Page 28 - PARPC

Prosperity A. R. P.

Wheeling, Fulton County, Arkansas
Submitted by Wilma King
Transcribed by Marsha Boles

28 ( upper left corner)

Prosperity ARP Church -  Dec. 23rd 1905

The congregation, in annual session, after sermon by Pastor.

And was organized by election of W. L. Chesnut as chairman and

Rev. M.T. Ellis as secretary.

The report of the treasurer was read & is as follows:

Salary promised             $109.40             Paid 19.15         Balance due      13.25

Dr. House Mission             20.00                    15.25                                3.75                

Dr. Fox mission                 15.00                    15.00                                           

Paid on salary 1904           24.00                                               


Total paid on salary          120.15                  120.15

Paid by Sabbath School    $6.00

Paid by other purposes   $33.00

Total paid all purposes   $194.15