Arkansas Cemeteries


Hickory Grove Cemetery

Logan County, Arkansas

Corrections, submitted March 30, 2006, by Jim Cope


Attached are 3-4 corrections for the cemetery listing for Hickory Grove in Logan County.  (Some surnames were wrong, and my mom's uncle's name was wrong.)  Anyway.  thought I needed to let someone know.



corrections are made in indentions and strikeouts for incorrect surname and first names.

I noticed these as I am building my geneology database.

Jim Cope, ancestral families are the Rhinehart and Griffith families.

listing                           correction

Griffith, John H. 6-4-1901 11-24-1976             is  Rhinehart, John Henry

Griffith, Lindell 4-27-1932 7-12-1994               is  Rhinehart,Lindell  (son of John Henry Rhinehart)

Griffith, Morris 8-30-1897 2-6-1977                 is  Griffith, Norris    
(Submitted by great nephew)


Rhinehart, Mahala 8-11-1904 6-12-1992 Floyd O. is  Nancy Mahala Griffith Rhinehart           (Correction submitted by grandson)

Making Rhinehart, Floyd O. 4-15-1903 4-17-1962 Nancy Mahala Griffith Rhinehart


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