
Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #16

Opelika/Auburn Lee County Alabama

Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans:

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General
United Confederate Veterans
New Orleans, Louisiana
April 25, 190


The SCV General Robert E. Lee Camp

will meet for the

2016 Lee/Jackson Banquet


Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 6:30 PM
at the
Kitchen 3810 Restaurant
3810 Pepperell Parkway
Opelika, AL

Commander Jerry Purcell will present
"Lee; The Man and What Set Him Apart"

Following the meal, the program will include honoring Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Confederate

generals Lee and Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson have received recognition from many notable historians, both in America

and Europe, as great military leaders. Their battle tactics are still studied today at military colleges and training centers.

Over the years since 1865, numerous books have been written detailing the lives and military histories of the two generals. Among

the notable individuals who praised Lee are U.S. Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.

Roosevelt declared that Lee was the “greatest of all the great captains that the English-speaking peoples have brought forth.”

Eisenhower said that a nation of men of Lee’s caliber would be “unconquerable in spirit and soul” and that today’s American youth

should “emulate his rare qualities and by doing so our love of freedom would be sustained.”



Compatriots and friends,
One hundred fifty years ago the War Against Southern Independence ended with a devastated South. Since that time, the South has rebuilt and stands as a shining symbol of determination and dedication in the face of opposition and hostility. However in our day, there are those who seek to place upon the South another "reconstruction." Some have called this a time of "Southern Cleansing." Their goal is to remove all things Southern. One such attempt is current in the city of New Orleans. The city leaders have ordered the removal of Southern monuments that have stood in this Southern City for decades. Therefore

WHEREAS, on January 14, 2016, the New Orleans case is brought before the legal system for hearing, determination, and decision; and

WHEREAS, it is vital that Southern Heritage be protected via the preservation of the Southern Monuments in the city of New Orleans; and

WHEREAS, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is the premiere Southern Heritage organization in the United States.

NOW, THEREFORE, I Charles Kelly Barrow, Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate veterans, do hereby proclaim Thursday, January 14, 2016, as: "A DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FOR THE PRESERVATION OF SOUTHERN HERITAGE"

for all members and friends of the Sons of Confederate Veterans,

PROCLAIMED this 13th day of January, 2016.

Deo Vindice!

Charles Kelly Barrow
Sons of Confederate Veterans


August 26, 2015

Dear SCV General Robert E. Lee Member:

I received this outstanding report from one of the staff Members at Headquarters:

I plan to enter a stack of 56 applications in the computer today. I am currently a month behind. We have received 700+ applications as well as thousands of renewals and reinstatements. This is good for the organization but has taken its toll on the staff here as we are not able to keep up. I do appreciate your patience and kind words. Hope all is well with you!

Please pray for the staff at Headquarters.
In Christ, Dave Crosslin, Adjutant/Chaplain

Confederate Controversy: Conflict surrounds battle flag removed

By Emily Esleck | Editor-in-Chief | 07/01/15 2:28pm


Tenth Alabama Regiment cemetery in Virginia
uncovered 150 years later

By Mary Orndorff -- The Birmingham News

BRISTOW, Va. -- About an hour west of Washington, D.C., on a scrubby plot of land overrun by pricker bushes and in the shadow of dense modern townhouse developments, an Alabama cemetery was born.

Civil War preservationists with no personal links to Alabama admit to muttering a "Roll Tide" or two as they walked across the newly cleared land, the final resting place of between 75 and 90 soldiers with the Tenth Alabama Infantry Regiment.

Brian Smith, right, and his son Dane consult as volunteers help clean up part of a Civil War camp site where soldiers from Alabama are buried. The work is part of the project Dane Smith embarked upon to earn Eagle Scout status. (The Birmingham News/Mary Orndorff)

Historical documents and archeological study pinpointed the burial grounds, a desperate place in the late summer of 1861, when rampant disease claimed up to five or six Confederate soldiers a day at what was known as Camp Jones.

There are other signs. The area is devoid of stones, except for five large rocks dug deeply into the dirt, each cut on at least one side by a man-made tool. And the area is pockmarked by man-sized depressions, not in rows, but haphazardly, as if soldiers were buried right where they died.

That level of detail, however, was unknown until Dec. 3, when a crew of about 40 volunteers, led by a 16-year-old Eagle Scout candidate, descended with chain saws and strong arms and gave sunlight and a defined boundary to the cemetery.

"It's one of the better Eagle Scout projects I've seen," said Rob Orrison, site manager with the Prince William County Department of Public Works Historic Preservation Division. "I was blown away by the number of people that came out."

The Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park is a new, lesser-known addition to an area rich with Civil War historical sites; Manassas National Battlefield Park is about three miles away as the crow flies.

The Bristoe Station park opened in 2007 after a developer, Prince William County officials and the Civil War Preservation Trust reached a compromise. The massive farm property is to be developed for residential and office space, save for a 133-acre passive park marking the Battle of Kettle Run in 1862 and the Battle of Bristoe Station in 1863.

The private owner who sold the land to the developer had farmed for decades around the unmarked cemetery, indicating he knew its historic value. But it was overgrown and inaccessible. So when Dane Smith of nearby Nokesville called up looking for an Eagle Scout project, park officials recommended clearing the cemetery.

Smith's father, Brian, recalls hearing the details about the project.

"When I heard it was an Alabama regiment, I was like, 'Great, I work for an Alabama bank,'" Brian Smith said on his second straight chilly December Saturday at the site. He is the lead Washington lobbyist for Regions Financial Corp.

The volunteers, under Dane Smith's direction, cleared the underbrush, cut down trees, put up a split-rail fence and built a bridge over a creek. Their work was approved by Orrison, who told them which trees to remove and how not to disturb the ground. Tree stumps were left intact. The stone grave markers -- three of which Orrison knew were there plus two others uncovered during the work -- were marked with bright pink tape. The park had earlier used radar to detect the disturbed dirt of the gravesites so they could estimate a cemetery boundary.

Soldiers marching by a nearby road in 1862 wrote of the row of cedar trees leading toward a clearing with wooden grave markers engraved with the names of the dead. Several years later, someone else wrote that the markers were in stone.

"Who knows when they were changed?" Orrison said.

Old pictures indicate that some of the stones were engraved, but they are missing.

A muddy trail leads to the section of Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park being cleaned up as part of Dane Smith's Eagle Scout project. (Photo by Mary Orndorff)

Eventually, mulch will be placed on the path to the cemetery, and Orrison wants to raise the money to pay for a memorial plaque at the entrance, listing names of the 40 or so soldiers known to be buried there. He's hoping to have that work done in time for a September dedication ceremony. The gravesites will be mapped and the site open to tourists.

Park officials hope that by registering the cemetery, genealogists and historians will help them fill in the blanks of who else might be buried there, and descendants will visit their ancestors.

"It is a little sad that we won't be able to tell them exactly where they are," Orrison said.

The Tenth Alabama Infantry Regiment included companies from Jefferson, Shelby, Calhoun, Talladega, St. Clair, Calhoun, DeKalb and Talladega counties, according to the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

A second overgrown plot across the pasture is believed to be where Mississippi soldiers are buried.

Join the conversation by clicking to comment or emailMary Orndorffat [email protected].


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