Holroyd Family History Group - Holroyd surname

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The City of Holroyd was renamed in 1927 in honour of the first mayor Arthur Todd Holroyd.

We sometimes receive requests from people researching their Holroyd surname - please note that we do NOT carry out research on this name.

Below are several sites interested in the Holroyd surname

Please do not contact us about the following sites, you should contact the owners of each site directly with enquiries. Holroyd Family History Group takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information on these sites, and advise information found anywhere should always be confirmed with your own research

Steve Holroyd from Sydney, has been researching the name Holroyd/Howroyd, and would like to contact others interesting in these names, Steve has extensive information on his site.

Hickson Genealogy - Anthony Hickson has Holroyd connections listed including Arthur Todd Holroyd

Benjamin Holroyd - born bet. 1730 - 1750 - death unknown - Yorkshire UK

Emily Sophia Patton (1831-1912) was the daughter of Arthur Todd Holroyd, and known for promoting the Tonic Sol-fa music methods in Japan. Emily developed an interest in Japan, moving there permanently after the deaths of her family, and wrote a book Japanese Topsyturvydom explaining the differences between Japanese customs and the west. A copy of the book has been purchased by Monash University. The book is also mentioned on this next site in connection with bonsai plants


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