!!!BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT!!! DEATH, MARRIAGE AND PROBATE NOTICES FROM MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA NEWSPAPERS, Vol. II (1866-1875) This is to inform you about the upcoming release of my latest book, Death, Marriage And Probate Notices From Montgomery, Alabama Newspapers, Volume II (1866-1875). This is the second volume in a continuing series of newspaper transcriptions related to Montgomery, Alabama. The collection picks up where "Volume I" ended. It contains valuable historical and genealogical information on individuals who resided in Central Alabama counties following the Civil War. During the years following the Civil War some local newspapers were not in operation so the Montgomery newspapers became an important source of communication. The collection also contains some valuable information for individuals residing in other parts of the state. This collection is of special interest for anyone doing research in Central Alabama. Montgomery's newspapers devoted a lot of coverage to the surrounding counties in Central Alabama. Information was often included from correspondents and other newspapers in Alabama counties from as far east as the Georgia line and all across Alabama counties in the Black Belt region to the Mississippi line. In some instances this collection may contain valuable reprinted extracts from newspapers that have since been lost from local county records. The book has approximately 440 pages, with soft-binding and includes a detailed index. It contains newspaper transcriptions from surviving issues of: The Daily State Sentinel (1867-68), The Montgomery Daily Advertiser (1866, 1871-74), The Montgomery Weekly Advertiser (1869-70), The Alabama State Journal (1869-70), The Montgomery Weekly Mail (1869), The Montgomery Daily Mail (1870), and The Southern Plantation (1875). The anticipated release date for this book is September 1, 2003. This particular book is being published by myself and not by any publishing company. This will allow me to offer the book for sell at a much lower cost. This book would probably retail between $35-40 from a publishing company. I will be selling the books for $30 per copy plus $4 postage/handling (Total $34 per copy) effective September 1, 2003. However, I am offering a discounted price of $25 per copy (plus $4.00 shipping/handling) for all orders received by August 31, 2003 (Total $29 per copy). As some of you may know, I am not trying to make a profit with my publications. If I make any profit from my publications I try and use the funds to pay for copies, microfilm, etc. associated with new "research projects", as well to help defer some of the costs I incur in traveling to speak to historical and genealogical societies. Larry E. Caver, Jr. Email: LECAVERJR@AOL.COM ---------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM--------------------------------------------- Name:_________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________ Please send me _________ copies of your book, DEATH, MARRIAGE AND PROBATE NOTICES FROM MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA NEWSPAPERS, Volume II (1866-1875). Regular Price: $34.00 per copy (shipping/handling included). Pre-publication Price: $29.00 per copy (for orders received by August 31, 2003). TOTAL ENCLOSED: ________________________ SEND ORDERS TO: Larry E. Caver, Jr., P.O. Box 680052, Prattville, AL 36068