would halt. This may have
been a wise decision since the Belgian Consul in Chicago reported
that these immigrants arrived barren of resources. Although they
began to earn more money than they had in Belgium they remained poor:
they had merely changed their geographic place of misery from Belgium
to America.
1850 and 1885 a total of 557 beggars and people
released from the beggar colonies of the province of Antwerp were
sent off as emigrants, mostly to the US. From the other 4 beggar
colonies in Flanders 535 emigrated during the same years. We have no
reports from any of these emigrants about their experiences in their
new home and none described their former state of social degradation
in Belgium.
Knowing the years during which some of their
ancestors departed for the America and the names of at least two of
the ships (Ann Washburn and Rochambeau ) on which some
emigrants traveled to New York might give their descendants in the US
and Canada an additional aspect of their Fl
emish ancestry to research.
The Red Star Line
1872 disinfecting
to make sure that the poorer emigrants from Belgium and those from
the rest Europe who boarded in Antwerp did not contaminated the ships
with vermin.5