brodie's plantation


(Sam) Brodie's Plantation

Location: Wake Co., NC

History: Mary Brodie Anderson was born in 1851 on the plantation of Sam Brodie. In her narrative (Yetman, 2000) Mary recalls that the plantation consisted of 200 acres of cleared land that was farmed each year, a pond from which ice was gathered, and several buildings. Unruly slaves were never whipped, but often sold away. Mary notes that there were two horse wagons used to carry the slaves away, and that she witnessed several loads leave. Mary describes in great detail the day the news of surrender and the coming of the Yankee troops reached Brodie's Plantation. When the Yankees arrived, the Brodie estate was spared heavy damage. The slaves all gathered for a mass exodus and marched off after the lead of the Union soldiers, leaving the plantation was nearly abandoned. Soon after, some of the slave families found life away from the plantation too much to bear, so they returned to farm for Sam and Evaline Brodie.

Associated Surnames: Brodie

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names

1850 - 1865: Slaves of Sam Brodie
From Voices From Slavery, Mary Anderson interview, edited by Norman R. Yetman


Description of Associated Architecture


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