The Montgomery Genealogical Society, Inc. Membership Application
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The Montgomery Genealogical Society, Inc.
Membership Application


Date: _____________________


Name: __________________________________ Phone: ____________________


Street Address: _____________________________________________________


City: _____________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________


Email Address: _______________________________________________


Membership:   Individual $20.00, Family $20.00 or Organizations $25.00

Research: $____________ Quarterly: $___________
Books: $____________ Donation: $____________
Memorial: $____________ Honorarium: $____________


TOTAL: $____________


Do you wish your name, email address, and surnames list to be posted on the MGS Website? Yes ___ No ____
If so, please enter the following information:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Email address: ____________________________________________________________________

Surname List: ____________________________________________________________________


Please mail this form, along with your check or money order, to:


Montgomery Genealogical Society, Inc. (MGS)
PO Box 230194
Montgomery, AL 36123-0194


Surnames attached: ____________



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