Arkansas Cemeteries


Aldrich Cemetery

(aka Aldridge Cemetery)

Garland County, Arkansas

Originally copied in 1996.

Updated August 12, 2003, by Debra Slater Garner


Take 70 West Highway west of Hot Springs, AR. Just before you reach the Lake Hamilton

School, turn left on Aldridge Road. Cemetery is located at the end of road.

A sign at the entrance of this cemetery says “Aldridge Cemetery”. 

The land for the cemetery was donated by A. C. & Sarah Aldrich in 1892. (Garland Co., AR Deed Record Book 14, pg. 523)

In the cemetery readings of 1968, by Inez Cline and Bobbie Jones McLane, the cemetery is listed also as ALDRICH.

I wish to thank Mary Johnson of Abilene, TX (GTJohnson4 for information of the land record and clarification of the name of this cemetery.

Additional information noted under the tombstone reading,

is taken from funeral home records, and marriage records. Errors may be found in those documentations, please take this into consideration.


Amick, Roy L.               1893                 1935

s/o Joe and Judith Smith Amick

m: Edith Perry 3-26-1916


Amick, Edith M.             9-5-1899            9-16-1968

d/o Caleb and Mary Wilcox Perry


Andrews, James Lemual 1-3-1822            1900


Andrews, Samantha Ann            10-1-1826          1894


Braughton, Curtis Henry 2-26-1840          11-20-1935


Braughton, Polly Ann     3-1-1846            2-27-1922

d/o John and Mary McElroy Parker

w/o Curtis Henry Braughton


Braughton, John Thomas            12-11-1873        12-1-1906

s/o Curtis and Mary Ann Parker

m: Frances Wilson(see Moncrief)


Burgett, Claude              8-20-1924          4-9-1980

s/o Bill and Vera Campbell Burgett


Burrough, Sarah A.        3-26-1856          5-25-1912


Buttrum, Louis E.           5-22-1913          2-19-1938

s/o Lehman and Grace Gay Buttrum


Church, Sally Perry        10-15-1875        1926

d/o John C. and Rebecca Perry

w/o Benjamin Church


Cozart, James R.                       4-15-1865          3-29-1938

s/o Wm. David and Sarah C. Parker Cozart

m: Mollie Nolen


Cozart, Molly J.             1-15-1875          4-6-1950

d/o William and Martha Rives Nolen


Cozart, William Mason   6-14-1903          11-12-1981

s/o James and Molly Nolen Cozart

m: Myrtice Buttrum 8-6-1929


Cozart, Myrtice              4-9-1909            4-6-1935

d/o Lehman and Grace Gay Buttrum


Cozart, William D.          4-7-1887            1-9-1936

s/o Wm. D. and Sarah C. Parker Cozart

m: Effie Fisher 11-28-1919


Cozart, William David     6-20-1837          6-17-1918

s/o William P. Cozart


Cozart, Sarah Caroline   10-3-1844          3-25-1913

d/o John and Mary McElroy Parker

w/o William David Cozart


Cozart, C. Santford        1861                 1923

s/o Hiram and Minerva Armstrong Cozart

m: Betty Cozart 9-4-1884


Cozart, Sidney C.                      8-20-1889          6-4-1981

s/o Charles Santford and Betty Cozart

m: Verdie Martin 4-6-1917


Cozart, Verdie               3-2-1900            4-26-1992

d/o John and Nellie Mae Ritter Martin


Cozart, Rev. Charles Santford  11-18-1922    12-3-2000

s/o Sid C. and Verdie Martin Cozart

(a Minister of the Gospel for 50 years)

hus/o Lois Marie Sorrell

Cozart, Lois M.              3-10-1924          Living


Cozart, Hurley Leo         7-22-1943          12-29-1943

s/o Charles and Lois Sorrells Cozart


Cozart, Coy                   1-11-1945          8-8-2003     (added per obit)

s/o Charles Stanford Cozart & Lois Marie Sorrell

hus/o Carolyn______


Crowell, Martha              5-22-1839          5-17-1932

d/o William and Lucy Rowland Loyd


Downen, Estelle Cozart  3-4-1913            9-11-1993

d/o James R. and Molly Nolen Cozart

w/o Luther Rowland, James L. Jackson, H. J. Millsap & Bill Downen


Eddington, Charles T.     9-5-1872            1-22-1958

s/o Samuel Eddington

m: Mary J. Payne 1-25-1898


Eddington, Mary J.         8-6-1874            10-17-1936

d/o J.W. and Elvira Sword Payne


Fisher, Mary Frances     5-11-1881          2-16-1947

m: Fred Fisher


Freeman, Kathleen         6-28-1918          2-22-1987

d/o Oscar and Nancy Howell Bradley


Godwin, Ora E.              1877                 5-7-1945

d/o Thomas and Margaret Ward Crouch

m: Wm. H. Godwin 5-25-1907


Golden, Morlton             3-18-1920          5-17-1984

m: Joyce E. Rowland


Golden, Phillip Morlton   11-16-1950        4-24-1989

s/o Morlton Golden and Joyce E. Rowland Golden


Gray, Alice Naomi          1892                 4-22-1924



Green, Hattie E.             9-12-1881          12-12-1947

d/o George Burrough


Green, Henry                 10-12-1855        12-12-1927


Green, Elvina                 12-7-1901          10-1-1917


Henson, David C.                       4-20-1891          12-16-1938

s/o Frank and Edith Thorne Henson

m: Rilla Winkle 7-26-1914


Henson, Rilla W.                        1-17-1898          3-29-1985

d/o Wiley and Ada Caldwell Winkle


Henson, R. A.                no dates


Henson, E. T.                no dates  (Edith Thorne Henson)


Henson, J. F.                 no dates ( John Franklin Henson)

s/o Marion Henson


Holley, F. N.                  5-15-1849          3-10-1929


Hyde, Lona Mae Jordan  8-11-1923          2-7-1943

d/o Clarence and Ethel Jordan

m: Thomas Hyde, Jr. 7-3-1941


Jackson, James Franklin            7-15-1914          7-3-1946

s/o George and Frances Stemmie Jackson

h/o Estelle Cozart


Jackson, Martha Ann     12-11-1940        10-5-1955

d/o James and Estelle Cozart Jackson


Jackson, Minnie Lee      12-18-1884        2-26-1954

d/o John and Georgia Spencer Queen

m: Frank Jackson


Jackson, William Sidney            2-2-1865            7-28-1943

m: 1st. Susan Parker, 2nd. Rosa B. Lynch


Jackson, Susan Emmaline         10-13-1863        7-31-1941

d/o Richard and Martha Wilson Parker


Jester, Samuel D.                      2-20-1846          2-10-1936


Jester, Eliza A.              1-22-1857          5-14-1940

d/o Thomas and Saphronia Lyman

w/o Samuel D. Jester


Jester, David T.              9-2-1887            3-8-1893

s/o Samuel and Eliza Lyman Jester


Jester, Irene M.              6-13-1891          3-13-1893

d/o Samuel and Eliza Lyman Jester


Jester, Rachel               5-13-1898          9-30-1901

d/o Samuel and Eliza Lyman Jester


Jordan, J. Clarence        1-17-1902          7-14-1940

s/o James and Della Cox Jordan

m: Ethel Parker 8-20-1922


Jordan, Ethel Iva                        5-31-1902          4-23-1963

d/o James M. and Betty Nolen Parker


Kastner, Irene Miller       9-20-1906          1-29-1926

m: Willis Kastner 9-11-1925


Kea, Virginia B.             1867                 1941

w/o Vincent Kea


Kea, Vincent L               8-3-1860            5-10-1932


Langston, Charlie L.       9-9-1904            6-1-1973

s/o Henry and Mary F. Caldwell Langston


Langston, Eva A.                       10-11-1903        6-6-1991

d/o John F. and Laura E. Finney Jordan

w/o Charlie Langston


Lyman, Thomas             9-25-1824          9-9-1904


Lyman, Saphronia          4-3-1834            2-1-1894


Lyman, Bertha L.                       6-2-1869            10-14-1925

d/o Thomas and Saphronia


Maddox, Dewey             6-14-1900          8-18-1940

s/o John and Emma Speers Maddox


Mahaffey, Maudie           1882                 1887

(buried next to Ora Godwin)


Mahaffey, Margaret Ann  1842                 1931


Mahaffey, A. Thomas     1844                 1897

m: Margaret Ann Ward


Mahaffey, Willett Eugene            5-24-1869          8-10-1950

s/o A. Thomas and Margaret Ward Mahaffey

m: Nellie Alma McKelroy


Mahaffey, N. A.              6-1876              1932

d/o Scott and Rebecca Moore McKelroy


Mahaffey, Una               1894                 1897

d/o Willett and Nellie McKelroy Mahaffey


Mahaffey, F. A.              1902                 1903

child of Willett and Nellie McKelroy Mahaffey


Mahaffey, E. P.              1905                 1908

child of Willett and Nellie McKelroy Mahaffey


Mahaffey, Birchie           9-1-1896            8-29-1957

s/o Willett and Nellie McKelroy Mahaffey

m: Mary Lou Risley


Mahaffey, Mary Lou Risley          10-12-1900        10-1-1979

d/o John W. and Alice Spears Risely


Mahaffey, Baby              1-13-1931          1-31-1931

child of Birchie and Mary Lou Risley Mahaffey


Manley, Fred                             d. 10-6-1918


Martin, John G.              2-26-1870          7-20-1925

m: Nellie Ritter 1-18-1893


Martin, Nellie May          5-27-1875          8-28-1961

d/o Phillip and Phoebe  Billings Ritter


Martin, James E.                       1895                 7-6-1930

s/o John G. and Nellie Ritter Martin

m: Eva A. Jordan 9-11-1921 (she later married Charlie Langston)


McDaniel, Mittie             7-24-1878          5-20-1905


McFayden, Maude Lee   1-15-1885          12-17-1962

d/o Robert and Camaulia McElroy Nelson

m: Joe McFayden


McGee, Marcola Gean   b.d. 1937


Miller, Nettie W.             2-16-1873          6-6-1920


Moncrief, Frances          1-19-1876          7-9-1949

d/o Dr. D. M. and Louisa Fletcher Wilson

m: 1st. John Braughton, 2nd. James I. Moncrief 5-23-1907


Moncrief, James I.          1875                 1939


Moncrief, Garland           12-2-1918          4-25-1924


Moncrief, Ophelia           1877                 1905

m: James I. Moncrief


Moncrief, Ossie             b.d 1905

child of James I. and Ophelia Moncrief


Myers, Fannie Lankford  3-25-1879          6-30-1940

w/o Charles Myers


Naquin, Marie                7-8-1906            3-12-1927


Nelson, Jessie F.                       4-26-1881          7-12-1965

d/o Frank and Edith Thorne Henson

m: William T. Nelson 12-31-1905


Nelson, William T.          9-14-1880          1-16-1958

s/o Robert B.  and Camella McElroy Nelson


Nelson, Robert B., Jr.     6-30-1886          5-12-1945

s/o Robert B and Camella McElroy Nelson


Newton, Lillie Mae          7-21-1895          11-2-1940


Nixon, Ida Marie             1-28-1896          12-26-1950

m: W. B. Windle


Nolen, W. M.                 7-22-1887          4-4-1932


Otwell, J. M.                  11-21-1873        8-20-1891


Parker, John R.              8-28-1842          7-27-1902

s/o John Burl and Mary Cantrell Parker

m: 1st. Elizabeth McElroy, 2nd. Elvira Mahan


Parker, Elizabeth                       1841                 1883

w/o John  Riley Parker


Parker, Elvira C.             3-16-1857          3-11-1937

d/o Henry and Emeline Readus Mahan

w/o John Riley Parker


Parker, William Luther    9-30-1885          1-1-1948

s/o John and Elvira Mahan Parker


Parker, Ada                   9-26-1889          9-15-1975

d/o John Riley and Elvira Mahan Parker


Parker, Oda B.              7-12-1897          12-24-1974

d/o John Riley and Elvira Mahan Parker


Parker, Wiley Buford      5-4-1871            10-18-1945

s/o John Riley and Elizabeth McElroy Parker

m: Marilda Cora Braughton


Parker, Bettie Ann         3-18-1882          5-30-1968

d/o William and Martha Revis Nolen

w/o James Madison Parker


Parker, James Madison  1-22-1873          2-28-1937

s/o John Riley and Elizabeth McElroy Parker

m: 1st. Mary E. Roach, 2nd Betty Ann Nolen


Parker, James L.                       12-14-1910        5-15-1999

Parker, L. Jacquelyn      4-4-1917            7-5-1995


Payne, James W.                      6-14-1838          7-19-1910

m: Elvira Soward


Payne, Elvira P.             8-19-1845          12-30-1910


Pennington, Ethel I.        5-31-1902          4-23-1963

d/o James and Betty Nolen Parker


Perry, Caleb C.              1-1-1872            6-20-1916

m: 1st. Mary Ann Wilcox 10-5-1898

2nd. Lizzie Norris 2-25-1909

3rd. Lillie Booth 6-27-1912


Perry, John C.               2-12-1852          2-26-1907


Perry, Rebecca A.         1852                 1900

w/o John C. Perry


Perry, Rodger                11-19-1919        10-29-1921

s/o Andrew J. and Della Couch Perry


Price, Effie Cozart          12-24-1896        9-1-1961

d/o William Owen and Myrtie McCaslin Cozart

m: 1st. Wm. D. Cozart, 2nd. C. T. Price


Price, Dollie M.              8-7-1902            6-24-1937

w/o C. T. Price


Raley, Harlow Teal         1897                 1944

d/o Milton and Bell McLendon Teal, Sr.

m: Thomas E. Raley 10-3-1920


Rascoe, Billie Ruth        b.d. 10-9-1967

child of George and Doris Rascoe


Rascoe, James Dale      5-31-1917          2-17-1982

s/o Joseph and Frances Martin Rascoe

m: Nellie Marie Martin 9-5-1941


Rascoe, George H.        11-14-1923        4-2-1996


Rascoe, Joyce Darling    b.d. 1-6-1944

d/o James and Nellie Martin Rascoe


Rascoe, James D., Jr.    b.d. 7-9-1945

s/o James and Nellie Martin Rascoe


Rascoe, Billy J.             b.d. 2-26-1949

s/o James and Nellie Martin Rascoe


Riter, Lorenzo H.            9-18-1866          7-14-1908

s/o Phillip and Phoebe  Billings Ritter

m: Martha Ashbrook 2-22-1891


Baby Riter         no date


Baby Riter         no date

Baby Riter         no date


Baby Riter         no date

(all Baby Riter’s are children of Lorenzo and Martha Ashbrook Ritter)

(Correct spelling of Riter was submitted by Sharon Otis)


Riter, Phillip                   10-17-1832        5-29-1887

h/o  1st. Martha Billings

2nd. Phoebe Billings (sister to Martha Billings)


Roach, Doyle Baxter      2-19-1913          12-31-1979

s/o Carroll and Cora Reynolds Roach

m: Gracie Amick


Roach, Gracie               5-28-1920          5-24-1980

d/o Roy and Edith Perry Amick


Rachilla, Margret                        8-2-1908            10-29-1932

d/o J. E. and Frances Jane Wilson Moncrief

w/o Alexander Rachilla


Roberts, Wallace                       b.d. 8-10-1918


Robertson, Judson W.    11-15-1888        12-24-1940


Rondeau, Joseph                       1-23-1896          7-22-1965

s/o Noe and Anna Lesperance Rondeau


Rondeau, Myrtle                        1908                 1932

w/o Joseph Rondeau


Stroop, John C.              1-21-1886          10-9-1921


Stroop, Bertha Z.                       11-19-1889        10-5-1921


Sutton, Ester                 1-19-1921          1-28-1922


Sutton, Henry I.             11-13-1872        12-3-1952

s/o Benjamin and Amanda Perry Sutton

m: Eva Parker 11-5-1914


Sutton, Eva                   8-30-1887          11-3-1979

d/o John Riley and Elvira Mahan Parker


Sutton, Cora May                       1874                 1914


Teal, Lindon Lewis         8-15-1893          8-28-1975

s/o Milton and Bell McLendon Teal

m: Susie Reece 12-24-1915


Teal, Lucy Elizabeth       7-29-1910          8-25-1970

d/o Henry and Docie Sheets Thacker


Teal, William Preston     12-25-1900        921-1949

s/o Milton and Bell McLendon Teal

m: Mary M. Collier 2-21-1934


Teal, Mary M.                4-30-1910          5-22-2001     (added per obit)

d/o  Claude B. Collier & Ida Victoria Bloomingburg

wife of William Preston Teal


Teal, Clarence               1904                 1905

s/o Milton and Bell McLendon Teal


Teal, Annis                    1891                 1905

s/o Milton and Bell McLendon Teal


Teal, Milton A.               1855                 3-29-1928


Teal, Belle C.                 10-17-1868        1-12-1942

w/o Milton A. Teal


Thomason, Marlie M.      1910                 1975

s/o Oscar an Delphia Cozart Thomason


Thomason, James M.     6-22-1917          8-7-1973

s/o Oscar and Delphia Cozart Thomason


Thomason, Ozra                        12-7-1919          9-6-1967

s/o Oscar and Delphia Cozart Thomason


Thomason, Albert M.      2-16-1896          3-23-1978

s/o James M. and Etta Griffith Thomason

m: 1st.   Anise Cozart

2nd. Vanna Caldwell McGrugh 7-16-1931


Thomason , Vanna         9-6-1890            5-30-1988

w/o Albert Thomason


Thomason, Anise Cozart            6-17-1896          11-30-1929

d/o James and Molly Nolen Cozart

w/o Albert Thomason


Thomason, Wm. Cleborn            3-18-1925          5-18-1947

s/o Albert M. and Anise Cozart Thomason


Thomason, Oscar                      1-9-1882            3-24-1942

s/o James and Liza Hillman Thomason

m: Delphia Cozart


Thomason, Delphia Ann  7-21-1879          4-1-1967

d/o Wm. D. and Sarah C. Parker Cozart


Thomason, L. B.(Lottie)  no date

d/o Oscar and Delphia Cozart Thomason


Thomason, L. B.( Lewis Belia)     no date

s/o Santford and Betty Cozart

m: Lottie Cozart 5-28-1929


Thomason, Wayne         4-30-1908          12-28-1977

s/o Oscar and Delphia Cozart Thomason

m: Hazel Buttrum 4-7-1929

Thomason, Hazel M.      5-24-1911          3-1-2003


Thomason, Robert Lee   5-25-1904          1-4-1956

s/o Oscar and Delphia Cozart Thomason

m: Fannie Martin 5-28-1922

Thomason, Frances M.   3-30-1904          2-15-1992

d/o John and Nellie Ritter Martin


Whitfield, Lena               9-19-1908          3-9-1999

w/o Johnie M. Whitfield


Williams, Clifford Arnold  12-24-1968        8-14-1989

s/o Billy E. and Patricia Rascoe Williams


Winkles, R. R.               no dates


Winkles, W. W.             no dates

Wright, R. Alexander      6-21-1880          1-26-1953

s/o John Lewis and Martha Deadwiley Wright

m: Cora Braughton


Wright, Cora                  9-3-1881            2-6-1959

d/o C. H. and Mary Ann Parker Braughton


Wright, Rev. W. W.        7-8-19-1835       2-2-1892

(grandfather of R. Alexander Wright)


Young, Ida L.                 3-3-1883            2-23-1925

d/o J. W. and Elvira Soward Payne

m: Albert L. Young 10-8-1908 (he is buried Newkirk Cem.)


Young, Floy                   8-25-1912          2-25-1925

d/o Albert and Ida  L. Payne Young


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