Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #16
In Memoriam

E. "Bill" Huffman
Bill ably served as Camp Commander, Adjutant and dedicated
member of Sons of Confederate Veterans Robert E. Lee Camp # 16.
We extend our condolences to his family. He will be sorely missed.
Memorial service for William E. "Bill" Huffman,
64, of Auburn was Monday, November 5, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at Auburn
United Methodist Church Founder's Chapel. The Dr. George Mathison
Mr. Huffman, who died Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at East Alabama
Medical Center, was born September 15, 1943, in Birmingham, AL.
Mr. Huffman had been a resident of Auburn since 1997. He was a
member of the Auburn United Methodist Church and was very active
in the Wesley Foundation. He was a member of the Alpha Phi Omega
Service Fraternity. He was also a member of the Sons of the American
Revolution, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and American Institute
of Chemical Engineers. Mr. Huffman was a Certified Master Level
Hazard Control Manager.
Bill had a lifelong love of model trains and railroads. He was
a graduate of Auburn University with a degree in Chemical Engineering.
He was preceded in death by his father, Dempsey Eugene Huffman,
Jr. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Anne Huffman of Auburn; mother,
Mary E. Huffman; daughter, Eugenia Anne (David Shane) Baker of
Salt Lake City, Utah; son Carlton Eugene (Leslie) Huffman of Montgomery;
three grandchildren, Blair Elizabeth and Tristan John Huffman of
Montgomery and Gideon Finn Baker of Salt Lake City, Utah.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial donations to Auburn
United Methodist Church Wesley Foundation. Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral
Home is in charge of arrangements.
Sign the guest book online at Published in The Opelika-Auburn
News from 11/4/2007 - 11/6/2007.