Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #16
Up Coming Events
The SCV General Robert E. Lee Camp
will meet for the
2016 Lee/Jackson Banquet
Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 6:30 PM
at the
Kitchen 3810 Restaurant
3810 Pepperell Parkway
Opelika, AL
Commander Jerry Purcell will present
"Lee; The Man and What Set Him Apart"
Following the meal, the program will include honoring Confederate
generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Confederate
generals Lee and Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson have received
recognition from many notable historians, both in America
and Europe, as great military leaders. Their battle tactics are
still studied today at military colleges and training centers.
Over the years since 1865, numerous books have been written detailing
the lives and military histories of the two generals. Among
the notable individuals who praised Lee are U.S. Presidents Teddy
Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.
Roosevelt declared that Lee was the “greatest of all the great
captains that the English-speaking peoples have brought forth.”
Eisenhower said that a nation of men of Lee’s caliber would be
“unconquerable in spirit and soul” and that today’s American youth
should “emulate his rare qualities and by doing so our love of
freedom would be sustained.”
Do we all need reconstructing? what do the
flag, the 13th/14th amendments and reconstruction have in common?
Jay Hinton, our speaker for our next meeting on September 17,
2015 will be asking these questions and hopefully supply the
answers. We look forward to seeing you there.
SCV General Robert E. Lee
Past Events
General Robert E. Lee
SCV Camp #16
Invites you and your family
To attend:
The Old
South Christmas Party
Kitchen 3810
3810 Pepperell Parkway
Opelika, AL
December 17, 2015. 6:30 PM Thursday.
This Christmas Party is the
Annual Fundraiser
The Camp request a generous
to be eligible for Door prizes:
*Delicious pies,
*cakes and cookies.
*Great gifts.
Dress is Casual, Casual Dress,
Period Costumes
or what you usually wear to
the meetings.
Please mark on your calendars the following dates
for the next several meetings
SCV General Robert E. Lee,
Camp #16
Third Thursday Night on September
17, 2015
Third Thursday night on November 19, 2015
Third Thursday Night on December 17, 2015
Third Thursday Night on January 21, 2016
Kitchen 3810 Opelika/Auburn
6:30 pm
Do we all need reconstructing? what do
the flag, the 13th/14th amendments and reconstruction have
in common? Jay Hinton, our speaker for our next meeting
on September 17, 2015 will be asking these questions and
hopefully supply the answers. We look forward to seeing you
SCV General Robert E. Lee
Mike Williams
Alabama Division Adjutant
Alabama Division Webmaster
From Montgomery Al
Mike Williams is the Key Note speaker for the Sons of the Confederate
Veterans Auburn General Robert E. Lee Camp #16 on May 21, 2015
at Restaurant Kitchen 3810 Opelika AL 6:30 pm.
Mike is an 8 yr member of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans and has held the offices of the Alabama Division Webmaster
for the past 7 years and Division Adjutant for the last 4 years.
Mike is a member of the Cradle of the Confederacy
Camp 692 in Montgomery. During Mike’s tenure with the SCV, Mike
was the past year’s Compatriot of the year, runner up the year
before and received the Joseph Wheeler Award.
Mike has been awarded the National Distinguished
Service Medal twice and the National Meritorious Service Medal
twice in his 8 years.
Mike has been to married his wife for 35 years and
they have three grown Children with the youngest a Junior at the
University of Alabama.
Brion McClanahan
Brion is the guest speaker for
The Son’s of the Confederate Veterans, General Robert E. Lee Camp
#16 on
March 19, 2015.
The meeting will be held at
Pepperell Parkway
Opelika AL.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm

Brion McClanahan received a B.A. in History from
Salisbury University in 1997 and an M.A. in History from the University
of South Carolina in 1999. He finished his Ph.D. in History at
the University of South Carolina in 2006, and had the privilege
of being Clyde Wilson’s last doctoral student. He is a board member
of the Abbeville Institute and the editor of the Abbeville Review.
He is the author or co-author of four books: The
Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers, (Regnery,
2009), The
Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution (Regnery
History, 2012), Forgotten
Conservatives in American History (Pelican, 2012),
and The
Politically Incorrect Guide to Real American Heroes,
(Regnery, 2012). He is currently writing a book for Regnery
on the eight worst and four best presidents in American History
according to the Constitution as ratified by the founding generation.
He has written for,,,,,
and McClanahan is a faculty member at Tom
Woods’ Liberty Classroom, has appeared on dozens of radio talk
shows, and has spoken across the Southeast on the Founding Fathers
and the founding principles of the United States, most importantly
the Jeffersonian tradition.

Bonnie Blue Flag (1861) Confederate States of
General Robert E. Lee Camp #16
Christmas Banquet
To be held at the
Kitchen 3810
Opelika Alabama
On December 11, 2014
Registration 6:00 - 6:30 pm
The Keynote speaker this year for the Old South
Christmas party will be
Renowned Speaker and Author Robert Jones from Kennesaw Ga.
The Christmas Party is a time of fellowship, eating, education,
reports, entertainment and this meeting also serves to raise
Camp funds in order to support projects that our Camp cares to
participate in.
We will ask for a generous Registration Contribution at the door
from each person or couple who will then receive tickets enabling
you to participate in the drawing for door prizes that will include
items donated by members and Camp #16. Please let us know if
you would like to donate a door prize.
Chris will prepare a special Christmas meal for your choosing.
Dress optional, but, feel free to wear your Christmas outfit
or your period uniform or costume,
we encourage period clothing.
Thank you for supporting SCV General Robert E. Lee Camp # 16.
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, Jerry and Dave.
Due to surgery Travis Fincher will be
unable to speak
The Third Thursday night, September
18, 2014
Speaker: Dwayne Cox: Dwayne is the head
of Special Collections and Archives for the Auburn University
Libraries. A Lexington, Ky.,
native, Cox holds a bachelor's degree in history from Kentucky Wesleyan College,
a master's in history from the University of Louisville and
a doctorate in history from the University of Kentucky.
After working as the University of Louisville's
associate archivist, he came to Auburn in
1986 to be the university's archivist. Cox is the co-author
of "A History of the University of Louisville," published
by the University Press of Kentucky and is currently writing "A
History of Auburn University" under contract with the University of Alabama
The meeting will start: 6:30
To be held in the Private Dinning Room
Kitchen 3810 Restaurant
3810 Opelika Road,
Opelika AL
Across from the Farmers Market
For more information call: 256-825-4586
Reminder: To stay in good standing, membership
dues must be paid now for 2014/2015.
The Third Thursday night, July 17, 2014
Speakers: Douglas and Janeane Barrett
Doug and Janeane will be discussing and
showing on Power Point, articles, issues, situations,
places around Auburn AL, concerning the Auburn Guards, President
Elect Jefferson Davis,
Confederate Army and the War Between the States.
The meeting will start: 6:30 pm
To be held in the Private Dinning Room
Kitchen 3810 Restaurant
3810 Opelika Road,
Opelika AL
Across from the Farmers Market
For more information call: 256-825-4586
Reminder: To stay in good standing, membership
dues must be paid on or by August 1, 2014.
Thursday May 15:
Speaker: Jay Greene, Financial
Advisor with Edward Jones
Name of Topic: Jay will be discussing
his Second Great Grandfather’s war time during the War Between
the States and displaying authentic memorabilia.
Mary Norman
of UDC has invited SCV Camp #16 Members to
We will meet at the
Confederate Monument at the back of the cemetery.
Date: Sunday, April
13, 2014
Time: 2:00 PM
Where: Pine Hill Cemetery,
Armstrong Street
Speaker: Larry Williamson,
Civil War Mysteries, The Legend of the Tallassee Carbine
Tallassee String Band
will perform
Lee/Jackson Banquet
Thursday, January 23
Guest speaker will be Kelly Barrow the Lt. Commander-in-Chief
of the National SCV.
Time 6:30 P.M.
Kitchen 3810
3810 Opelika Road, Across from the Farmers Market
September 19 meeting will be held at the 3810 Kitchen (address)
6:30 pm
Our guest speaker is Linda Thornton:
Linda Thornton joined the Auburn University Libraries
in 1989 as the Interlibrary Loan Librarian. She served in that
capacity until she became the Head of the Access Service Department.
She currently is a technology librarian in the Special Collections & Archives
Department of the Auburn University Libraries where one of her
primary responsibilities is the ongoing digitization and transcription
of the Libraries’ Civil War diaries and letters.
The AU Libraries Civil War diaries and letters
are part of the Libraries’ Digital Collections and are located
Topic: The Civil War in Letters:
Selections from the Auburn University’s Manuscript Collections.
Billy Clark, speaking on the topic
of the Battle of Fort Tyler
(the last "Fort" to fall in the War Between the States)
The third Thursday, July the 18
th, 2013
6:30 pm CDST
Thursday, May 30
6:30 P.M.
Kitchen 3810
3810 Pepperell Parkway
Our speaker will be Gary Carlyle, Alabama Division Commander of the SCV.
The SCV General Robert E. Lee Camp
invites members, friends and supporters
to the Annual Christmas Banquet
To be held at the Cock of the Walk
Opelika Alabama
On December 20, 2012 6:30 pm
Our visiting speaker this year at the Annual Christmas Banquet
will be the president of "Southern Heritage 411" H.K.
Edgerton, a black Confederate activist who works tirelessly to
bring the real truth of our Southern heritage to people of all
races, exposing the many myths of Yankee history and setting the
record straight regarding the role of blacks in the history of
the War Between the States.
The Christmas banquet also serves to raise funds in order to support
organizations and projects that our Camp feels led to participate
in, such as donations to the Lee County DHR, constructing the Historical
sign of President-Elect Jefferson Davis with the UDC at the Auburn
Depot and the on-going project at the Dadeville Confederate Cemetery.
Instead of a silent auction, we will ask for a generous contribution
at the banquet from each person who will then receive a ticket
enabling them to participate in the drawing for door prizes that
will include cakes and articles donated by friends and Camp members.
Dress optional/period clothing ok.
Commander Purcell and Jay Hinton, Esquire
The President of "Southern Heritage 411" is H.K. Edgerton,
a black Confederate activist who works tirelessly to bring the
real truth of our heritage to people of all races. HK was the Key
Note Speaker at the SCV General Robert E. Lee Camp #16 Christmas
Banquet in Opelika AL December 20, 2012.
H.K. Edgerton has walked thousands of miles carrying his large
Confederate Battle Flag through cities and towns and down country
roads. He speaks at venues all over the South exposing the many
myths of Yankee history and setting the record straight regarding
blacks role in the history of the South.
H.K. Edgerton and Southern Heritage 411 strive to illuminate the
truth as it pertains to the relationships and experiences of blacks
and whites in the South as they have struggled together to maintain
the principles of a limited, democratic and representative government
as espoused by America's founding fathers.
HK’s speech was enjoyed by all and he received a standing ovation
at the end.
Pictures attached: Top Picture from left to right.

Jerry Purcell and Jay Hinton, Esquire

Terry Edgerton, Guest speaker – Dave Crosslin, Adjutant/Chaplain
Jerry Purcell Commander – Jay Hinton and H K Edgerton Key note
Historic marker commemorating
the site
where Jefferson Davis stopped
at the Auburn Train Depot

The Sons of Confederate Veterans Robert E. Lee Camp
#16 led the effort to erect a historic marker in Auburn, Alabama,
commemorating the site where Jefferson Davis stopped at the Auburn
Train Depot on February 16, 1861, to review the Auburn
Guards. President-Elect Davis was en route by train
to Montgomery, Alabama, where he would be inaugurated President
of the Confederate States of America.
At the outbreak of the War Between the States, many
faculty and students at East Alabama Male College (now Auburn University)
left college to join the Confederate Army.
Robert E. Lee Camp, the Auburn Heritage Association and the Auburn
Guards Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy raised
the money to place a permanent historic marker at the Auburn train
A ceremony to unveil the historic marker and celebrate the event
was held on Sunday, January 29, 2012. Dr. Ann Pearson of the Historic
Chattahoochee Commission remarked on their participation in this
project and how proud they were to be involved.
Recognized at the unveiling were Commander Jerry Purcell of the
SCV Robert E. Lee Camp, Auburn Heritage Association President Mary
Norman and Vice-President Kitt Conner, along with Auburn Guards
Chapter UDC President Dorothy Lee. Sheila Eckman, of the Auburn
City Council, accepted the marker on behalf of the City of Auburn.
SCV Camp Adjutant and Chaplain Dave Crosslin opened the ceremony
with an invocation. Also among the distinguished guests was best-selling
author Madison Jones.
Wiregrass, a string band, entertained the crowd with traditional
southern music including several railroad songs.
The next meeting will be the third
Thursday night,
20th of September 2012. 6:30 pm
at the cock of the Walk Opelika AL.
SCV member Jay Hinton will be the speaker.
It is confirmed with Ed Patton that
he will be our speaker on
July 19, 2012.
The subject of his talk
“Nathan Bedford Forest”.
May 17, 2012
Speaker: Jimmy Hill, Editor
of the Alabama Confederate Magazine
Topic: “Alabama Guardian
Location: Cock of the Walk
Opelika, AL 6:30 pm
. . .
Annoucement from UDC
The Auburn Guards Chapter, #2677, UDC will hold a service for
Confederate Memorial Day on Sunday, April 15 at 2:00 at the Auburn
Train Depot. The speaker will be Wallace Whatley who will speak
on "Local stories about the War". The Tallassee String
Band will perform. The public is invited. Refreshments will be
Next Community Project
The Robert E. Lee Camp is currently researching the next project
which we will undertake. While we currently provide upkeep of
the Brown Family cemetery in Dadeville, AL (where a Confederate
veteran is interred), we are looking into the repair of the grave
marker of the veteran which is broken and in disrepair. (See more
on the story in the Brown Family Cemetery Project).
March 22, 2012
Speaker: John Sophecleus
Topic: "Sesquicentennial" First
Next Community Project
The Robert E. Lee Camp is currently researching the next project
which we will undertake. While we currently provide upkeep of the
Brown Family cemetery in Dadeville, AL (where a Confederate veteran
is interred), we are looking into the repair of the grave marker
of the veteran which is broken and in disrepair. (See more on the
story in the Brown Family Cemetery Project).
Brown Family Cemetery
On February 18, 2012, the upgrade of the Brown Family
Cemetery included the painting of the rails and flagpoles, the
installation of new rigging, and new flags. (See complete story
in the Brown
Family Cemetery Project Link)

Jerry Purcell standing at the Brown Family Cemetery on Hwy
Historical Marker Project
On January 29, 2012, the city of Auburn, Robert E.
Lee Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the Auburn Historical
Society, and the Auburn Guards Chapter of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy held a ceremony at the Auburn Train Depot to
unveil a historic marker commemorating the site where Jefferson
Davis stopped on his way to Montgomery to review the Auburn Guards.
(See complete story in the “News Flash” on our Home

Commander Purcell reviewing the Auburn Guard
Monument located near the Auburn Depot.
Lee/Jackson Banquet
On January 12, 2012, the Robert E. Lee Camp held our annual Lee/Jackson
Banquet at the Cock of the Walk restaurant in Opelika. Our featured
speaker was Dr. Harry Reeder, Senior Pastor at Briarwood Presbyterian
Church in Birmingham. Dr. Reeder spoke on the lives and Christian
character of Generals Lee and Jackson.

Adjutant/Chaplain Dave Crosslin, Guest Speaker
Harry Reeder of Birmingham AL and Commander Jerry Purcell
at the Lee/Jackson Dinner hosted by the General Robert E.
Lee SCV Camp # 16 at the Cock of the walk in Opelika AL. |

Commander Purcell tries to get their attention
as Rev Harry Reeded and Pastor Sandy Crosslin is in deep
Christmas Party
On December 8, 2011, the Robert E. Lee Camp held our annual Old
South Christmas party at the Cock of the Walk restaurant in Opelika.
Southern Belles, Confederate soldiers, and other Southern gentlemen
in period attire made grand appearances for the festive party.
A silent auction featuring Confederate items and delicious homemade
cakes were sold to raise money for our Auburn Guard historic marker

Donna Purcell, Linda Stafford and Sandy Crosslin enjoying
the Christmas Banquet at the Oak Bowery Plantation

Phil Adcock and Sandy Crosslin having a good
time at the Christmas Banguet at the Oak Bowery Plantation

Commander Purcell and Donna enjoying the Christmas
Banquet at Oak Bowery Plantation

Donna Purcell and Sandy Crosslin at the General
Robert E. Lee Annual Christmas banquet |

The silent auction table was a big hit, the
cake table created quite a stir. The Ladies outdid them selves
in preparing the beautiful delicious cakes.