McGaughery Court Records
State of Alabama}													Contributed by: Anges Barnes
Lawrence County}
Court of July Term 1822
Present the Honl. John Mosley, Judge
William McGaughey
This day the parties came into this court and upon 
affidavit of the defendant beingheard, it is ordered by the court
that the cause be continued until next terms of the court.
William McGaughey with George W. McGaughey as his security
came into this court and severally acknowledged themselves indebted to
Israel Pickens, Governor of the State of Alabama for the time being
and his successors in office, in the sum of One thousand dollars
to be levied on their goods and chattels, lands and tennents, to
be void upon cindition that said William McGaughery personally appear
at the next term of the County Court of this County and answer the charge
of the State against him for being the reputed Father of the child
gotten on the body of Margary White and not depart the court without leave.
Pages 5 & 6 of an old disbound ledger of minutes with backs missing.
The final disposition of this matter is copied below.
"Ordered that the lettes of guardianship heretofore granted to
Andrew White on VincentBloomfield, infant son of Margary White be revoked,
and thereupon came William McGaughery, who entered into bond with 
Samuel McGaughery and James Therlkeld as his securities in the sum 
of Two hundred dollars. It is therefore ordered that said Samuel
McGaughey be appointed guardian of Vincent Bloonfield McGaughery,
infant son of Margary White"
(Orphans Court Book B. Page 167, May Term 1827)
On the 5th day of February, 1844 a marriage license was
issued to Vincent B. McGaughey and Clarrisa E. Gailey and the rites
were solemnized 6th February,1844 by W.W. Stephenson, Justice of the 
(From Marriage Book C page 137)
After adopting his illegitmate son, William must have had a 
"change of his ways" as in January 1829 he was back before the court
for the following, "On the application of William McGaughey, he
havng produced to this court, credentials of his being a regular licensed
Minister of the Gospel of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, he is hereby
authorized to solemize the rites of matrimony according to the rules
of the church and  the laws of the State of Alabama."
(Orphans Court Book B, page 363)