RAMSEY, Daniel S.
Parker -- Daniel S. Ramsey, 24, died Mon., Feb. 9, 1976, in an industrial accident here. He a construction worker. Mother, Mamie MINATTO; a brother and a sister survive. Services in the United Methodist Church. 12 Feb 1976RASMUSSEN, James H.
Mesa -- James H. Rasmussen, 61, died Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1976, in his home, 125 N. Parsell. He had been an operating engineer for Arizona Precast and Evans Steel Co. Children, Sally DEWITT, Mary YATES, Diane DALEY, Irene CLEVENGER, Peggy MEYERS, Fritz, Richard, Kenneth and Robert. 1/10/1976. B-6.RATLIFF, Viola Alvina
12 April 1907 - 12 January 1976Viola Alvina Ratliff, 68, died Monday, Jan. 12, 1976, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Survivors include a son, Robert J.; two sisters; a brother; four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Camelback Sunset Chapel Mortuary. Services were in Lockland, Ohio. 1/15/1976.
RAY, Myrtle Hull
Myrtle Hull Ray, 91, died Mon., Feb. 9, 1976, in Bells Lodge. She had lived in Phoenix 42 years and was a member of Central Heights Baptist Church. Survivors include a son, Homer W. Hull; a sister; 4 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren. Hansen Mortuary. 11 Feb 1976REDINGER, Thomas G.
Thomas G. Redinger, 21, a student at Scottsdale Community College, died Saturday, Jan. 10, 1976, of injuries suffered in an auto accident. He was working for Southwest Auto Lease, Inc. where his father is an executive. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene Redinger; three brothers; grandparents, Estella Gentry and Mrs. Lyle Redinger. Messinger Mortuary. 1/11/1976.REESE, Edgar Franklin
Mesa -- Edgar Franklin Reese, 88, died Monday, Jan. 12, 1976, in Mesa General Hospital. He was a farmer and rancher who came to Arizona in 1919 and had owned Reese's Market and a hamburger stand near Buckeye Road in Phoenix in the 1940s and 1950s. Survivors include sons, Jimmy, Gary, Randy, Mike and Donald; a brother; four sisters; and 14 grandchildren. Services were in the Lehi First Ward Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Gibbons-Bunker Garden Chapel Mortuary. 1/15/1976.REESE, Nellie
28 September 1895 - 14 January 1976Nellie Reese, 80, who moved to Phoenix nine years ago from Akron, Ohio, died Wed., Jan. 14, 1976, in Phoenix Emergicenter. Two sons, Francis and Edward; a daughter, Roberta Williams, and 19 grandchildren. Graveside services were at Holy Cross Cemetery, 99th Ave. & Thomas Road. 1/15/1976.
Mesa -- Ben Reeves, 74, died Thurs., Feb. 12, 1976, in Mesa General Hospital. He worked in the copper mines at Miami from 1947 until retiring to Mesa in 1967. Survived by wife, Bernice; children, Ruth Cupples of Miami, Donald and Norman of San Manuel; stepchildren, Mary Scherler of Oklahoma and Grover Hall of Seattle; a sister, Nora Jones of Texas; and a sister-in-law; 14 grandchildren. Services in East Mesa Baptist Church. Graveside rites in Pinal Cemetery at Miami. 14 Feb 1976RENSHAW, Myrtle J.
Myrtle J. Renshaw, 92, died Monday, Jan. 12, 1976, in Mesa Lutheran Hospital. She had been an Arizona resident since 1944 and was a member of Mesa Womens Club, First United Methodist Church, Eastern Star, White Shrine and Arizona Boys Rnach Auxiliary. Survivors include children, Pauline Fitzgerald and Robert; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Larry J. Melcher Mortuary. Graveside services at Mountain View Cemetery. 1/14/1976 p. C-3.REYES, Victor M.
Avondale -- Graveside services for Victor M. Reyes, 22 months, were in Holy Cross Cemetery, 99th Ave and Thomas. THe child was in an auto accident and died Sunday, Feb. 8, 1976. Parents Mr./Mrs. Emelio REYES. 12 Feb 1976REYES, Virginia R.
Youngtown -- Virginia R. Reyes, 63, died Mon., Feb. 9, 1976, in Valley View Hospital. Survivors include children, Constance Robin and George D.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett TAYLOR; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. 11 Feb 1976