Page 24 - PARPC

Prosperity A. R. P.

Wheeling, Fulton County, Arkansas
Submitted by Wilma King
Transcribed by Marsha Boles

24 (left upper corner)


The motion was made & seconded: (Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in Jan) there will be a congregational (con't. from page 23)

meeting to elect church officers.

The motion was made, seconded & carried:   to adjourn. - - - J.C. Harris, Secretary - - -


We held our spring communion on the 2nd Sabbath of May:May 10th 1902

No business came before the session - - - W.L.Chesnut – Clerk - - -


Prosperity – March 13th 1904

Session met and adopted the standing order of the Arkansas Presbytery.

Session closed with prayer - - - W.L.Chesnut – Clerk - - -


Prosperity – March 27th 1904

Session met and received W.A. Moffatt in to the church by letter.


Prosperity – July 24th 1904

Meeting was  opened with prayer by M.T. Ellis.

Jane L. Crowick requested a letter from the church, which was granted by order of the session.

-          - - W.L.Chesnut – Clerk - - -

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RE: Jane Crowick – there are Chadwicks in this county.