Arkansas Cemeteries



Est.  ca  1879

Union County, Arkansas

Submitted June 13, 2004, by Janice Holzer


Located on private property about 14 miles east of El Dorado.  Extracted from a canvass done by C.R. Winans, February 6, 1992.

Posted  June 14, 2004   Janice  Holzer.


Large  stone with the following:


REBECCA,  m/of  B.F.  TATUM, SR.  ( no dates)


B.F.  TATUM, SR.     8-6-1815   to   10-9-1896


S. M.  TATUM    9-22-1822   to   1-28-1901  wf/of

B.F.  Tatum, Sr.


B.F.  TATUM,  JR.   1-9-1849   to   1-16-1879




to   7-10-1888    s/of  T.T.  &  M.E.  McDaniels


REBECCA   TATUM   (no dates)  mother of  B.F.

Tatum, Sr.  &   S. M.  Tatum


S. M.  TATUM    9-22-1822   to   1-28-1901   wf/of

B.F. Tatum, Sr.   Mother of  B.F. Tatum, Jr.


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