Coffee Servant Cemetery [black]



Surveyed by Orlan Irons, 5 Jan 1989

To reach this cemetery, turn off AL 20 (Savannah Highway), onto Lauderdale 6 (Gunwaleford Road), go 1.5 miles, turn left and go through a locked gate. (You will have to find Hollis Rice or someone who works for him to unlock this gate.) Go down this graveled road across this pasture, and go through 2 more gates, that are not locked. You can see the cemetery from these last gates about 200 yards out in the middle of a pasture. It is 0.7 miles from the Gunwaleford Road to this cemetery. There is also a house you will go near going to this cemetery, that is also about 200 yards from it. This cemetery has a steel fence around it, and has one big tree in it, or beside of it. This cemetery is not listed on the 1987 Lauderdale County Highway map. The legal description for the cemetery is NE4, NE4, Sec 19, T3s R11w. [map]

NAME                      BORN        DIED          COMMENTS
Crawford, Martha                   16 Jul 1929   aged 90yrs;
dau of David H. Smith; Back of stone: Faithful sevant and friend to the
family of Alexander Donaldson Coffee all her life Erected to the memory
of my mammy by Mary Coffee Campbell

[no surname], Katty         1792          1842     wife of David Smith

Smith, David Hutchins**    died at Ardoyn aged 106 years
Body servant of General John Coffee and General Andrew Jackson in the
Indian Wars in Alabama.   On the back: All his life faithful and loyal
servant of General John Coffee and his son Alexander Donelson Coffee
Erected to the memory of Pap Dave by Mary Coffee Campbell

** See detailed article on Uncle Dave Hutchins

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