Sebastian County, Ar Black History Page

Black History in Sebastian Co.

Mt Harmony Cemetery likely has black women and children buried there but no black men. Black men were buried in a Black Cem up behind the ridge the church is on, up on Ruell Hollands land. There was also a black family cem at the bottom of what is now Greenwood lake.

True Light Baptist Church & Preacher Thomas

Marriage License for Thomas & Coursey 1907

Colored People's Picnic 1882

Former Slaves testimony on Barney Macklin's Southern Claim in 1870's

Former Slaves testimony on John D. Arbuckle's Southern Claim in 1870's

The Remarkable Henry Norwood Family

Ft. Smith's Black Civil War Soldiers, The 11th U.S. Colored Troops

Civil War "Colored Troops & Buffalo Soldiers" marker photos and information for those buried at Ft Smith Natl Cemetery

Red Oak Cemetery

Cherokee/African-American Cemetery

Arnett Chapel AME Church History, Huntington

Phyllis Wheatley School, Huntington

Old Negro Boy's Club - Ft. Smith

Off Site Links

Freedmen of the Frontier- Ft. Smith's Black History Site

Slave Holders of 1860

You will have to scroll down this off site list above to find Sebastian County.

African American Sailors in the Union Navy from Arkansas



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Last Updated: Friday, 23-Feb-2007 12:36:11 MDT