Arkansas Cemeteries Logan County Arkansas Cemeteries Surname Index NOTE: These surnames were gathered from transcriptions that are NOT hosted at our site. If a transcription IS hosted at our site, that cemetery information will NOT be included here. This index was put together as a public service to researchers and to assist our onsite search engine to help locate your ancestors. It is NOT a transcription of the cemetery. Our special thanks to Deana Smith. Logan County Home Page - CANADA FAMILY CEMETERY Canada CAROLAN CEMETERY Abbott Allen Angel Bagwell Bailey Balentine Barnhill Bates Bean Beard Beavers Bell Biggs Binning Black Blair Blankenship Blevins Boersma Boggs Bonner Boydston Brooks Brown Bryan Bryant Bunyard Burns Bush Bushnell Byrd Campbell Canada Cantell Carolan Carpenter Carter Cates Cauthron Chancellor Chaney Chiles Coffelt Coffman Coiner Cook Copeland Corley Cotner Cox Crawley Crockett Dailey Dansby Daulton Davis Dawson Depolo DeWitt Doetzell Dorrough Duncas Dunham Emory Englebright Everett Farris Feltman Finney Fish Fitzgerald Florence Foster Fouts French Fuller Gadbury Garner Gasaway Geiger Glass Glidewell Gloar Godwin Goff Goodwin Gordon Gorham Grammie Gray Green Griffin Gunnels Haile Halford Hall Hamm Hammons Hampton Hardin Harmon Harris Harwell Hearne Helton Henderson Hester Hicks Hinkle Holder Holt Hooker Hooper Hornsby Hunter Huston Hutches Irvin Isley Jackson James Jewett Johnson Jonas Jones Keith Kelley Kemper Kenslow Kiersey Kilpatrick Kimbrough Kirk Kitchens Lacey Lacy Ladyman Largent Laspina Lawrence Leach Lebrum Lee Leftwich Lewis Lindsey Lipe Lorg Louthian Love Lowe Lowery Lynch Manning Martin Maxwell McCarson McConnell McDaniel McDonald McInturf McKinney McLaughlin Mebane Melton Michael Miller Mitchell Moody Moore Morrison Morton Mullins Muse Musgrove Nance Nichols Nixon O'Neal Oliphant Oliver Owens Parish Parker Parrott Parsons Pennington Perkins Pierce Pierini Pittman Porter Powell Preston Price Pruitt Prulett Queen Quick Rasbery Ray Reynolds Rice Richardson Roberts Robertson Robinson Rogers Ross Rothwell Ruckman Runnels Ryles Samuels Sanborn Sanderlin Sanderson Savage Schoolcraft Scoggins Scott Self Severe Sikes Simmons Singleton Sitlington Sliger Slocum Slone Smalley Smith Spain Speer Springer Stafford Stanford Stark Starks Stauss Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stone Storts Suits Suttle Suttles Sykes Taylor Tew Tharel Thomas Thompson Tillery Tomlin Tucker Tucknies Turley Umholtz Vaught Vernon Vester Waddell Walker Wallace Wann Ward Ware Warnock Warren Watson Weaver Wells Wigley Wigton Wildenbeast Wilkins Williams Wilson Wingfield Wisley Wood Wooten Wootten Wright Yocum Young This site may be freely linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent. (c) 2000-03 by Arkansas-Cemeteries Mailing List Homepage The copyright (s) on this page must appear on all copied and/or printed material. All rights reserved! Commercial use of material within this site is prohibited!