l'hermitage plantation


L'Hermitage Plantation

Location: Asecntion Parish, LA
Constructed: 1814

History: L'Hermitage plantation home was completed in 1814 by Marius Pons Bringier as a wedding gift for his son, Michel. It is said to be the earliest surviving Greek Revival plantation home in the state. The first crops cultivated here were indigo and tobacco, but as with the rest of the plantations in the area, sugar was soon grown. The house was named after Andrew Jackson's home near Nashville, Tennessee. Jackson reportedly visited the Bringiers, who fought under him at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Michel died in 1847, and the home was occupied by Union troops during the Civil War. It was a successful plantation again during Reconstruction under Michael's wife and son.

Associated Surnames: Brengier

Associated Free White Names

Associated Black Slave Names


Description of Associated Architecture