Arkansas Cemeteries



Clark County, Arkansas

Survey done January 2005 by Shirley & Don Cagle



Section 8, Township 10 South, Range 19 West From Gurdon-East 5 miles on Red Springs Road. Turn Right on Bull Mt. Road. Go 8 tenth mile and turn left.

Go 1 mile. Cemetery is fenced and maintained.


LAST NAME          FIRST NAME          DATE OF BIRTH     DATE OF DEATH                  REMARKS


BALL           Mary A.                  1874              1925              Double w/Richard F.

BALL           Richard F.               1865              1947

BALL           Infant Son               No Date           Aug. 15, 1923     s/Mr. & Mrs. Otis Ball

BALL           Infant Son               No Date           Jan. 4, 1927      s/Mr. & Mrs. Otis Ball

BALL           Effie Mullings           July 30, 1908     Jan. 31, 1990     Double w/Otis Gilbert

BALL           Otis Gilbert             March 5, 1899     Jan. 7, 1968

BROWN          Turner Shelton           Feb. 24, 1885     Jan. 22, 1976

BROWN          Janie Vaden              Jan. 29, 1889     Aug. 9, 1953

FEAZEL         Rannie E.                Feb. 22, 1886     March 18, 1919    Tombstone Broken

FEAZEL         William Mitchell         Dec. 26, 1883     March 30, 1957

FEAZEL         Mrs. Lillie Mae          Aug. 11, 1895     Feb. 11, 1954

FLETCHER       Lee Vant                 Dec. 8, 1910      Jan. 9, 2000      Double w/Ella Sue Ball

FLETCHER       Ella Sue Ball            Feb. 4, 1913      Nov. 10, 1979     m.Oct. 10, 1931

GORE           RICK                     No Date           No Date           listed on earlier survey

HARRINGTON     Nancy Elby Stroud Nelson 1851              1928

HARRINGTON     R.R.                     No Date           No Date           CO. B. 1 Miss. CAV. RES. C.S.A.

HUMPHRIES      Charner A.               March 20, 1876    Aug. 7, 1939      double w/Amanda Ella

HUMPHRIES      Amanda Ella              Jan. 3 1877       April 21 1938

HUMPHRIES      Nettie May               Oct. 9, 1897      Sept. 13, 1898    D/o C.A. & Ella

KARR           Emma Sublett             June 15, 1891     Aug. 30, 1936

KARR           Willis Berry             Feb. 5, 1888      May 18, 1936

KARR           John Allen               1914              1916

KARR           George W. "Boots"        Aug. 27, 1917     Jan. 28, 1995

MARKS          Aline                    1850              1916

MARKS          Knight                   1896              1905

MARKS          Bertha Lee               1908              1910

MARKS          Birt K.                  March 29, 1883    Jan. 31, 1954     Double w/Mary H.

MARKS          Mary H.                  Aug. 3, 1892      July 1, 1982

MARKS          Raymond James            Sept. 8, 1918     Oct. 16, 1983     Double w/ Eva Marie Windham

MARKS          Rea D.                   Jan. 1, 1910      Oct. 25, 1984     CPL US ARMY, WW 11

MARKS          J.D.                     1849              1913

MULLINGS       James F.                 1880              1967              Double w/Belle

MULLINGS       Belle                    1880              1952

REYNOLDS       Ben C.                   Oct. 27, 1882     April 5 1940

REYNOLDS       Catherine                Feb. 8 1852       June 30 1934

REYNOLDS       G.C.                     Jan. 16, 1839     July 28 1900

REYNOLDS       Sam P. Jr.               June 4 1921       Sept. 30, 1922

REYNOLDS       Jake                     Sept. 15, 1866    Nov. 5, 1927

REYNOLDS       G.T.                     Dec. 13, 1871     Jan. 30, 1930

REYNOLDS       Joseph                   March 4, 1879     June 20 1935

REYNOLDS       Kattie B. Tarwater       1906              1978

REYNOLDS       Sam P.                   April 9, 1897     Oct. 1, 1975      Double w/Pearl

REYNOLDS       Pearl                    Nov. 23, 1896     Dec. 19, 1987

REYNOLDS       Ray R.                   Feb. 10, 1920     Aug. 12, 1996     Tec 5, US Army, WW 11

R.L.S.                                  No Date           No Date           listed on earlier survey

SMITH          Jewel                    June 16, 1921     March 1, 1997

SUBLETT        William J.               June 1, 1898      Dec. 15, 1960     Arkansas, PVT US ARMY, WW 11

SUBLETT        Mary M.                  Nov. 2, 1873      Jan. 20, 1960

SUBLETT        George Allen             July 11, 1897     May 19, 1954      Arkansas, CPL Co B, 114 Engs, WW 1

SUBLETT        Rosa Lee                 Jan. 2, 1902      Jan. 7, 1902      d/o J.B. & M.M.

SUBLETT        John B.                  Jan. 20, 1854     1939

TARWATER       Howel Franklin           May 28 1882        July 4 1955      double w/Elizebeth Willett

TARWATER       Elizebeth Willett        Jan. 10, 1886     Sept. 17, 1965

TUCKER         Riley Lee                March 19 1908     Aug. 9, 1970      Double w/ Fay Reynolds

TUCKER         Fay Reynolds             Feb. 10, 1920     June 14, 2003     m. Oct. 2, 1937

VADEN          Fred                     Jan. 4, 1876      No Date           listed on earlier survey

VADEN          Meek Rae                 Feb. 15, 1907     Oct. 4, 1907

VADEN          Dixie Bell               Oct. 26, 1902     Oct. 3, 1906

VADEN          Edgar Lee                Dec. 21, 1898     Feb. 23, 1899

VADEN          John                     No Date           No Date           s/o John B. listed on earlier survey

VADEN          John B.                  No Date           No Date           ROBERT'S BTRY ARK LT. ARTY C.S.A.

WALL           Hardy Reed               Nov. 14, 1906     March 6, 1979     Double W/Mauce C. Sublett

WALL           Maude C. Sublett         Sept. 28 1903     Feb. 1, 1972      m.July 1, 1928

WALL           Cecil Hampton            July 6, 1931      April 10, 1937

WALTERS        Ben                      Age 54            Mar. 11, 19??     listed on earlier survey

WEBB           C.W.                     1905              1924

WEBB           D.E.                     1897              1900

WEBB           L.G.                     1900              1900

WEBB           A.W.                     1918              1921

WEBB           Infant Son               No Date           No Date

WELCH          William Eugene           Oct. 12, 1920     March 22 1997     EN 2 US Navy, WW 11

WELLS          W. Franklin              April 26, 1852    Sept. 4, 1908

WINGFIELD      Willard J.               Feb. 22, 1892     April 23 1952

WINGFIELD      Luna                     Feb. 26, 1869     Feb. 18, 1903

WINGFIELD      Mary                     1887              1900

WINGFIELD      Jacob,Jr.                1821              1902

WINGFIELD      Lela S.                                    Jan.  199?        Aged 84 Yrs.20 Months? Metal Marker

WINGFIELD      Tom                      No Date           No Date           Metal Marker

WINGFIELD      John Henry               Feb. 24, 1901     Oct. 13, 1970     Arkansas,CPL US ARMY,WW 11

WINGFIELD      Woodson                  No Date           No Date           listed on earlier survey


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