Name: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
ZIP Code: |
Spouse or 1/Other (no extra cost): |
E-mail Address: |
Phone: |
For Contact from AlaBenton, I prefer |
Phone |
(Please circle your preference) |
Name: |
Please circle items approved for publishing: Name Address Telephone # E-mail Address Surnames Ancestor Charts |
Committees and Projects on which I would be willing to serve:(please circle) Refreshments Cemetery Publications Website
Workshop Church Records Family Histories Cemeteries Other: |
Signature of applicant: |
Date: |
Application should be completed by new member in all instances, and by current member whenever contact information
or interests change.
New members are invited to submit a five-generation ancestor chart to be filed in the Alabama Room for public use.
This is a good way to meet others researching the same surnames, but please do not include vital information on living
Meetings January through May are normally held on the first Saturday of the month. If a meeting Saturday falls within
a weekend in which there is a holiday on that Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday, or if the Library is closed on that
Saturday, the meeting is held on the following Saturday. Most often, the Labor Day holiday makes it necessary for us
to meet on the second Saturday of that month, and because the OxfordFest celebration is held on the first weekend
in October, the October meeting for AlaBenton is held on the second Saturday of October. In event of inclement
weather, such as ice and snow or tornado warnings for the area, the meeting is canceled.
Workshops are often held during one of the summer hiatus months.
We try to notify our members of meeting dates and scheduled programs, and especially about meeting changes, so
it is important for us to always have your current E-mail address if you have one, or telephone number if you don’t.