Dr. George E. Kumpe



DR. GEORGE E. KUMPIE  [sic] was born near Castle, Germany, September 7, 1819. He received his education in his native country, and in early life was connected with the Lutheran church. When quite young, he and his brother, John, came to the United States, locating at Tuscumbia, Ala.

The doctor took his first course in medicine at Louisville, in 1847, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. After his graduation, he located at La Grange, Ala., where he found a good field for his profession, and in which he labored, with much success, until 1876. He then moved to Little Rock, Ark., where he lived a few years, coming thence to Leighton, where he lived until his death, which occurred August 29, 1887.

Being a man of much popularity, a skillful physician, an active worker in the church, and a public-spirited citizen, his death was regretted by a large circle of friends. He was a prominent Mason, and stood at the head of his profession. He served as president and vice-presidents of the State Medical Association, and was deeply interested in all matters pertaining to the advancement and edification of the medical profession. He left an interesting family of six sons and one daughter, who comprise some of Northern Alabama’s best citizens.

[SOURCE: Northern Alabama Historical and Biographical. Illustrated.  Smith & DeLand, Birmingham, Ala. 1888. p. 106.]

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