African American Griots

West African Griots are historians, storytellers, traditional praise singers and musicians.  Their roles are hereditary and their surnames identify them as Griots.  For example, Toumani Diabate of Mali comes from 70 generations of Griots.  His father, Sidiki Diabate was considered the “King of the Kora” in Guinea, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali and The Gambia.  When he died, memorials were held in each of these countries, attended by foreign diplomats, government officials and musicians.  The most famous Griot in each of these countries was chosen to preside over the memorials and to celebrate the life of Sidiki Diabate by “singing his praises” and recounting his life story. Read more....

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This site is dedicated to assisting all of those in pursuit of African American ancestry by being a central depository for African American records of  historical proportion. 


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Updated data for

Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi,

Oklahoma, Tennessee, & Virginia






 A special dedication

This site is dedicated to the memory of:

Louis A. Jackson I    

16 Sept 1931 - 7 June 2000

I love you "Daddy" 

Vertel Q. Jackson Sr.

28 Nov 1962 - 8 Mar 2005

I love you too "Baby Brother"

Sgt. Aron Robinson

17 July 1979 - 01 July `

Job well done


Proud participants in the USGenWeb Special Collections Project

              Charee Harvey             

         Project Coordinator


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