If you have a unit or a county pension list of RW Soldiers on your homepage, please send the URL to be included here. Put RW Link in the subject line.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
National Society Sons of the American Revolution
Bibliography of the American Revolution by the US Military Institute
ALABAMA - Military & Pension Records- Alabama
GEORGIA - RW Gravesite-Columbia Co. GA
NEW YORK - RW Soldiers- Washington Co. NY- Battle of Saratoga
OHIO - RW Soldiers Living in the State of Ohio 1818-1819
PENNSYLANIA - Rev. War Soldiers (Links to sites)
PENNSYLVANIA - Berks Co., PA RW Soldiers
PENNSYLVANIA - Washington County Militia, 4th Company, 2nd Battalion
WEST VIRGINIA Genealogical & Historical Resources on the Net-- click on Southern Illustrated photo for RW Soldiers
VIRGINIA - Fauquier Co. VA Soldiers
ALL STATES - 1,000 assorted names on Pension list from various states
US GENWEB Archives-- some US Counties have pension files, etc.
Revolutionary War Period Family Bible and Marriage Records.
Did you lose an ancestor in the violent interlude following the French and Indian War when Chief Pontiac led a last ditch effort to stop the English westward expansion? Even if your answer is "no" you might want to learn about it. See the Hardy County Genealogy Page -- Colonial Notes -- for Terry Gruber's new article which includes a listing with several names of the victims. Also included: suggestions for further reading.
War of 1812 Soldiers, Lists and Links (Enter your War of 1812 ancestor in a self entry form).