Arkansas Cemeteries Clark County Arkansas Cemeteries Surname Index NOTE: These surnames were gathered from transcriptions that are NOT hosted at our site. If a transcription IS hosted at our site, that cemetery information will NOT be included here. This index was put together as a public service to researchers and to assist our onsite search engine to help locate your ancestors. It is NOT a transcription of the cemetery. This site may be freely linked, but not duplicated in any way without consent. (c) 2000-04 by Arkansas-Cemeteries Mailing List Homepage The copyright (s) on this page must appear on all copied and/or printed material. All rights reserved! Commercial use of material within this site is prohibited! (Friendship Cemetery through Millcreek Cemetery) Created by Pris Weathers, Arkansas Ties Friendship Cemetery Abshier Armstrong Atha Ault Baggett Bean Bond Browning Burleson Burmaster Buzbee Carlson Cash Clinton Cox Davidson Davis Dorsey East Eckles Estes Finney Franklin Franks Funderburk Gardner Garner Glover Gordon Hickman Holden Johnson King Kirksey Knighten Lyons Madden Markham Marshall Mathews Mount McCary McGhee Nutt Orsborn Pate Perry Powell Quillin Richardson Roberts Rushing Russell Sheets Simsom Smith Sorrell Sparks Spurlin Thomas Thomasson Thornton Vaught Walker White Widener Williams Wilson Winters Garner Cemetery Chancellor Garner Jones Greenville Cemetery Albert Atkinson Bailey Beavers Brewer Britten Burton Cunningham Dixon Ford Giles Green Harris Hawthorne Hayes Hays Hicks Hoskins Howard Jackson Jones Jordan Lard May McBride McClelland Mitchell Page Pickins Ritchie Scott Simmons Stafford Stephens Stitt Thomas Todd Tolliver Ward Hart Cemetery Bergstrom Bridges Buck Carson Carter Cook Cox Crawley Dawson Dyer Elder Freeman Hamilton Hart Jester Jones Lancaster Meador Rush Roolfe Scott Smart Thomas Thompson Watts Hart's Chapel Church & Cemetery Adkins Arue Aynie Barksdale Berry Billingsley Bittle Brown Burrow Calloway Childress Chitwood Cox Craig Crow Cutler Dawson Deaton Dkins Duke Dunn Elliott Elrod Faulkner Floyd Francis Freeman Gates Gilbreath Goiden Golden Graves Guyrn Hackworth Hale Harrell Hart Hasley Hayes Hays Hazelton Hensley Hobgood Hobhood Hoffman Hollingshead Howard Howell Hudman Huff Huffman Hughes Iaulkner Ix Jackson Johnson Jones Keiling Lane Langley Larue Leath Lintz Lucy Malcom Manning Marair Mathis Mathist McAnaly McBride McKenis McKinnen McKinny McQuillen Mock Mohnkern Monkern Moore Ng Nix Nixt O'Rourke Omas Palmer Parks Pledger Poindexter Price Purifoy Rays Reynolds Richard Roberson Roberts Rogers Rutledge Ryan Scott Shaw Shuffield Simmons Sloan Smart Smith Stevenson Stewart Stone Stricklin Strooper Stroud Studdard Suggs Summerhill Tarrance Tarrancet Taylor Taylort Thomas Todd Tucker Turner Udman Wafford Wenzel Whitney Willingham Wilson Windham Wingfield Wood Woods Hill Cemetery Adcock Ashbrook Bailey Biggs Cornutt Dixon Dwiggins Floyd Garner Hill Jackson King Palmer Pryor Riggs Rinkle Roberts Thomas Tweedle Wilson Young Jones Cemetery Abernatha Adams Adcock Alford Allen Anderson Angel Ashbrooks Ashley Atha Baggett Bailey Ballard Barber Bardwell Barentine Barksdale Bean Benbow Benton Berry Bevill Blocker Bolin Boling Boyd Bratton Brewer Bright Brockman Brown Brunson Bryant Buck Buckley Buffington Burlson Burnett Burns Byrd Cable Caldwell Callaway Campbell Carr Carroll Caruthers Cash Casteel Cate Cauthen Caver Chambers Champion Chancellor Chandler Channell Cheatwood Childs Compere Conine Cook Crabbe Crews Crow Cummings Dafford Daniel Darnaby Davis Dawkins Deal Deaton Debow Deering Defoor Denton Diffee Dillard Dingler Dobson Dockery Dorsey Doss Doster Dugan Dunlap Dunlop Duren Dwiggins Dwinell Davis Easom East Echols Elam Ellison Fagan Fant Fendley Fincher Fitzgerald Florence Flowers Floyd Fox Frank Franklin Franks French Fuller Fulmer Gallagher Garner Garrett Gates Gideon Godsby Goff Golden Good Gould Grant Gray Green Greeson Griffin Griffis Guyott Halcombe Hall Hancock Haptonstall Hardin Hardy Harris Harrison Hart Harvey Haygood Hays Hemund Henderson Henson Henthorn Hill Hoeard Hogarth Holcomb Holcombe Holden Hollingshead Holmes Howard Howell Hudson Hughes Hunter Jackson James Jennings Jester Jobe Johns Johnson Jones Kaber Keener Keith Kelley Kelly Kilgore Killian King Kirby Kirkpatrick Klitz Lacy Lafevers Lamb Lambert Lane Lashlee Lathrop Lawrence Lay Leach Leeper Ligon Lockeby Lofton Louton Lowther Loy Loyd Magee Manning Marabel Markham Mason Massey Matthews Mauldin Maxey May Meeks Middleton Mink Modisett Moore Morrow Myers McAnally Mcgee McGehee Neel Newberry Nichols Nunn Nutt Oden Osborn Owens Palmer Parker Parson Partridge Pate Patrick Paul Pennington Perry Petifer Phillips Pierce Pittman Pledger Plyer Pounds Powell Proctor Pullen Raines Ramsey Ray Reaves Reed Rice Richardson Robbins Roberts Roling Rose Rowan Rowe Rudolph Runyan Samson Sanders Schirming Shaha Sheets Shepherd Shirley Shockey Skates Sligh Small Smith Sorrells Spears Sprowl Spurlin Sterling Stinnett Strain Strickland Stroope Sullivan Sutton Sweet Talley Taylor Terry Thomas Thomason Thompson Thornton Thrash Tidmore Tigue Tilley Tolleson Tondeau Trammel Trout Troutman Tucker Turnbull Underwood Wade Waggoner Waites Waldrum Walker Ward Warfel Warren Watson Watts Webb Welch Wheeler White Whitney Widener Williams Wilson Womack Woodall Woodson Wright Yarbrough KansasCemetery Britton Cooper Dickens Dickerson Ellis Foulk Graham Johnson Jones Peeples Phillips Powell Redding Stephens Tidwell Williams McANALLY CEMETERY Brunson Clark Green Hardaway Humphries Jester Keith McAnally Thomas Tull Millcreek Cemetery Adams Bayne Curtis Haygood Smith Willard White