Burgenland Bunch - BurgenlandGenWeb
The BurgenlandGenWeb Gateway
© 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 "The Burgenland Bunch"

Click for the Burgenland Bunch The Burgenland Bunch Genealogy Group

Genealogists researching the multi-ethnic heritage of the Burgenland of Austria and adjoining areas of former West Hungary.


The Province of Burgenland, in the south east of Austria, was formed from parts of the Hungarian counties (Megye) of Vas, Sopron and Moson following WWI . While it is Austria's youngest province, it can claim to be one of the oldest. It has a fascinating history worthy of being studied in detail. The population comprises people of mainly Germanic, Croatian and Hungarian descent. During the late 1800's through the 1950's, many inhabitants emigrated to the United States, Canada, South America and elsewhere. Our primary purpose is to develop genealogical data concerning those emigrants. We can help locate Burgenland villages through their Hungarian, German, and Croatian names, identify parishes and location of municipal offices, and identify available church and civil records. We publish family names and data appearing in old records and items and articles of Burgenland historical and cultural interest in our monthly email newsletter. We link researchers through an email network. We are also actively engaged in uncovering records available for genealogical research. Through the Burgenland Bunch Homepage, you can hyperlink to many other related sites.
If your interest is the Burgenland, we can help you.

ball01d.gif - 0,11 K If you have a Burgenland question post it to the Burgenland Query Board (postings will then receive individual attention from other readers)
ball01d.gif - 0,11 K If you you are looking for specific family names and know their villages of origin, consider joining the Burgenland Bunch (see below)
ball01d.gif - 0,11 K If you'd like to join the Burgenland Bunch and receive a monthly email newsletter, read the invitation letter at http://www.the-burgenland-bunch.org/Help/BB_Invitation.htm then fill out the "New Member Information Form" at the link indicated on that page.
ball01d.gif - 0,11 K If you'd just like some help with Burgenland Genealogy, scan the Burgenland Bunch archives or visit the Burgenland Bunch Homepage
ball01d.gif - 0,11 K If you'd like to view a few hundred names of Burgenland immigrants, look for your village or correspond with other Burgenland researchers see the Burgenland Bunch Homepage
ball01d.gif - 0,11 K Click if you want to return to World Gen Web or AustrianGenWeb

Thanks to Rootsweb for hosting this site

Burgenland Bunch President:Thomas J Steichen (Greencastle, PA, USA)
Burgenland Bunch Vice President: Klaus Gerger (Wien und Güssing, Österreich)
Burgenland Bunch Founder and Newsletter Editor:Gerald J Berghold (deceased)


All Rights Reserved. Permission to Copy Granted, but Give Credit

Güssing Castle

Güssing Castle

12th Century Home of the Mighty Counts of Güssing - Herrschaft of the Batthyanys from the 16th Century;now the focal point of Bezirk Güssing



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Last Update: Mon 10 Sep 2018