Arkansas Cemeteries



Union County, Arkansas

Extracted from Union County, Arkansas Cemetery book, Volume Two

April 7, 2004   Janice  Holzer

Updated  May 9, 2006


This cemetery is located in Union County, Arkansas, south west of

El Dorado.  It was canvassed in March 1989 by Lillian McGowen & Shirley Dollar.  Updated October 1991 by Violet and Ralph O. Weldon.

Extracted from Union County, Arkansas Cemetery book, Volume Two.

April 2004.  Updated April 2006 & took photos.  Janice Holzer 



*MM  abbreviation for a funeral marker, when there is no monument

*Use of the symbol  "&" indicates a double headstone

Un-named  Infant     B  &  D  8-20-1917


LILLIAN  HILL BANKSTON    1-2-1947   Age 54 yrs  (On the 1961 canvass, but not found in 1989)


GEORGE  HAROLD  BECK    died  May 30, 1942   Age  52 yrs  11 mos  10 dys  (On 1961 canvass, but not found in 1989)


W. A.  BYROM  (no dates)  (On 1961 canvass, but not there in 1989)


Z. A.  CARSTAIRS    8-19-1916  to  2-28-1990  Age 73   (*MM Rump-Owens  )


E. CLIFFORD  (no dates)   age  52 yrs.  (on 1961 canvass, but not found in 1989)


O. E.  CLIFFORD     9-1-1868  to  11-3-1920  "Our Father"


EDITH  CROWSON    3-18-1879  to  5-22-1924  "Our Beloved Mother"


JOHN  LAWRENCE  CROWSON    7-9-1907  to  8-19-1922


CHARLES  DAILEY    died 6-23-1924  (homemade concrete marker)


LESSIE  DeVORE    1912  to  1930  (homemade concrete marker)


Infant  DODSON     died  6-5-1943   s/of  R. H.  &  Syble  Dodson


VIRGINIA  LOIS  ELLIOTT     B &  D   12-25-1942  d/of  Mr. &  Mrs.

Willard  Elliott


LINDA  BAKER  EVANS   8-1-`904  to  4-14-1992


CARRIE  ROARK  HASKINS    7-21-1894  to  11-19-1970

&   WM.  HARVEY  HASKINS   8-18-1887  to  7-28-1947


DELLA  MARIE  HASKINS   12-27-1926  to  10-29-2003  Age 76  *MM


MARGIE  CLARA  HASKINS   11-29-1920   to  2-18-1935


WILLIE  JEAN  HASKINS  11-11-1935  to  11-12-1935  infant  d/of

Wm. & Carrie Haskins


Infant  HOWELL    12-21-1928  to  12-23-1928   s/of  H.C.  &  L.E.  Howell


AYLMER  EUGENE  JACKSON    1-7-1912  to  12-25-1992 

Md: 12-14-1932

&  IDA  WARREN  JACKSON   3-25-1907  to  5-27-1990


JOHN  LAWRENCE   7-9-1907  to  8-19-1922  *Not found in 2006


Infant  LOWERY    died November ______  ( on 1961 canvass, but not found in 1989)


MELBA  G.  LUCKY  (70)  7-18-1935  to  6-12-2006  d/of  Aaron & Eula Mae Goley Pope;   wf/of  Doyle  G.  Lucky    *OB   


(EDDIE  ?)   McCARTY   died   ____18, 1931  (on 1961 canvass, but not found in 1989)


RICHARD  WAYNE  McGOOGAN    4-24-1949  to  11-3-1949

*Baby and marker moved to Scotland Cemetery


CANDIE (?Candis)  VIOLA  McLEOD   12-18-1910  to  2-28-1929

W. E.  McLEOD   2-26-1928  to  6-3-1928


BUDDIE  MOSS    died  11-14-1927  infant s/of  Mr. & Mrs. J.V. Moss


Infant  PHILLIPS   died  3-29-1936  ( on 1961 canvass, not found in 1989)


JACKIE  LEE  PLUMLEE    10-21-1958  to  6-6-1982


NELLIE  SHEPHERD      B  &  D  6-6-1918 


MARY  ANN  SMITH   died  10-25-1941  Infant (on 1961 canvass, not found in 1989)


TEDDY  JOE  SPEARS   3-7-1938  to  4-22-1990   Md:  9-29-1961

&  LYNELL  JACKSON  SPEARS    12-11-1935  (one date)


LARRY  ROBERT  STUARD    8-13-1951  to  12-19-1995  "Son"


ROBERT  J.  STUARD  5-28-1930  to  6-28-1993   md: 6-24-1950

&  BEATRICE  DAWSON  STUARD   5-11-1932  (one date)


VERA  CHAPMAN  TURLINGTON    1903  to  1939


FRANK  MALCOM  WARD    5-3-1935   to  8-18-1986

HTC  U.S.  Navy   Korea  &  Vietnam


ERVIN  YOUNG   11-11-1919  to  9-3-1996

&  VIRGINIA  GOODWIN  YOUNG   4-17-1927  (one date)


Many gravesites with no markers or un-readable Mortuary markers.


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