| | 1850 Agricultural Census Franklin Co., AL
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ALGenWeb File Manager - Lygia Dawkins Cutts <[email protected]>
Contributed by Linda Greem <[email protected]> MAY 1999
Agricultural and Manufacturing Census for 1850 Microfilmed by the Alabama Department of Archives and History under a Grant from the National Science Foundation
1850 Schedule 4 Agricultural -Dale to Marengo Counties
Filmed for the University of North Carolina from Original Records in the Alabama Department of Archives and History
These are the items represented and separated by a comma; for example John Doe, 20, 25, 10, 5,100
1. Owner 2. Acres of Improved Land 3. Acres of Unimproved Land 4. Cash Value of Farm 5. Value of Farm Implements and Machinery 13. Value of Livestock
The following symbol is used to maintain spacing: (-)
NOTE: In some instances where the first few letters of the first name or initials are missing and indicated with _, the microfilming did not pick up parts of the left margin for Franklin Co. for it was too close to the binding and could not be flattened enough. It is my understanding that the sheets once filled out were then bound. My guess is that the Alabama Department of Archives and History would not allow the books to be taken apart and had to be filmed as is. Thus, some parts of first names or initials are not visible on the film.
Those names underlined are my ancestors.
James Mcgahee, 30, 130, 400, 75, 125 Andrew Ja. Willis, 75, 85, 200, 25, 350 Julius Helimns, -, -, -, 6, 50 Grenberry Mcafee, -, -, -, 15, 120 Howard, Walker, 50, 180, 450, 150, 375 Joab Kirklin, 30, 30, 160, 7, 60 Samuel Sale, -, -, -, 10, 200 Hiram Souzends, 80, 220, 500, 75, 400 William Croswhite, 35, 45, 250, 15, 125 William Boin, 17, 10, 1600, 12, 150 James Nance, 250, 230, 4000, 170, 730 Samuel B. White, -, 200, 300, 100, 650 Josiah Hardin, 8, 32, 250,50, 150 Ammor Harris, 9, 28, 250, 500, 75 Moses Roberson, 90, 220, 1200, 140, 700 John E. Seal, 30,98, 500, 75, 350 Charles Divrnney, 500, 517, 6000, 500, 925 William Reed, 50, 100, 40, 100, 200 Alehder Mclemore, -, -, -, 60, 100 Chilion E. Hill, 80, 180, 1000, 100, 500 Goldmon Kimbro, 30, 10, 250, 12, 150 Starling B. Williamson, -, 40, 100, 15, 150 William Sugg, 150, 300, 1800. 200, 1000 William Hudson, 75, 125, 800, 100, 450 Benjamin Hudson, -, -, -, 15, 100 Joseph Sheffield, -, -, -, 157, 1000 Partin Burgess, -, -, -, 40, 170 Dudley Gadd, 25, 95, 500, 5, 170 William M. Badget, 20, 40, 50, 15, 100 Mary Badget, 30, 10, 100, 12, 125 Clark Bobo, 65, 40, 300, 250, 400 Bryce Wilson, 700, 5760, 25000, 500, 2280 William W. Lucy, 300, 300, 6000, 600, 2000 William C. Smith, 800, 1360, 10000, 200, 465 John L. Sherrill, 50, 110, 250, 10, 300 Henry Hargete, 45, 125, 500, 100, 125 John Hargete, 25, 25, 200, 10, 100 Samuel Swan, 125, 110, 1500, 100, 425 Elizabeth Moore, 30, 50, 100, 10, 100 William Moore, -, -, -, 10, 75 S. W. L. McCleskley, 15, 150, 300, 10, 543 James Murphey, 200, 760, 5000, 600, 1000 William P. Murphey, -, -, -, 75, 175 Sarah Vinson, 25, 55, 500, 12, 100 Samuel Skinner, 40, 60, 100, 10, 100 George Conwell, 20, 140, 150, 12, 75 James Woolbright, 60, 100, 150, 15, 124 Energy Vinson, 45, 256, 500, 15, 150 Josiah Martin, 80, 80, 800, 80, 200 John Norman, 55, 285, 800, 120, 200 Manuel M. Martin, -, -, -, 10, 50 Josiah Botts, 35, 135, 350, 12, 200 Bridges Arnold, 33, 125, 400, 12, 200 Simon Roddy, 60, 100, 600, 100, 150 George Sanders, 60, 280, 800, 75, 500 John Sanders, -, -, -, 5, 125 Isaac Wright, 25, 135, 150, 12,100 Robert Huse, 100, 260, 1500, 20, 250 Joel Parish, 20, 140, 150, 15, 125 John D. Lowery, -, -, -, 10, 120 Smith Taylor, -, 160, 100, 12, 100 Vinson Stanfield, 20, 100, 180, 50, 350 Pamprey Standfield, 60, 300, 500, 15, 400 William Cook, 1, -, -, 15, 50 James Stanfield, 48, 202, 500, 202, 250 Wm. B. Stanfield, -, -, -, 12, 250 Charles Warren, 180, 868, 2500, 125, 1058 Joseph Jackson, 20, 140, 150, 10, 125 B. R. Garland, 250, 4950, 12000, 10, 1000 Zarah Sartin, 40, 40, 200, 75, 300 Thomas Burgess, 50, 150, 1000, 20, 175 Henry Godby 80, 120, 290, 25, 250 William N. Johnson, -, -, -, 10, 120 Calvin Godby, -, -, -, 15, 150 Absalm, Taylor, 12, 30, 100, 10, 85 Richard Irvin, 20, 20, 125, 15, 90 William James, -, 150, 250, 100, 150 Benjamin James, 25, 115, 500, 100, 300 Benjamin Bendall, -, -, -, 10, 75 G. Calvin Quillin, 20, 100, 100, 12, 125 Collin Roy, -, -, -, 15, 100 Elisha Allison, 8, 152, 150, 200, 150 George G. Williams, 10, 150, 150, 25, 35 Uriah Dill, 30, 130, 300, 100, 150 Robert Hester, 36, 228, 450, 250, 315 William Stuart, 30, 130, 250, 75, 125 Richard L. Williams, -, -, -, 65, 100 James M. Taylor, 25, 55, 125, 125, 150 George Williams, 13, 22, 200, 60, 100 John F. Taylor, 10, 22310, 150, 250, 500 Pleasant Taylor, 60, 260, 1500, 250, 500 Joshua W. Bird, 20, 140, 150, 50, 100 Giilfared Burnes, -, -, -, 80, 200 Mary Ann Ellis, 35, 105, 300, 5, 30 John B. Burns, -, -, -, 100, 135 William Richards, 30, 224, 400, 300, 500 George W. Hinley, 160, -, 1500, 800, 1000 Jesseey Richardson, 50, 100, 1000, 300, 400 Joseph Britnell, 200, 20, 1800, 525, 700 James Warhurst, 60, 20, 150, 125, 150 George Warhurst, -, -, -, 5, 75 Robert Matlock, -, -, -, 12, 75 William T. Gray, -, -, -, 25, 100 Watson Michel, 100, 205, 400, 25, 200 John Whorton, -, -, -, 6, 75 Elijah Smith, 120, 100, 1000, 25, 800 Napoleon Nesbitt, -, -, -, 10, 200 William Chambers, -, -, -, 10, 180 John Tharp, 65, 500, 800, 225, 252-son of Hezekiah Tharp John Jones, 6, 34, 75, 250, 300 John Hurst, -, -, -, 10, 75 Robert Thompson, 80, 160, 800, 300, 300 James Saint, 20, 60, 150, 75, 125-married Mary Crittenden Susan McCoy, -, -, -, 5, 75 Washington Brown, 30, 30, 250, 100, 130 John Shinalt, -, -, -, 10, 75 Martin H. Wood, 60, 100, 500, 350, 300 Thomas Wood, 80, 110, 600, 400, 600 William Mullin, 180, 281, 3000, 650, 350 John Freemen, 90, 70, 700, 278, 358 William H. Hester, 25, 207, 300, 100, 150 William Hulsey, -, -, - , 5, 75 Jane M. Freeman, 160, 160, 1500, 300, 425 James t. Kirk, 65, 135, 650, 230, 230 Travice Boles, -, -, -, 15, 125 William W. Kimbro, 20, 20, 200, 35, 100 Richard C. Kimbro, 14, 26, 50, 75, 100 Gidion Biggs, -, -, -, 50, 100 James Henley, -, -, -, 15, 185 William Mullin, 410, 670, 5000, 1000, 1300 Thomas Mullin, 175, 245, 2000, 450, 600 John Tacket, 10, 70, 150, 60, 100 Moses Ellage, -, -, -, 250, 200 Joseph Jennings, -, -, -, 75, 100 Francis G. Chiles, 40, 120, 500, 100, 150 John S. Chiles, -, -, -, 25,50 William J. Myrick, 30, 50, 150, 100, 135 James N. Hooker, 45, 165, 400, 200, 600 John P. Stahl, 47, 73, 400, 100, 150 Joshua W. Morris, 18, 32, 150, 6, 100 Thomas E. Fore, 30, 110, 250, 100, 200 Charles W. Brandfoot, 60, -, -, 60, 100 James McCleskey, 100, 200, 600, 200, 200 William Crittendon, -, -, -, 7, 100-served in Confederate Army, died after 1900 in Memphis Riley Crittendon, -, -, -, 50, 75-buried in Old Mt. Moriah Cemetery near Spring Valley Colbert Co. William P. Buler (Butler), 4, 6, 20, 125, 75 William Holliman, -, -, -, 40, 75 Guinn Steveson, 50, 200, 4000, 200, 225 Sarah Kent, 40, 40, 300, 75, 125-husband was Smith Kent, from VA John Landers, 28, 32, 100, 200, 200 David Jackson, 38, 45, 500, 250, 380 James S. Kent, -, -, -, 65, 100-mother Sarah-he was killed in War Between States Robert Kent, 50, 30, 300, 300, 300-mother Sarah-older brother of James S. William H. Alsbrooks, 20, 60, 300, 85, 240 Thomas English, 35, 85, 150, 200, 150 Andrew Harris, 60, 60, 450, 150, 250 Daniel Morris, 15, 105, 150, 50, 200 Isam Guinn, -, -, -, 50, 100 Waddy Thompson, -, -, -, 40, 125 Reubin Hardin, 16, 64, 275, 200, 180 Jackson B. Smith, 20, 40, 200, 250, 480 A. C. Levingston, 170, 130, 800, 400, 460 Daniel Benson, 10, 150, 200, 25, 100 James Smith, 300, 140, 4000, 1000, 600 John Roger, -, -, -, 25, 160 Jame H. Smith, -, -, -, 40, 300 Frederich wilson, -, -, -, 15, 125 Milton C. Boice, 40, 38, 400, 10, 150 William H. Clement, 23, 17, 500, 12, 100 Thomas Chiles, 100, 100, 800, 100, 300 Jacob J. Howel, -, -, -, 12, 50 Jacob J. Duboice, 15, 5, 50, 10, 125 Joh___ Yocum, -, 80, 100, 25, 75 James Yocum, 80, 80, 500, 100, 125 Jesse Yocum, 100, 140, 300, 200, 300 William Yocum, -, -, -, 20, 100 Washington Yocum, -, -, -, 60, 125 John W. Allen, 44, 75, 600, 30, 400 Richard Yocum, 30, 10, 300, 12, 150 Mathias Yocum, 30, 10, 300, 130. 150 James McClelland, 30, 10, 500, 50, 175 Benjamin Horton, 4, 36, 50, 90, 200 Joseph Williams, 40, 40, 300, 350, 250 Reace Horton, 20, 20, 200, 100, 150 James S. Reynolds, 150, 170, 2500, 300, 500 Josiah Askey, 43, 50, 200, 50, 200 Volentine Gates, 100, 100, 1000, 300, 500 John Sampton, 15, 145, 150, 125, 170 Elizabeth Striclin, 10, 40, 100, 25, 50 David Long, 15, 25, 100, 75, 60 Thomas Thorn, 150, 550, 1800, 500, 450 Andrew Hall, 30, 50, 150, 12, 200 Squire Marcm, 10, 150, 200, 40, 125 John Witt, 6, 34, 75, 5, 100 William H. Botts, -, -, -, 20, 100 William Botts, -, 160, 100, 10, 60 Busel Harris, 30, 280, 600, 65, 250 Nathaniel Lookinbrill, 10, 50, 150, 50, 175 __atsworth Vinson, 40, 440, 1200, 100, 300 Henry Miller, 10, -, -, 10, 75 William Armorburg, 40, 120, 400, 50, 100 Anderson Lowery, 20, 140, 325, 15, 200 John D. Carver, 30, 290, 600, 100, 300 Hiram McCollum, -, -, -, 5, 60 Jackson Cleveland, 20, 140, 200, 25, 75 Johnson Williams, 20, 60, 150, 10, 25 Edward Holland, 100, 100, 1200, 80, 200 Washington Fretwell, 40, 160, 400, 5, 150 Doctor Gain, 10, 150, 150, 12, 80 William Buckhanan, 26, 284, 130, 100, 100 Gilbert Prince, -, -, -, 5, 75 James Buckhanon, -, -, -, 5, 50 Thomas Cleveland, 20, 30, 200, 2, 100 Elizabeth Holland, 25, 45, 250, 10, 140 Edward Ware, 20, 140, 150, 12, 100 Isaac W. Holland, -, -, -, 5, 75 Andrew Parker, 40, 440, 500, 25, 230 Osburne White, -, -, -, 3, 50 James W. Hampton, -, -, -, 5, 40 Howell Green, 35, 285, 300, 40, 300 James R. Moses, 30, 130, 500, 15, 200 Jesse Osalt, -, -, - ,6, 75 Joshua Sperman, 40, 244, 400, 5, 75 Thomas Christian, -, -, -, 5, 150 Franklin Wright, 35, 125, 500, 50, 245 Jackson Evins, -, -, -, 5, 40 William P. Murphy, 50, 270, 800, 40 375 William Spearman, 45, 115, 500, 200, 200 William Goin, 40, 98, 200, 5, 80 David Ashley, -, -, -, 10, 100 George Murphrey, -, -,-, 5, 75 John W. Rodgers, 17, 103, 500, 35, 125 William S. Rodgers, 12, 58, 165, 16, 75 George W. Rodgers, 18, 60, 175, 10, 75 Susan Jackson, 12, 168, 300, 15, 75 Joseph Jones, 10, 150, 200, 20, 100 David Riggs, 16, 166, 125, 10, 75 Carril Thorn, 12, 158, 100, 25, 125 George W. Thorn, -, 40, 200, 50, 125 James Sullinger, 40, 180, 400, 17, 200 Benjamin Brazil, 15, 145, 160, 10, 150 Henry Johnson, 10, 140, 200, 50, 100 Richard Hall, 15, 305, 300, 10, 100 James H. Lewis, 15, 65, 150, 75, 100 James M. Quillin, 50, 130, 200, 180, 250 William Guillin, -, -, -, 75, 150 James G. Quillin, -, -, -, 75, 100 Elizabeth McWilliams, 20, 140, 200, 75, 125 Ambers Pearce, -, -, -, 25, 50 Samuel Williams, 40, 80, 200, 150, 200 Amelia Caden, -, -, -, 30, 75 Charles May, -, 80, 100, 30, 200 David Taylor, 75, 285, 500, 125, 200 Lemuel Huse, 15, 65, 175, 15, 250 John P. Malone, 15, -, 25, 10, 150 William Owen, 15, 25, 100, 40, 100 Daniel Malone, 15, 25, 1080, 50, 100 James Mills, 20, 20, 150, 75, 150 John Taylor, 15, 25, 40, 25, 50 Jeremiah Warren, 15, 25, 100, 80, 125 James T. Chisum, 50, 30, 600, 200, 200 Robert Flake, 10, 30, 75, 40, 200 L. G. W. Flake, 30, 130, 300, 100, 300 Caswell Green, 18, 147, 250, 200, 300 William E. Gren, -, -, -, 75, 125 Ranson Gaunt, 15, 145, 200, 75, 165 Elijah Sanderson, 18,142, 160, 100, 125 Lewis M. Sanderson, 30, 130, 200, 65, 100 William Sanderson, 20, 140, 200, 40, 100 Jacob P. Smelser, 100, 60, 1000, 200, 300 Martin Taylor, 20, 140, 275, 50, 100 Daniel Morgan, 8, 72, 200, 50, 75 G. W. Swigley, 8, 72, 200, 50, 70 Johnathan Chambers, 15, 145, 150, 75, 200 J. H. Horton, 15, 55, 150, 10, 150 Jesse Green, 50, 279, 800, 200, 250 Jackson Warrington, -, -, -, 5, 50 Abner Overton, 60, 220, 500, 15, 200 James Stuart, 2, 158, 100, 50, 80 Moses M. Sherrill, 40, 600, 700, 125, 200 Isaac Burnes, -, -, -, -, 25 John Sherrill, 60, 140, 600, 175, 300 Samuel W. Taylor, -, -, -, 40, 40 Nancy Taylor, 35, 125, 400, 40, 100 Jesse Jones, 160, 960, 1850, 465, 870 Tilmon Moses,20, 140, 250, 12, 80 David Hood, -, -, -, 5, 75 John C. Sparks, 40, 120, 225, 5, 75 James Hodge, -, 80, 100, 5, 125 Arthur Hodge, 60, 340, 650, 15, 100 Joshea Lewis, 4, 180, 400, 10, 200 Wilson Watley, -, 176, 100, 10, 75 William H. Thorn, 15, 145, 50, 10, 80 Pleasant G. H. Cort, 20, 620, 300, 50, 300 George M. Tayler, 10, 150, 110, 12, 100 William M. Strong, 40, 280, 500, 28, 200 Adolphus A. Huse, 80, 400, 1500, 1200, 600 James Huse, 70, 400, 1500, 15, 120 William H. Hall, 12, 148, 150, 10, 100 George M. Scott, -, -, -, 7, 200 Harrison Wil___, -, -, -, 10, 175 Riley G. Clemint, -, -, -, 5, 200 Squire Hall, 40, 120, 200, 5, 150 James Witt, 25, 80, 100, 10, 150 William R. Hodge, 70, 410, 750, 100, 450 Nathaniel Stuedon, 50, 427, 1200, 100, 500 John Fuller, -, -, -, 75, 200 Tilmon Silf, -, 80, 75, 5, 150 John Holland, 60, 500, 700, 75, 200 Thomas C. H. Thorn, -, -, -, 10, 200 Dickson Armstrong, -, -, -, 10, 150 James Williams, 40, 120, 125, 5, 125 R. H. H. Burke, 20, 18, 150, 10, 165 William King, 20, 20, 150, 75, 125 George Vineryard, 50, 30, 240, 30, 400 James Gillispie, 50, 30, 150, 40, 425 Joseph Barnet, 25, 15, 150, 20, 150 Robert Tharp, 20, 80, 500, 13, 200-served in Confederate Army Phebe Matlock, 15, 25, 150, 18, 100, maiden name was Tharp Mary Hulsey, 20, 20, 100, 7, 100-maiden name was Tharp John Wetherford, 200, 120, 1500, 300, 600 James M. Wilson, -, 40, 50, 10, 200 Johnathan Witson, 25, 95, 300, 25, 200 Littleberry Bolton, 50, 500, 850, 60, 300 Simeon Waits, 50, 300, 800, 75, 250 John Hesler, 45, 155, 800, 75, 500 Dickson Hardee, -, -, -, -, 10 James McKnight, -, -, -, -, 10 Christopher Tompkins, 60, 340, 800, 70, 300 Burton Malone, -, -, -, -, 150 Daniel Harmon, -, -, -, -, 18 Marian Tompkins, 25, 70, 250, 10, 200 Edwin Vinson, 60, 200, 800, 70, 450 F. B. Malone, 30, 40, 100, 10, 150 Nancy Burgess, 200, 150, 500, 50, 500 William Sparks, 70, 360, 800, 50, 400 David Middleton, -, -, -, 5, 80 Riley Sparks, 10, 200, 500, 100, 800 Willis Sparks, -, -, -, 40, 150 Dennis Lindsey, 30, 80, 200, 10, 125 Robert Lindsey, 40, 50, 300, 10, 100 Joseph Ramsey, -, -, -, 10, 100 Nelley Dickson, -, -, -, 5, 40 Haddis Malone, -, -, -, 10, 100 Isaac Woodruff, -, -, -, 200, 70 Jams Malone, 150, 145, 1000, 150, 800 Absalom Taylor Sen., 50, 150, 300, 10, 200 Pamphra Malone, -, -, -, 16, 200 John Autry, 40, 150, 300, 25, 250 John Ramsey, 55, 40, 200, 10, 300 William Rikard, 80, 100, 200, 10, 200 Robert Sherrill, -, 160 200, 8, 100 Elizabeth Tompkins, 100, 100, 250, 30, 350 Michael Tacket, -, -, -, 5, 75 Williams Willliams, 100, 260, 800, 500, 500 Meirel McRight, -, -, -, 10, 75 T. P. Mcright, 45, 115, 200, 15, 175 Joseph Bel, -, -, -, 5, 150 N. T. Underwood, 7, 22, 225, 70, 245 John Richardson, 130, 90, 700, 200, 550 Archibald Hiles, 9, 131, 55, 15, 75 James P. Warrington, -, -, -, 5, 100 William Baker, 40, 120, 300, 100, 300 Joseph Burrow, 15, 145, 200, 10, 150 Robert Powers, -, -, -, 10, 75 Wiliam J. Powers, -, -, -, 10, 65 Higgins Williamson, 25, 50, 150, 80, 75 Anderson Burrow, 50, -, 100, 3, 75 John H. Ray, 40, 440, 300, 12, 65 Andrew M. Hamilton, -, -, -, 15, 50 James M. Hamilton, -, -, -, 5, 200 Joseph Skidmore, 30, 50, 125, 10, 400 Isaac Walker, 75, 477, 1000, 100, 350 Joseph Phileps, 60, 40, 500, 75, 125 Asa Golf, 25, 15, 150, 20, 100 Hesakiah Whitlock, -, -, -, 15, 125 John Willis, 100, 430, 1000, 100, 500 John Brown -, -, -, 15, 100 Martha A. Ramsey, 50, 250, 1000, 50, 250 Benjamin Hancock, 60, 100, 400, 50, 400 J. N. Flagagin, -, -, -, 20, 140 Blount Ausbrooks, -, 50, 75, 15, 75 Edmund Little, 175, 850, 1600, 400, 1000 Charles Butler, -, -, -, 12, 250 Abraham Johnson, 200, 130, 3000, 300, 700 William R. Hurst, 90, 70, 800, 40, 300 Luther Hovarter, 30, 10, 150, 50, 125 William Farned, 70, 10, 450, 100, 400 N. R. Ladd, 50, 220, 300, 100, 400 Reice Hamilton, 70, 100, 1100, 100, 380 Reuben Copeland, 100, 25, 500, 500, 150 William Norman, 75, 125, 700, 100, 400 Andrew B. Rea, 80, 97, 2000, 100, 400 Jeremiah Bobo, 125, 200, 1600, 100, 400 Green Williams, 70, 340, 500, 50, 400 Luke Williams, 35, 150, 500, 12, 200 Matthew Mullman, 30, 250, 500, 20, 150 William Jackson, -, -, -, 10, 150 Jacob Grissom 25, 125, 200, 70, 120 Thomas Bullin, 60, 200, 1000, 120, 250 Jeremiah Prestridge, -, -, -, 10, 120 Collins Bolin, 15, 145, 125, 10, 50 Marvil Epps, 110, 450, 400, 75, 450 Eli Epps, 44, 331, 500, 100, 400 Edward Tiffin, 75, 515, 800, 100, 150 Green Crowel, 40, 150, 500, 30, 150 Ephraim Butler, 50, 500, 900, 50, 100 _. K. Pucket, -, -, -, 12, 45 Thomas Bragg, 40, 120, 200, 100, 150 Joseph Butler, -, -, -, 18, 50 Alexander Gurge, 100, 700, 2000, 100, 300 Thos. Cothrum, 40, 120, 1000, 25, 300 George Rainey, -, -, -, 5, 100 _. M. Downs, -, -, -, 6, 150 David Dikes, 12, 148, 125, 6, 100 John Burlison, 40, 280, 500, 25, 250 _. E. W. Ren, -, -, -, 5, 100 Z. I. Perry, -, -, -, 20, 160 William J. Ren, -, -, -, 10, 100 Sarah B. Reed, -, -, -, 50, 200 Stephel Ellitt, 75, 245, 1200, 150, 350 James Massey, -, -, -, 10, 200 Johnson McKiny, 75, 125, 2000, 20, 500 Walter Glenn, 45, 100, 300, 40, 250 William W. Bolin, -, -, -, 5, 100 Benjamin F. Nelson, 75, 400, 1200, 100, 500 Enoch Sparks, 30, 290, 300, 5, 120 Samuel Sparks, -, -, -, 18, 150 Johnson Sparks, -, -, -, 15, 50 Hugh Nelson, 25, 135, 200, 15, 200 John Graham, -, -, -, 10, 75 James Bolding, 30, 50, 150, 10, 200 Lemuel Nelson, 50, 301, 1000, 200, 300 Littleton Swett, 8, 132, 100, 10, 150 William Hale, 30, 70, 150, 10, 225 Elliott J. Baker, 20, 60, 150, 10, 130 Kinchen Boggs, -, -, -, 12, 250 Reece, Williams, -, 160, 100, 5, 200 Jesse Stanford, -, -, -, 75, 300 Robert Duncane, -, -, -, 40, 400 John Turner, 50, 110, 400, 100, 300 James Oliver, 25, 135, 100, 35, 100 Joseph Scott, 22, 38, 100, 3, 350 Reuben Wade, 15, 150, 150, 35, 125 Bradford Scott, 40, 135, 200, 45, 250 Larken Tindol, 10, 21, 100, 40, 150 Robert Patterson, 40, 280, 950, 70, 500 James Gasaway, -, -, -, 12, 80 James Bolding, -, -, -, 9, 100 J. T. Wren, -, -, -, 17, 60 James Patterson, 12, 60, 125, 52, 100 H.H. Campbell, -, -, -, 10. 50 John McKnight, 40, 40, 150, 10, 75 John Moore, 20, 140, 100, 75, 150 Peter Patterson, 20, 80, 500, 5, 250 A. B. Bolding, 40, 120, 300, 35, 335 Joseph Bolding, 60, 10, 500, 15, 73 Harrison Bolding, 8, 142, 150, 5, 75 Moses Wetherby, 40, 130, 500, 40, 500 J.T.Bentley, -, -, -, 25, 75 Henderson Bates, 40, 100, 250, 10, 100 Elijah Bates, 24, 250, 400, 45, 80 Miller Isbel, -, -, -, 25, 280 John Lee, -, -, -, 10, 60 Allen Rodgers, -, -, -, 15, 300 Balis McKinney, -, -, -, 6, 100 Thomas Sartin, 35, 165, 300, 50, 150 Charles Wilkins, -, -, -, 14, 60 Archibald McKinny, 12, 68, 150, 12, 100 William McKinny, 25, 135, 200. 13, 45 William F. Martin, -, -, -, 7, 50 Joseph H. Bolding, 30, 120, 500, 10, 100 Jesse Martin, 60, 270, 300, 100, 500 Sarah Sparks, 30, 110, 600, 15, 150 Joseph McMurray, 30, 125, 250, 5, 150 J. H. Glenn, -, -, -, 5, 40 Anderson Orr, 45, 150, 400, 100, 500 Charles Hucheson, 45, 100, 300, 13, 60 M. L. Hucheson, 12, 100, 200, 70, 150 Elijah Shannon, 60, 200, 100, 80, 300 James G. George, 40, 300, 600, 25, 350 John C. Moore, 25, 55, 150, 8, 100 Wofford Gilly, -, -, -, 150, 50 P. Pucket, 15, 60, 200, 3, 50 John W. Taylor, 22, 60, 200, 15, 85 M. L. Rodgers, 9, 25, 90, 12, 100 _. C. Hucison, 18, 300, 300, 60, 150 Henry Callender,40, 60, 300, 250, 200 Rpuhus F. Landers, 70, 90, 500, 320, 270 James Landers, 120, 340, 1000, 140, 230 Doter Cromines, 10, 30, 90, 70, 100 Mary McWilliams, 44, 40, 250. 75, 100 Francis C. Spraggins, 65, 262, 1500, 450, 400 Johnathan Rid__n, -, -, -, 75, 100 James Priest, 50, 150, 440, 300, 400 Dewit Arnold, 150, 150, 1500, 300,500 James Gocher, 60, 100, 400, 100, 175 James J. Carragin, 35, 5, 200, 150, 150 Thomas B. Calicoat, 53, 101, 700, 10, 200 Thomas Moss, -, -, -, 100, 500 Thomas Milwee, 75, 85, 600, 75, 520 Elizabeth Sibley, 65, 95, 1400, 100, 445 John Callicoat, -, -, -, 10, 60 George Patterson, 20, 60, 200, 12, 115 William T. Patterson, 50, -, 140, 75, 300 Wm. N. Hooker, -, -, -, 15, 140 Jacin Barnet, -, -, -, 12, 100 James Jeffreys, -, -, -, 15, 150 Stephen Clements, 4, 36, 40, 12, 40 Joseph McCuller, 40, 120, 500, 50, 150 Margaret Barton, 60, 110, 400, 50, 400 Aaron R. Patton, 100, 260, 1000, 100, 525 Francis E. Sherrill, 40, 20, 300, 10, 125 John T. Seward, 50, 30, 400, 75, 250 Lewis M. Kirk, 50, 30, 500, 80, 300 Joseph B. Landers, 100, 90, 800, 120, 525 Mahala Richeson, 100, 60, 500, 21, 220 Ede Richeson, 80, -, 200, 20, 170 Alexander Michel, 100, 120, 1500, 80, 425 Asberry Michel, -, -, -, 10, 75 William Long, 50, 77, 300, 65, 260 Richard Waldie, 80, 120, 800, 30, 483 James Coin, 120, 200, 1000, 125, 500 John L. Gray, -, -, -, 350, 250 Thomas Sugg, 210, 170, 2500, 150, 583 William Drake, 300, 260, 4000, 300, 700 Elijah McCuller, 600, 800, 6000, 400, 1000 Thomas East, 600, 408, 8000, 800, 1615 James T. Armon, 60, 100, 600, 200, 885 James M. Kirk, 300, 200, 4000, 500, 1310 Oran Sargant, 382, 678, 7000, 175, 565 Susan Golson, 136, 184, 2000, 500, 700 John White, 66, 160, 500, 100, 240 Jacob Humble, 150, 180, 1650, 300, 700 William Sugg, 310, 310, 5000. 500, 1400 William T. Jones, 800, 615, 7075, 525, 2290 William S. Jones Jun.. 60, 100, 550, 112, 510 Bluford Dikes, -, -, -, 12,1 00 Samuel Durham, 40, 110, 800, 15, 150 Margaret Roy (Ray), 50, 110, 800, 15, 200 Edmond J. Walden, -, -, -, 10, 50 John Terrill, 50, 190, 1000, 30, 200 Ora Hollingsworth, 150, 150, 1200, 150, 550 Frederick H. Anderson, 88, 80, 1000, 150, 700 Jacob Shaver, 75, 85, 1000, 65, 200 Isaac Ray, 80, 120, 2000, 100, 250 Henry Hurst, 12, 28, 100, 25, 130 John Hargett, -, -, -, 10, 125 Robert East, 60, 140, 1000, 150, 693 John Hamilton, 100, 48, 2000, 100, 463 Leroy Rea, -, -, -, 45, 230 Thomas Ray, -, -, -, 12, 80 Ellis Isbel, 300, 340, 5000, 500, 1100 William Walker, -, -, -, 12, 120 John Keeland, 275, 145, 4000, 500, 1126 Joseph Cooper, 20, 60, 321, 10, 100 James M. Quinn, 40, 80, 500, 75, 285 John Quinn, 20, 10, 200, 12, 75 Joseph W. Pounders, -, -, -, 10, 30 Thomas Hooker, 100, 140, 1200, 60, 210 William Hamilton, -, -, -, 10, 100 William Covening, -, -, -, 15, 75 Clemuel Reed, 200, 460, 3000, 200, 1000 Allen Hooker, 140, 180, 2500, 150, 350 Willis Runum, -, -, -, 7, 100 Sampson Dikes, -, -, -, 6, 100 John M. Keenum, -, -, -, 60, 100 Hardin Chambers, -, -, -, 60, 200 Ambers McCollum, 225, 55, 250, 10, 200 John Waltrip, 25, 135, 2000, 100, 300 Thomas Heathcock, 35, 125, 150, 14, 200 William Fuller, 15, 205, 400, 10, 150 Richard Armstrong, 35, 65, 300, 20, 400 H. M. Fuller, 40, 120, 300, 75, 400 Reubin Rollins, 15, 80, 100, 5, 250 Reuben Sholts, 20, 140, 100, 5, 200 John B. Cort, 15, 145, 175, 5, 150 Riley Clement, -, -, -, 7, 225 _. T. McCinney, 20, 140, 150, 5, 175 Jeremiah Moody, -, -, -, 5, 75 Joel Moody, 30, 290, 200, 77. 100 Joseph Moody, -, -, -, 4, 80 John Clement, 27, 171, 200, 50, 200 Jacob Kirkendall, 25, 135, 200, 10, 200 Wm. J. Ledbetter, -, -, -, 8, 100 George Randolph, 48, 120, 200, 55, 275 John Times, 12, 78, 200, 55, 275 Wm. Clement, 1, 79, 40, 7, 100 Benjamin Clements, 10, 150, 150, 10, 200 Peter Clement, 7, 130, 150, 5, 250 Wesley Willilams, -, -, -, 18, 100 William Glassup, 30, 90, 175, 4, 75 Isom Davis, -, -, -, 7, 80 Magmss (?) Davis, 30, 290, 300, 14, 200 R. R. McCurley, 10, 210, 150, 5, 125 Isaac Summers, 4, 134, 125, 3, 175 Caswell Lindsey, 60, 580, 600, 20, 200 Killey Wirrsit, -, -, -, 7, 60 James Sparks, 5, 47, 50, 5, 40 Johnson Rollins, -, -, -, 7, 280 Reuben Flagagin, 70, 260, 500, 50, 300 John Osbern, 60, 260, 600, 50, 425 Hesakiah Massey, 50, 100, 250, 6, 145 John Dotson, 30, 170, 200, 4, 300 H. B. Wallis, 13, 268, 100, 10, 125 Kinnith Carpenter, 45, 195, 1000, 70, 150 John Hoad, -, -, -, 7, 40 Clark M. Tompkins, 40, 120, 1000, 150, 350 Benjamin Harris, 1000, 2540, 21000, 1080, 3120 Dalany Stout, -, -, -, 80. 250 Malcolm McCollum, 100, 280, 2500, 150, 560 Ambers McCollum, -, -, -, 20, 235 Thomas Evins, -, -, -, 85, 475 L. G. Keenum, -, -, -, 12, 100 John Corhorn, 22, 38, 225, 90, 275 Robert C. Sibley, 20, 20, 225, 15, 291 Joseph Ray, 60, 80, 500, 60, 400 James Edgar, -, -, -, 10, 125 William Mooss, 80, 80, 1500, 125, 800 J. C. Moss, 200, 300, 2000, 300, 725 Leroy Nelson, 35, 159, 200, 10, 50 H. Barksdale, 40, 300, 200, 38, 150 Robert Daniel, 15, 130, 250, 10, 200 William Burgess, 70, 700, 1500, 100, 300 John Daniel, 15, 70, 150, 15, 100 John W. Miller, 15, 145, 100, 5, 152 William McKinny, 30, 50, 150, 50, 225 Briant Massey, 40, 120, 150, 10, 200 Ephraim Bolton, 30, 210, 200, 35, 140 _. W. Burgess, -, -, -, 65, 150 Benjamine Burgess, 120, 1025, 6000, 90, 359 W. W. Burgess,12, 148, 300, 75, 125 William Britton, 85, 255, 600, 75, 275 Calvin Britton, -, -, -, 15, 230 James Hill, 30, 90, 150, 65, 250 David Benson, 18, 148, 150, 5, 150 John Benson, 40, 120, 1000, 10, 250 Thomas Hall, 40, 120, 270, 10, 100 David Langley, 25, 135, 500, 50, 180 W. W. Britton, -, -, -, 10, 90 Joseph Wofford, 40, 120, 300, 25, 300 James McCinny, 40, 426, 800, 10, 250 Sugar Tacket, 20, 140, 150, 6, 100 Coffee Tacket, 70, 410, 400, 8, 100 Philip Tacket, -, -, -, 8, 100 _iddy Skinner, 25, 285, 300, 10, 200 H. J. Bonds, 120, 600, 1000, 200, 300 Samuel Moore,28, 300, 200, 10, 200 George Moore, 40, 150, 250, 20, 150 Hugh R. Krinnrs, 50, 140, 400, 60, 300 J. R. M. Allison, 20, 300, 300, 6, 125 Benjamin Hdson, 100, 200, 1800, 400, 500 Wm. T. Hudson, -, -, -, 10, 50 Eli Tilmon, 60, 260, 2000, 200, 820 David M. Barnhill, 70, 330, 800, 125, 300 Salem W. Blacklidge, 40, 150, 150, 15, 125 William Tell, -, -, -, 10, 50 Daniel Baker, 20, 140, 150, 5, 120 David Gregory, -, -, -, 10, 50 James Hamilton, 40, 120, 300, 15, 300 James Blacklidge, 15, 150, 150, 7, 50 Sidney Mccall, -, -, -, 10, 100 J. J. Ramsey, 40, 280, 200, 5, 150 Robert Allison, 25, 135, 150, 75, 250 Martin Bishop, -, -, -, 12, 100 William C. Ramsey, 20, 140, 200, 5, 100 Hiram Wetherby, 22, 158, 150, 30, 50 John S. Ramsey, 10, 30, 50, 30, 50 Moses Bonner, -, -, -, 12, 865 Benjamin Wofford, 15, 145, 200, 20, 250 Henderson Bolton, 20, 160, 300, 10, 140 George Nelson, -, -, -, 10, 50 John Guinn, 75, 405, (not legible), 200, 300 William Guinn, 30, 130, 350, 20, 150 Joseph Hadley, 35, 135, 350, 20, 150 Elhock Nelson, 16, 74, 100, 20, 100 Marion Wood, -, -, -, 9, 70 James Daniel, 28, 441, 200, 10, 100 Philip Carpenter, 50, 200, 500, 100, 300 Jacob Tate, 30, 300, 1000, 15, 100 Henry Tate, -, -, -, 5, 100 William A. Letherwood, -, -, -, 8, 125 William Tate, 25, 135, 150, 45, 120 James Herald, -, -, -, 5, 100 _. L. rodgers, 15, 180, 100, 60, 70 Joel Pruett, 30, 130, 200, 30, 175 William Riggs, 10, 150, 250, 5, 100 Joseph Jones, 10, 150, 125, 25, 150 Charles Bennet, 40, 124, 500, 55, 250 John Ray, 25, 135, 800, 15, 250 William Corble, -, -,-, 75, 100 David McClelland, 30, 50, 400, 25, 200 William Lee, -, -, -, 15, 100 Bluford Crosswhite, -, -, -, 10, 100 Jacob Howels, -, -, -, 12, 25 Moses Reed, 30, 50, 500, 20, 400 William Evits, 30, 50, 400, 50, 300 John Robeson, 40, 40, 500, 50, 300 John B. Hudson, 35, 45, 600, 50, 100 Joseph South, -, -, -, 15, 150 George Clair, 250, 340, 3400, 650, 800 William Whorton, 12, 39, 200, 25, 150 David Jiner, -, -, -, 12, 30 William Little, 25, 15, 400, 25, 200 Howard Henley, 35, -, 300, 25, 200 William Denton, 60, 30, 800, 250, 300 Jesse Hurley, 300, 160, 3500, 400, 700 John Noland, 100, 60, 200, 50, 250 Henry Noland, 50, 110, 200, 100, 150 William Webb, 20, 20, 100, 100, 125 George Webb, 12, 30, 75, 50, 100 Thomas Chiles, 17, 23, 100, 50, 50 Washington Green, 20, 60, 400, 15, 200 John Robinson, 50, 30, 500, 200, 250 Eli Moore, 10, 30, 200, 75, 100 Alfred McCarver, 20, 20,75, 50, 85 Samuel McClelland, 20, 20, 160, 75, 100 Thomas G. Chiles, 45, 75, 1000, 200, 250 Jesse James, -, -, -, 12, 75 William McDaniel, 90, 50, 800, 250, 500 John C. McDaniel, 37, 70, 400, 25, 275 William Henley, 30, 50, 500, 23, 250 Tillmon Gadd, 30, 70, 700, 20, 225 David Speck, 40, 40, 400, 25, 300 Edmon Bradford, -, -, -, 10, 50 James Mulwee, 60, 60, 1000, 30, 400 John Barker, 75, 105, 1400, 40, 500 Aaron Hurley, 85, 55, 700, 400, 600 John McClung, 40, 40, 400, 20, 400 Wesley M. Smith, 200, 400, 7000, 75, 865 William Ray, -, -, -, 10, 100 Goodin Bott, 35, 85, 500, 15, 275 Bony Burton, 40, 150, 300, 20, 265 Mark Ellage, 40, -, 106, 10, 150 John Cook, 50, 40, 1000,100,200 William Grenn, 30, 70, 300, 6, 125 James C. Gile, -, -, -, 12, 200 Andy Freeman, -, -, -, 20, 175 Hardy Collinsworth, 120, 35, 1100, 150, 685 John K. Fike, 10, 30, 100, 15, 100 William Grissom, 50, 30, 300, 125, 200 John Hurst, 40, 80, 600, 75, 200 George W. Harget, 30, 170, 500, 75, 200 Emily P. Sadler, 100, 96, 1200, 150, 700 Richard S. Watkins, 50, 30, 1800, 100, 500 IsaacJames, 70, 150, 400, 100, 300 Lindsey Allen, 200, 200, 8000, 400, 1150 John Snow, -, -, -, 12, 320 H.P. Webb, -, -, -, 15, 50 Robert Hester, 16, 64, 500, 15, 150 Thomas Sibley, 30, 210, 1500, 75, 750 James A. Venible, 45, 85, 500, 15, 225 Jesse Stanford (lined through entire line) John W. Harris, 200, 252, 2500, 200, 700 Patilla Woodbruff, -, -,-, 10, 20 Addis Tubbs, -, -, -, 10, 100 Joel Tubbs, -, -, -, 12, 125 Gaven Payne, 200, 80, 2000, 150, 500 Samuel Tillet, -, -, -, 75, 150 Thomas Moody, -, -, -, 6, 200 Washon Johnson, -, -, -, 10, 100 Lemuel Cook, 100, 300, 1250, 100, 225 Lion Michel, 125, 225, 1000, 40, 400 Julius Williamson, 100, 318, 1200, 30, 300 Martha Garland, 40, 120, 600, 10, 150 Nedan Tungate, 20, 60, 500, 25, 150 Zacariah Tungate, 30, 35, 256, 10, 125 Zadock Long, -, 40, 50, 75, 50 Oliver Tungate, 3, 37, 160, 25, 75 Enoch Reed, -, -, -, 10, 180 Reuben A. Michel, 210, 780, 4000, 150, 400 John Morrison, -, -, -, 100, 75 __risa Nicholson, 40, 130, 350, 10, 170 W. R. Alexander, -, -, - , 100, 770 Jacob V. Johnston, 450, 131l, 25000, 1050, 22000 James Finely, 80, 700, 1500, 600, 775 F. W. Thompson, 50, 110, 1000, 60, 650 Jno. H. Hearer, 250, 160, 3000, 200, 750 A. Waldrop, -, -, -, 200, 300 _. Thomasser, 20, 140, 210, 210, 75, 120 Jno, Vinegar, 40, 120, 200, 10, 150 Wm. Burnsides, 44, 440, 800, 50, 250 James Bell, 40, 120, 200, 10, 150 James Gist, 10, 150, 300, 5, 75 Joshua Gist, 70, 570, 1000, 50, 250 Thos. Gist, 20, 140, 250, 75, 120 Wm. S. Calhoun, 40, 120, 850, 10, 450 Franklin Ham, 10, 150, 200, 10, 110 Isaac Galimore, -, -, -, 10, 150 Saml Gausy, 60, 280, 500, 50, 250 Jno Tanner 14, 146, 200, 10, 100 Neal Gist, 10, 176, 250, 30, 120 Abel Gist, 34, 500, 600, 10, 600 Wm. Herrin, 20, 220, 250, 10, 220 Jno. Herrin, 25, 55, 150, 5, 280 Chas. W. Candle, 14, 146, 20, 10, 170 Abran Gallemore, 10, 70, 100, 25, 100 Jno. W. Redwine, 10, 230, 750, 25, 100 Jas. Holbrook, 12, 158, 100, 55, 80 Jno. Airs, 13, 147, 300, 10, 105 Jas. Pounders, 40, 120, 250, 40, 250 Elizabeth Mysenhamer, 12, 238, 100, 54, 100 Wm. C. Smith, -, -, -, 10, 70 Francis Bennet, 32, 590, 1000, 50, 300 Thos. Richerson, 40, 120, 400, 5, 125 Franklin String,50, 370, 500, 50, 350 Jas. Brown, 15, 145, 100, 5, 150 Henderson Lindsey, 80, 720, 1000, 70, 450 Wm. McNeal, 15, 135, 50, 5, 65 Ben. Brewer, -, -, -, 10, 150 Absalom Castle, 75, 160, 1500, 75, 522 Jos. Burns, 100, 700, 1000, 150, 600 Alexander Burns, 20, 250, 200, 20, 25 Alex. Malone, 250, 245, 7433, 250, 1500 Gideon Parker, 10, 150, 100, 30, 175 Hiram Burns, 25, 55, 100, 10, 100 Sol Bowling, 25, 140, 400, 10, 250 Jno. Hunt, 30, 140, 100, 50, 70 Henry C. Burns, 50, 110, 500, 75, 270 Israel Burns, 40, 120, 500, 10, 120 Jno. H. Parker, 20, 140, 150, 5, 100 Robt. Cockson, 30, 150, 200, 5, 80 Thos. Dunn, 40, 120, 100, 75, 400 Harris Crowell, 40, 280 200, 75, 280 Jno. McDaniel, 20, 150, 150, 5, 185 Caroline Hern, 12, 148, 200, 10, 165 George Hern, 60, 420, 700, 75, 550 David Crowell, 25, 425, 450, 10, 150 James Daniel, 14, 146, 150, 5, 140 Washo Burn, -, -, -, -, 150 Jno. Peeler, 20, 140, 500, 60, 250 H. P. Parker, 18, 142, 100, 5, 90 Cornelius Burkhead, -, -, -, -, 120 Edmond Todd, 20, 140, 500, 5, 100 George Fern, 50, 110, 150, 40, 205 Saml. P. Leadbetter, 11, 150, 100, 10, 95 Thompson Moore, 20, 300, 400, 50, 165 Green Parker, -, -, -, -, 105 Jno. James, 80, 80, 150, 30, 205 Jno. Orton, 4, 316, 500, 15, 100 Jno. B. Wood, 50, 590, 650, 200, 450 Joshua Gray, 25, 295, 400, 5, 275 Thos. Hogue, -, 160, 100, -, 95 Dana Thorn, 17, 143, 100, 10, 197 Presly Thorn, 10, 150, 150, 10, 90 Pleasant Thorn, 10, 150, 150, 10, 250 Presly Thorn Sr. 45, 225, 400, 50, 140 Jas H. Singler, 21, 139, 500, 20, 220 Eli M. Kennady, 30, 50, 200, 30, 300 Jno. Kennady, 15, 105, 150, 5, 152 Chas. Womble, 10, 150, 120, 5, 120 Andrew Boggs, 17, 356, 400, 50, 210 Wm. Sanderson, 14, 140, 200, 5, 140 Elijah Sanderson, 20, 140, 10, 25, 200 Lewis W. Sanderson, 25, 135, 200, 5, 150 Ranson Gant, 15, 145, 150, 14, 100 John Loony, 35, 125, 250, 15, 250 Mathew garret, 4, 156, 70, 5, 15 Blackwell Malone, 20, 300, 300, 7, 250 Tandy C. Taylor, 20, 52, 225, 60, 300 John Cheatham, 30, 130, 250, 5, 150 Lucy Russell, 34, 126, 300, 5, 100 Jesse Levingston, 14, 150, 200, 5, 100 John Kenady, 20, 80, 100, -, -, Saml. H. Kenady, 20, 140, 150, 50, 225 William Malone, 20, 320, 400, 75, 320 Mitchel Malone, 15, 145, 200, 5, 160 Richd. Martin, -, -, -, 5, 120 Thos. Paunders, 50,290, 500, 5, 200 William Craig, 60, 280, 500, 20, 220 William Potts, 15, 145, 250, 5, 190 Franklin Potts, 40, 294, 600, 150, 350 Albert Bell, 20, 144, 250, 5, 150 Wm. D. Bell, 40, 120, 400, 50, 175 James Bell, -, -, -, -, 50 Thos. L. Martin, 40, 120, 800, 30, 320 Mastin Turner, -, -, -, 75, 450 John D. G__ger, 60, 760,, 2000, 150, 650 Jas. Bogue, 30, 630, 600, 25, 250 Geo. D. Pitty, 30, 128, 800, 10, 274 T. T. Lightfoot, 100, 540, 3000, 500, 900 John Player, 200, 140, 700, 50, 200 Nicksee, Parrish, 120, 680, 5000, 100, 600 Absw. Parrish, -, -, -, -, 200 J. D. Curry (agent), 200, 444, 4500, 500, 1050 Littleton M. Ross, -, -, -, 5, 140 Granville Burky, -, -, -, 5, 130 Geo. G. Thompson, 50, 110, 700, 34, 450 Nathan Lee, 20, 140, 1000, 200, 600 James L McCabe, 8, 152, 100, 20, 210 Robt. Ward, 14, 146, 50, 5, 90 Murrah Jones, -, -, -, 10, 240 James W. Higgins, 20, 42, 600, 100, 150 Wm. H. Persons, 230, 180, 5000, 500, 900 Jno. P. Lamp, 60, 215, 2000, 100, 500 Joshua Gist, 50, -, 500, -, 100 Catharine Reynolds, 72, 45, 113, 250, - Daniel Wileoyen, 60, 327, 900, 100, 500 Dabney G. Rhea, 118, 750, 4000, 180, 250 Thos Austin, 100, 660, 4000, 100, 340 Wm. Ward, 16, 200, 1000, -, - Alexander Hudson, -, -, -, -, 100 Robt. Higden, 30, 130, 500, 75, 200 A. J. Rowyer, 30, 12, 650, 75, 200 Wm. R. Tubbyville, -, -, -, -, -, Lavia Reynolds, 20, 60, 400, 500, - J. B. Royer, 50, 100, 500, 5, - F. D. Thompson, 90, 392, 1300, 200, 560 Jno. C. Jackson, 350, 720, 4000, 1000, 900 Jirdon Lambs, 30, 120, 700, 75, 200 Jno. Denton, 50, 170, 1000, 120, 400 Wm. Bennet, -, -, -, -, 270 Jno. Durbin, 40, 120, 830, 100, 150 Jno. Morrow, 40, 110, 500, 75, 175 Hugh McVay, 55, 112, 1000, 75, 350 Wm. Phillips, 50, 270, 1000, 100, 350 Blassing Ham, 50, 210, 600, 75, 250 Jno. Hurd, 42, 120, -, 50, 225 Alex Durham, 30, 290, 500, 50, 250 Henry B. Old, 60, 100, 2000, 170, 500 Washington Tellow, 14, 66, 280, 70, 400 Labin Tubbyville, 100, 180, 1500, 200, 1200 Sarah B. Thompson, 200, 600 3000 200, 2000 C.C. Baily, 200, 420, 5000, 300, 540 Richd. Mann, 325, 1100, 16000, 500, 1720 Wm. B. Alsobrook, 900, 1220, 18000, 1000, 3400 Jas. Murphy, 40, 190, 500, 50, 80 Nathaniel Townsen, 30, 170, 400, 20, 150 Richd Pounder,30, 100, 500, 25, 200 H. Blassingame, 30, 160, 400, 20, 140 David Nicholson, 80, 400, 3000, 200, 1000 Jno. A. Denton, 35, 125, 300, 40, 200 Jno. Allen, 150, 280, 1500, 640, 420 Albert Maize, 16, 144, 50, 5, 80 Jno. Houston, -, 160, 50, -, 80 ----------------line skipped--------------------- Justinian Williams, 6, 794, 800, 200, 220 Nathaniel Pride, 500, 1090, 1000, 500, 2200 J. A. Combs, 100, 580, 3000, 300, 850 Carter Blanton, 60, 340, 2000, 300, 850 E.M. Pride, -, -, -, 100, 650 Wm. Smith, 30, 330, 2000, 75, 290 Roberson Glass, 15, 40, 250, 10, 220 Greenbery Williams, 15, 145, 100, 10, 100 Chas. Wileayon, 20, 80, 60, 10, 75 Jas. Anderson, 25, 135, 500, 75, 270 Jesse Hays, 1, 40, 100, 10, 180 James Hogue, 35, 127, 300, 20, 175 Austin Copeland, 30, 135, 2000, 300, 325 George Thompson, 60, 20, 500, 300, 325 James Ross, 50, 80, 525, 10, 250 Henry C. Burns, -, -, -, -, 150 Lewis Cofield, 20, 110, 800, 20, 120 Jno. Ross, 13, 40, 200, 60, 210 Torrence Burns, 18, 142, 100, 8, 75 Jeremiah Burns, 35, 80, 2000, 15, 220 David Ross, 50, 70, 600, 75, 320 Drury Partham, 13, 87, 200, 10, 175 John Copeland, 35, 129, 600, 50, 210 Richd.Copeland, -, -, -, 15, 280 Wm. F. Gillespie, -, -, -, 150, 1050 Edwd. Keaton,55, 42, 600, 50, 425 Henry Williams, 120, 340, 3000, 100, 450 Jos. Askew (Agent), 600, 640, 18000, 400, 2400 Lucind Mhoon, 320, 560, 5000, 300, 2000 Isaac Lane, 1400, 65000, 50000, 1000, 5585 Goodloe Malone, 100, 1112, 25500, 1000, 5045 James Burton, -, -, -, -, 200 Jno. Potts, 20, 400, 400, 10, 200 Benj. J. Smith, 40, 260, 1600, 70, 550 Manerva T. Harris, 380, 260, 8000, 40, 770 Saml. K. Oats, 600, 1207, 20000, 1000, 3710 James T. Haley, 450, 170, 7000, 250, 2200 James L. Long (Agent), 400, 300, 7000, 250, 1000 Wm. E. Bowling, 400, 500, 15000, 1000, 1710 Whitman Rutland, 550, 1500, 10000, 1000, 2800 Wm. Welch, -, -, -, -, 260 A. C. Barton, 550, 1200, 9000, 500, 3660 A. L.Garner, 1500, 1861, 67220, 1500, 10860 Chas. Williams, -, -, -, 150, 186 Sam. Pounders, -, -, -, 120, 361 J. C. Goodloe, 850, 1400, 30000, 3000, 6520 Robt. S. White, 350, 700, 7200, 1000, 1000 James McKay, 15, 305, 300, 100, 95 James Denton, 30, 233, 300, 50, 200 Martha Harris, 350, 600, 10000, 550, 1900 Wm. Cobb, 75, 500, 2500, 75, 1030 Richd Struch, 60, 300, 500, 75, 140 Easter Huston, 15, 145, 200, 35, 160 Jno. W. Freeman, 15, 145, 100, 35, 160 Jacob Albright, 46, 24, 800, 100, 185 Wm. Despruy, 60, 100, 1000, 100, 660 ____. Dickson, 500, 5540, 2900, 550, 2050 Amana C. Barton, 1400, 8150, 81500, 1000, 7600 Hugh Barton, -, -, -, 25, 760 Jno. Rutland, 450, 1000, 14500, 300, 2240 Oliver Williams, 26, 134, 200, 10, 270 James Williams, 12, 148, 600, 10, 220 Mary E. Gibbs, 80, 80, 2500, 180, 600 Mary L. Carter, 50, 110, 2000, 30, 225 Alfred Pounders, 60, 60, 1000, 100, 350 Nancy Green, 80, 220, 1300, 100, 420 Mich Overcast, 20, 320, 400, 5, 130 Lem Pounders, 20, 140, 200, 5, 200 Wm. Hamilton, 150, 330, 3000, 60, 600 George Overcast, 50, 110, 600, 75, 520 H. Adkerson,50, 190, 1000, 100, 475 Saml. Greenhill, 200, 280, 3500, 400, 1900 Alex Gibbs, 150, 170, 3500, 250, 850 Laurence Thompson, 550, 1320, 26000, 370, 1220 Nancy M. Green (erson), 80, 240, 1500, 200, 450 Emily Overcast (erson), 20, 300, 4000, 5, 125 Lemuel Pounded (erray), -, -, -, -, - Anderson Fielder, 45, 56, 700, 10, 350 Wm. Curry, 50, 110, 1000, 60, 300 Albert Goodloe, 200, 440, 2500, 400, 1210 Wm. Pride, 300, 660, 6000, 500, 2200 David A. Cullighan, 15, 145, 200, 15, 150 Francis Curry, 50, 40, 500, 30, 250 James Douwthat, 50, 150, 1000, 60, 520 Wm. Byrd, 200, 300, 3000, 100, 1050 Ellet Morris, 75, -, -, 75, 500 Jno. Porterfield, 50, 130, 400, 200, 500 Robt. Rackard, 40, -, 200, 85, 400 Jno. Rackard, -, -, -, 40, 250 William Inman, -, -, -, 5, 150 Don Thompson, -, -, -, 50, 180 Joseph Rutland, 70, 270, 3000, 200, 500 James inman, 45, 35, 200, 20, 225 Thos. Thomason, 50, 189, 300, 5, 275 Jas. Donelly, -, -, -, 50, 525 Wm. C. Davault, -, -, -, 5, 175 Jno. Byrd, 60, 20, 1000, 50, 635 Reuben Moody, 35, 45, 400, 50, 500 Jno. M. Hughs, 20, 20, 100, 10, 152 Vincent Malone, 20, 20, 100, 5, 100 Sylus Flake, 30, 130, 300, 10, 325 Caswell Green, 20, 140, 200, 10, 300 Jesse Green, 50, 290, 800, 50, 350 Alsom Coats, 15, 145, 150, 10, 120 Jefferson Royer, 15, 325, 300, 5, 250 Allen Thompson, 45, 295, 300, 5, 250 Thos. W. Wheeler, 70, 240, 1500, 50, 425 Edmond Cades, 100, 240, 3000, 100, 750 G. W.Welch, -, -, -, 20, 250 N. Carson, -, -, -, 50, 400 Littleberry Cheatham, 160, 126, 2500, 75, 1100 Saml. Watts, 55, 100, 1000, 50, 380 Mayer Gadd, 80, 120, 1000, 200, 650 Tillman Gadd, 30, 70, 500, 50, 180 Henry Bunn, 40, 405, 300, 75, 300 Wm. B. Carter, -, -, -, 50, 200 Wm. Smoot, 20, 20, 400, 100, 600 Jno. N. Liggon, 100, 380, 3000, 75, 900 Rich. Burruss, 25, 175, 600, 25, 530 Richd. Penick, 350, 585, 5000, 1000, 1800 H. Gargus, 100, 300, 1000, 120, 450 Thos. Pope, 175, 160, 2000, 100, 500 Aaron Buck, 100, 140, 2000, 100, 350 Henry Roberts, -, -, -, 300, 1350 A, M. McCollum, -, -, -, 300, 1500 Wm. Cross, 200, 140, 3000, 400, 1800 Jas. Roberts, 600, 480, 7500, 700, 2500 George Basden, 120, 160, 2000, 75, 750 Jno. Kumpe, 200, 240, 4000, 100, 1250 Jno. L. Malone, 530, 671, 2000, 4000, 2400 Thos Straton (agent), 300, 100, 4000, 100, 700 Jno, Remick, 150, 70, 2000, 75, 650 Andrew Bratten, 100, 220, 1500, 200, 600 Lorenzo Guy, 280, 100, 400, 300, 2600 Lewis Hogde, 200, 200, 4000, 100, 600 Robt. Elliott, 1000, 503, 20000, 300, 300 __.C. Carlock, 90, 70, 2300, 100, 580 Thos. Gibbs, 400,30, 5300, 200, 2000 Albert Guy, 450, 440, 9000, 700, 2500 Caleb Hewit, 80, 80, 2000, 150, 650 Jno. Adams, 200, 120, 4000, 1000, 1200 -----------line skipped------------------- N. W. Down, 600, 400, 15000, 500, 3000 ___am Gurley, 500, 248, 10000, 1000, 2000 Polly S. towns, 700 580, 12800, 500, 3000 __. D. Towns, 600, 160, 12000, 1000, 3000 Richd Lee, 150, 50, 3000, 200, 1500 Edward Elliott, 335, 145, 5000, 350, 1900 Edward DeLong, 500, 160, 9000, 500, 2500 Richd B. Long, 200, 170, 3700, 300, 1000 Bemond McKernan, 1900, 1200, 50000, 800, 4400 Hanibal Hamilton, 40, -, 400, 75, 300 Chas. A. Tiner, 450, 350, 16000, 675, 3120 Jno. L. Malone, 700, 200, 18000, 400, 3000 Jno. Hobgood, 800, 200, 10000, 1000, 3000 El_a Hobgood, 800, 300, 15000, 1000, 2000 Jno. Hogan, 1000, 200, 22000, 1000, 5000 Jno. H. Hogan, 600, 170, 21750, 1000, 3500 Edwd. Pearsall, 550, 550, 22000, 500, 3000 Macklin Sledge, 320, 240, 10000, 500, 1600 __.__. Liggon, 190, 170, 4000, 100, 300 J. H.Walker, 210, 270, 5000, 300, 965 G. W. Carroll, 1800, 1200, 60000, 1000, 10000 Maria Murphy, 250, 150, 6000, 200, 1250 D__. Vinson, 2400, 1400, 68000, 2000, 10300 F. W. Bynum, 1270, 907, 35000, 3000, 5000 R. Hughs, -, -, -, 20, 100 Garner Duncan, 40, -, 200, 10, 200 James Duncan, 30, 50, 300, 10, 250 Robert Spear, 30, 90, 150, 15, 200 Wm. Crosswise, 10, 30, 200, 20, 150 Jno. Mckain,40, 40, 320, 100, 400 E. M. Eggleston, 50, 70, 400, 50, 300 Wm. Gargus, 40, 40, 200, 40, 225 __. M. King, 50, 260, 1000, 50, 700 Daniel Harrison, 20, 40, 100, 10, 200 Edwd Phillips, 20, 180, 500, 5, 250 Jas. King, 80, 270, 1500, 40, 800 Jo. Young, 36, 10l, 350, 20, 300 Thos. James, 40, 10, 200, 50, 275 Eginah Cobb, 300, 220, 10000, 4000, 1500 Clayton Davison, 200, 100, 5000, 200, 1200 Milus Davison, 80, 20, 2000, 30, 600 Isaac Winston, 2000, 1358, 30000, 1500, 10000 Wm. Jackson, 500, 900, 15000, 1500, 2500 P. W. Clayborne, 200, 120, 500, 120, 780 Jno. Alexander, 350, 160, 10000, 500, 1800 Jas. W. Alexander, 200, 160, 4000, 150, 1200 Asa Cobb, 200, 300, 5000, 500, 2200 Wm. Winston, 650, 350, 1300, 500, 3000 Stephen Winston, 220, 330, 6500, 350, 1400 N. J. Huston, 600, 409, 20000, 700, 3000 Saml. Ragland, 180, 55, 5000, 500, 2500 Saml. N.Coons, 300, 180, 9600, 350, 2500 J. W. Winter, 550, 200, 11000, 500, 1500 H. J. Pridge, 560, 900, 7000, 500, 3000 Hibernia Armnstrong,350, 180, 10000, 500, 2500 Stirling Williams, -, -, -, 20, 350 Warren Peden, 680, 707, 28000, 250, 4000 James Abernathy, 350, 290, 8000, 250, 1200 Estate Wm. O. Perkins, 800, 150, 13000, 500, 3500 George T. Goff, -, -, -, 10, 600 Elizabeth Cockburn, 600, 360, 12000, 500, 1700 Wm. L. Wallace, 100, 60, 3000, 50, 650 Wm. Tompkins, 170, 150, 2000, 100, 1100 Thos. Jenkins, 400, 140, 7000, 500, 1600 J. R. Cockville, 700, 1000, 45000, 500, 3500 Abram Ricks, 700 1000, 45000, 500, 3500 R. A. Goodloe, 600, 1000, 1500, 200, 4000 Henry Hyde, 200, 140, 3000, 100, 1700 Jno. Carlock, 400, 260, 10000, 500, 200 Wm. Sherrod, 1100, 1600, 40000, 1200, 7500 Jno. Rand, 650, 610, 15000, 200, 3000 Benj. Pearsall, 30, 20, 500, 10, 220 L. G. Garret, 300, 100, 10000, 200, 1200 Jno. W. Rhea, -, -, -, 50, 300 __. A.Johnston, 100, 160, 3000, 50, 600 __. A. Beknah, 88, 80, 200, 10, 180 C.W. Prout, 103, 106, 3000, 300, 600 Estate Hugh Warren, 160, 40, 3000, 250, 1000 Joshua Sledge, 300, 405, 14000, 1000, 2000 Fountain Armstead, 850, 350, 20000, 500, 4000 S. J. Ragland, 200, -, 5000, 700, 400 Jno. J. Morgan, -, -, -, 100, 250 Jno. T. Pride, 1000, 14000, 26000, 1500, 5000 Jas. Jackson, 300, 426, 7000, 300, 2000 Jno. G. Shine, 724, 350, 20000, 1000, 3000 Jno. A. Nooe, 550, 700, 12400, 400, 200
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