ASU Alumni In Memoriam, Surnames O, Maricopa County, Arizona - GenWeb

ASU In Memoriam

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ODOM, Arthur Dennis , ; 1957 B.S. ; May 8, 2007
O'DONNELL, Barbara Spence, ; 1976 B.S.N.;July 17, 2004
O'HIGGINS, Kirk P. , ; 1967 B.A.E. ; April 29, 2005
OJEDA, Ida , ; 1935 B.A.E. ; March 6, 2005
OLIVER, Betty (Williamson) , ; 1948 B.S.,1953 M.A.E. ; September 26, 2005
OLSON, Jean (Miller) ; 1960 B.S. ; February 22, 2007
OLSON, Lee B. , ; 1953 B.S. ; November 17, 2006
OLSON, Patricia (Vokral) , ; 1956 B.A.E. ; December 19, 2005
OLSON, Valerie J. , ; 1979 B.S.,1981 M.H.S.A. ; April 16, 2006
ORR, Charles , ; 1958 M.A.E. ; May 19, 2006
ORTH, Betty M. (Surratt) , ; 1942 B.A.E. ; December 19, 2006
OSBORN, Robert , ; 1951 M.A.E. ; April 27, 2006
OSIFE, Harold , ; 1984 B.S.W. ; May 8, 2002
O'TOOLE, Lawrence , ; 1955 B.S. ; February 27, 2006
OTTNEY, Dr. James B., Jr. , ; 1989 B.S. ; November 2, 2005
OUELLETTE, Lois E. (Miller) , ; 1970 M.A.E. ; August 1, 2006
OVERTON, Mildred R. (Masden) , ; 1958 M.A. ; April 10, 2005
OWENS, Richard E. , ; 1959 B.S., 1968 M.N.S. ; July 10, 2006

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