Page 25 - PARPC

Prosperity A. R. P.

Wheeling, Fulton County, Arkansas
Submitted by Wilma King
Transcribed by Marsha Boles

25 (appears in upper right corner)

We had our summer communion 2nd Sabbath Aug. 14th 1904

No business came before the session. Meeting commenced Friday night.

5 sermons of a high order & entertaining to large congregations & attentive to the word.

Our pastor done all the preaching.

- - - W.L.Chesnut – Clerk - - -

Session met. Opened with prayer by the pastor

Prosperity – Jan 15th 1903 By order of the session: Miss Anne Moffatt (leaving)

Dismissed by letter.

- - - W.L. Chesnut – Clerk - - -

On this 13th day of October 1904

Session met opened with prayer

1st order of business: was voting on the basis of the union; the vote was unanimous – FOR

2nd Electing a Delegate to attend a meeting of the Presbytery (which will meet at Prosperity Church).

______ (3 words could be – Elected by proxy) A. U. Paden, Delegate

3rd W.L.Chesnut was excused for not attending the meeting of last spring Presbytery was herd by the  session & excused. Closed with Prayer.

-          - - W.L.Chesnut – Clerk - - -

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NOTE: this page had few punctuation marks. Some punctuation and capitalization was added as transcriber is familiar with certain reoccurring phrases.

The word leaving in 2nd entry, does appear in parentheses in the margin: late entry ? ? ?